社団法人 日本脳神経外科学会
Neurologia medico-chirurgica (ISSN:04708105)
pp.ra.2017-0018, (Released:2017-06-07)

Diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma (DIPG) is a rare but uniformly fatal cancer of the brain, with peak incidence in children of 5–7 years of age. In contrast to most types of human cancer, there has been no significant improvement in treatment outcomes for patients with DIPG. Since DIPG occurs in the brainstem, a vital region of the brain, there are no surgical options for providing relief to patients, and chemotherapy as well as radiation therapy provide palliative relief at best. To date, more than 250 clinical trials evaluating radiotherapy along with conventional cytotoxic chemotherapy, as well as newer biologic agents, have failed to improve the dismal outcome when compared with palliative radiation alone. The recent discovery of somatic oncogenic histone gene mutations affecting chromatin regulation in DIPG has dramatically improved our understanding of the disease pathogenesis in DIPG, and these findings have stimulated the development of novel therapeutic approaches targeting epigenetic regulators for disease treatment. This review will discuss about the role of histone modification in chromatin machinery and epigenetic therapeutic strategies for the treatment of DIPG.
堀江 郁美
vol.2014, no.18, pp.1-8, 2014-03-07

獨協大学経済学部 2 年生のゼミにおいて全員が参加するプロジェクトとして,サンドボックス型の世界が自由に作成できるゲーム Minecraft を用い,仮想の 3D 獨協大学キャンパスを制作した.これは,オープンキャンパスなどで実際に獨協大学に足を運ばなくても,ネット上で簡単に大学のキャンパスを疑似体験して貰うことを想定している.このプロジェクトは,第一回獨協大学経済学部プレゼンテーションコンテストでアイデア賞を頂き,高い評価を得ることができた.また,学生も積極的にゼミに参加するようになった.そこで,このプロジェクトに参加した結果を,学生にアンケートを取り,Minecraft の利用がコンピュータの苦手意識に影響したかや,今後のゼミ活動でのモチベーションにどの様に影響したかを調査した.この調査結果を報告する.All the second-year students of a seminar in the Department of Economics at Dokkyo University had constructed collaboratively a 3D virtual campus of Dokkyo University by using Minecraft, which is a kind of computer game and supports the creation of any sandbox-style worlds. The purpose of this project is to provide virtual experience in the university campus for anybody only by Internet access even if they can not actually visit at Dokkyo University on any campus open days. This project was highly appreciated and received the Good Idea Award in the first presentation competition in the Department of Economics at Dokkyo University. In addition, many student members had joined in the seminar more actively after this project. Then, we investigated the influence of their participation in this project by a questionnaire survey for the students, such as the effects on the negative feelings about computers by using Minecraft and those on the motivation for the future activities in the seminar. This paper reports the results of this investigation.
定方 晟
東海大学紀要. 文学部 (ISSN:05636760)
vol.64, pp.1-23, 1995

It is well known that Kenji Miyazawa, a Japanese writer of the Taisho and early Showa periods, is an ardent follower of the teaching of the Buddhist Sacred Scripture Saddharmapundarika-sutra. In his fairy tales, indeed, do we find frequently motifs deriving from this teaching. But, strange enough, his most important work "Night of Galaxy Railway" is full of Christian images and scanty of Buddhist ones. These Christian images are so beautiful that many readers tend to think that this is a work of Christian faith. This is a misreading. Jovanni, a young hero of the work, did not get off the train when many Christian passengers got off at the "Southern Cross" station, which is the entrance to the Christian paradise. He even said to a young Christian girl, "Your god is not a true god". The author does not explain why Jovanni disapproves the Christian god and its blessing. I suppose that Christianity, having a doctrine of Judgement, does not give happiness to all living beings. To Jovanni who has an ardent desire for "true happiness for all" as he repeatedly says, Christianity does not give satisfaction. Poor readers only see that which is criticized and fail to see criticism itself.
鶴岡 賀雄
東京大学宗教学年報 (ISSN:2896400)
vol.18, pp.1-14, 2001-03-31

