宇田川 武久
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.190, pp.1-28, 2015-01-30

福井 幸男 Sachio Fukui
桃山学院大学人間科学 = HUMAN SCIENCES REVIEW, St. Andrew's University (ISSN:09170227)
no.40, pp.1-41, 2011-03-30

Sen no Rikyu (1522-1591) was one of the well-known founders of the traditional tea ceremony (Sado) in medieval Japan. Toyotomi Hideyoshi (1537-1598) ordered Sen no Rikyu to commit ritual suicide (seppuku) in February, Tensho 19 (1591), because he was the general who won the final victory in the military conflicts among the Samurai and unified medieval Japan. Various opinions have been offered concerning the reasons for Sen no Rikyu's death. However, no firm hypothesis has yet been reached. The author has critically reviewed a large number of historical materials and theories regarding this episode to try to elucidate the truth. The official announcement of the Toyotomi Hideyoshi regime gave as the principal reasons for Sen no Rikyu's punishment, was his lese majesty toward both General Toyotomi himself and the emperor, together with his unreasonable valuation and trade in tea-ceremony items. Sen's lese majesty charge also included his construction of an overly splendid gate to the Daitokuji Temple in Kyoto, and his order to place a wooden sculpture of himself on the gate. However, the author has managed to locate many descriptions from sources about the miscellaneous circumstances of his death that differ quite considerably from information found in other cases of ritual suicides. Using these idiosyncratic materials, the author seeks to further elucidate the truth about the causes of Sen no Rikyu's seppuku.
細田 季男
比較文化論叢 : 札幌大学文化学部紀要
vol.11, pp.141-172, 2003-03-15
青木 隆浩
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.197, pp.321-361, 2016-02-29

仁藤 敦史
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.194, pp.245-275, 2015-03-31

上野 淳子 松並 知子 青野 篤子
四天王寺大学紀要 (ISSN:18833497)
no.66, pp.91-104, 2018-09-25

従来のデートDV 研究は,暴力行為を受けた経験のみを被害と見なしてきた。本研究では,デートDV 被害を暴力行為とそれがもたらした影響(恋人による被支配感の高まり,自尊感情の低下)から成るものとして捉え,デートDV 被害の実態と男女差を検討した。大学生を対象とした質問紙調査の結果,恋人からの暴力行為のうち“精神的暴力:束縛”,“精神的暴力:軽侮”,“身体的暴力・脅迫”は男性の方が女性より多く受けており,“性的暴力”のみ男女で受ける割合に差がなかった。しかし,恋人による被支配感は男女差がなく,自尊感情は“身体的暴力・脅迫”を受けた女性が低かったことから,男性は暴力行為を受けても心理的にネガティブな影響は受けにくいことが示唆された。多母集団同時分析の結果,男女とも“精神的暴力:軽侮”および“性的暴力”を受けることで恋人による被支配感が高まり,恋人による被支配感は自尊感情を低下させていた。しかし同時に,暴力行為の影響には男女で異なる点もあった。暴力行為だけでなく恋人による被支配感も含めて暴力被害を捉える重要性が示された。
松村 昌廣
桃山学院大学経済経営論集 = St. Andrew's University economic and business review (ISSN:02869721)
vol.57, no.3, pp.131-152, 2016-03-03

This study will analyze a libertarian approach to post-Lehman emergency lending in accordance with Federal Reserve rescue authority,with a major focus on the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010. The analysis will attach its attention to the evolving political context in which the U.S. domestic political discourse has been influenced increasingly by libertarianism, involving the rise of populist movements such as the "TEA (Tax Enough Already)" Party. This paper will first begin with a standard account on libertarianism as a major current of American political philosophy, which is rather unfamiliar to Japanese students in the field. Second, the analytical focus will be placed on an overview on the unique features of the Federal Reserve Board system as central bank, followed by a libertarian understanding on where the system stands in the context of the U.S. political economy. Third, this work will highlight the Dodd-Frank Act that is intended to prevent the Federal Reserve Banks from repeating massive discretional emergency lending to major insolvent banks as found in the post-Lehman financial crisis management. Fourth, the paper will identify the Act's major existing pitfalls that could enable to repeat such discretionary lending, followed by a set of policy proposals aimed to remove those pitfalls. The study will be designed to facilitate understanding the ongoing debate on the post-Lehman financial reforms, emphasizing the central importance of libertarian perspectives that reveal the exploitative nature of the finance-centered U.S. socio-political regime as the basis of the U.S. global economic hegemony.
Yuuki Tsubouchi Masahiro Furukawa Ryosuke Matsumoto
情報処理学会論文誌 (ISSN:18827764)
vol.63, no.3, 2022-03-15

The widespread use of cloud computing has made it easier for service providers to develop new features and handle increased access. However, the network dependencies among components in distributed applications deployed in the cloud are becoming more complex because the number and types of components are increasing. When system administrators make changes to a system, they cannot specify the impact of the changes, which may lead to larger failures than expected. Current methods of automatically discovering dependencies trace network flows included in TCP/UDP sockets in the Linux kernel on all hosts deployed in distributed applications. However, as the rate of communication increases, the number of flows transferred from the kernel space to user space increases, which increases CPU usage for tracing. We propose a low-overhead method of bundling multiple flows with the same network service into a single flow in a kernel to discover dependencies. The proposed method reduces the number of transferred flows to the user space, thus reducing CPU usage. Experimental results from evaluating our method indicate that the method maintains a CPU overhead below 2.2% when the number of flows increases.------------------------------This is a preprint of an article intended for publication Journal ofInformation Processing(JIP). This preprint should not be cited. Thisarticle should be cited as: Journal of Information Processing Vol.30(2022) (online)DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.2197/ipsjjip.30.260------------------------------