西脇 雅人 松本 直幸
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.67, no.3, pp.237-243, 2018

<p>This retrospective observational study aimed to examine the effects of playing Pokémon GO on daily steps of male college students. Twenty-five Japanese male college students (20 ± 1 years) were assigned to Control group (C, n = 11) or Pokémon GO group (P, n = 14) based on their playing Pokémon GO or not. Daily step levels were obtained from the health care app of Apple iPhone from September 2016 to October 2016. In P group, the data for the 4 weeks to determine baseline values and for the 4 weeks of playing Pokémon GO were analyzed. The steps data of C group were also analyzed in the same period of the total 8 weeks. There were no significant differences in steps at baseline level between both groups. In addition, no significant time-course changes in steps were observed in C group. In contrast, steps in P group significantly increased from baseline 8,368 ± 544 steps/day to week 1 10,028 ± 617 steps/day (P < 0.01). The changes in steps from baseline to week 1 were significantly greater in P group than in C group (1,671 ± 345 vs. -81 ± 582, P < 0.01). However, the increased steps returned to baseline level by week 2, and the values did not increase again. Therefore, our findings indicate that playing Pokémon GO increases daily steps only during one week in Japanese male college students.</p>
竹島 伸生 小林 章雄 田中 喜代次 新畑 茂充 渡辺 丈真 鷲見 勝博 鈴木 雅裕 小村 堯 宮原 満男 上田 一博 加藤 孝之
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.38, no.5, pp.197-207, 1989-10-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
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本研究は, 中高年ランナーに対して自転車エルゴメーター作業を負荷することにより, LTおよびall-out時でのVo2, HR, SBP, DBPを測定し, これらの加齢変化やトレーニング内容などとの関係について検討した.その結果は, 次のように要約できる.1.身長, 体重, %fat, 体格指数は, 年代間で有意な差は認められず, すべての年代のランナーは類似の痩身体型であった.週当りの走行距離時間, 頻度などは個人差が大きいが, 平均値でみると年代間に有意な差は認められなかった.ランナーとしての経験年数も年代間に有意な差は認めちれなかった.しかし, 加齢に伴い走パフォーマンスは著明に低下した.2.年齢とVo2@LTとの間には有意な相関 (r=-0.686) がみられた.しかし, %Vo2max@LTは, 各年代でほぼ同値であり, 年齢との間に一定の関係は認められなかった.3.年齢とHR@LTとの間には有意な相関がみられたが, %HRmax@LTは%Vo2max@LTと同様に年齢とは無関係であった.4.SBP@LT, DBP@LTについては年代間に有意な差は認められず, 年齢との関係は明らかでなかった.5.加齢による変化は, Vo2@LT (0.5ml/kg/min/yr) よりもVo2max (0.7ml/kg/min/yr) の方が大きかった.6.Vo2maxの加齢による変化は, 既報の一般人やランナーと比べて大きかった.しかし, 各年代でのVo2maxは, 一般人に比べ平均で50~60%高く, 例えば70歳代ランナーのVo2maxは一般人の40歳代に相当した.7.Vo2maxとトレーニングの経験年数との間には有意な関係はみられなかったが, ランナーとしてのトレーニング開始年齢とVo2maxとの間には, 有意な相関が認められた.8.HRmaxは, Vo2maxと同様に加齢による低下を示し, 同性同年代の一般人と比べて有意差はみられなかった.9.推定HRmaxと実測したHRmaxとの間には, 有意な相関 (r=0.600) がみられたものの, 個人差が大きく±10拍/分以上の誤差を生じた者が約32%いた.10.SBPmax, DBPmaxは, 年代間で有意な差はみられず, 中高年ランナーにおいては年齢と血圧の関係は明らかでなかった.
二宮 友佳 宮下 拓麻 宮地 元彦 松田 薫二 高橋 康輝
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.69, no.4, pp.335-341, 2020-08-01 (Released:2020-07-15)

Walking football was born in United Kingdom around 2011, that is forbidden to running. In recent years, walking football has become increasingly popular as a sport that diverse people can enjoy together. However, it is not clarified exercise intensity and how they feel after playing walking football. We aimed to determine the intensity when playing walking football and investigated how mood change. Twenty-six men and women (18 males, 8 females) out of those who participated in walking football event agreed to the present study. Heart rate (HR) was measured using wearable device with photoplethysmography when playing walking football. Metabolic equivalents (METs) was assessed using a triaxial accelerometer worn on the waist. McGill pain questionnaire was used to assess pain sites and number. To assess change in mood, short version of physical activity enjoyment scale (sPACES) was used before and after playing walking football. Borg scale was measured before and after walking football. The HR and METs were respectively as follows; male, 111.9 ± 11.4 bpm and 4.3 ± 0.6METs; female, 118.6 ± 16.2 bpm and 4.8 ± 0.7METs. There was no significant difference between men and women in both HR and METs during walking football. The sPACES was indicated significantly positive changes in mood, and Borg scale was significantly increased after playing walking football, without increasing acute or chronic pain. The walking football is safe and moderate-intensity sports and induce positive changes in mood.
