鈴木 聡子 阿部 祐子 船橋 良 片山 倫子
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.58, no.9, pp.589-596, 2007-09-15

We evaluated the washing performance of 3 basic type and 6 domestic automatic washing machines using the evaluation method of Katayama et al. The 3 basic types were the agitator type (JIS standard washing machine), the tumbler style (Wascator), and the whirlpool type (Two-tub washing machine). The 6 domestic automatic washing machines were 4 tumble style washing machines, 1 whirlpool type washing machine and 1 beat-wash type washing machine sold in the last five years. As a result of a comparison of their washing performance, the JIS standard washing machine removed dirt much better than the others, and its Mechanical Action Value was much higher than the others. The two-tub washing machine showed the second best detergency and Mechanical Action Value. The Wascator showed much worse detergency, and its Mechanical Action Value varied widely. We also tried to examine the washing performance of the standard washing course of each of the 6 domestic automatic washing machines for 4.0kg loads washed in water for 10min. As a result of a comparison with their previous washing performance, their detergency was no different, but their Mechanical Action Values varied widely.
阿部 二朗 松本 直幸
日本草地学会誌 (ISSN:04475933)
vol.27, no.2, pp.152-158, 1981-07-30

雪腐小粒菌核病(Typhula ishikariensis,T. incarnata)に対するオーチャードグラスの抵抗性検定法を確立すると共に,品種間変異を明らかにし,越冬性との関連を考察した。幼苗検定法:10週間温室で育てた幼苗をハードニング(3℃・8時間日長・14日間)した後に,雪腐病菌のinoculumを0.05-0.1g/cm^2の密度で人工接種した。接種した植物をT. ishikariensisについては65日間,T. incarnataに対しては80日間戸外の雪中に埋めた。雪中から堀出された植物は地上部を刈取った後に,1ヵ月間温室で再生育させた後に生存率を調査した。雪腐病抵抗性と越冬性:厳寒でかつ積雪量に富む地帯の品種であるLeikund,Tammisto,Kayは,抵抗性と越冬性共に優れていた。しかし,T. incarnata抵抗性においては南欧産品種の中には抵抗性が優れた品種(Dora,Montpellier)もあり,越冬性やT. ishikariensis抵抗性との間の相関を低下せしめた。しかし,全体としてはTyphula属による雪腐病に対する抵抗性は,越冬性との間には高い相関が示され,札幌におけるオーチャードグラスの越冬に雪腐病が最も大きな影響を及ぼしていると見られる。
谷川 忍 植竹 敦子 土谷 智子 高橋 絵理子 阿部 聖子 林 明子
情緒障害教育研究紀要 (ISSN:0287914X)
vol.21, pp.21-28, 2002-02-05

函館市立柏野小学校では,4月に「たんぽぽ」「ひまわり」の知的障害児学級2学級に加えて,新たに情緒障害児学級「なのはな」が開設され,児童数12名,スタッフ5名という数字的には大変恵まれた体制となった。本学級では本紀要19号20号で報告してきたように,保護者そして児童のニーズに応えるべくIEP ・ TEACCHの手法に学んだ実践により,ようやく学級のカラーが出来上がってきたと自負していたところであったが,今年度はなかなか思うように進まず,自閉症センター「あおいそら」のアドバイスも得ながら,子どもたちへの対応を見直してきた。また保護者へのインフォームドコンセントとアカウンタビリティーの充実を図るために,IEPについても見直しを図ってきた。 IEP・TEACCHに学んで,子どもたちの指導の最適化を目指した学級づくりも3年がたとうとしている。日々試行錯誤の毎日であるが,少しずつ子どもたちも落ち着き,変容が見られてきた。
副島 勝則 樋口 剛 阿部 貴志 平山 斉 河野 勝一
The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan
電気学会論文誌. D, 産業応用部門誌 = The transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. D, A publication of Industry Applications Society (ISSN:09136339)
vol.130, no.2, pp.181-188, 2010-02-01

We have developed a low-speed and low-capacity wind power generator. In this paper, we introduce the outline of the 5kW multi-polar synchronous generator that generates the electric power efficiently from 50rpm to 180rpm. The generator is produced by a magnetic powder core for cost reduction. We also express the outline and field test results of the low-capacity power plant constructed in Ohmura City, Nagasaki.
村田健史 岡田 雅樹 阿部 文雄 荒木 徹 松本 紘
情報処理学会論文誌データベース(TOD) (ISSN:18827799)
vol.43, no.12, pp.115-130, 2002-12-15

