崎山 理 Osamu Sakiyama
国立民族学博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology (ISSN:0385180X)
vol.36, no.3, pp.353-393, 2012-02-27

高本 康子 Yasuko Komoto
国立民族学博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology (ISSN:0385180X)
vol.40, no.2, pp.253-266, 2015-11-27

エレーナ・ペトローヴナ・ブラヴァツカヤ(1831-1891,以下「ブラヴァツキー」)は、19世紀末から20世紀初頭の欧米において大きな影響力を持った神秘主義の啓蒙団体神智学協会の、協議を確立した人物の一人である。彼女の「宗教的、形而上学的嗜好」がチベットにあったことは、しばしば言及されるところである(オッペンハイム 1992:215)。例えば、彼女のニューヨークの居室は、「ラマ僧院」(lamasery)と呼ばれていた。しかし、その彼女の部屋に置かれた雑多な品々は、「東洋」を連想させるものではあっても、直接チベットにかかわりを持たないものが多かった。そしてそこに集う人間たちも、チベット人でも、チベット仏教の僧侶でもなかった。従ってその場所と、実際のチベットの事物、または現実の「ラマ僧院」との関連は不明瞭であるように見える。では、何がその場を「ラマ僧院」たり得るものとしていたのか。ブラヴァツキーをめぐる状況において、何が「チベット」として表象されるものとなったのか。本稿はそのありようを手がかりに欧米および日本におけるチベット・イメージの特徴を把握しようと試みるものである。
田辺 繁治 Shigeharu Tanabe
国立民族学博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology (ISSN:0385180X)
vol.26, no.4, pp.533-573, 2002-03-29

周 達生 Dasheng Zhou
国立民族学博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology (ISSN:0385180X)
vol.7, no.1, pp.58-138, 1982-03-31

This paper reports on a study of the culture of the Hakkas,based on the surveys made in Mei Prefectural District (Guangdong[Kwangtung] Province) in 1979 and 1980, and in Longyan District(Fujian [Fukien] Province) in 1980.The Hakka (lit. "the Guest Family") people began migratingsouthwards from the Central Plains (i.e., the middle and lowerreaches of the Huanghe or Yellow River) at approximately the timeof the disruptions and great migrations, starting in the Three Kingdomsera (220-280 A.D.), continuing through the Jin [Chin]Dynasty (265-420 A.D.) and ending in the Northern and SouthernDynasties (420-589 A.D.). After several group migrations theHakkas arrived in their present-day main areas of residence, insouthern Jiangxi [Kiangsi] Province, northeastern GuangdongProvince, and western Fujian Province. Smaller groups of Hakkareside in other districts of Guangdong Province, Guangxi [Kwangsi],Zhuang [Chuang] Autonomous Region, Sichuan [Szechwan]Province, and Taiwan Province, among other areas.My fieldwork on Hakka culture, together with the research ofother scholars, in addition to demonstrating that the forms of pronunciationof the language spoken in the ancient Central Plains arestill used in the present-day Hakka language, also revealed that,for example, some characteristics of the Northern culture are continuedin the structure of the traditional Hakka house, and that besidestheir strong preference for rice, the "Mountain Songs" of the Hakkashave been influenced by the Southern culture of the districts intowhich they migrated.The mixture of Northern and Southern Chinese cultural elementsis a characteristic feature of Hakka culture. However, thecultural elements shared between the Hakkas and the Han exceedthose peculiar to the Hakka alone, thus permitting the conclusionthat Hakka culture is just one of many local cultures which composethe Han culture. There are few cultural characteristics that canbe used to distinguish the Hakkas as a nationality independent ofthe Han.NOTES :1. Chinese proper nouns are Romanized according to thePinyin system.2. Romanization in the Wade system is given in brackets.
石毛 直道
国立民族学博物館研究報告 (ISSN:0385180X)
vol.11, no.1, pp.1-41, 1986-08-25
沢山 美果子 Mikako Sawayama
国立民族学博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology (ISSN:0385180X)
vol.40, no.3, pp.459-483, 2016-01-28

本稿では,江戸時代,とくに女と子どものいのちを救うための努力がなされていった18 世紀後半以降の民間療法に焦点をあてる。歴史人口学の研究成果によれば,江戸時代,女性が出産でいのちを失う率は高く,また乳児死亡率も高かった。「家」の維持・存続を願う人々にとって,女と子どものいのちを守ることは,重要な課題であった。そのため,江戸時代には,人々の生活経験をもとにした様々な民間療法が生みだされていた。ここでは,仙台藩の上層農民の家に写本として残された民間療法,その支藩である一関藩の在村医が書き残した民間療法を手がかりに,江戸時代の人々は,身体という内なる自然に起きる危機としての妊娠,出産にどのように対処し,母と赤子のいのちを守ろうとしたのか,そこには,どのような自然と人間をめぐる人々の認識や身体観が示されているかを探った。 考察の結果,次のことが明らかとなった。江戸時代後期には,人々が生活の中で経験的に蓄積してきた身体をめぐる民間の知恵を文字化した民間療法が広く流布していくが,そこに記された,妊娠・出産をめぐる処方,とりわけ対処が困難な難産の処方では,自然の生産物である動植物や清浄な身体からの排泄物が用いられる。それは,脅威としての自然を恵としての自然につくりかえ,自然と人間の一体化を図り身体を回復させることで,内なる自然に起きた困難を取り除こうとする試みであった。そこには,江戸時代の人々の,自然と人間を切り離せないものとして捉える捉え方が示されている。
若曽根 了太 若曽根 了太
国立民族学博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology (ISSN:0385180X)
vol.46, no.1, pp.1-69, 2021

