Mechanical Engineering Reviews (ISSN:21879753)
pp.15-00418, (Released:2015-11-17)
2 295

The paper provides a brief introduction to the near-wall problem of LES and how it can be solved through modeling of the near-wall turbulence. The distinctions and key differences between different approaches are emphasized, both in terms of fidelity (LES, wall-modeled LES, and DES) and in terms of different wall-modeled LES approaches (hybrid LES/RANS and wall-stress-models). The focus is on approaches that model the wall-stress directly, i.e., methods for which the LES equations are formally solved all the way down to the wall. Progress over the last decade is reviewed, and the most important and promising directions for future research are discussed.
Seongjae CHOI Ye-In OH Keun-Ho PARK Jeong-Seok LEE Jin-Hyung SHIM Byung-Jae KANG
Journal of Veterinary Medical Science (ISSN:09167250)
pp.18-0158, (Released:2019-01-18)

Limb-sparing surgery is one of the surgical options for dogs with distal radial osteosarcoma (OSA). This case report highlights the novel application of a three-dimensional (3D)-printed patient-specific polycaprolactone/β-tricalcium phosphate (PCL/β-TCP) scaffold in limb-sparing surgery in a dog with distal radial OSA. The outcomes evaluated included postoperative gait analysis, complications, local recurrence of tumor, metastasis, and survival time. Post-operative gait evaluation showed significant improvement in limb function, including increased weight distribution and decreased asymmetry. The implant remained well in place and increased bone opacity was observed between the host bone and the scaffold. There was no complication due to scaffold or surgery. Significant improvement in limb function and quality of life was noted postoperatively. Local recurrence and pulmonary metastasis were identified at 8 weeks postoperatively. The survival time from diagnosis of OSA to death was 190 days. The PCL/β-TCP scaffold may be an effective alternative to cortical allograft in limb-sparing surgery for bone tumors.
Ngoc-Ha Thi Tran Taichi Oguchi Etsuko Matsunaga Akiyoshi Kawaoka Kazuo N. Watanabe Akira Kikuchi
Japanese Society for Plant Cell and Molecular Biology
Plant Biotechnology (ISSN:13424580)
pp.18.0831a, (Released:2018-12-14)

Under the Japanese biosafety regulatory framework for transgenic plants, data for assessing a transgenic plant’s impact on biodiversity must be submitted in order to obtain approval for a confined field trial. We recently reported the development of four novel transgenic Eucalyptus camaldulensis clones expressing the bacterial choline oxidase A (codA) gene, i.e., codAH-1, codAH-2, codAN-1, and codAN-2, and evaluated their abiotic tolerance by semiconfined screen house trial cultivation. Here we evaluated the impacts of the transgenic E. camaldulensis clones on productivities of harmful substances from those clones to affect soil microorganisms and/or other plants in the environment. A comparison of the assessment data between the transgenic trees and non-transgenic comparators showed no significant difference in potential impacts on biodiversity. The results contribute to sound-science evidence ensuring substantial equivalence between transgenic and non-transgenic E. camaldulensis.
Jing-Ming SHIU Masanori YASUMOTO
Annals of Business Administrative Science (ISSN:13474464)
vol.15, no.5, pp.239-250, 2016-10-15 (Released:2016-10-16)
4 3

The open source community (OSC) is a place to develop collective knowledge available to anyone, thereby inevitably engendering free riders. Despite this, many firms have contributed to OSCs. This study examines 10 Android smartphone manufacturers between 2010 and 2013 with regard to their (a) source code contributions and the relation of those contributions to (b) time to market as measured by the release of their first Android smartphones. The results of the analysis are divided into the following two groups: (A) a group that released smartphones faster than their competitors through source code contributions and (B) a group that made few source code contributions and was slower to release smartphones than group (A). In addition, in a few years, some firms were observed to have move from group (B) to group (A).
GRIPS Policy Research Center
GRIPS Discussion Papers
vol.18-12, 2018-10

