竹辺 靖昭
vol.51, no.3, pp.346-348, 2010-03-15
小林 信彦 Nobuhiko Kobayashi
桃山学院大学人間科学 = HUMAN SCIENCES REVIEW, St. Andrew's University (ISSN:09170227)
no.36, pp.81-196, 2009-03-10

Paul Carus (1852-1919) wrote a short Buddhist narrative called "The Spider-web" in 1894 and Teitaro Suzuki (鈴木貞太郎 1870-1966) translated it into Japanese in 1898. Ryunosuke Akutagawa (芥川龍之介 1892-1927) adapted it for children in 1918. Entitled "Kumo-no-ito" (蜘蛛の糸 a spider's thread), this adaptation was evaluated highly among Japanese critics and adopted in many schoolbooks. In spite of its high reputation among critics, however, Akutagawa's Kumo-no-ito is not a success as an adapted story. Ignorant of the Buddhist tradition, Akutagawa missed Carus's points and failed to construct a coherent story. Modern philological study of Buddhist texts was established in Europe in the nineteenth century and excellent research results were produced there. Having taken advantage of them, Carus knew much about ancient Buddhist literature. His tale is faithful to the Buddhist tradition and coherent as a whole. Carus had diligently studied Buddhism, read almost all translations of Buddhist scriptures then available in Europe, and written many books on Buddhism. So he was following the Buddhist tradition when he wrote "The Spider-web," which runs as follows: A sinner called Kandata has been suffering tortures in Hell. Having appeared on earth, Buddha sheds rays. Spreading everywhere, they reach even Hell. And he sends a spider as his proxy to Kandata, who takes hold of the web and begins to climb up. Soon he feels the thread trembling, for many sinners are climbing after him. Kandata becomes frightened and shouts, "Let go the cobweb. It is mine." At that moment, the spiderweb breaks, and all fall back into Hell. (Here the rays are a symbol of Buddha's teaching.) The meaning of this story is that it is essential to follow Buddha's teaching, according to which there exists no such thing as atman (self). The Hindus believe that an entity called "atman" subists in every human or animal body. In contrast, the Buddhists deny the existence of atman. Kandata falls back into Hell, because he proves that the illusion of atman is still upon him, saying that the cob-web is his alone. In translating "the illusion of atman (self)," the ancient Chinese used the expression "wozhi-wangnian" 我執-妄念, which means "the mistaken idea approving the existence of atman," "wo" 我 (I) being equivalent to the Sanskrit "atman." The ancient Japanese borrowed the word "wo-zhi
柴嵜 雅子
国際研究論叢 : 大阪国際大学紀要 = OIU journal of international studies (ISSN:09153586)
vol.34, no.1, pp.39-54, 2020-10-31

This paper illuminates Canada's federal law on medical assistance in dying enacted in 2016. First, I review the developments leading up to the legislation from the Supreme Court of Canada Rodriguez decision through the precedential act in the Province of Quebec to the court rulings on the case of Carter. Second, I focus on and explore the implications of the landmark step ventured by the new statute; it has reclassified aid in dying as ‘end-of-life medical care’ ―the same category as palliative sedation or withdrawing lifesustaining treatment. The sharp distinction between euthanasia and assisted suicide has also been replaced by the mere procedural difference between ‘clinician-administered’ deaths and ‘self-administered’ ones. The explicit medicalization of these practices is highly likely to constrain the availability of conscientious objection to them, because even though it is legally warranted, it now means rejecting medical services.
大学宇宙工学コンソーシアム(UNISEC) University Space Engineering Consortium (UNISEC)
宇宙航空研究開発機構契約報告 = JAXA Contract Report (ISSN:24332240)
vol.JAXA-CR-21-002, pp.1-434, 2022-01-24