仏教的王権観念の地域への浸透は,中心から周縁への不可逆的な力の作用の結果として議論されることが多い。本稿では 19 世紀後半から 20 世紀初頭シャム東北地方ラオ社会(周縁)における仏教的王権観念の展開を,ラオス山地社会(外縁)を含む地域の視点で見直し,史料に依拠して描く。明示されたのはラオの聖者が,山地の先住民カーに支えられる神話的王権の力を宗教運動で取り込み,仏教的王権の神聖性を支える力へ転換させた点である。これは頭陀行僧による仏法をピーの上位におく信仰の序列化と並行し,結果シャム王権の仏教国教化を担うタンマユット派の地域進出を支えた。つまり仏教的王権観念の地域への浸透は,周縁と外縁のカリスマ宗教者の活動に依拠したと考えるのが妥当である。中心―周縁―外縁の枠組みは,中心を受容しうる周縁の動態性やロジックを可視化させ,中心史観の相対化をはかる点で有効である。Penetration of the Buddhist concept of kingship in a region is understood to be the result of an action with irreversible force, extending from the center to the periphery. The examination described in this paper draws on the history of kingship in the Buddhist conception of northeastern Lao society, which existed on the periphery of Siam during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, with a perspective from the regional context of Lao mountain society (outer edge) using historical documents. Results indicate that the power of mythical kingship of the indigenous Kha people in these mountains was usurped by Lao saints in a religious movement and was transformed by them into a force of Buddhist kingship. This usurpation accompanied the growth of a pecking order in faith among head ascetic monks, who positioned the Buddha-dharma above and the spirits below. Consequently, they supported regional penetration of the Thammayut group, which was responsible for Buddhist thought on Siamese kingship. It is reasonable to assume that penetration of the Buddhist concept of kingship into the area was based on the activity of charismatic religious leaders of the periphery, including mountainous areas. The center – periphery – outer edge framework is useful for visualizing the dynamics and logic of a periphery that can accept the center and which can relativize the view of central history.
庄司 博史 Hiroshi Shoji
国立民族学博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology (ISSN:0385180X)
vol.22, no.4, pp.765-801, 1998-03-31

The recent dissolution of the Soviet Union has had manifold effectson the reorganization of nations and small ethnic groups, especially inborder areas. In this article I examine problems that confront the Setos,a small Estonian subgroup in the southeastern border area of Estonia.After briefly reviewing the birth of the Estonian nation, I will describethe historical background of Petseri question, one of the Russo-Estonianterritorial disputes. I will then highlight practical problems and conflictsthat have arisen from the dispersion of the Seto community, following recentdemarcation of the border.Disintegration of the Soviet Union was definitely put into full swingby the successful departure of the three Baltic republics. Estonia, accordingto its present formal stand, should recover the whole territory as of1940, when it was annexed to the Soviet Union by military force threat.In fact, most part of Estonia's former Petseri region (Pechora in Russian), in the Southeast, has remained under de facto Russian control.Until 1920, the Petseri region was part of the Russian Pskov Province(guberniya) , but it was ceded with its inhabitants to the newly bornEstonian Republic by the Tartu Peace treaty, which recognized for thefirst time the independency of Estonia with clear borders. Almost twothirds of the approximately sixty thousand inhabitants of Petseri were,however, ethnic Russians, whereas three fourths of the remaining twentythousand Estonians were orthodox Setos. Estonia, during its shorthistory of independence, tried to integrate and 'civilise' the Setos, whohad been denigrated for example for their distinct dialect and conservativeliving traditions. Later in 1945, after reintroduction of the Sovietregime, three quaters of Petseri were again restored to Russia's PskovProvince (now termed oblast) , thus dividing the Setos into two administrativelydifferent areas.Due to the very limited sovereign controle of borders betweenformer Soviet republics, local residents could freely cross borders for dailyneeds in many areas. Setos on both sides were therefore able to keepclose contacts with each other.For local communities, real problems have only emerged in the early1990's with Estonia's splitting from the Soviet Union, and with its aspirationto recover the whole Petseri territory. Russia reacted to this invarious ways, including unilateral demarcation of a border, that dividesthe Setos into two groups that are unable to maintain regular and dailycontacts.The Setos launched efforts to preserve and activate Seto culturaltraditions in the late 1980s, and they see the present border issue as extremelythreatening to both daily life and to their cohesion as an ethnicgroup. The present paper examines the growth and vacillation of Setoethnic consciousness in the face of conflicts between Russia and Estonia.
近藤 雅樹
国立民族学博物館研究報告 (ISSN:0385180X)
vol.36, no.3, pp.395-407, 2012