This paper develops a new methodology that decomposes shocks into homoscedastic and heteroscedastic components. This specification implies there exist linear combinations of heteroscedastic variables that eliminate heteroscedasticity. That is, these linear combinations are homoscedastic; a property we call co-heteroscedasticity. The heteroscedastic part of the model uses a multivariate stochastic volatility inverse Wishart process. The resulting model is invariant to the ordering of the variables, which we show is important for impulse response analysis but is generally important for, e.g., volatility estimation and variance decompositions. The specification allows estimation in moderately high-dimensions. The computational strategy uses a novel particle filter algorithm, a reparameterization that substantially improves algorithmic convergence and an alternating-order particle Gibbs that reduces the amount of particles needed for accurate estimation. We provide two empirical applications; one to exchange rate data and another to a large Vector Autoregression (VAR) of US macroeconomic variables. We find strong evidence for co-heteroscedasticity and, in the second application, estimate the impact of monetary policy on the homoscedastic and heteroscedastic components of macroeconomic variables.
キム ヒョンジン ハン ソンヨン 佐々木 浩 安藤 元一 Kim Hyeonjin Sungyong Han Hiroshi Sasaki Motokazu Ando 東京農業大学大学院農学研究科畜産学専攻 Korean Otter Research Center 筑紫女学園大学短期大学部幼児教育科 東京農業大学農学部バイオセラピー学科 Department of Animal Science Graduate School of Agriculture Tokyo University of Agriculture Korean Otter Research Center Department of Early Childhood Education Chikushi Jogakuen University Junior College Department of Human and Animal-Plant Relationships Faculty of Agriculture Tokyo University of Agriculture
東京農業大学農学集報 (ISSN:03759202)
vol.59, no.1, pp.29-38,

ユーラシアカワウソLutra lutraが経済成長に伴う環境変化からどのような影響を受けるのか調べることを目的に,工業集積の進む韓国慶尚南道の海岸における本種の生息痕を1982年,1991-94年,2002年および2009年にわたってモニタリングした。慶尚南道馬山地域における糞密度は,1990年代には減少傾向を示したが,2000年代後半には回復傾向に転じた。回復傾向は釜山市などでも見られた。本種が安定的に生息する海域のCODは約4mg/L以下のレベルであった。糞が多く見られたのは,岬の湾口にある磯海岸,海岸近くの小島,河川の人工湖などであり,これらは餌資源の多いことや,隠れ場所として適していることが共通していた。本種は人工護岸のわずかな隙間や,沖合の水産養殖イカダの上をサインポストとして利用しており,人工環境への適応力も備えていた。調査期間中に調査地の陸域における各種経済指標は高い伸びを示したが,湾奥部におけるカワウソが生息しない地域が若干広がったことを除くと,陸域における経済発展や開発は本種の生息に直接的な影響は与えないことがわかった。Distribution of otter spraints along sea coasts at Masan area of Gyeongsangnam-do, Korea was monitored for 27 years from 1982, 1991-94, 2002 to 2009. Densities of spraints once decreased in the 1990's. In the late 2000's, however, this turned to a tendency to increase, although recovery was insufficient. Similar recovery was also identified in Busan. Spraints were not found at areas that were far from the closed-off section of the bay by 0-9km. The otters were able to inhabit up to the vicinity of industrialized area. At coasts where otter spraints were regularly found, COD level was around 4mg/L. Spraints were often found at rocky coasts along capes, heads of bays, small islets and reservoirs, indicating that prey fish was abundant in those areas. At coasts with steep artificial walls, otters managed to find landing places by locating narrow gaps and harbors. Otherwise, they used coastal fishpens as signposts, indicating their adaptability to artificial environments. Economic indicators in the land area of the investigation place heightened considerably during the monitoring period. The above findings indicate that terrestrial economic growth does not necessarily lead to the decrease of the otter population.
Yao-Hsu Yang Jung-Nien Lai Chang-Hsing Lee Jung-Der Wang Pau-Chung Chen
Japan Epidemiological Association
Journal of Epidemiology (ISSN:09175040)
vol.21, no.1, pp.37-43, 2011-01-05 (Released:2011-01-05)
19 33

