田中 国夫 松山 安雄
一般社団法人 日本教育心理学会
教育心理学研究 (ISSN:00215015)
vol.4, no.3, pp.8-14,59, 1969-10-15 (Released:2013-02-19)

社会的態度を因子分析のQテクニックの方法を用いて, 解明しようとするのが我々の主題である。本研究に於ては, 次の2つの点に問題をおいた。第1は, 青年学生集団に於ける, 天皇及び親に対する態度類型を見出すこと, 第2は, 被験者を家族という小集団に求めて, アメリカ及び新中国に対する態度の個人間の態度布置を見出すことである。第1の問題については, 先づ141名の大学生に, 天皇と親に対する態度尺度を与え, 平均的傾向を算出した。その結果は, 天皇に対しては中立的, 親に対しては比較的好意的である。尚天皇に対する態度と, 親に対する態度との間の相関は, γ=0.086で, その関係は全くみられない。次に上記被験者より30名を選び, 天皇及び親に対する態度尺度に含まれる各意見を, 各自の好みに従い品等させ, 個人間の相関を求めた。その結果を因子分析すると, 次の如き類型を見出し得た。即ち, 天皇に対する第1の類型は, 家父長的信頼型因子であり, 第2の類型は, 天皇制否定型因子である。親に対する第1因子は, 純敬愛型因子であり, 第2の因子は, 批判的愛情型と解釈された。又天皇に対して第1類型に属する者が, 親に対しては第2類型に属するという如く, 天皇と親に対する態度が, 同一個人内に於て統一した体系をなして居られぬ事が見られる。第1因子とも第2因子ともつかぬ, 明確な判断を欠く者は女性に多かった。第2の問題については, 被験者を2つの家族に選定した。大阪市在住と神戸市在住の家庭で, 成員はいずれも 5名である。各家族成員に, アメリカ及び新中国に対する態度尺度に含まれている意見を与え, 品等させ, Qテクニックにもとづき因子分栃したその結果得た因子行列を, 直交座標上にプロットすると次の事が判った。両家族とも, アメリカに対する類型は, アメリカの対目政策を批判し乍らも, 世界の文化のリーダーとして敬愛する類型と, 徹底的に批判乃至非難する類型との2つの因子がある。中国に対する態度は, 両家族ともに同一方向に群り, 家族成員間に対立的布置が余りみられないで, 皆同一類型に属している様子が見られる。今日の中国に対するマス・コミユニケーションのあり方の一端をも伺い得て興味深いものがある。
田中 彌太郎
公益社団法人 日本水産学会
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.19, no.12, pp.1161-1164, 1954-04-25 (Released:2008-02-29)

1. The spawning seasons of Ostrea rivularis and O. gigas were determined by examining their body weight, maturation of gonads and discharge of the reproductive substances. 2. The spawning seasons of these two oysters do not cover well one another. 3. The spawning season of O. rivularis ranges from late May to early September. There are 3 major spawning periods during this season, (a) early June, (b) from late June to early July and (c) from the beginning to the middle of August. 4. O. gigas spawns from early May to early November. During this season there are 4 major periods of spawning; (a) from late May to early June, (b) middle of July, (c) from late August to early September and (d) late September.
田中 敏秀 宮本 俊明
一般社団法人 日本臨床リウマチ学会
臨床リウマチ (ISSN:09148760)
vol.21, no.3, pp.273-278, 2009-09-30 (Released:2016-03-31)

The patient was an18-year-old female who first showed high CPK levels in August 2000 (when she was 12years old). Muscle biopsy confirmed dermatomyositis. Together with skin rash, she was diagnosed with juvenile dermatomyositis. She was treated with oral prednisolone (PSL) at a daily dose of 60 mg (≒2 mg/kg). Cyclosporine A (140 mg daily) was added for complicating interstitial pneumonia. However, her disease frequently relapsed when she had the common cold or other triggering factors. Various second-line treatments, such as intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) (45 g; 2 sessions), monthly IVCY (700 mg/body; 22 sessions), pulse methylprednisolone (1 g; 9 sessions), azathioprine (AZP, 50 mg daily), methotrexate (MTX, 16 mg weekly) and mycophenolate mofetil (3 g daily), were attempted for relapses. However, her flare never placed under good control. On the first visit to our clinic at the age of 18 years (February 2007), she showed a significantly increased level of serum CPK. Despite the combination of oral PSL (20 mg daily), AZP (150 mg daily) and MTX (16 mg weekly), her CPK reached8, 154 IU/L. Thus, AZP and MTX were substituted with tacrolimus (TAC), which had never been used, and pulse therapy with methylprednisolone (m-PSL) followed by oral m-PSL (48 mg daily). Her serum levels of myogenic enzymes were normalized after this treatment and no relapse has been observed for a year.    Recently, there have been domestic and overseas studies describing the effectiveness of TAC on myositis. This is another case demonstrating the efficacy of the combination therapy of steroid hormone and TAC on dermatomyositis resistant to various immunosuppressants.
田中 益三
日本文學誌要 (ISSN:02877872)
vol.38, pp.78-89, 1987-12-25
高橋 良 田中 真琴 任 和子
京都大学大学院医学研究科人間健康科学系専攻紀要 : 健康科学 : health science (ISSN:18802826)
vol.9, pp.41-51, 2014-03-31

