利光 功
美學 (ISSN:05200962)
vol.45, no.3, pp.1-11, 1994-12-31

From the second half of the 1940's to the first half of the 1960's, as is generally known, the linguistic analytic method has dominated over Anglo-American aesthetics. Recently this aesthetics, now colled anaylitic aesthetics, has been retrospected and reexamined by the various sides. Then, we also would like to analyze and loom up its primitive figure, focussing on the William Elton (Ed.) ; Aesthetics and Language (1954). In our view, analytic aesthetics can be characterized by the following three aspects, that is, its presupposition, theme and aim. (1) Analytic aestheics presupposes that the aesthetic discourse must be fundamentally empirical scientific, and based on the fact or its experience. (2) Its main theme is to analyze the ambiguous concepts and propositions, and to clarify the aesthetic discourse. (3) Its final aim is to take up the position that there is no such thing as essence in art and, therefore, no criterion for the judicial criticism. And J. A. Passmore once called aesthetics which searches for essence or the general properties dreary. Our conclusion, however, is that not aesthetics proper but analytic asethetics is dreary, for the latter never affords any insights about aesthetic or artistic phenomena.
豊川 航 亀田 達也
動物心理学研究 (ISSN:09168419)
vol.63, no.2, pp.107-122, 2013 (Released:2013-12-17)

Recent research on animal behavior has identified a set of common cognitive and behavioral principles that underlie animal collective decision-making. Although endeavor toward synthesizing knowledge about collective decision-making by different species has already begun, human collective phenomena, which have mainly been investigated by social scientists, are still largely left behind from this scope. However, delineating uniqueness and commonality of human collective decision-making in biological contexts is critically important to understand nature of human collectivity. Toward this end, this paper first defines the concept of collective decision-making from a biological perspective. We then review several recent key findings on collective behavior by several animal species (eusocial insects in particular), and argue that a set of fundamental processes such as positive feedback, nonlinear conformity bias and quorum-sensing, commonly underlie human and non-human collective decision-making. We sketch some future research directions to promote cross-fertilizations between the biological and social sciences for a better understanding of collective phenomena by humans and non-human animals.
長谷川 孝治
実験社会心理学研究 (ISSN:03877973)
pp.1710, (Released:2018-04-12)

SAITO Kazuo KUNII Masaru ARAKI Kentaro
Meteorological Society of Japan
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
pp.2018-027, (Released:2018-02-11)

Local heavy rainfall of about 100 mm h-1 occurred in Tokyo and Kanagawa Prefecture on 26 August 2011. This rain was brought by a mesoscale convective system (MCS) that developed near a stationary front that slowly moved southward. In an analysis using geostationary multi-purpose satellite rapid scan images and dense automated weather station networks, development of the MCS occurred after the merging of sea breezes from the east (Kashima-nada) and the south (Tokyo Bay). Numerical experiments by the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) nonhydrostatic model (NHM) with horizontal resolutions of 10 km and 2 km using mesoscale 4D-VAR analysis of JMA for initial conditions tended to predict the position of intense rainfall areas west of observed positions. In the mesoscale ensemble forecast using perturbations from JMA’s one-week global ensemble prediction system (EPS) forecast, some ensemble members showed enhanced precipitation around Tokyo, but false precipitation areas appeared north of the Kanto and Hokuriku Districts. As an attempt to improve the model forecast, we modified the model, reducing the lower limit of subgrid deviation of water vapor condensation to diagnose the cloudiness for radiation. In the modified model simulation, surface temperatures around Tokyo increased by about 1°C and the position of the intense precipitation was improved, but the false precipitation areas in the Hokuriku District were also enhanced in the ensemble member which brought a better forecast than the control run. We also conducted ensemble prediction using a singular vector method based on NHM. One of the ensemble members unstabilized the lower atmosphere on the windward side of the Kanto District and suppressed the false precipitation in the Hokuriku District, and observed characteristics of the local heavy rainfall were well reproduced by NHM with a horizontal resolution of 2 km. A conceptual model of the initiation of deep convection by the formation of a low-level convergence zone succeeding merging of the two sea breezes from the east and south is proposed based on observations, previous studies, and numerical simulation results. In this event, the northerly ambient wind played an important role on the occurrence of the local heavy rainfall around Tokyo by suppressing the northward intrusion of the sea breeze from the south.
中島 楽章
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.113, no.12, pp.1967-2003, 2004-12-20 (Released:2017-12-01)