Background: Several epidemiological and experimental studies have found a positive association between the risk of motor vehicle accidents (MVAs) and use of zopiclone and benzodiazepines. There is, however, little evidence of any risk of MVA attributable to the use of zolpidem 1 day before such accidents. We attempted to determine whether the use of zolpidem 1 day before is associated with an increased risk of an MVA.Methods: Using a 1-million-person randomly sampled cohort from the Taiwan National Health Insurance reimbursement database, 12 929 subjects were identified as having been hospitalized between 1998 and 2004 due to an MVA. Using a case–crossover design, we selected the day before an MVA as the case period for each subject, and the 91st, 182nd, and 273rd days before the case period as 3 retrospective control periods. Conditional logistical regression models were constructed to calculate the odds ratio (OR) of having an MVA and the exposure of zolpidem 1 day before. We calculated doses of benzodiazepines, zopiclone, and zolpidem based on their defined daily dose.Results: The adjusted OR for involvement in an MVA after taking 1 defined daily dose of zolpidem was 1.74 (95% confidence interval: 1.25–2.43). There were also positive effects for different washout periods and cumulative doses at 7, 14, 21, and 28 days before the occurrence of an MVA.Conclusions: Use of zolpidem 1 day before might be associated with an increased risk of MVA. Thus, precautionary warnings should be provided when prescribing zolpidem.
水野 基樹 川田 裕次郎 飯田 玲依 山本 真己 東 慎治 上野 朋子 山田 泰行 杉浦 幸 田中 純夫 Motoki Mizuno Yujiro Kawata Rei Iida masaki Yamamoto Shinji Higashi Tomoko Ueno Yasuyuki Yamada Miyuki Sgiura Sumio Tanaka 千葉経済大学短期大学部非常勤講師 CHIBA KEIZAI COLLEGE Part-time Lecturer
千葉経済大学短期大学部研究紀要 = Bulletin of Chiba Keizai College (ISSN:13498312)
no.4, pp.51-61,

The psychology of motivation is a broad and loosely defined field. Furthermore, motivation is a basic psychological process. Few would deny that it is the most important focus of the micro organizational behavior. Traditionally, psychologists have not totally agreed on how to classify the various human motives, but they acknowledge that some motives are unlearned physiologically based. For that reason, it is difficult to comprehend a framework of motive concepts which can predict human behavior. Therefore, the purpose of this paper was to review the motive concept suggested by McClelland(1987), who is most closely associated with the study of achievement motive. Specifically, first we summarized up the measurement and concepts of motive, such as "measures of human motive dispositions", "achievement motive", "power needs", "affiliative motive" and "avoidance motive". In addition, we critically reviewed and discussed them in terms of the definitions of concepts. In conclusion, although we could grasp the implications of each motive concept, there were some ambiguities regarding McClelland's motive concepts. Thus, more elaborate conceptual regulation and detailed explanation of the connections to the concepts seem necessary in order to clarify the notion of motive concepts, because there are a number of motives which lie in a gray area from the viewpoint of human motivation described by McClelland.
黄 國賓 杉浦 康平 赤崎 正一 今村 文彦 荒木 優子 山之内 誠 さくま はな 曽和 英子 Kuo-pin HUANG Kohei SUGIURA Shoichi AKAZAKI Fumihiko IMAMURA Yuko ARAKI Makoto YAMANOUCHI Hana SAKUMA Eiko SOWA

Shin-ichi HAYAMA Sachie NAKIRI Fumiharu KONNO
Journal of Veterinary Medical Science (ISSN:09167250)
vol.73, no.6, pp.809-812, 2011 (Released:2011-07-05)
4 11

This study is the first to determine the conception dates of specific individuals and estimate the pregnancy rate of a wild population in Japanese monkeys. The conception dates estimated from the embryonic ages of 37 fetuses were distributed over 128 days between September 17 and January 23, with a mean conception date of November 19 (SD=29.2 days). A comparison of the mean conception dates among age groups showed a significantly delayed conception in the subadult animals (aged 4 to 5 years; December 5, n=8) than in the adult animals (aged 6 or more years; November 15, n=29; P<0.03). The mean pregnancy rate among animals aged 4 years or more in this local population was estimated to be 48.5% (32/66).
Sang-Wan Han Jeong-Woo Lee
The Society of Physical Therapy Science
Journal of Physical Therapy Science (ISSN:09155287)
vol.30, no.6, pp.816-819, 2018 (Released:2018-06-12)

[Purpose] This study aimed to investigate the effects of the therapeutic device combined with LED and microcurrent (MC) on muscle tone and stiffness in the calf muscle after its application during moderate aerobic exercise. [Subjects and Methods] Twenty healthy adult subjects were randomized to either the test group of the therapeutic device combined with LED and MC or the control group, and they walked on a 10%-sloped treadmill with a 5 km/hr speed for 30 minutes. Each of the subjects in the test group performed treadmill exercise with the therapeutic device attached to the edge of his or her calf muscle. After the exercise, the muscle tone and stiffness at the edge of the calf muscle were measured. [Results] With respect to the muscle tone, a statistically significant difference was found between the two groups only 5 minutes after the exercise. Concerning muscle stiffness, significant differences were shown between the two groups right after the exercise and 5 minutes after the exercise. [Conclusion] Integrated treatment with LED and MC on is considered helpful for lowering the muscle tone 5 minutes after the exercise, and for lowering the muscle stiffness right after the exercise and 5 minutes after the exercise.
Sueng-Pil Jung Tae-Yong Kwon So-Ra In Seon-Jeong Kim Geon-Tae Kim Jae-Kwan Shim Chang-Geun Park Byoung-Choel Choi
Meteorological Society of Japan
SOLA (ISSN:13496476)
vol.14, pp.86-90, 2018 (Released:2018-07-12)