We conducted a qualitative research project to determine the coping mechanisms of male nurses in facing the challenges of being males in a predominantly female field. Health care workers and the patients face issues of stigmatization in their interactions within the health care environment. Our team conducted interviews with five male nurses. The purpose was to identify the sources and coping mechanisms of work-induced stress for male nurses in the female-dominated professional field. We found that they faced 3 sources of stress. The 3 main sources of stress were: difficulty in interacting with female patients; difficulty in interacting with female nurses; and anxiety regarding their future career development. The coping strategies of the male nurses consisted of both problem-oriented coping and emotion-oriented coping, with the male nurses gravitating to one or both orientations depending on the source of stress. In order to face the 3 sources of stress, the male nurses used seven coping mechanisms: a tendency to assign tasks among the female members of the team; constructing their own new coping mechanisms such as blocking out unpleasant situations; developing a mature experience-based response procedure for dealing with female patients; realization of their personal strengths as males; relieving stress by sharing challenges with other male nurse peers; developing an awareness of professional pride and responsibility; habituation of being a minority gender in a group of females. We believe the research reveals a need for hospitals to provide specialized support and training to male nurses.
佐川 厚志 相山 光太郎 金折 裕司 田中 竹延
一般社団法人 日本応用地質学会
応用地質 (ISSN:02867737)
vol.49, no.2, pp.78-93, 2008-06-10 (Released:2011-11-04)
3 6 4

徳佐-地福断層北東部と迫田-生雲断層中部の性状および活動性を明らかにする目的で, 地形判読, 断層露頭調査, トレンチおよびボーリング調査を実施した. 徳佐-地福断層北東部のトレンチ調査に基づくと, 断層の最新活動時期は10,800~3,400年前となる. 既存のトレンチ調査での14C年代値を再検討した結果, 断層全域 (長さ約35km) が6,300~5,200年前に同時に活動した可能性が出てきた. 一方, 1997年山口県北部の地震 (Mj6.6) の震央から南西約10kmで実施した迫田-生雲断層中部のトレンチ調査により, 断層の最新活動時期は14,500~8,500年前と見積もられた.これらの最新活動時期と既存の研究からのデータを組み合わせると, 迫田-生雲断層から徳佐-地福断層を経て, その南西に隣接する大原湖-弥畝山西断層系を構成する木戸山西方断層へと, 断層活動がマイグレーションする傾向が認められた.
中里 佳央 臼井 朗 西 圭介 日野 ひかり 田中 雄一郎 安田 尚登 後藤 孝介 イアン J. グラハム

Hydrogenetic ferromanganese crusts (hereafter called crusts) on the Pacific seamounts are formed by precipitation of iron?manganese oxides from ambient seawater on volcanic and biogenic substrate rocks. Crusts have been used as potential as record of the Neogene paleoceanographic and paleoclimatic conditions, because of their very slow and continuous growth rates 1 to 10 mm/m.y. . In the paper, the crust has been observed as compressed sediment cores which have incorporated part of the weathered product of the substrate, biogenic, volcanogenic, terrestrial particles such as eolian dust during its growth.In this study, a selective leaching experiment were applied on the ferromanganese crust from Federated States of Micronesia at water depth of 2262 m. The leaching procedures used by Koschinsky and Halbach (1995) was modified and optimized a part of sequential leaching experiments. Their work, known selective dissolution procedures were adapted to the treatment of ferromanganese crusts and combined into a leaching sequence that allows for the effective separation of the major mineral phases of crusts from associated metallic components. This study concentrates to observe residual fraction after leaching experiments. As a result, the polygenetic particles was extracted and clearly observed from the crust. These particles are of different origins such as volcanogenic, biogenic, terrestrial and extraterrestrial materials. In addition, we could observe various morphologies of fossil bacterial magnetites (magnetofossils) in residual fraction. These particles seem to reflect regional and local oceanographic environment. This extraction method will improve mineral and structural description the growth history of Hydrogenetic crusts.
田中 茂穂

田中 美佐
近畿大学短大論集 (ISSN:03867048)
vol.36, no.1, pp.78-86, 2003-12

唐代に記された陸羽『茶経』は、中国初の茶書として挙げられる。そこに記される内容は茶の効能・製造・道具・入れ方・飲み方・歴史ほか非常に詳細な記述がみられるが、茶の精気を大切にし、それゆえ製造もきちんと最良に行なわれることを求め、その茶を飲む人物に対しても「精行・倹徳の人」という中身を求めるなど非常に精神性の高い書である。ところで、『茶経』において茶と人参、越州窯と邪州窯とを比較する際の陸羽の文章をよく読んでいくと、陸羽自身の南方に対する愛着・自負の意識が非常に強い事を感じ、陸羽の意識の中では、それが南方の北方に対する優位性にまで昇華している点が指摘できるように思う。この点については、従来言及されていないので本稿において考察した。 (英文) Luyu's Chafing, the first known book in China to be devoted to tea, elaborates on a wide range of subjects related to tea, such as its beneficial effects, production processes, utensils used in tea preparation, history, and how to prepare and enjoy the drink. It is a highly spiritual book: valuing the "energy" of tea, Luyu emphasizes the importance of precision in production processes, and proposes that tea-drinking people have the virtues of benevolence and simplicity. In this article, I point out that the way Luyu comparers tea with ginseng, and Yuechou with Xingchou porcelains, reveals his strong attachment to, and his confidence in, southern China. This suggests that Luyu believes that southern China is culturally superior to northern China. The point has never been discussed so far, and therefore I find it meaningful to study it here.
田中 美佐
近畿大学短大論集 = The Bulletin of the Junior College Division of Kinki University (ISSN:03867048)
vol.47, no.1, pp.58-42, 2014-12