From the late 16^<th> to the early 17^<th> century, amidst the "Age of Commerce" in the East Asian maritime region, many Chinese, including merchants, smugglers, captives, and drifters, came to south-west Japan. Especially in Kyushu, where most of the Chinese arrived, not a few Chinese settlements were formed in various seaports and castle towns. In this paper, the author discusses emigrant Chinese intellectuals in this maritime region, by focusing on physicians who sojourned in south Kyushu. Nearby the castle town of Obi 飫肥, There are two epitaphs on gravestones of Xu Zhilin 徐之〓, who had served as a physician in Obi domain during the 17^<th> century. According to these epitaphs, Xu zhilin was borne in the gentry lineage of Shangyu 上虞 county of Zhejiang province. In 1619, He made a voyage to Beijing aspiring to pass the civil service examinations, but was captured by pirates along the way. He was first taken to Nagasaki, then later moved to Satsuma, where he learned medicine from a Chinese physician residing there. Five years later, He was invited by the lord of Obi domain to serve as one of his physicians until 1666. Concerning the pedigree of Xu Zhilin, except the two epitaphs, no available sources had been found in Japan. But I had found three editions of genealogies of Xu lineage in Shanghai Library which describe the family line of Xu Zhilin in detail, and accounts on ancestors of him are almost coincide with these of epitaphs. From these genealogies, we can ascertain that he actually was a member of elite, lineage producing numerous scholar officials from the 16^<th> century. From the late 16^<th> century onward, the lift of prohibition of private maritime trade remarkably stimulated the oversea trades with south Fujian as its node. Although the ban on voyages to Japan remained, many Fujian traders had sailed to Kyushu. Particularly, south Kyushu was gradually integrated into the network of Fujian merchants. Arrivals of many Chinese physicians were also one aspect of the expansion of the Fujian network, which accompanied transfers of culture, technology, and human resources. During 16^<th> and 17^<th> century, enormous amount of silver continued to flow onto the southeast coast region of China, particularly south Fujian, from Japan and the New World. The imported silver was gradually diffused all over China, and a considerable part of it went to Beijing as taxes, then thrown onto the frontier bases of the northern border region as military expenditures. As a result the influx of silver produced booming trade and economic prosperity in the maritime Asia and China's northern border. Numerous Chinese attracted by economic chances also flowed, into these regions as traders, peasants, soldiers, and various specialists. It should be noted that the Chinese who immigrated to foreign countries included marginal intellectuals such as lower literati, merchants, and physicians. They often served the military-commercial powers in those respective regions and countries, offered advanced Chinese cultures and technology, and mediated commercial or military negotiations between the Ming Dynasty and foreign powers. Arrivals of Chinese physicians in Japan were one phenomenon, of such emigration by Chinese marginal intellectuals during the "Age of Commerce" in East Asia.
林 久美子 丹羽 伸介 池田 一穂 岡田 康志

盛山 和夫
The Japan Sociological Society
社会学評論 (ISSN:00215414)
vol.57, no.1, pp.92-108, 2006-06-30 (Released:2009-10-19)

一昨年のアメリカ社会学会会長ビュラウォイの講演以来, 「公共社会学」に対して熱心な議論が交わされている.これは現在の社会学が直面している困難な状況を「公衆に向かって発信する」という戦略で克服しようとするものだが, この戦略は間違っている.なぜなら, 今日の社会学の問題は公衆への発信がないことではなくて, 発信すべき理論的知識を生産していないことにあるからである.ビュラウォイ流の「公共社会学」の概念には, なぜ理論創造が停滞しているのかの分析が欠けており, その理由, すなわち社会的世界は意味秩序からなっており, そこでは古典的で経験的な意味での「真理」は学問にとっての共通の価値として不十分だということが理解されていない.意味世界の探究は「解釈」であるが, これには従来から, その客観的妥当性の問題がつきまとってきた.本稿は, 「よりよい」解釈とは「よりよい」意味秩序の提示であり, それは対象世界との公共的な価値を持ったコミュニケーションであって, そうした営為こそが「公共社会学」の名にふさわしいと考える.この公共社会学は, 単に経験的にとどまらず規範的に志向しており, 新しい意味秩序の理論的な構築をめざす専門的な社会学である.