小野 高志 藤井 均
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.62, no.1, pp.87-94, 2013-02-01 (Released:2013-02-14)

Hamstring muscles form a multi-articular muscle group that crosses the hip and knee joints. It has been said that the imbalance in the hamstrings:quadriceps strength ratio (H:Q ratio) due to weaker hamstring muscles results in an increased susceptibility to hamstring strains and anterior cruciate ligament injuries. Four different hamstrings trainings, Hip Lift (HL), Single-leg Deadlift (DL), Leg Curl (LC), and Nordic Hamstrings (NH), were conducted and compared in the effect on conventional H:Q ratio. After the training of two months, significant increase of hip extension torque and H:Q ratios in the hip joint were found in the DL group, and significant increase of knee flexion torque and H:Q ratios in the knee joint were found in the LC group (P < 0.05). As a conclusion, DL and LC training could be practical for hamstrings injury prevention.
奥松 功基 辻本 健彦 若葉 京良 関 晶南 固武 利奈 山内 照夫 平山 智志 小林 裕幸 坂東 裕子 山内 英子 田中 喜代次
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.67, no.2, pp.169-176, 2018-04-01 (Released:2018-03-16)
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It has been reported that physical fitness of breast cancer patients is relatively lower due to the cancer treatment such as surgery, chemotherapy, or endocrine therapy. Previous studies have revealed that not only cardiorespiratory fitness but also muscle strength is lower among breast cancer patients than no disease women and these symptoms may aggravate the health-related quality of life. However, there is no study which has focused the physical fitness level in Japanese breast cancer survivors. The purpose of this study was to investigate the physical fitness level and the relationship between exercise habituation and physical fitness level in Japanese breast cancer survivors. Fifty breast cancer survivors participated in this study. Participants were assigned to either exercise habituation group (n=25) or non-exercise group (n=25). We evaluated exercise habituation using an original questionnaire and examined various physical fitness level. Body weight, body mass index, and percent body fat were significantly lower in the exercise habituation group than non-exercise group. T-score of cardiorespiratory fitness was significantly higher in the exercise habituation group than average Japanese women. These results suggested that exercise habituation is relative to body weight and cardiorespiratory fitness level in Japanese breast cancer survivors.
八十島 崇 木塚 朝博 埜口 博司 白木 仁 向井 直樹 宮永 豊
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.52, no.5, pp.491-498, 2003-10-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
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The purpose of this study is to identify the effect of position (full can, empty can) and change of angle on the activity of shoulder muscles during scapular plane abduction ; and also to examine its application to exercises used for rehabilitation of shoulder muscles. Seven healthy subjects (23.4±1.4 yr) with normal shoulder function performed scapular plane abduction with external rotation (full can) and scapular plane abduction with internal rotation (empty can) . An electromyogram was recorded with a fine wire intramuscular electrode at the supraspinatus, deltoid anterior, middle, posterior and trapezius upper with bipolar surface. The EMG activity (RMS) of each muscle was normalized by the highest EMG activity (100%RMS) during a maximum manual muscle test for each muscle (%RMS) . The %RMS of each muscle remarkably increased with a change of the angle for empty can, whereas it showed a slight increase with a change of the angle for full can. This finding suggests that the position of full can and empty can in scapular plane abduction affects the function of shoulder muscles. In addition, full can exercise is recommended in order to improve function of the supraspinatus and the muscular activity balance between the supraspinatus and the deltoid. Empty can exercise is applied to sport-specific exercise for rehabilitation of shoulder muscles.