The kinetic energy associated with Chang-ma periods was investigated using rawinsonde data from Korea during 2013-2015. Changes in kinetic energy (which is defined in terms of storm relative helicity, SRH) were more pronounced than changes in thermal energy (which is defined in terms of convective available potential energy, CAPE) during precipitation. The median value of SRH increased by 14, 125, and 185 m2 s−2 in no-rain, weak-rain (< 5 mm 3 hr−1), and strong-rain (≥ 5 mm 3 hr−1) time periods, respectively. However, the values of CAPE remained below 100 J kg−1 regardless of the rainfall intensity. Moreover, the correlation coefficients (R) between SRH and precipitation amount about 0.4 with 99% confidence level. In addition, we used two vectors constituting the SRH (storm motion vector and horizontal wind vector) to determine the reason for the SRH differences. The change in the y-components of the horizontal wind vector at low levels (850-750 hPa) was determined to be closely related to SRH. The increase in SRH during the precipitation periods was therefore determined to be due to the low-level southerly wind. Based on these results, we conclude that SRH can be used not only to predict mesoscale storms but also to forecast precipitation in the early summer monsoon season in Korea.
Ko-Un Kim Soo-Han Kim Tae-Gyu An
The Society of Physical Therapy Science
Journal of Physical Therapy Science (ISSN:09155287)
vol.29, no.6, pp.1036-1039, 2017 (Released:2017-06-07)

[Purpose] The present study aimed to investigate the effects of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) on visual perception, depression, and activities of daily livings (ADLs) in stroke patients. [Subjects and Methods] Forty-four stroke patients were divided equally into an experimental group that underwent rTMS and a control group that underwent mock rTMS. Changes in patient visual perception, depression, and ADLs were evaluated. All subjects underwent treatment for 20 minutes, 5 times per week, for 4 weeks. Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), Motor-free Visual Perception Test (MVPT) and Functional Independent Measurement (FIM) were respectively used to assess depression, visual perception and ADLs. [Results] The experimental group showed significant improvements in depression, visual perception, and ADLs between week 1 and 4, between week 1 and 8, and between week 4 and 8. Meanwhile, the control group showed no differences between week 1 and 4, and although, like in the experimental group, a significant difference was observed in depression and visual perception between Week 1 and 8, there was no significant difference in ADLs. [Conclusion] These demonstrate that rTMS has a positive impact on visual perception, depression, and ADLs.
Michihiro Satoh Takahisa Murakami Kei Asayama Takuo Hirose Masahiro Kikuya Ryusuke Inoue Megumi Tsubota-Utsugi Keiko Murakami Ayako Matsuda Azusa Hara Taku Obara Ryo Kawasaki Kyoko Nomura Hirohito Metoki Koichi Node Yutaka Imai Takayoshi Ohkubo
The Japanese Circulation Society
Circulation Journal (ISSN:13469843)
pp.CJ-17-1227, (Released:2018-06-09)

Background:N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) has been used for risk stratification in heart failure or acute coronary syndrome, but the beyond 5-year predictive value of NT-proBNP for stroke remains an unsettled issue in Asian patients. The aim of the present study was to clarify this point.Methods and Results:We followed 1,198 participants (33.4% men; mean age, 60.5±11.1 years old) in the Japanese general population for a median of 13.0 years. A first stroke occurred in 93 participants. Referencing previous reports, we stratified participants according to NT-proBNP 30.0, 55.0, and 125.0 pg/mL. Using the NT-proBNP <30.0 pg/mL group as a reference, adjusted HR for stroke (95% CI) in the NT-proBNP 30.0–54.9-pg/mL, 55.0–124.9-pg/mL, and ≥125.0-pg/mL groups were 1.92 (0.94–3.94), 1.77 (0.85–3.66), and 1.99 (0.86–4.61), respectively. With the maximum follow-up period set at 5 years, the hazard ratio of the NT-proBNP≥125.0-pg/mL group compared with the <30.0-pg/mL group increased significantly (HR, 4.51; 95% CI: 1.03–19.85). On extension of the maximum follow-up period, however, the association between NT-proBNP and stroke risk weakened.Conclusions:NT-proBNP was significantly associated with an elevated stroke risk. Given, however, that the predictive power decreased with the number of years after NT-proBNP measurement, NT-proBNP should be re-evaluated periodically in Asian patients.
Seung-min Nam Won-hyo Kim Chang-kyo Yun
The Society of Physical Therapy Science
Journal of Physical Therapy Science (ISSN:09155287)
vol.29, no.4, pp.775-778, 2017 (Released:2017-04-20)
1 6

