鈴木 宏昭 横山 拓
特定非営利活動法人 組織学会
組織科学 (ISSN:02869713)
vol.49, no.4, pp.4-15, 2016-06-20 (Released:2016-09-05)

大内 瑞恵
東洋大学大学院紀要 (ISSN:02890445)
vol.54, pp.57-72, 2017

There are many documents about "Yokai:the ghost" in the library attached to Toyo University. Yokai can be written using other Chinese characters, 妖怪, and words such as yo, oni, obake (ghost), kaii (mysterious creature), kaibutsu (monster), kesho (reincarnated or transformed being), chimimoryo (evil spirits of mountains and rivers), tsukimono( something that possesses people or things), bake( ghost), bakemono( ghost), hyakki (hundred demons), henge (apparition), ma (devil), mamono (devil), mononoke (specter), mononoke, youi, yokaihenge( specter) are also used with a similar meaning.One of them, "Bakemonokonrei:monster wedding ceremony" are picture scrolls, drawn for the Meiji period from the late Tokugawa period.This picture scroll is drawn under the influence of "Hyakki yagyo emaki" established in the Muromachi era. It is the work which is very popular from the novelty called the wedding ceremony of the ghost and the beauty of the picture.As seen from its name, Hyakki yagyo emaki is a collective name of picture scrollswhere the appearance of 'Hyakki yagyo' (Night Parade of One Hundred Demons) is drawn.The preface of the picture scroll informs that I am affected by Kusazoushi:theillustrated storybook. Kusazoshi is a story book that had illustrations and whose story was written with kana (the Japanese syllabary). Since the middle of the 18th century, the Sharebon and the Kibyoshi of the Kusazoshi had flourished. A lot of Gokan became popular in the genres of the Yomihon, the Ninjobon, and the Kusazoshi."Bakemono no yomeiri:monster wedding ceremony" called Gokan,By by IkkuJUPPENSHA.It can watch difference between feudal lord and enjoyment of the literature of thecommon people to compare Kusazoushi with Emaki.
早川 泰弘 城野 誠治
保存科学 = Science for conservation
no.57, pp.91-100, 2018-03-23

The Illustrated Scrolls of the Legends of Shigisan (Shigisan engi emaki) held at Shigisan Chôgosonshiji temple is a major extant example of Heian period painting that presents pictorializations of many of the legends related to Myôren, a saintly monk credited with later having revived the temple. The set consists of three handscrolls, with the first scroll known as The Scroll of the Rich Man of Yamazaki (Yamazaki chôja no maki) or The Flying Granary Scroll, the second scroll known as The Scroll of the Rite of Spiritual Empowerment for the Engi-Era Emperor (Engi kaji no maki), and the third scroll known as The Scroll of the Nun (Amagimi no maki). The Tokyo National Research Institute for Cultural Properties conducted an analysis of the colorants used in all three scrolls by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF) during 2011-2012. Measurements (dia. 2mm) were taken at 707 places over the three handscrolls by using a portable device. Both Ca and Fe were detected in the XRF analysis of the Shigisan engi emaki at almost all of the sites measured. Cu, Zn, Ag, Au, Hg and Pb were detected in the areas with pigment, depending on the colors used and the thickness of their application. Ca and Fe were discerned in areas that had almost no pigment usage. It was determined that these elements come from the paper ground itself. In one section of the Engi scroll, Fe-based yellow ochre pigment was used. Although Cu is a principal element in the green color of malachite and the blue color of azurite, Cu-based pigments containing small amounts of Zn were found in the blue areas of the Yamazaki scroll only. Au was particularly conspicuous on the bowl in the Yamazaki scroll, the Buddhist wheel (rimpô) in the Engi scroll, and the great Buddha (Daibutsu) in the Nun scroll, where the gleam of gold color is almost invisible to the naked eye today. Numerous instances of orange pigment appearing as an underlayer for gold-colored pigments could also be discerned, and thus it was determined that a Pb-based orange color pigment was used to heighten the gold color effect. Conversely, the sites where Ag was detected on the Engi scroll were further characterized by the concurrent discernment of small amounts of Hg, although it is not possible at present to identify the source of this Hg. Hg, which is a principal ingredient in red-colored pigment cinnabar, was detected at almost all of the sites where red color was confirmed on the Shigisan engi emaki. While there are many instances where only line drawing was used to depict the figures in the Shigisan engi emaki,there are numerous instances of sites where traces of Pb could be detected on faces, hands and other places. This portable XRF device has been previously used in pigment analysis on the National Treasure Tale of Genji scrolls (Tokugawa Art Museum and Gotoh Museum), and the National Treasure Ban Dainagon scrolls (Idemitsu Museum of Arts). The use of the same device and the same parameters means that the analysis results for the different artworks can be compared directly.
鈴木 惇