森 茂美 太田 善博
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.34, no.Supplement, pp.61-69, 1985-12-01 (Released:2010-09-30)

ネコの脳幹内には, 既に2つの歩行中枢が同定されている.その1つは視床下核歩行誘発野 (SLR) であり, もう1つは中脳歩行誘発野 (MLR) である.解剖学的に, SLRおよびMLRはそれぞれ外側視床下部および楔状核に相当する.SLRは歩行運動の“発動的”側面を制御していると考えられる.一方, MLRは四肢間協調のような“自動運動的”側面を制御していると考えられる.上丘前縁と乳頭体後縁を結ぶ面で脳幹を切断した除脳ネコ (precollicular-postmammillaly decerebrate cat) において, MLRに連続微小刺激を加えると, 流れベルト上で歩行運動が誘発される.これら2つの歩行中枢に加えて, 最近, 姿勢筋の筋緊張 (postural muscle tone) を“セット”したり“リセット”したりする橋中心部の神経機構が同定されている.正中線上の橋中心被蓋野背側部および腹側部に連続微小刺激を加えると, 同一標本においてpostural muscle toneは, それぞれ長時間抑制および増強した.MLRと背側部を同時刺激すると, MLRの刺激で誘発された歩行のパターンは協調のとれた四足歩行から後肢のステッピングへと変化し, さらにステッピングから歩行運動の完全な抑制へと変化した.その際, postural muscle toneはかなり減弱していた.それと対照的に, MLRと腹側部を同時刺激すると, 歩行パターンは完全な抑制から後肢のステッピングへ, ステッピングから歩行へ, さらに歩行からギャロップへと変化した.その際, 姿勢筋の筋緊張レベルは段階的に増大していた.腹側部により強い単独刺激を加えると, 伸筋の筋緊張の著明な増強を伴なった痙性歩行運動が誘発された.中枢無傷ネコが自発歩行をしている際に橋中心被蓋野の背側部に刺激を加えると, 一連の姿勢変化が誘発された.刺激の開始から数秒後, ネコは歩行を停止し, そのままの状態で直立姿勢を維持した.この刺激を持続するとネコは坐り込み, 次に床の上に腹這いになった.刺激停止後も数分間にわたりネコはその最終姿勢を維持し続けた.橋中心被蓋野の腹側部に刺激を加えると, ほとんど正反対の一連の姿勢変化が誘発された.刺激の開始から数秒後, ネコは腹這いの姿勢からお坐りの姿勢をとり, さらにこの刺激を持続すると歩きはじめた.刺激によってネコは常に覚醒反応 (aler-ted) を示し, また歩行の開始に先行してその頭部を挙上し, 周辺を見まわして相対的位置関係を測るような反応 (oriented) を示した.これらの成績はすべて“歩行”制御系および“姿勢”制御系が脳幹および脊髄内において共通の神経機構を共有していることを示唆する.本諭文においては姿勢および歩行運動の“発動的”および“自動運動的”制御面との関連において, これら橋中心被蓋野のもつ機能を考察した.この内容は特定研究 (1) 「発育期の体力に関する基礎的研究」代表, 小野三嗣教授の研究集会に際して発表した研究成果の要旨をまとめたものである (課題番号: 57123109.58124037, 59127034, 分担課題: 姿勢保持能力と脳幹神経機構) .
富沢 政信 鳥山 貞宜 古矢 仁 小野 忠彦
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.20, no.2, pp.96-100, 1971-06-01 (Released:2010-09-30)

The Kyudo (Japanese archery) is a most popular sport among Japanese as the Judo and Japanese fencing. Even some their athletes had complains of neck pain, joint pain and back pain, the investigations in the orthopaedic aspect were rare as compared with the Judo and Japanese fencing.The orthopaedical questionnaire were made to one hundred twenty-two athletes from eighteen to seventy-eight years old, average forty-three old, and the analysis by roentgenological and clinical findings were made to thirty athletes who were had severe troubles.The results were as follows :1) Because of most disorders were localized about the upper-extremity as main action were using of arm muscles, there were discovered the osteoarthritis and osteochondro-matosis of the elbow joint, periarthritis of the shoulder joint, atrophy of the deltoid and supra-infraspinatus muscles, injury of the hand and back pain.2) To prevent these disorders, we emphasized the necessity of warming-up and other systematic exercise as usually.3) We had obtained the conclusion that the periodical examination was most important for early diagnosis and procedures of over ten years experienced athletes.
