鳥山 和宏 八木 俊路朗 高成 啓介 小野 昌史 筑紫 聡 西田 佳弘 亀井 譲
一般社団法人 日本創傷外科学会
創傷 (ISSN:1884880X)
vol.5, no.4, pp.196E-202E, 2014 (Released:2014-10-01)

「創傷」4巻4号収載の原著につき,著者のご所属に誤りがございましたので訂正させていただきます。筑紫聡氏・西田佳弘氏のご所属誤 : 名古屋大学医学部形成外科 → 正 : 名古屋大学医学部整形外科
片岡 朋子 片岡 裕 上園 一知 辰巳 丈夫 吉田順一 筧 捷彦 小原 啓義
情報処理学会研究報告人文科学とコンピュータ(CH) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.1996, no.15, pp.61-66, 1996-01-27

蒙古(関連)語は、複数の異なるタイプの文字群で記述されてきた。これらの文字群は、極めて複雑な正書法を持つため、文字コード化及び計算機処理化が進んでいなかった。特にこれらの文字群は、歴史的経緯により、縦書きと横書きでの混在処理が必要とされる。全世界の文字を分析し、一文字の定義と文字を構成する情報を得た。これにより複雑な正書法をもつ蒙古文字に最適な文字コードを決定することができた。この結果、国際化の一環として、蒙古文字を含む全ての文字の混在文書の、単一的機構による一般化した入出力・文書処理が可能となった。Mongolian related languages have been transcribed in different types of scripts which have complicated orthographies - such complexities have inhibited encoding into codesets and text manipulation on computer systems. And it is essential to mix those scripts in both vertical and horizontal directions particularly for historic reasons. Analyses of the scripts in the world have clarified the definition of one character and its constructive information, which made it possible to assign the optimal character codeset(s) for Mongolian scripts having complicated orthographies. As a result, mixed texts of any scripts including Mongolian ones were able to be given generalized I/O and Text Manipulation as internationalization.
富岡 幸雄
vol.65, no.3, pp.p116-130, 1987-03
佐藤 方哉
哲学 (ISSN:05632099)
no.92, pp.p191-210, 1991-04

