今井 浩三 豊田 実 佐藤 裕信 篠村 恭久
一般社団法人 日本内科学会
日本内科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00215384)
vol.95, no.2, pp.362-367, 2006-02-10 (Released:2009-03-27)

遺伝子のメチル化は, シトシンとりわけCpG配列に特異的に起こるDNA修飾である. 遺伝子のメチル化は遺伝子変異, 欠失とならび, 癌抑制遺伝子不活化の第三の機構として重要である. 異常メチル化により, 細胞周期調節遺伝子やアポトーシス関連遺伝子, DNA修復酵素など様々な遺伝子が不活化を受ける. メチル化の網羅的解析から, 一部の腫瘍ではCpG island methylator phenotype (CIMP) を示し, 癌においてメチル化の制御機構が破綻していることが示唆される. メチル化の標的遺伝子が明らかになるにつれ, 異常メチル化を腫瘍マーカーや抗癌剤感受性の指標として用いる試みもなされている. また, メチル化を阻害することにより不活化されている遺伝子を再発現させ, 癌細胞に分化やアポトーシスを誘導することが可能になりつつある.
明崎 禎輝 山崎 裕司 野村 卓生 吉本 好延 吉村 晋 浜岡 克伺 中田 裕士 佐藤 厚
理学療法科学 (ISSN:13411667)
vol.23, no.2, pp.301-305, 2008 (Released:2008-06-11)
4 3

藤原 諒也 大谷 智一 佐藤 剛史 矢部 光保
九州大学大学院農学研究院学芸雑誌 (ISSN:13470159)
vol.67, no.2, pp.81-90, 2012-09-20 (Released:2012-10-02)

Can farmers sell agricultural products at the higher price by reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG)? Or can we find the decreasing marginal willingness to pay(MWTP)by the increasing reduction rate of GHG emission under the law of diminishing marginal utility? If so, what is the most beneficial way to deal with GHG emission for farmers? In order to answer these questions, we conducted an internet survey and got 2062 response. We used Ordered Probit Model to analyze consumer’s preference of rice produced by reduction of GHG emission and find the following results: the highest MWTP for reduction rate of GHG was 10.10 yen between 5 and 10 percent; 6.13 yen was between the 10 and 20 percent; 4.59 yen was between 20 and 50 percent; 0.89 yen was between 50 and 70 percent; MWTP, however, increased by up to 4.20 yen between 70 and 100 percent. Base on this result, we can say that consumers appreciate even a small reduction of GHG and then for farmers to start such activities from the small redaction is effective way when they sell environmental friendly agricultural products. Consumers also find another value for high reduction rate of GHG close to 100 percent. Additionally, other characteristics of consumers who appreciate reduction of GHG were young generation, high income, and more knowledge of farmer’s activities of GHG reduction. 温室効果ガス削減に関する農家の努力は, 農産物の付加価値として, より高い価格では販売することは可能であろうか. また, 温室効果ガスの削減率の増加につれて, 限界効用逓減の法則に従い, 追加1当たり支払意志額は低減であろうか. もし, そうであれば, 農家としてどの程度の削減努力を行うのが妥当であろうか. このような問いに答えるため, 20代以上の女性に対して, インターネットサーベイを行い, 2062名から回答を得た. そして, 米5キログラムを対象に, 温室効果ガス排出量削減に配慮した米への選好について, 順序プロビット・モデルを用いた分析を行い, 以下の結果を得た. 回答者は二酸化炭素の追加1%削減当たりの支払意思額は5% 〜 10%間が最も高く10.10円となり, 10% 〜 20%間が6.13円, 20% 〜 50%間が4.59円, 50%〜 70%間が0.89円と逓減した. 他方, 70% 〜 100%間では上昇し4.20円となった. この結果から, 削減が少量であったとしても消費者は削減を評価しており, 温暖化問題に配慮した農産物を販売する場合, まずは, 生産者は少量の削減に取り組むことが効率的だと考えられる. 他方, 100%に近い削減に対しては, 消費者は新たな価値を見いだしていることも明らかになった. また, 温室効果ガス排出量を削減した農産物を相対的に高く評価するのは, 若い世代や年収の高い消費者, 農家の取組に関する知識が多い消費者であった.
宍戸 英明 三宅 章吾 佐藤 俊治
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. NC, ニューロコンピューティング (ISSN:09135685)
vol.103, no.734, pp.91-96, 2004-03-12