Mysticism is an ambiguous term, no definition of which has ever gained general acceptance among scholars, notwithstanding its fairy frequent use in both academia and the public sphere. In this paper I attempt to examine the "historicities" of this term, in order to illuminate its historical determinations and to make evident its "genealogical" origins. Such examinations are required, I believe, if we are to continue to employ this term and evaluate it as meaningful to contemporay religious studies. In this paper, I will outline several distinct strata within a perceivable "historicity of mysticism." I designate historicity-0 as the essential factual positivity of mystics" activities in particular historical situations. I then designate the temporal dimension of history as historicity-1, in which chronological presentation of mystics becomes possible. However, a more or less "eternal" (i.e. a-historical) essence of mysticism - a variety of neo-platonistic metaphysics, a universal core of mystical experiences, etc. - is generally presupposed behind this "historicity" of mysticism. From the viewpoint of historicity-2 we can postulate significant divisions within history, because here mysticism is understood to change in value and status according to the nature of each era's knowledge and power. I hypothecize that the history of western mysticism can be divided into seven distinct periods, and outline them in detail. Historicity-3 is concerned with genealogy, where the manner in which mysticism emerges in a particular historical situation is analyzed. Here I point out two historical stages of the formation of mysticism, highlighting the parallels between them. The first is the 17th century when some advocates of theologia mystica "created" the tradition of Christian mysticism through reverence of ancient, medieval and contemporary saints and mystics, in whom the "eternal" essence of Christianity was supposedly realized. The second is the period from the latter part of the 19th century to the first half of the 20th century, when historians of religions developed the notion of mysticism as being the essence of all religion. Finally, I situate myself on the level of historicity-4, where we are obliged to be fully aware of these strata of historicity and of the fact that our considerations about them are also historically conditioned. From this location I posit some conditions in which a new evalutation of the nature of mysticism may be investigated. Throughout this paper I refer to Michel de Certeau's studies on modern Western mysticism, which provide a perspicacious and uniquely "postmodern" view of this subject.
東 園子
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
vol.83, pp.31-45, 2013

Today, it is easy for ordinary people to widely disseminate their message and works over the Internet. Nevertheless, many people still disseminate information by paper media. For example, people known as otaku - fans of Japanese anime, manga, video games, etc. - often create fanzines binding manga and novels they produced themselves. They then sell these fanzines at events in Japan in which fanzines are sold. With the growth of the Internet, otaku also exhibit their works on the web. But many otaku, especially female otaku, still use paper media to publish their works. This paper considers the influences of electric media on paper media and the merits of using paper media as a tool for personal publications, by analyzing ways to use media in creative activities, and it also examines the female otaku's media awareness based on my research and interviews. Originally, fanzines created by otaku have four functions: publishing fan works, informing others about their creative activity, talking about one's favorite works and characters, and interacting with others who share the same interests. Events where trading fanzines takes place also have these four functions. As otaku use online tools for their creative activities, electric media have replaced paper media for informing others about their creative activity and discussing their favorite things. But paper media have advantages in publishing works and interacting with others. Paper media is more suitable for placing manga and treated better than electric media. By selling fanzines at events, otaku can enjoy face-to-face communication with others. They can also directly gauge the reader's response to their works. Works created by fans are provided free of charge on the Internet. On the other hand, fanzines are traded with money. The people I interviewed who create fanzines regard receiving payment for their works as a sign of appreciation for them. But readers enjoy their works without any cost on the web. So, creators of fanzines feel strongly that their readers should accept their works when they publish them by paper media rather than electric media. For these reasons, the creative female otaku I interviewed prefer paper media in this age of the rising Internet.

池内 裕美
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.25, no.3, pp.167-177, 2010