11 0 0 0 OA 官報

大蔵省印刷局 [編]
vol.1943年07月26日, 1943-07-26
高橋 秀直
京都大學文學部研究紀要 (ISSN:04529774)
no.41, pp.1-84, 2002-03


11 0 0 0 OA 官報

大蔵省印刷局 [編]
vol.1914年04月28日, 1914-04-28
Juri hori
The Japanese Group Dynamics Association
実験社会心理学研究 (ISSN:03877973)
pp.1802, (Released:2018-04-14)

Recognizing the structure of human well-being related to ecosystem services is an important first step to addressing the associated environmental issues. This paper aims to analyze the structure of human well-being related to ecosystem services in Japan (including coastal and inland areas). Satisfaction levels with the five components of human well-being (basic material for a good life, health, good social relations, security, and freedom of choice and action), as defined by the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, were investigated using a questionnaire. Of the five components, structural equation modeling analysis indicated that “security” and “basic materials for a good life” functioned as explanatory variables, while “freedom of choice and action” acted as a dependent variable through its effects on the intermediate variables “health” and “good social relations”. This study obtained similar findings to previous studies regarding the structure of human well-being. The present results also indicate that the structural model of human well-being related to ecosystem services might be psychologically shared among people.
堀 伸一郎
印度學佛教學研究 (ISSN:18840051)
vol.63, no.3, pp.1322-1328, 2015-03-25

識語に15世紀の日付を明記する古ベンガル文字仏教写本が複数存在する.本稿では,ケンブリッジ大学図書館所蔵Kalacakratantra貝葉写本(Add. 1364)の識語について,実見調査に基づく解読結果を提示した上で日付・地名・人名・肩書等を検討する.同写本は1870年代に外科医Daniel Wrightがカトマンドゥ盆地で収集したものである.Kalacakratantra校訂本(Raghu Vira and Lokesh Chandra 1966およびBanerjee 1985)では本写本が使用された.2枚の夾板の両面に細密画が描かれているため,Pratapaditya Palをはじめ多くの美術史研究者の注目を集めた.従来の研究では写本の年代を1446年とするが,識語の日付に曜日が含まれているため,インドの暦法に基づいて日付を西暦に換算し確定することが可能である.「ヴィクラマ暦1503年Bhadrapada月黒分13日水曜日」という日付が,満年数・Karttika月始まり・満月終わりで記述されているものとすれば,Suryasiddhantaに基づくソフトウェアpancangaによって,西暦1447年8月9日水曜日に確定する.寄進者は,sakyabhiksuの肩書を持つJnanasriである.筆写者はJayaramadattaであり,sasanikakaranakayastha(行政書士)という肩書を持っていた.筆写者の居住地と考えられるKerakiという村名は,データベースIndia Place Finderで検索すると,ビハール州ガヤー県Kerki村,ジャールカンド州パラームー県Kerki村という二つの比定候補が見出される.識語の最後に書かれる1詩節は,Ratnavadanatattvaの最終詩節と一致する.Kalacakratantra写本の他,コルカタ・アジア協会所蔵Bodhicaryavatara写本(G. 8067)の識語に記される日付は,西暦1436年2月21日火曜日に確定し,ムンバイ・個人所蔵Karandavyuha写本の日付は,西暦1456年10月27日水曜日に確定する.東インドでは,ヴィクラマシーラ等の大規模仏教寺院が13世紀初頭までにテュルク系ムスリム軍の軍事攻撃で破壊された後,仏教が滅亡したというのが従来の通説であった.しかし本稿で扱う写本識語は,15世紀中葉の東インド村落地域にサンスクリット仏教文献を伝承する仏教徒が存在したことを明確に示しており,通説に再考を促すものとなろう.