小林 満
イタリア学会誌 (ISSN:03872947)
no.45, pp.131-157, 1995-10-20

Generalmente in qualsiasi storia della letteratura lo spazio riservato agli scienziati ed ai loro scritti e assai limitatvo : per esempio I. Newton e C. R. Darwin in quella inglese. Nella storia della letteratura italiana, invece, sono stati considerati molto importanti Galileo e i suoi discepoli. Perche? Proviamo a spiegarlo in questo saggio. Quanto alla lingua e allo stile, la cosa che Galileo tiene in gran conto e l'esser comprensibile : la chiarezza. Quindi anche nel campo filosofico e scientifico egli scrive in volgare cioe nella lingua fiorentina ossia italiana per poter essere compreso da tutti ; per evitare degli ostacoli alla comprensione della verita, suscita l'attenzione sulla scelta delle parole dicendo : "I nomi e gli attributi si devono accomodare all'essenza delle cose, e non l'essenza ai nomi" ; e nel campo letterario rimprovera l'oscurita manieristica a Tasso esaltando al contrario la chiarezza di Ariosto. Quest'ultimo parere sopra i due gran poeti appartiene pure all'Accademia della Crusca, la quale ha gia ottenuto l'egemonia nella <<questione della lingua>> prendendo le difese dell'arcaismo di Bembo. Dopo la morte di Galileo, sotto la protezione medicea, i suoi discepoli, quali Viviani, Redi, Magarotti ecc., anche come cruscanti mantengono e tramandano l'importanza della chiarezza per la scrittura. Durante il Seicento in cui Galileo e la scuola galileiana svolgono la loro attivita, conquista e contamina quasi tutta la penisola il famoso cattivo gusto che e chiamato piu tardi col nome di barocco. Secondo Parini nel Settecento illuministico, il buon gusto toscano dell'Accademia della Crusca e dell'Accademia del Cimento cioe della scuola galileiana e l'unica presenza che resista al sopraddetto barocchismo, e poi a questa sanita degli scrittori toscani associandosi la nuova filosofia di Galileo, comincia l'eta rinnovata e risanata. Algarotti, tipico illuminista, esalta Galileo come eroico fondatore della nuova scienza che e perfezionata da Newton e dichiara l'intenzione di seguire nel suo dialogo scientifico lo stile di Galileo che e chiaro e adatto alle esigenze dei tempi dicendo : "quegl'intralciati e lunghi periodi col verbo in fine […] Gli ho lasciati affatto a coloro che hanno abbandonato il Saggiatore per la Fiammetta insieme colle parole antiche rancide." Algarotti, insomma, loda la chiarezza dello stile galileiano dichiarandosi contro l'arcaismo e avvicinandosi alla posizione cortigiana di Castiglione. Lo scrittore ottocentesco che approfondisce la considerazione sopra lo stile di Galileo e Leopardi. Egli lo esalta prima come splendido esempio dell'associazione della precisione coll'eleganza, separando pero piu tardi la precisione come elemento scientifico dall'eleganza come quello letterario, ritiene che non e elegante lo stile di Galileo. Secondo Leopardi, l'eleganza, consistendo "in un piccolo irregolare, o in un piccolo straordinario o nuovo, che non distrugge punto il regolare e conveniente dello stile o della lingua", e incompatibile con la precisione della scienza. La purita invece e compatibile con la precisione e quindi egli pensa che lo stile di Galileo "e preciso e matematico quivi non e mai elegante, ma sempre purissimo italiano", cioe un'eredita toscana. Dopo alcuni anni pero Leopardi raccoglie tanti scritti di Galileo nella sua Crestomazia italiana e nel Zibaldone dice che lo stile galileiano ha una sprezzatura, da cui nasce, secondo Castiglione, la grazia. De Sanctis antipurista, contrapponendo Galileo come "bel lago" a Campanella come "acqua corrente", afferma che lo stile galileiano e "uno stile tutto cosa e tutto pensiero", ma e "il toscano, chiuso e finito in se, non principio, ma termine di una forma letteraria esaurita". In fondo De Sanctis apprezza la filosofia e la scienza moderne di Galileo, ma condanna la forma troppo matura che deve contenere i loro concetti talmente nuovi e chiari. Nella prima meta del nostro secolo, Croce, pur considerando come De Sanctis lo stile dimostrativo di Galileo come eredita della tradizione cinquecentesca toscana e "forma letteraria artisticamente impersonale", da la posizione antibarocca a Galileo e la scuola galieiana nella letteratura del Seicento. In conclusione, attraverso le vicende intorno alla ≪questione della lingua≫, Galileo scienziato ha ottenuto cosi un posto importante nella storia della letteratura italiana principalmente come un grande scrittore antibarocco.
前野 譲二
情報処理学会研究報告コンピュータと教育(CE) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.2006, no.130, pp.47-51, 2006-12-09

パスワードは,最も基本的かつ重要な認証方法として利用され続けている.個人別にカスタマイズされたサービスがWebによって多く提供されるようになっているが,ここでも認証はパスワードが基本である.このような状況の中,管理しなければならないパスワードの数は年々増加をしていくものと考えられる.一方で,パスワードに利用することのできる文字列長も長くなり,あるいはパスフレーズも利用することができるケースが増えているなど,パスワードに関して常識とされてきた状況は変化しつつある.それにもかかわらず,パスワードに関する教育にはあまり変化が見られない.本稿では,早稲田大学における利用者のパスワード設定傾向調査を含めて,パスワードとその教育について見直すことを提案する.Password has been the most basic and important sauthentication method. As more and more services are provided with the Internet, mostly with Web, we have to manage more passwords than ever. Although we haven't changed much the way to teach about password, circumstances have been changed. For example, we can use more than 8 characters. Not so many systems allow users to utilize operating system directly, that a compromised account doesn't necessarily mean compromise of a part of the system.This essay proposes we have to rethink about password scheme and its education.
Funabiki Yasuko Kawagishi Hisaya Uwatoko Teruhisa Yoshimura Sayaka Murai Toshiya
Research in developmental disabilities (ISSN:18733379)
vol.32, no.3, pp.995-1003, 2011-05