本研究は、主に Web 上で投稿されている、台本形式小説 (SS: ショートストーリーもしくはサイドストーリーの略とされる) を自動生成することを目的とする。本研究は既存のニューラル対話モデルを各話者の特徴を考慮して拡張する。提案モデルである three-step unified LSTM interlocution producer (TULIP) は発話符号化LSTM, 文脈更新 LSTM 発話復号化 LSTM の三つのLSTMの結合によりなっている。本研究では提案モデルに Web 上 の台本形式小説を学習させ、直接既存の小説を加工することなく一から小説を生成した。本研究では、質的、量的の双方の観点から出力した小説を評価し、提案するLSTMベースの手法が自然な日本語列を生成することを確認した。さらに、既存の定量評価手法の問題点についても指摘した。
藤森 かよこ Kayoko Fujimori
英米評論 = ENGLISH REVIEW (ISSN:09170200)
no.24, pp.115-136, 2010-03-19

This paper aims to demonstrate the logical affinity between gender feminists and Libertarians by clarifying and reconsidering the exact connotation of "gender." Now it is a common knowledge to distinguish sex as the biological state of being male and female from "gender" as the socially and culturally constructed state of being male or female. However, by the end of 1990s, as Joan Wallach Scott says in the preface to the revised edition of Gender and the Politics of History, "gender" in generally accepted usage had become something quite different from what it really means. Some regard "gender" as a synonym for the differences between the sexes. Some think that "gender" denotes the social rules imposed on men and women. Some misunderstand that gender feminists aim to eliminate the difference between men and women. Some warn that gender feminists attack manhood, womanhood, masculinity, femininity, fatherhood, motherhood, heterosexuality, marriages and family values. These misinterpretations are caused by their failure to grasp the exact meaning of gender concept. The earliest meanings of "gender" were "kind," "sort" and "type or class of noun." Since the 14th century the word gender has been used as a grammatical term, referring to the classes of nouns and pronouns in Latin, French, Greek, German, Russian and other languages designated as masculine, feminine, neuter and common. In other words, "gender" is a way to recognize things by classifying them. We cannot see innumerable things as they are. To categorize them to classes according to shape, size, color and other distinctions is the first step for human beings to perceive the world. However, this perception is a judgment based on an illusion. In fact, properties, numbers and sets are merely features of the way of considering the things that exist. Only particular, individual objects exist. To classify things never leads us to know them, since we cannot have a true appreciation of all attributes that an individual thing has. Thus we can safely say as follows : Once you know that gender is "the knowledge that establishes meanings for bodily difference," we are necessarily induced to accept nominalism that universals or general ideas are mere names or inventions without any corresponding reality. That's why gender feminists have been resisting the consolidation of women into homogeneous categories. Such gender feminists are destined to become Libertarians. Libertarianism has a greater affinity for a nominalistic view about human existence than any other political thoughts, since it advocates the maximization of individual liberty in thought and action. Libertarians are committed to the belief that individuals, and not states or groups of any other kind, are both ontologically and normatively primary. All schools of Libertarianism take a skeptical view of "the common good," though they embrace viewpoints across a political spectrum, ranging from pro-property to anti-property (sometimes phrased as "right" versus "left"), from minarchist to openly anarchist. Libertarians share the notion that "the common good of a collective-a race, a class, a state-was the claim and justification of every tyranny ever established over men," as Ayn Rand, one of representative Libertarian thinkers, says in The Fountainhead, her novel. This is why Libertarians hold that activities such as drug use and prostitution that arguably harm no one but the participants should not be illegal ; people are free to choose to live any kind of life on their own risks on condition that their activities never violate other people's rights. Thus gender /Libertarian feminists refuse the general, collective image of women as victims and the oppressed. They seek to celebrate or protect the individual woman. They encourage women to take full responsibility for their own lives. They also oppose any government interference into the choices adults make with their own bodies, because they contend that such interference creates a coercive hierarchy and suppresses the individual woman.
西岡 笑子
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.73, no.2, pp.178-184, 2018 (Released:2018-05-31)
1 7

