木村 みさか 平川 和文 奥野 直 小田 慶喜 森本 武利 木谷 輝夫 藤田 大祐 永田 久紀
体力科學 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.38, no.5, pp.175-185, 1989-10-01
35 16

60歳以上の高齢者の運動能力の検討やトレーニング効果の判定のための基礎資料を得るために, 体力診断バッテリーテストを約900名の高齢者に実施し, その結果について, 男女別, 年齢階級別に検討して, 以下の結果を得た.<BR>A.体力テストの測定値の分布については, 男女とも, ステッピング, 垂直とび, 握力はほぼ左右対象であるのに対し, 息こらえは正の歪み, 体前屈は負の歪みを示し, 片足立ちは5秒以下に6割以上が分布していた.片足立ち, 忌こらえ, 体前屈はステッピング, 垂直とび, 握力より分布幅が大きかった.<BR>B.垂直とび, 握力, 息こらえの平均値では男子が, 体前屈では女子が有意に高い値を示したが, ステッピングおよび片足立ち, 息こらえには男女差が認められなかった.<BR>C.体力テストの成績は, 息こらえを除いて男女ともすべての項目で, 年齢に伴って低下していたが, その低下の割合は体力要素によって異なっていた.加齢による低下は, 体重を移動させたり, 複雑な神経支配を必要とする項目で特に大きかった.<BR>D.体力テストの成績は, 男女とも各項目間で有意の相関が認められた.<BR>本調査の経験から, この体力診断バッテリーテストは, 高齢者にとって比較的身体的負担が少なく, メディカルチェックとして安静時の血圧測定と膝・腰などの運動器の障害を問診する程度で安全に実施できることが判明した.また本方法による高齢者の体力の標準的な数値を得ることができた.この基準値は高齢者の必要体力や高齢者に適した運動について検討を加えるのに有用と考えられる.
柏木 朋也 桜井 智野風 南 和広 鈴木 健太 樫村 修生
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科學 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.58, no.2, pp.285-294, 2009-04-01

The present study was to evaluate endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) protein expression and hemodynamics of pulmonary circulation in rats of "Living high and Training low" (LH+TL). The Sprague Dawley strain of male rats were used at the age of 9 weeks. They were divided according to four conditions of a living low (LL) group, living low and training low (LL+TL) group, living high (LH) group and LH+TL group, for 10 days. We assessed the effects of LH+TL on exercise-induced pulmonary arterial pressure and blood lactic acids under sea-level altitude in catheter-implanted conscious rats. Also, we measured the pulmonary artery under anesthesia and analyzed eNOS protein expression by western blot analysis. The blood lactate levels in the LH+TL rats decreased after maximal treadmill running compared to LL, LL+TL and LH rats (p<0.05). The increase in pulmonary arterial blood pressure with exercise was significantly lower in the LH+TL group than in the LL group (p<0.05). The eNOS protein expressions of pulmonary artery were higher in the LH+TL group than in the LL group (p<0.05). This study indicates that LH+TL reduced the increase of pulmonary arterial blood pressure with exercise at below sea-level altitude. In addition, eNOS protein expressions were enhanced in the pulmonary arteries of LH+TL rats. Thus, we conclude that the high altitude training of LH+TL was a useful method for improvement of endurance exercise ability and this improvement may be associated with pulmonary arterial response.
原田 亜紀子 川久保 清 李 廷秀 岩垂 信 池田 千恵子 茂住 和代 南 伸子
体力科學 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.50, no.2, pp.229-236, 2001-04-01
9 1

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the validity of two different measures of physical activity under normal living conditions. The 24-hour physical activity diary method (24 HD) and accelerometer (Lifecorder) were analyzed. Total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) and daily variation of energy expenditure (EE) were compared employing the two measures in conjunction with the minute-by-minute heart rate method (Flex HR) in middle-aged people with a mean age of 57.9 yr (N=17), and in young people (college students) with a mean age of 23.5 yr (N=11). The TDEE as measured by the 24 HD and Lifecorder was 2576.4±514.7 kcal・d^<-1> and 1973.1±290.2 kcal・d^<-1> respectively. The TDEE as measured by the Flex HR method was 2718.3±625.5 kcal・d^<-1>. The TDEE as measured by the Lifecorder method was significantly lower than that of the Flex HR method (p<0.01). The correlation coefficient (r) for the 24 HD and Flex HR measured values for TDEE (kcal/day) was 0.64 (p<0.01), and that for Lifecorder and Flex HR was 0.38. The daily variation of energy expenditure pattern measured by Lifecorder was similar to that of the Flex HR 24 HD measurements, on the other hand, were slightly lower than Flex HR measurements during the afternoon period. The 24 HD method was reasonably accurate in the testing. The daily variation of energy expenditure measured pattern by Lifecorder was similar to that of the Flex HR method l but the fact that the TDEE results were underestimated suggests that the Lifecorder method has merit in the measurement of daily activity patterns. It follows from this that to improve measurement of the TDEE, it is necessary to modify the Lifecorder method of calculating the algorithm.