本報告は、日本の大学・高等専門学校による超小型衛星(50kg以下)の開発・運用プロセスの「信頼性」を底上げし、目的/目標としたミッションを成功させるためのベストプラクティスを検討するための基礎となる情報の調査結果である。国内大学・高等専門学校等における超小型衛星の開発状況と、打ち上げ済みの場合はその運用結果、ミッションや衛星・搭載機器等の成功/失敗の状況について調査を行った。なお、「成功」/「失敗」の事例については、「ミッション全体」のみではなく、サブシステムやコンポーネント(例えば、機器の不具合や運用のトラブル、マネジメントの停滞等)も対象に含めて調査を行った。その結果、32機の衛星数について208 件の事例情報(うち、成功事例72、失敗事例136)を取得し、分析・評価した。更にこれらの結果を基に、超小型衛星のミッションサクセスのための要件項目(超小型衛星ミッションを成功させるために最低限行っておくべき事項)を抽出し、プロジェクトマネジメント、衛星設計、試験の3つの観点で分類した。
小玉 幸助 大竹 伸治 森谷 就慶 若林 真衣子
保健福祉学研究 = Journal of health and social services (ISSN:13484567)
vol.16, pp.1-8, 2018-03-31

2017年度に内閣府が公表した『平成29年版子供・若者白書』によると、不登校児童・生徒数は、小中学生で12万5,991人、高校生は₄万9,563人であった。小中学生の不登校は増加傾向にある。不登校児童・生徒の解消には、学校と関係機関との連携が必要不可欠な状況であり、この役割を担うのがスクールソーシャルワーカー(以下、schoolsocial worker:SSW)である。SSWは小中学校および高等学校で導入されており、効果検証も行われてきている。しかしながら、スクールソーシャルワーク活用事業に関しては経済分析が行われておらず、経済効果が明らかにされていない。本研究では不登校児童・生徒解消数を公表する北海道、山形県、東京都、長野県、鳥取県、島根県、広島県、福岡県、佐賀県(以下、₁都₁道₇県)の不登校児童・生徒を対象にSSWにおける経済効果を算出することを目的に、所得を中心に経済学的視点からシミュレーション分析を試みた。
片岡 了
大谷学報 = THE OTANI GAKUHO (ISSN:02876027)
vol.66, no.4, pp.p31-44, 1987-01
松原 好次
電気通信大学紀要 (ISSN:09150935)
vol.19, no.1-2, pp.117-128, 2006-12-25

This paper is an attempt to assess the achievements of the struggles for survival of the indigenouslanguage in Haw‘ai i. The ongoing revitalization movement of the Hawaiian language is regarded asone of the most successful models for rejuvenating minority languages. This movement, however,faces a number of problems that might hinder its development. One of the problems is thatgraduates of Kula Kaiapuni (Hawaiian language immersion schools) have much difficulty inmaintaining their ability in the minority language. In order to assess Hawaiian language use amonggraduates, interviews were conducted with three graduates of Ke Kula‘ ONa-wah okalani ‘o - pu ‘u, a Hawaiian language immersion school in Hilo. The findings show thatNa-wah graduates, some of whom have started working as Hawaiian language immersion teachers,generally suffer from little availability of career opportunities in which they can make the most oftheir ability in the Hawaiian language. Meanwhile, the interviews have also revealed that some ofthe Na-wah graduates are endeavoring to raise their children with the Hawaiian language. This factis expected to rejuvenate the indigenous language as the“mother tongue”in the Hawaiian speakingcommunity. This paper concludes with a recommendation that the Hawaiian model play a key rolein revitalization and perpetuation of minority languages in other parts of the world.
HORI Madoka Nagai
アジア新時代の南アジアにおける日本像 : インド・SAARC諸国における日本研究の現状と必要性
pp.119-128, 2011-03-25

アジア新時代の南アジアにおける日本像 : インド・SAARC 諸国における日本研究の現状と必要性, ジャワハルラル・ネルー大学, 2009年11月3日-4日
平山 令二
人文研紀要 (ISSN:02873877)
vol.101, pp.353-378, 2022-09-30