In this paper, we describe the historical transition of sexuality education in Japan and the direction of sexuality education taken by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). Reproductive health/rights, a key concept in sex education, is also discussed. In Japanese society, discussion on sexuality has long been considered taboo. After the Second World War, sexuality education in Japan began as “purity education.” From 1960 until the early 1970s, physical aspects such as genital organs, function, secondary sexual characteristics, and gender differences were emphasized. Comprehensive education as a human being, including physiological, psychological, and social aspects, began to be adopted in the late 1970s. In 2002, it was criticized that teaching genital terms at primary schools and teaching about sexual intercourse and contraceptive methods at junior high schools were “overdue guidance” and “extreme contents.” Sexuality education in schools has become a problem and has stagnated for about 10 years. Currently, schools teach sexuality education that does not deviate from the MEXT course guidelines. The direction of MEXT regarding sexuality education should be examined from the basic position that sexual activity by children is inappropriate. Reproductive health/rights apply the concept of human rights to sexuality and reproduction. Reproductive health/rights are key concepts that support sex education and women’s health.
太田 若菜 櫻田 大也 小林 江梨子 平舩 寛彦 千葉 健史 富田 隆 工藤 賢三 佐藤 信範
一般社団法人 レギュラトリーサイエンス学会
レギュラトリーサイエンス学会誌 (ISSN:21857113)
vol.8, no.2, pp.95-102, 2018 (Released:2018-05-31)

後発医薬品への 「変更不可処方箋」 について調査を行った. 2017年1~3月の任意の1週間における, 岩手県薬剤師会に所属する233店舗の薬局で受け付けた処方箋75,513枚のうち, 変更不可処方箋は7,926枚 (10.50%) であった. 変更不可の指示件数は合計17,536件であり, 当該医薬品は1,714品目であった. そのうち後発医薬品のある先発医薬品が52.70%, 後発医薬品の銘柄指定が14.86%であった. 薬効分類別にみると, 循環器官用薬, 中枢神経系用薬, 消化器官用薬が上位を占めた. 変更不可の理由としては, “患者の希望” が最も多く, “医師の意向”, “薬剤変更により疾病コントロール不良・副作用の発現” などが続いた. 後発医薬品のさらなる使用推進には, 変更不可処方箋を減少させていくことが必要である. そのためには, 後発医薬品の品質向上や適切な情報提供だけでなく, 処方箋発行システムや診療報酬の面においても対策が必要である. 今後, 複数の地域で一定期間の処方箋抽出調査などを行い, 変更不可処方箋が後発医薬品の使用推進に与える影響についてさらに検討していく必要があると考えられる.
濱野 千尋
日本文化人類学会研究大会発表要旨集 日本文化人類学会第52回研究大会 (ISSN:21897964)
pp.161, 2018 (Released:2018-05-22)


18 0 0 0 OA 人間廃業

大泉黒石 著
成末 まさみ 杉本 悠花 柴田 龍二郎 大坪 俊夫 平田 純生
一般社団法人 日本透析医学会
日本透析医学会雑誌 (ISSN:13403451)
vol.48, no.3, pp.155-161, 2015 (Released:2015-03-27)
1 2

プレガバリン (リリカ®) は尿中排泄率約90%と腎排泄性薬物であり腎機能に応じた用量調節を行い安全に使用することが臨床現場での課題となっている. 光晴会病院では, 添付文書での推奨投与量以下の用量での有害事象発生状況について調査を行った. 調査期間は2010年6月~2013年11月で120名のうち, 14名でめまい・嗜眠などの中枢神経系有害事象が発生した. 多くは投与開始後6日以内にみられ, 有害事象発生群の体重は非発生群に比し, 有意に低かった (p=0.005). 腎機能低下が進行するほど有害事象発生率は高くなる傾向にあり, 非腎機能低下患者 (n=73) の発生率4%に対し, 腎機能低下患者 (n=47) の発生率は23%と有意に有害事象発生率が高かった (p=0.003). プレガバリンについて, 薬剤師が患者の腎機能を正確に把握し, 投与前の投与量の適正化を行うだけでなく, 体格を考慮した投与設計の実施が必要と考えられた.
倉山 満
法政論叢 (ISSN:03865266)
vol.50, no.1, pp.122, 2013 (Released:2017-11-01)
尾方 隆幸
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
E-journal GEO (ISSN:18808107)
vol.13, no.1, pp.338-346, 2018 (Released:2018-05-31)