現在,宇宙開拓科学や地球環境科学の様々な分野において,広域観測が進められている.我が国では,観測データの取得・蓄積は諸外国と比較して進んでいるが,データのネットワーク上での公開・発信は不十分な点が多い.広域観測データは,観測グループ独自のデータ較正方法やデータ公開ルールがあり,データ管理・公開が機関ごとに独立に行われる傾向がある.一方,データ解析者は,これらの分散管理されているデータを一元的に利用したい.しかし,米国の米国宇宙科学データセンター(NSSDC )のような統合的データセンターの実現は容易ではない.本研究では,広域宇宙地球観測の1 つである,太陽地球系物理(STP )観測データのための分散データベースを提案する.提案する分散データベースでは,データファイルおよびデータ利用者のメタ情報を抽出し,メタデータベース化する.各観測グループはメタデータベースを独自に管理することで,データの管理権限を保護することができる.一方,分散データベースシステムによって各データに対して透過的にアクセスすることにより,データ解析者は一元的にデータを利用することができる.本稿では,分散データベースのシステム設計を行い,実際に試験データを用いたデータベースを構築した.その結果,提案する垂直分散型分散データベースによって,実用上有効なアクセス速度でメタ情報取得が可能であることが分かった.Due to the development of computer performance and information networks,we can now easily access to observation data for large-scale Solar-Terrestrial Physics (STP)through the Internet.However,for integrated studies with help of a variety of observation data together, we need to a distributed network database system with which users are able to access to any observation data with high transparency.It is widely said that distribution systems and facilities for STP data are inferior to observation and storage systems in Japan. However, it is diffcult to construct a central data management center for huge amount of data because of financial,political,and technical reasons.We herein propose a distributed database system for STP data.In the presented database system,index information of both observation data files and access users are stored and managed as a meta-detabase.Through the access to the meta-detabase,users obtain information of the observation data:not only datasite addresses, directory names and ?le names of the data,but authorization of the data.One's authorization to access one data is provided by the team or mission responsible for the data.This suggests that the ownerships of observation data to each team/mission are preserved though the present meta-database seems to be only one from user side.
矢崎 俊志 阿部 公輝
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. VLD, VLSI設計技術 (ISSN:09135685)
vol.103, no.476, pp.253-258, 2003-11-21

矢崎 俊志 阿部 公輝
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. ICD, 集積回路 (ISSN:09135685)
vol.103, no.478, pp.253-258, 2003-11-21

北村 旅人 今井 隆生 松尾 隆昌 阿部 厚 塚本 高久 栗田 賢一
Japanese Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
日本口腔外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215163)
vol.46, no.8, pp.487-489, 2000-08-20
3 1

Among 90 cases of partial Monosomy of the short arm of chromosome 9 that have been described in the literature, only 4 cases have been reported in Japan. We describe a new case associated with cleft palate. The patient was a 1-month-old girl. She came to our hospital for treatment of cleft palate in 1994. Because of her peculiar facial appearance, including slanted eyes, flat nasal bridge, and prominent forehead, we conducted a chromosome analysis, which revealed a partial monosomy of the short arm of chromosome 9 (9p-syndrome). At the age of 2.5 years, her physical development was favorable, and we performed palatoplasty with the patient under general anesthesia. She is being observed at the department of pediatrics and our department since the operation.
重藤 えり子 佐藤 裕恵 重藤 紀和 鎌田 達 阿部 千代治 高橋 光良 森 亨
結核 (ISSN:00229776)
vol.70, no.5, pp.347-354, 1995

A twenty-four year old male Peruvian of Japanese origin, who came to Japan in September 1990 and had been working in a minor factory in a rural area, was admitted to a hospital in March '91 with severe cough. Smear examination of his sputum smear was positive for acid-fast bacilli and his chest X-ray showed multiple cavities (Index case). Subsequent contact examination identified further four patients with pulmonary tuber culosis among his colleagues in the factory, all of whom lived in the same house with the index case.<BR>During following three years, further six patients with mycobacteriosis, two Peruvians and four Japanese, were found among the employee of that factory. M. tuberculosis was cultured from the sputa obtained from seven of these eleven patients. Another patient was diagnosed as non-tuberculous mycobacteriosis.<BR>Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis carried out with five strains of M. tuberculosis isolated from these patients revealed the identical RFLP pattern which is uncommon in Japan. Still more, an isolate from another patient was subjected to RFLP analysis by chance, and was found to show the same RFLP pattern. Later epidemiological study revealed that the last patient, a 53 year-old saleswoman of boxlunch, might have some contact with the index case at her booth.<BR>Though RFLP analysis was not done for the isolate from the index case, from the identity of RFLP patterns of other isolates, clinical course and epidemiological study, it is considered that six patients were certainly, and two others were probably infected from the index case. One of the patients had a history of surgical treatment for pulmonary tuberculosis and, as RFLP analysis could not be carried out, it is not possible to determine whether his disease was due to reactivation or re-infection.<BR>Tuberculin skin test survey of 133 workers in the factory was carried out in March '91. The diameter of erythema showed bimodal distribution pattern for the Japanese workers. Considering that most of the young Japanese have been vaccinated with BCG, it is assumed that at least 40% (10/23) of Japanese workers younger than thirty years old were infected in this epidemic. All the Peruvians, who had not been vaccinated with BCG, showed positive reaction to PPD (mean diameter was 41.9mm) and were assumed to had been infected newly in this epidemics or in the past. Chemoprophylaxis were indicated for two young Peruvians only. Subsequent patients were diagnosed among the strong tuberculin reactors (For Japanese ≥50 mm, for Peruvians ≥30mm in diameter).<BR>Total delay in the diagnosis of the index case was considered to be about six months. Though he was coughing on his entrance to Japan on September '90, no reliable medical checkup was done until he was pointed out the abnormal findings on his chest X-ray image at a routine medical checkup in November '90. At that time he was recommended to go to some hospital or clinics, but he did not obey this recommendation promptly. Such a delay may cause this outbreak.