図子 あまね 苅山 靖 図子 浩二
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.66, no.1, pp.79-86, 2017-02-01 (Released:2017-01-21)
2 3

We aimed to investigate the characteristics of lower-limb strength and power used for lower-limb mechanical variables in rebound jump (RJ) test by using a new system (Quick Motion Analysis System), which calculates mechanical variables in real time. Thirty-three male jumpers performed the RJ test. The performance (RJ index, contact time, and jump height) and joint kinetics (joint work and joint contribution) in RJ were calculated. IAAF Scoring Tables of Athletics were used to calculate jump event performance (IAAF score). IAAF score was positive correlated with RJ index, jump height, and joint work at the ankle and hip joints. Elite jumpers achieved higher RJ performance by larger ankle and hip joint work. As performance variables, jumping height and contact time were converted to T scores, and evaluation method was proposed to use the relative merits of these values to classify athletes into four types. The IAAF score showed no differences among the four types. These results indicate that there is no relation among jump events performance and characteristics of the four types. Moreover, focusing on stiffness, based on the contact time and jump height, jumpers with a longer contact time and higher jump height type showed lower stiffness (compliant spring characteristics), whereas those with the opposite features showed higher stiffness (stiffer spring characteristics). Therefore, for evaluating lower-limb strength and power characteristics, the use of performance and joint kinetics are effective, in addition to focusing on type characteristics based on the contact time and jump height in RJ.
岡田 ルリ子 松川 寛二 小林 敏生 宮腰 由紀子
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.62, no.4, pp.315-321, 2013-08-01 (Released:2013-08-29)

This study aimed to develop a new method of increasing water content in the cutaneous stratum corneum under a dry skin condition. For this purpose, the experiments were performed using 10 healthy women (age: 20 ± 5 years, height: 158 ± 4 cm, weight: 50 ± 6 kg) in winter to ensure the dry condition. The subjects immersed the right hand into a 42˚C bath for 10 min. Skin surface temperature and water content in the stratum corneum of the left forearm were simultaneously measured during and for 1 h after the hand warming. The skin surface temperature began to increase (P<0.05) 15 min after the hand warming and thereafter remained increased for 1 h. Similarly, the water content in the stratum corneum began to increase immediately after the hand warming and remained increased throughout the experiment. The present results suggest that warming of one hand is effective in enhancing skin moisture in the other forearm and thereby maintaining barrier function of the skin.
木村 直人 勝村 俊仁 浜岡 隆文 下光 輝一
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.47, no.5, pp.549-560, 1998-10-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
2 2

本研究の目的は, 磁気共鳴分光法 (31P-MRS) と近赤外分光法 (NIRS) とを用いて, 等尺性運動負荷時に見られる局所的な筋疲労, 特に運動強度の違いが筋疲労の程度や筋持久力 (持続時間) に及ぼす影響を細胞内の代謝および酸素動態の面から観察し, さらに各負荷強度の持続時間.どの関連について検討を加え, 以下の結果を得た.1) 各相対強度での持続時間は50%MVCで95.3±13.6秒, 30%MVCで209±41.9秒であり, また低強度の10%MVCでは963±236秒と, 50%MVC時の10倍であった.2) 運動中の各測定項目の変動をみると, 運動開始時においてPCrの低下及びPi (H2PO4-) の上昇が見られた.細胞内pHは運動開始40秒 (50%MVC) ~347秒 (10%MVC) まで安静時レベル (-6.95pHunit) 維持したものの, それ以降'低下を示した.また各測定項目 (pH低下率及びH2PO4-増加率) とも強度の上昇に伴いその変化の程度は増大を示した.3) 筋内の酸素化レベルは, 全ての強度において運動開始時直後から直線的に低下を示した.しかしながらその後の変化は各強度間で異なり, 10%, 30%MVCではその後上昇し一定レベルを維持した.一方50%MVCではさらに低下し, 平均値において10%を下回っていた.4) 各相対強度におけるpH低下率及びH2PO4-増加率と持続時間との間には, いずれも負の相関関係が認められた.pH低下率と持続時間との問にはr=-0.578~-0.871の相関係数が得られ, 10%, 30%MVCではそれぞれ有意 (P<0.05) であった.また, H2PO4-増加率との間にはr=-0.370~-0.740の相関係数が得られた.本研究の結果から, 最大下の等尺性運動時における筋持久力 (持続時間) には, 筋興奮・収縮連関やエネルギー供給系に対して直接あるいは間接的に関与する細胞内pHの低下率が重要な因子であることが示唆された.