[目次] はじめに 第一章 『茶経』巻中「四之器, 怨(茶碗)」に記された越州窯・邢州窯の評価と概況 第二章 『茶経」巻中「四之器, 怨(茶碗)」と南方人陸羽のアイデンティティー 第三章 『茶経』巻中「四之器, 盌(茶碗)」に記された茶の色映りに関する一見解 付論 茶神に注いだもの おわりに[抄録]『茶経」巻中「四之器, 盌(茶碗)」では, 陸羽が越州窯を優位に置いたため, 邢州窯との評価の差が歴然としている. 私は拙稿・自著において, この評価の差が生じた理由は, 陸羽の南方人としてのアイデンティティーに拠るところが大きいとした. 今回の論考では, 昨今の研究者の成果も併せながら, 自身の研究の整理・補足を行い, 改めて自説に導いた. また, 陸羽が越州窯を好んだことから, 邢州窯に茶を入れると赤色系統(「丹」・「紅」) に映ると言うが, 私は, 陸羽の磁器に対する好み, 『茶経』巻下「五之煮」に記された茶の色, そして『茶経』の文の特徴などからそれを説明した. 付論では, 陸羽人形が「茶神」として扱われていたことや茶の利益があがらない時に人形に釜の湯を注いで拝んだのではないかという点について言及した. [Abstract]In "Chapter 4 : Tea Bowls and Utensils" of his 8^th-century essay Chajing, Lu Yu places a higher value on the pottery made in Yuezhou (Yuezhou yao, 越州窯) than on the pottery of Xingzhou (Xingzhou yao, 邢州窯). In previous studies, I suggested that Lu Yu's high evaluation of Yuezhou yao derives from his sense of identification with Southern China, the homeland of himself and of Yuezhou yao. In the present article I elaborate on this topic, referring to recent articles by other researchers. Lu Yu prefers Yuezhou yao to Xingzhou yao, and he claims that when one pours tea into a bowl of Xingzhou white porcelain, the color of the tea looks red. I give my own interpretation of this description with special reference to Lu Yu's taste in porcelain and tea color, as discussed in "Chapter 4" and "Chapter 5: Tea-boiling" of Chajing. In the appendix I point to evidence that in some parts of China in later times, small figures of Lu Yu were worshipped as the Tea God, and people poured hot water over them as a religious practice.
田中 美佐
近畿大学短大論集 (ISSN:03867048)
vol.38, no.1, pp.74-66, 2005-12

陸羽(七三三-八〇四年?)は、唐代の茶人・文化人である。さて、私は、これまで陸羽『茶経』などにみえる陸羽の茶事に関心を持っていたが、現在『陸文学自伝』にみえる陸羽像や他書に記載される陸羽の事跡、伝承にも興味を抱いている。そこで、陸羽の関係史料をみていくと、宋の李昉等編『太平広記』に、唐代の作者不詳『大唐伝載』・李肇『唐国史補』・張又新『水経(煎茶水記)』の記載を採録したとする陸羽に関する文章が三篇ほどみられることを知った。従来、訳出がなされていない様なので、今回、本稿において試みることにした。 (英文) Lu Yu was a master of tea and a man of culture in China during the Tang dynasty. I have studied Lu Yu's writings about tea, especially his book titled Chafing , by examining the spiritual elements of tea he elaborated on, and other related topics such as production processes of tea and how to prepare the drink. At present I am focusing on Lu Yu's autobiography, as well as profiles and legends about him written by other writers. The three historical texts I have translated here present Lu Yu as a half-legendary figure. As far as I know, they have not previously been translated into Japanese. The texts were written in the Tang dynasty and later included in Taiheikouki as slightly revised versions.
藤川 正毅 石川 清貴 真壁 朝敏 田中 真人 笹川 崇 表 竜二
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.82, no.834, pp.15-00454-15-00454, 2016

This paper proposes a novel implementation scheme of geometrically nonlinear finite element programs, which automatically compute exact internal force vectors and element stiffness matrices by numerically differentiating a strain energy function at each element. This method can significantly simplify the complex implementation procedure which is often observed in conventional finite element implementations, since it never requires B matrices, stress tensors, and elastic tensors by hand. The proposed method is based on a highly accurate numerical derivatives which use hyper-dual numbers and never suffer from any round-off and truncation errors. Several numerical examples are performed to demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed method.