The purposes of this study were to develop an animism scale for adults and to examine the relationship between animistic thinking and the "memorial service for dolls" in terms of voluntary loss. In this study, animism was defined as the tendency to regard inanimate objects as living, and to regard objects in nature as gods. Questionnaires were given to 395 people who had held a memorial service for dolls and 204 people who had not. The results of the factor analysis indicated that this animism scale consisted of three factors: the apotheosis of natural products, the parts of possessors, and the anthropomorphication of possessions. Animism was more prevalent in the following groups of individuals: a) those who held a memorial service for dolls, b) female individuals, and c) younger individuals, that is, individuals aged 39 and under. The third result in particular was discussed in terms of the influences of video games and the media rather than the traditional Japanese polytheistic religion of Shinto. Furthermore, participants were asked about psychological changes after they finished holding a memorial service for dolls. As a result, some people who held a memorial service for dolls felt grief and guilt, although they voluntarily parted with their dolls.
造船協会雑纂 (ISSN:03861597)
no.101, pp.4-6, 1930-08
南 貴子
日本ジェンダー研究 (ISSN:18841619)
vol.2005, no.8, pp.43-56, 2005-09-01 (Released:2010-03-17)

In recent years, there are various kinds of issues related to families, such as increase in the number of divorces, people who choose to remain single, and the decline in the number of children. People are now reconsidering the family which they had been accustomed to, and searching for new family styles. In this article, a new family style will be considered from the perspective of lesbian mothers. Lesbianheaded families are distinct from traditional heterosexual families and have not been fully accepted by society. Regardless of such circumstances, lesbian mothers, stigmatized as being “inappropriate mothers, ” are making their own families. What kinds of people are lesbian mothers? What kinds of relationships do they have with their children? What kinds of prejudice do they confront? Above all, what kinds of families are they aiming to be? To research their experiences would reveal some problems hidden in the traditional family system, such as patriarchy and heterosexism. Families seem to keep on changing dynamically as each person starts to strive for their own family style and challenge the notion of “the family.”
野口 照久 原 博
ファルマシア (ISSN:00148601)
vol.32, no.1, pp.19-23, 1996-01-01
村本 由紀子 遠藤 由美
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.30, no.3, pp.213-233, 2015-03-20 (Released:2015-06-07)

This micro-ethnographic research focuses on a traditional custom on Toshi Island, in Japan. When first-born sons on the island graduate from junior high school, they form a small group of neya-ko (quasi-brothers) and sleep over at the house of their neya-oya (quasi-parents) every night until they reach the age of 26. They maintain the quasi-family relationship and help each other all their lives. Why does the neya custom still continue on this island, while most similar customs have already disappeared in other parts of Japan? To answer this question, we conducted participant observations and unstructured interviews. The results suggest that the ecological environment of the island has exerted an important influence on the neya custom. In spite of recent drastic social and economic changes in the islanders’ lives, the neya custom still plays a key role in building sustainability in the community. Based on these findings, we discuss how the multi-layered environments of the island interact with this specific custom that has been fostered through the years.
谷 幸太郎 栗原 治 小佐古 敏荘
公益社団法人 日本アイソトープ協会
vol.63, no.10, pp.461-469, 2014-10-15 (Released:2014-10-29)

宗 栄治 山崎 昌典 緒方 徹 古賀 淳 船越 健彦 那須 繁 江里口 健次郎
公益社団法人 日本人間ドック学会
健康医学 (ISSN:09140328)
vol.9, no.1, pp.61-63, 1994-05-20 (Released:2012-08-27)

Yuko Goto Naoko Yoshida
公益財団法人 応用微生物学・分子細胞生物学研究奨励会
The Journal of General and Applied Microbiology (ISSN:00221260)
pp.2016.10.001, (Released:2017-05-02)

Anodes are crucial in determining the electricity recovery of microbial fuel cells (MFCs). In this study, graphene oxide (GO) was used as an anodic material for electricity recovery from artificial dialysis wastewater (ADWW). Anaerobic incubation of ADWW with GO for 21 days produced a hydrogel complex containing embedded microbial cells and microbially reduced GO (rGO). The rGO complex recovered 540 to 810 μA/cm3 of catalytic current from ADWW after 10 days of electrochemical cultivation at 200 mV (vs. Ag/AgCl), which was approximately thirty times higher than that recovered from graphite felt (GF), a representative anode in MFCs. High-throughput sequencing analysis of prokaryotic 16S rRNA genes revealed a predominance of the Geobacter genus (35% of all prokaryotic sequences identified), particularly in the rGO complex after 20 days of polarization. The superior electricity recovery of the rGO complex was attributable to enhanced direct electron transfer via a well-developed biofilm, while indirect electron transfer via an electron mediator occurred in culture using GF.