西薗 秀嗣 中川 功哉 須田 力 斎藤 勝政
体力科學 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.33, no.1, pp.17-26, 1984-02-01
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アーチェリーのシューティングについて,日本のトップアーチャー2名並びに技術水準の異なる男子大学生アーチャー15名の上肢,上肢帯,体幹筋の筋電図記録,動作分析を行い,以下の知見を得た。1)初心者及び経験5年程度の中級者では,セットアップ,ドローの初期から上肢の放電が著しく,フルドローに入って左右側の筋緊張が不安定な状態でリリースがなされる。これに対してトップアーチャーでは初期から上肢帯,体幹筋の活動が大きく,フルドローでは左右側で均等な強い筋活動がみられた。さらに,フォロースルーで一定時間,筋活動が安定して持続し,合理的な筋の作用がなされていた。2)トップアーチャー2名において,リリースに先行して両側の三角筋肩峰部で筋放電休止期Silent Period(S.P.)が認められ,さらに1名で押し手(左)僧帽筋横部でも認められた。3)大学生アーチャー12名、について,経験年数と成績から上級者,中級者,初級者に分け,三角筋でのS.P.の出現率,潜時,リリース反応時間について検討した紬果,初級者ではS.P.の出現は2名に認められたが出現率は低く,リリース反応1時間は190〜230msecと長く,かつ分散している。上級者では全員S.P.の出現があり,出現率は70〜100%と高く,S.P.潜時及びリリース反応1時間の平均値はそれぞれ,115msec,175msecとなり,しかもばらつきが少ない。4)引き手(右)三角筋のS.P.の出現と同側僧帽筋の活動増強の時期が,特に上級者群でほぼ一致した。この両筋は神経支配が異なり,リリース動作での拮抗筋と考えられず,リリース動作での一連の主働筋と考えられる。これらのことから,アーチェリーのシューティングという複雑な動作で出現したS.P.は,長期にわたるトレーニングによる巧緻性獲得過程にみる一つの合理的な神経筋機構であると考えられる。
西嶋 尚彦 鈴木 宏哉 大塚 慶輔 田中 秀典 中野 貴博 高橋 信二 田渕 裕崇 山田 庸 加賀谷 淳子 福永 哲夫 久野 譜也 松田 光生
体力科學 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.52, pp.213-224, 2003-08-01
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The purpose of this study was to confirm the causal structure model of muscle, motor and living functions utilizing structural equation modeling (SEM). As subjects, 103 community-dwelling older men and women, aged 65.7±6.9 years of age, participated in the study to measure muscle cross-sectional area, maximum voluntary contractions, muscle power, 4 physical performance tests, and 16 questionnaires regarding ability of activities of daily living. The causal structure model of muscle, motor and living functions was hypothesized to be a hierarchical causal structure. The causal structure model of muscle function was hypothesized to be a hierarchical causal structure consisting of 3 sub-domains of muscle mass, muscle strength, and muscle power. Data analysis procedures were as follows : a) testing of construct validity of muscle function variables using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) in SEM ; b) testing of causal structure using SEM ; c) testing of factor invariance using multi-group analysis for gender. The highest goodness of fit indices was obtained in the causal structure model of muscle, motor and living functions (NFI=.928, CFI=.978, RMSEA =.061). The causal coefficient of muscle function to motor function was. 98 (p<.05), followed by .34 for motor function to living function. From the results of multi-group analysis, the measurement invariance model indicated the highest goodness of fit indices (TLI=.968, CFI=.977). It was concluded that the hierarchical causal relation was among muscle, motor and living functions, and in which muscle function was consisted of 3 sub-domains.
中塘 二三生 田中 喜代次 渡辺 完児 三宅 眞理 前田 如矢
体力科學 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.41, no.4, pp.467-476, 1992-08-01

Several predichon equations for estimating body composition of Japanese men and women have recently been developed using a linear regression model with a combinahon of impedance and anthropometric measurements as independent variables. The purpose of this study was to determine the cross-validity of body density (Db) estimated from bioelectrical impedance (BI) and skinfold thickness (ST) methods in comparison with underwater weighing (UW) as a criterion reference method. Percentage body fat (%BF) was derived from Db according to the equation Brozek et al. Fifty-seven healthy Japanese women, aged 19 to 57 years, volunteered to prticipate in the study. Impedance was measured by use of a portablef four-terminal impedance plethysmograph (Selco, SIF-891). %BF derived from the BI method (r=0.860〜0.875) was correlated with hydrodensitometrically determined %BF to a greater extent than %BF obtained using the ST method (r=0.733〜0.758) or ultrasound method (r=0.536〜0.721). Correlations of various anthropometric indices (r=0.655〜0.691) with hydrodensitometrically deterinined %BF were even lower. It was noteworthy, however, that mean %BF derived from existing BI equations differed significantly from hydrodensitometrically determined mean %BF. Therefore, we attempted to develop a new equation that was applicable to Japanese adult women as follows : Db=1.1613-0.1038 (Wt・Z)/Ht^2, where Wt=weight in kg, Z=impedance in ohms, and Ht=height in cm. The prediction accuracy of this eqation was r=0.866 or SEE=0.0077g/ml. Cross-validation of this equation on a different sample (122 Japanese women, aged 18 to 59 years) revealed a correlation of r=0.869 in terms of %BF, SEE=3.2%, and no significant difference between estimated %BF and the criterion. We sugget that the BI method is one of the most convenient, valid means of assessing human body composition,and that the newly developed BI equation could be useful particularly when the subjects are Japanese adult women in their late teens to fifties.
小野 三嗣 山田 茂
体力科學 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.24, no.1, pp.25-33, 1975-03-01