土橋 祥平 小山 康文 安藤 大輔 小山 勝弘
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.68, no.2, pp.125-132, 2019-04-01 (Released:2019-03-16)

Recently, a standing desk is being installed as a behavior change strategy to reduce sitting time in the workplace. However, the standing posture has been suggested to decrease forehead oxygenated hemoglobin (oxy-Hb), which might impair task performances. Therefore, we examined whether prolonged standing impairs speed and accuracy of computer subtraction task associated with a decrease in forehead oxy-Hb. Nine healthy young males completed 4 × 15-min computer tasks under two conditions, i.e., sitting and standing. In the computer tasks, all subjects were required to subtract a two-digit number from a four digit number written on the paper and to input the answer to the answer colomn on the computer. Task performances were evaluated as the number of achievements and accuracy rate every 15 minutes. Moreover, oxy-Hb and deoxygenated-hemoglobin (deoxy-Hb) in the site of left forehead area and lower limb were monitored throughout the experimental period by near-infrared spectroscopy. Forehead oxy-Hb was significantly associated with the number of achievements during computer tasks (p < 0.001). In addition, forehead oxy-Hb and task performances did not differ between sitting and standing. The number of achievements of subtraction task under standing condition was significantly decreased as time proceeds. Our results demonstrate that prolonged standing might impair computer subtraction task performances irrespective of the change in forehead oxy-Hb.
谷埜 予士次 大工谷 新一 鈴木 俊明
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.58, no.4, pp.441-452, 2009-08-01 (Released:2009-09-15)
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To clarify the function of the vastus medialis obliquus (VMO) and longus (VML), we investigated the electromyographic properties of superficial quadriceps femoris during fatiguing knee extension task.Ten healthy male and 10 female volunteers participated in this study. The subjects performed fatiguing knee extension task at maximal effort (10 times×10 set at 60 deg/sec). Surface electromyography (EMG) was recorded from the VMO, VML, vastus lateralis(VL) and rectus femoris(RF) during isometric knee extension (knee bent at 60 deg and 30% of the maximal voluntary contraction level) with a 90-sec interval between each set. Knee extension peak torque, integrated EMG (IEMG) and median power frequency (MDF) of four muscles during each set were compared using Dunnett's test.Knee extension peak torque decreased gradually and peak torque decreased significantly starting from set 9 in male subjects, while there was no significant decrease in female subjects. IEMG from VMO and VL increased linearly. IEMG increased significantly from set 7 in VMO and set 6 in VL for both male and female subjects. Then, IEMG from both VML and RF increased significantly starting from set 9 in VML and set 8 in RF in male subjects, while there was no significant change in female subjects.MDF of VMO, VL and RF also increased significantly at timepoints similar to those showing increases in IEMG in male subjects. However, MDF of VML increased significantly from set 4 in male subjects. On the other hand, MDF did not change significantly in female subjects.As a result of this study, it was suggested that VMO and VL were facilitated to maintain target knee extension torque during fatigue. Therefore, it was considered that VML and RF facilitated the maintenance of target torque under fatiguing conditions.
図子 浩二 高松 薫
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.44, no.1, pp.147-154, 1995-02-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
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本研究では, 跳躍選手や球技選手が必要とするバリスティックな伸張―短縮サイクル運動の遂行能力を高めることに対して, 筋力および瞬発力を高めることが, どのような意味を持つのかについて, 健康な男子体育専攻学生99名を用いて検討した.バリスティックな伸張一短縮サイクル運動の遂行能力を評価するための指標として, RDJindexを測定した.また, 筋力を評価するための指標として, スクワット姿勢による最大脚伸展力 (Smax/BW) , 瞬発力を評価する指標として, 垂直跳の跳躍高 (CMJh) をそれぞれ測定した.なお, RDJindexは, 台高0.3mからのリバウンドドロップジャンプにおける滞空時間 (RDJta) から求めた跳躍高を踏切時間 (RDJtc) で除したものであり, できるだけ短い踏切時間によって高い跳躍高を獲得するための能力を評価するものである.本研究の結果は次の通りである.(1) RDJindex, Smax/BW, CMJhの相互間には, いずれも有意な相関関係が認められたが, 相関係数はあまり高い値ではなかった.このことは, 三つの指標は, いずれも脚の筋力およびパワー発揮に関する特性を表すものであるが, 相互の類似性は必ずしも高くないことを示唆するものである.(2) RDJindexを構成する要因であるRDJtcとRDJtaとの間には, 有意な相関関係は認められなかった.このことは, バリスティックな伸張一短縮サイクル運動の遂行能力が, 運動遂行時間の短縮能力と高い跳躍高の獲得能力の二つの独立した異なる能力によって決定されることを示唆するものである.(3) RDJtaとSmax/BW, RDJtaとCMJhとの間には, いずれも有意な相関関係が認められた.しかし, RDJtcとSmax/BW, RDJtcとCMJhとの間には, いずれも有意な相関関係は認められなかった.これらのことは, 筋力や瞬発力は, 高い跳躍高の獲得能力には関係するが, 運動遂行時間の短縮能力には必ずしも関係しないことを示唆するものである.(4) RDJindexが同じ値であっても, RDJtcとRDJtaには大きな個人差のあることが認められた.このことは, トレーニングの主なねらいが, 高い跳躍高の獲得能力にある者もいれば, 運動遂行時間の短縮能力にある者もいることを示唆するものである.本研究で明らかにしたバリスティックな伸張―短縮サイクル運動の遂行能力と, 筋力および瞬発力との関係は, 跳躍選手や球技選手などの筋力・パワートレーニング法に関する一つの有用な知見になるものと考えられる.