A novel assessment scale, the multi-dimensional scale for pervasive developmental disorder (PDD) and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) (MSPA), is reported. Existing assessment scales are intended to establish each diagnosis. However, the diagnosis by itself does not always capture individual characteristics or indicate the level of support required, since inter-individual differences are substantial and co-morbidity is common. The MSPA consists of 14 domains and each domain is rated by a nine-point quantitative scale. The clinical and behavioral features are projected onto a radar-chart, which facilitates understanding of the disorders both by the patients themselves and by those in their surroundings. We assessed 179 patients and analyzed features by six diagnostic subgroups, which showed relationships between features and diagnoses. The inter-rater reliability was satisfactory.
鈴木 学 加藤 仁志 仲保 徹 木村 朗
理学療法科学 (ISSN:13411667)
vol.29, no.4, pp.485-489, 2014 (Released:2014-09-25)

山脇 一郎 鈴木 雅博 小川 和男
Chemical & pharmaceutical bulletin (ISSN:00092363)
vol.42, no.4, pp.963-971, 1994-04-15

Piperazinealkanol ester derivatives of indomethacin were prepared and tested for inhibitory activities against 5-lipoxygenase (5-LO) and cyclooxygenase (CO). They inhibited 5-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (5-HETE) formation by the cytosol of guinea pig polymorphonuclear leukocytes and thromboxane B_2 (TXB_2) formation by washed rabit platelet suspension. Of the test compounds, 2-[4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazinyl]-1-phenylethyl 1-(4-chlorobenzoyl)-5-methoxy-2-methyl-3-indolylacetate dimaleate (II-8) was found to be the most active dual inhibitor of 5-LO and CO, and its inhibitory potency was higher than that of 2-[4-(3-hydroxypropyl)-1-piperazinyl]-ethyl [1-(4-chlorobenzoyl)-5-methoxy-2-methyl]-3-indolylacetate (CR-1015) (I), the lead compound.
鈴木 雅博 田中 博道 宮坂 貞
Chemical & pharmaceutical bulletin (ISSN:00092363)
vol.35, no.10, pp.4056-4063, 1987-10-25

Several 5-carbon-substituted 1-β-D-ribofuranosylimidazole-4-carboxamides were synthesized via the direct C-5 lithiation of a protected 4-carboxamide derivative as the key reaction step. Wittig reaction of a 5-formyl derivative was also examined.
亀谷 哲治 鈴木 幸夫 伴 千恵子 三沢 薫 高田 信子 叶田 清 本多 利雄
vol.29, pp.63-70, 1987

Chiral cyclopentane derivatives have widely been employed as important starting materials in the syntheses of naturally occurring compounds. Development of an efficient preparation of a chiral cyclopentane derivative from readly available substances with both (+)- and (-)-forms is therefore desirable. We have established an efficient procedure for the preparation of chiral 2-isopropeny1-5-methyl-4-oxocyclo-pentane-1-carboxylate(1) and (2), whose substituents would be transformed into variety of functional groups, from readily avairable (-)- and (+)-carvone. First, the (-)-isomer(1) was employed in the synthesis of (+)-tecomanine (7), an antipodal form of hypoglycemic monoterpene alkaloid, where the aminylium ion-induced cyclization played an important role. Whereas, N-acetyl-L-acosamine (32), found as a structural component of glycosidic antibiotic, was also derived from the (+)-isomer (2) by utilizing the Beckmann rearrangement and Baeyer-Villiger oxidation as key reactions. Finally, Melillo's lactone(34), a key intermediate for the synthesis of carbapenem antibiotic (+)-thienamycin, was prepared from (-)-isomer(1) by manipulation of its substituents in reasonably high-yield.
亀谷 哲治 津吹 政可 日暮 勝之 加藤 正 本多 利雄
vol.27, pp.176-183, 1985