[Purpose] This study aimed to investigate the effects of multisensory dynamic balance training on muscles thickness such as rectus femoris, anterior tibialis, medial gastrocnemius, lateral gastrocnemius in children with spastic diplegic cerebral palsy by using ultrasonography. [Subjects and Methods] Fifteen children diagnosed with spastic diplegic cerebral palsy were divided randomly into the balance training group and control group. The experimental group only received a multisensory dynamic balance training, while the control group performed general physiotherapy focused balance and muscle strengthening exercise based Neurodevelopmental treatment. Both groups had a therapy session for 30 minutes per day, three times a week for six weeks. The ultrasonographic muscle thickness were obtained in order to compare and analyze muscle thickness before and after in each group. [Result] The experimental group had significant increases in muscle thickness in the rectus femoris, tibialis anterior, medial gastrocnemius and lateral gastrocnemius muscles. The control group had significant increases in muscle thickness in the tibialis anterior. The test results of the rectus femoris, medial gastrocnemius and lateral gastrocnemius muscle thickness values between the groups showed significant differences. [Conclusion] In conclusion, a multisensory dynamic balance training can be recommended as a treatment method for patients with spastic diplegic cerebral palsy.
Hyeonhae CHOI Ki-Young RYU Jaesook ROH Jaeman BAE
Japanese Association for Laboratory Animal Science
Experimental Animals (ISSN:13411357)
pp.18-0013, (Released:2018-05-22)

Thyroid cancer in children, the most common endocrine malignancy, shows aggressive behavior and has a high recurrence rate after surgical ablation. Radioactive iodine (RAI) treatment is the most effective primary modality for medical ablation of juvenile thyroid cancer, and leads to intentional hypothyroidism. Although several negative impacts of hypothyroidism have been reported in children in response to other antithyroid agents, the combined effects of RAI exposure and hypothyroidism, on growing bones specifically, are unknown. In this study, we investigated the effect of RAI-induced hypothyroidism on the long bones during the pubertal growth spurt using immature female rats. Female Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into a control group, and an RAI-treated group fed with RAI (0.37 MBq/g body weight) twice via gavage. After 4 weeks, we observed a significantly-reduced serum free thyroxine level in the RAI group. The latter group also displayed decreased body weight gain compared to the control. In addition, the lengths of long bones, such as the leg bones and vertebral column, as well as bone mineral content, were reduced in the RAI-treated animals. Our results confirm the negative impacts of RAI-induced thyroid deficiency during puberty on longitudinal bone growth and bone mineralization.
Dong-jin Lee Yeon-seop Lee Hyun-jin Kim Tae-hwa Seo
The Society of Physical Therapy Science
Journal of Physical Therapy Science (ISSN:09155287)
vol.29, no.3, pp.527-530, 2017 (Released:2017-03-22)
1 4

[Purpose] This study was conducted to investigate the effect of exercise training using transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) on breathing in patients with chronic stroke patients. [Subjects and Methods] Thirty chronic stroke patients who do not show abnormal response to electric stimulation were enrolled in this study and each 15 subjects were randomized either into the study group and the sham-controlled group. The subjects performed diaphragmatic breathing exercise for 20 minutes while tDCS device was attached to them (for study group, the device was on while for the sham-controlled group, the device was turned off 30 seconds later) [Results] The results of FVC, FEF1 and FEV1/FVC in the study group and those of FVC and FEV1 in the sham-controlled group were significantly increased after the breathing exercise. The independent comparison result between the groups showed that the breathing performance of study group significantly improved based on the results of FVC and FEV1. [Conclusion] In conclusion, the results of this study confirmed that breathing exercise effectively improved FVC and FEV1 in chronic stroke patients. Also, the breathing exercise using tDCS was more effective in improving FVC and FEV1.
外園 康智 長谷川 貴博 渡邉 知樹 馬目 華奈 簗 有紀子 谷中 瞳 田中 リベカ Mart'ınez-G'omez Pascual 峯島 宏次 戸次 大介