大島 秀武 志賀 利一 森谷 敏夫 桝田 出 林 達也 中尾 一和
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.52, no.3, pp.295-303, 2003-06-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
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The purpose of the present study was to develop a new method that enables individualized determination of the optimal exercise intensity for health promotion. Our study was based on the following observations : (1) physical activity at ventilatory threshold (VT) has been useful for enhancing physical fitness and even improving medical conditions such as heart failure, hypertension and diabetes, (2) exercise intensity at VT is characterized by suppressed vagal activity, and (3) vagal activity can be evaluated by analyzing heart rate variability (HRV) . In the first study we defined a criteria for determining the exercise intensity corresponding to VT using HRV analysis (heart rate variability threshold, THRV) . In 16 normal subjects, a time series of ECG RR interval were recorded and the means of the sum of the squared differences in successive RR intervals (MSSDs) were calcu-lated during a ramp exercise test with a cycle ergometer. Based on the values of MSSD and the dif-ferences in successive MSSDs (ΔMSSD) at the intensity of VT, we defined the criteria of THRV as follows : MSSD<25 msec2and ΔMSSD<6 msec2. Another exercise test with a cycle ergo-meter was performed to evaluate the relationship between THRV and VT in 63 normal subjects. Heart rate (HR) and oxygen uptake (VO2/wt) at THRV were 111.8±13.2 beats/min and 15.2±4.4 ml/kg/min, and HR and VO2/wt at VT were 116.2±11.6beats/min and 16.5±3.7ml/kg/min, respectively. There was a significant correlation between THRV and VT (HR : r=0.82, p<0.001, VO2/wt : r=0.88, p< 0.001) . Thus, THRV and VT provided almost identical exercise intensities. As a result, we propose that, similar to VT, THRV can be used as an indicator of the optimal exercise intensity suitable for health promotion in normal subjects.
田口 素子 高田 和子 大内 志織 樋口 満
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.60, no.4, pp.423-432, 2011 (Released:2011-08-30)
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The aim of the present study was to examine the validation of prediction equation of basal metabolic rate (BMR) in Japanese female athletes. The study population consisted of 122 Japanese female athletes (age 20.2 ± 1.3 years, height 162.5 ± 6.3 cm, body weight (BW) 57.4 ± 7.7 kg, and fat-free mass (FFM) 45.5 ± 5.1 kg). Body composition was estimated by using air displacement plethysmography (BOD POD System). BMR was measured by indirect calorimetry using dougras bag tequnique, and predicted BMR was calculated from different equations based on FFM. When compared with measured BMR, predicted BMR from the equation of Taguchi et al. (BMR (kcal/day)= 26.9×FFM (kg)+ 36) and equation of Owen et al. were not significantly different. Whereas, predicted values from equation of Japan Institute of Sports Sciences, National Institute of Health and Nutrition and Cunningham were significantly different from measured value. Estimation error and Total error were smaller in equation of Taguchi et al. and Owen et al., however, equation of Owen et al. had a larger estimation error in the subjects who was small body size (less than 42kg) or large body size(more than 69kg). Furthermore, newer equation of Taguchi et al. (BMR=27.5×FFM+5) was developed from the pool data (n=205) in the present study. Standard error of estimation (SEE) of this equation was smaller than the equation of Taguchi et al., and systematic error was hardly observed.In conclusion, the newer equation of Taguchi et al. developed from measured BMR of Japanese female athletes was useful to predict BMR.