The stereocontrolled synthesis of steroid side chain has been developed. The major interest has been forcused on the synthesis of the side chain of ecdysone as well as crustecdysone from 20-oxosteroid via furan derivatives. Reduction of the olefin (21) over palladium-carbon afforded the (20S)-20-furylsteroid (22), stereoselectively, whose hydrogenation over rhodium-alumina, followed by ruthenium tetroxide oxidation and treatment with methylmagnesium bromide, gave the triols (28) and (29) having an ecdysone-type side chain, respectively. The stereoselective reduction of the lactone (33) as a key reaction to give the δ-lactone (35) and the γ-lactone (36), under various conditions has also been investigated. Grignard reaction of both lactones with methylmagnesium bromide led to the synthesis of the tetraol (37) possessing a crustecdysone side chain. The total synthesis of 2-deoxycrustecdysone (3) has also been achieved by application of the above method.
柴嵜 雅子 シバサキ マサコ Masako Shibasaki
国際研究論叢 = OIU journal of international studies : 大阪国際大学・大阪国際大学短期大学部紀要 (ISSN:09153586)
vol.27, no.1, pp.59-72, 2013-10

The eugenics movement that flourished in the early twentieth century is now denounced as morally wrong, whereas the liberal eugenics of today is endorsed by some ethicists because it is based on the decisions of parents and free from coercion. Both these views are based on the reproductive rights of parents. This paper aims to shed a new light on the two types of eugenics by taking account of the child's right to an open future. First I illustrate that the forced sterilization of the past had an aspect of protecting children from disease or abuse that might be inflicted on them by their parents. Second, I argue that whereas the old eugenics did not harm offspring, the new one can be detrimental to children whose lives are restricted by traits imposed on them by their parents.
Tadatoshi OHTAKI Yasuna KOGA Mamiko ONO Gen WATANABE Kazuyoshi TAYA Shigehisa TSUMAGARI
公益社団法人 日本獣医学会
Journal of Veterinary Medical Science (ISSN:09167250)
pp.14-0270, (Released:2014-10-10)

Reproductive parameters were evaluated in 19 and 14 estrous beagles that received 100 µg of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) and saline treatment, respectively, on the day of luteinizing hormone (LH) surge (Day 0; estimated by serial progesterone assay) and balloon catheter-aided single transvaginal artificial insemination of frozen semen on Day 5. Although the conception rate and litter size were similar between the GnRH and saline groups, the concentration of LH peak was significantly higher in GnRH-treated bitches (P<0.01). In addition, the actual LH surge did not occur on the estimated Day 0 in one saline-treated bitch. In clinical practice that daily progesterone assay is difficult, administration of GnRH on estimated Day 0 would be recommended to induce or enhance the LH surge for timely and successful insemination.
曽根 敏夫 城戸 健一 二村 忠元
日本音響学会誌 (ISSN:03694232)
vol.18, no.6, pp.320-326, 1962-11-30
40 7

We subjectively evaluate the acoustics of rooms and the qualities of acoustical instruments by evaluating musical sounds, speech sounds, and others passing through them. In such a case we had expressed the evaluations by some descriptive adjectives such as "rich", "clear", "resound" and so forth. But there are a variety of expressions to describe the impression of such sounds, and it is uncertain what and how many adjectives we should use. Judging from the number of physical factors influencing those sounds, we expected that it is possible to select a limited number of adjectives sufficiently evaluating those sounds and made two experiments. The first experiment was made from the standpoint of room acoustics. 15 differentlyconditioned sounds made with a reverberation equipment were rated on 21 seven-category scales defined by polar-opposite adjectives. As a result of factor analysis of the intercorrelation between scales by the centroid method, four nearly orthogonal factors were extracted; (1) the aesthetic or lyric factor, (2) the one expressing "volume" and "extent", (3) the one expressing "brightness" and suchlike, (4) the one expressing "softness" and suchlike. The secound experiment was made by varying the lowest resonance of a dynamic loudspeaker by means of a simulator. The ratings were made by the Scheffe's method for pair comparison, and the result proved consistent with the first one.