佐藤 郡衛
異文化間教育 (ISSN:09146970)
vol.34, pp.52-63, 2011

<p>The present study was organized to discuss the topic, "multicultural co-living" in real life settings, as part of the continuing effort to further examine the question presented in the previous special issue study of the 30th Annual Conference "Is multicultural co-living possible?" In this study, we attempted to respond to the following questions through real-life examples. What are the areas and settings in which "equity" becomes an issue? How is the issue of "equity" understood and reconstructed? What are the practices that attempt to rebel against "equity" in the status quo.</p><p>In this study, we discussed the following points: The areas and settings in which "equity" becomes an issue of concern; the way the idea of "equity" is understood and reconstructed by teachers; and examples of approaches in achieving "equity" by practicing teachers, whose approaches challenge equity in the status quo. As part of the study, three reports are included in this special issue. The first report by Dr. Misako Nukaga focuses on the conflicts' between the policies around "equity" and real-life day-to-day problems faced by practicing teachers at public elementary schools in Los Angeles, CA. The second report by Dr. Seiji Kawasaki focuses on the way practicing teachers understand, interpret, and apply the concept of "equity" The third report by Dr. Ryoko Niikura discusses the necessity of developing new criteria for "equity" based on the examination of the criteria used by practicing teachers.</p><p>These reports share the following three points. First, they all consider "equity" as something that can be understood with consideration to the context and the circumstances it is in as opposed to something fixed. Second, they all utilize various perspectives in illustrating the conflicts and difficulties in dealing with the issue of "equity." Third, they pay special attention to the process in which the concept of "equity" is interpreted and reconstructed by practicing teachers.</p><p>Future research needs to first address the training of teachers. For example, we need to provide educators with case studies that are effective in facilitating the awareness of the issue of "equity." "Case conferences" can be used to promote reevaluation of the preexisting understanding of "equity." Second, we need to expand our perspective from the individual to the collective level. Especially, there is a need for a more thorough description of the processes in which the shared concept of "equity" is formed. Third, in order to reevaluate and change the way "equity" has been interpreted in the preexisting system, we need to turn our attention to approaches to rebel against "equity" by practicing teachers.</p>
花田 良子 佐藤 史隆 廣安 知之 三木 光範 鈴木 泰博
コンピュータ ソフトウェア (ISSN:02896540)
vol.24, no.1, pp.1_91-1_100, 2007 (Released:2007-06-11)

本研究では,ネットワークの特性量を目的関数とした最適化問題として定式化し,ネットワークを設計する.設計されたネットワークの持つ特性と複雑ネットワークの持つ特性とを調査,比較して検証することで,一般的に複雑ネットワークが有する特性は何に起因しているかを探求するアプローチを提案する.本論文では,その基礎的な検討として,最適化手法に遺伝的アルゴリズム (Genetic Algorithms: GA) を用いた場合のネットワーク生成の検討と,設計したネットワークを複雑ネットワークの視点から検討する.本論文で,目的とした特徴は,平均パス長やクラスター係数である.設計したネットワークを検討した結果,これらの目的には一部トレードオフの関係が存在することが明らかとなり,単一目的のGAよりも多目的GAの適用により検討することが適当であることが明らかとなった.
佐藤 吉信
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. SSS, 安全性 (ISSN:09135685)
vol.105, no.209, pp.9-12, 2005-07-19

PSA/PRAの対象システムには, 多くの場合, リスク軽減を履行するいわゆる安全関連系(SRS)が含まれる.従って, PSA/PRAを実施する際に, SRSへの作動要求とその安全機能遂行との関係が適切にモデル化され, これに基づいてSRSによるリスク軽減を評価するための定式化が行われなければならない.本論文は, まず, 現在の国際的PSA/PRA技術標準では, このようなモデル化が低頻度・短継続作動要求モードと連続(高頻度作動要求)モードの両極端のモードのみに限定さていることを指摘している.次に, 国際標準に依拠して中間的な作動要求モードでのSRSのリスク軽減能力を推定すると, モデル化・定式化上の誤差が生ずることを述べている.そして, この問題を解決し, より妥当なPSA/PRA手法を確立するために最近実施されている研究について論及している.
藤本 真記子 坂江 千寿子 佐藤 真由美 上泉 和子 角濱 春美 福井 幸子 木村 恵美子 小山 敦代 杉若 裕子 秋庭 由佳
青森県立保健大学雑誌 (ISSN:13493272)
vol.6, no.3, pp.321-329, 2005-12-28

佐藤 恒雄
アジア文化研究 (ISSN:13405411)
vol.17, no.17, pp.3-18, 2010-06-01 (Released:2012-08-31)

At college administration,all insertion university's applicant is rare without checking entrance person's nature though neither the entrance exam competition nor the prepschool in Japan exist certainly in the United States.It is demanded to take an examination of the both of the aptitude of going on to school examinations (SAT or ACT) in most of the university. SAT is an achievement test to which three subjects are selected from among mathematics, a natural science, the social science, the English study, and English literature, and it takes an examination of ACT by the achievement test of English and mathematics. These two tests are different from a common test of Japan, and ACT is executed as many as five times six times a year not the annual one but SAT. You may take an examination of both times how many again because the character of qualifying examination is strong, the one of the highest score is sent to the university, and the entrance examination is done for these. Because the pass or fail of entrance is not decided only by the score of these tests, the existence of such a school can hardly be observed though it might be thought that you may complete the prepschool to work over measures of this test if it thinks like Japan. As for the pass or fail of college administration, it is valued whether to have done the result of the coming from high school besides the result of the aptitude of going on to school examination and the activity in the field of the letter of recommendation from the teacher of charge and the specialist, sports, and the arts, and so on. Such a selection method is the one often seen from a public and state universities by a private university. It actually says in the Harvard University as follows. "Harvard admissions officers give great weight to factors such as special talents, recommendations by school officials, personality, and advanced placement or honors courses. Rank in class and SAT scores are not considered too important." When the current state of the university entrance exam in the above-mentioned United States is compared with that of our country, it often seems to learn very much.