都志 翔太 土山 裕之 前田 朋彦
公益社団法人 日本理学療法士協会
理学療法学Supplement Vol.40 Suppl. No.2 (第48回日本理学療法学術大会 抄録集)
pp.48100630, 2013 (Released:2013-06-20)

【はじめに、目的】「脳卒中治療ガイドライン2009」では早期から装具を利用して歩行練習を行うことを推奨グレードAとして位置づけている。理学療法診療ガイドライン第1版(2011)の脳卒中理学療法診療ガイドラインにおいても、早期理学療法、早期歩行練習、装具療法は推奨グレードAとされている。しかし、装具作成時期とADL能力の変化との関連を調べた報告は少ない。今回、当院入院中に下肢装具を作成した症例において装具作成時期とADL能力の変化、入院期間、歩行自立までの期間との関連を調べたので報告する。【方法】対象は2011年4月から2012年3月の期間で当院に入院し下肢装具を作成した45例(男性28例、女性17例、年齢69.6±12.0歳)とする。調査項目として、発症からの入院期間、回復期退院時FIMから回復期入棟時FIMを引いたものをFIM利得、FIM利得を回復期入院日数で除したものをFIM効率とし、カルテより後方視的にデータを抽出し算出した。なお統計方法については、45例のうち発症から2か月以内に装具を処方された群(before2M群)と発症から2か月以上経過して処方された群(after2M群)の2群に分類し、各項目間で比較検討を行った。また下肢装具作成し歩行自立に至った19例(男性11例、女性8例、年齢68.5±8.5歳)も同様に2群に分類し、歩行自立までの期間を比較検討した。統計手法として、対応のないt検定を行い有意水準は5%未満とした。【倫理的配慮、説明と同意】本研究はヘルシンキ宣言の精神に則り実施し、臨床研究に関する倫理指針を遵守した。倫理面の配慮として、個人を特定できる情報は削除し、情報の分析に使用されるコンピューターも含めデータの取り扱いには十分に注意を払った。【結果】疾患の内訳は脳梗塞21例、脳出血18例、くも膜下出血4例、その他2例、装具の内訳はKAFO27例、両側支柱付AFO10例、Gait Solution3例、APS-AFO2例、プラスチックAFO2例、CEPA1例であった。before2M群は20例で、発症から装具作成まで39.8±14.1日、発症からの入院期間は172.2±39.8日、FIM利得は33.7±20.1点、FIM効率は0.23±0.15、after2M群は25例で、発症から装具作成まで93.7±28.1日、発症からの入院期間は219.6±81.0日、FIM利得は23.2±13.5点、FIM効率は0.14±0.08であった。この2群での統計解析の結果、before2M群で発症からの入院期間が有意に短く、FIM利得、FIM効率において有意に高かった。また装具処方され歩行自立に至ったbefore2M群は11例で歩行自立までの期間は93.2±32.6日、after2M群は8例であり歩行自立までの期間は139.4±51.1日であった。2群間での歩行自立までの期間においてbefore2M群で有意に短かった。【考察】今回の調査により、装具作成はより早期に行ったほうが、入院期間の短縮や歩行自立までの期間短縮、ADL能力の改善につながる有効な結果が得られた。損傷を受けた脳の再組織化が期待できる時期は発症から1か月以内であり、発症後からの時間依存性であることが報告されている(熊崎,2007)。また運動には認知機能低下を予防・改善する効果があり(堀田,2009)、今回の結果は装具を使用した早期歩行練習の効果を反映したものと思われる。早期装具療法が重要といわれているが、当院において2か月以降に装具を作成する症例も多いのが現状である。発症から2か月という期間は急性期から回復期への移行期間であり、身体機能面でも麻痺の回復がみられてくる時期である。今回調査はしていないが、装具作成が遅れる原因として、セラピストの経験不足、症例の経済的理由、急性期から回復期への連携不足、病院間で装具業者が異なる、急性期での意識障害の残存や合併症による離床の遅れなどが考えられる。今後はより早期に装具作成が行えるように装具作成に向けた作成基準を統一することが必要であり、装具完成までの期間を短縮していくことが課題である。【理学療法学研究としての意義】下肢装具が必要な症例に対しては、早期から装具作成を実施したほうが入院期間の短縮やADL向上が図れることが示唆され、より早期に装具を作成できるシステム作りが必要と思われる。
前田 廉孝
経営史学 (ISSN:03869113)
vol.47, no.2, pp.2_49-2_75, 2012 (Released:2016-01-27)

This paper aims to determine the factors that led to the improvement of soy sauce brewery management during the Meiji and Taisho Eras. In particular, we focus on how the Takanashi family, now Kikkoman Corporation, procured raw materials from 1887 to 1917.The food manufacturing industry accounted for more than 20 percent of the production volume of all industries in pre-war Japan. Until the 1900s, the soy sauce brewing industry was the third largest producer from among all types of food manufacturing industries. Two factors shaped the brewing industry. First, over 50 percent of the production cost went toward the procurement of raw materials. Second, after the late 1890s, a crucial condition for the expansion of the soy sauce industry was securing stable supply of raw materials not only from domestic regions but also from foreign countries and Japanese colonies. Therefore, we analyze the decision-making process of brewery companies with regard to the raw materials they used.Takanashi produced high quality soy sauce and low quality one. However, the price of the high quality sauce increased considerably after the 1890s. Therefore, Takanashi began to increase the production of the high quality sauce. They also began to procure imported raw materials mainly for the low quality sauce to reduce its cost. For the high quality sauce, they chose good quality raw materials. These raw materials procurement strategies played an important role in improving the competitive position of Takanashi's soy sauce in the market. Nonetheless, because the ratio of the quantity of high quality to low quality sauce increased, Takanashi was no longer able to strike a balance between cost reduction of the low quality sauce and quality maintenance of high quality one. This indicates a limitation of these strategies, and it was one of the causes of the emergence of the Noda Shoyu Company, Kikkoman's predecessor, that was established through a merger of individual proprietorships in 1917.
鈴木 光明 山田 道夫 前田 優 永瀬 茂 赤阪 健
日本結晶学会誌 (ISSN:03694585)
vol.58, no.2, pp.73-78, 2016-04-30 (Released:2016-04-30)

For the structure determination of endohedral metallofullerenes (EMFs), X-ray crystallographic study is very powerful because it provides detailed information of the positions of encapsulated species as well as the cage structures. We have reported a number of X-ray crystal structures of EMFs and their derivatives, which are in good agreement with those suggested by theoretical calculations as well as NMR analyses. Herein we show the importance of interplay between experiments and theoretical calculations for the structure determination of EMFs by taking up La@C82, Gd@C82, and Sc2@C66 as the representative examples.
前田 俊郎
法律のひろば (ISSN:09169806)
vol.23, no.10, pp.35-40, 1970-10
前田 智子 浅川 具美 森田 尚文
The Japan Society of Home Economics
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.50, no.6, pp.571-579, 1999-06-15 (Released:2010-03-10)

スポンジケーキの品質を客観的に評価するため, 小麦粉およびバターの混合過程に一定条件での手作業を確立し, バター添加温度の違いが生地と焼成後のケーキの性状におよぼす影響を明らかにした.スポンジケーキの材料配合は小麦粉 100g, 鶏卵 200g (卵黄 80g, 卵白 120g), 砂糖 100g とし, バターの添加量は30g とした.また添加温度はバター添加なしの対照, 40℃, 75℃, 98℃ の 4 試料とした.(1) バターの添加温度が高くなると, 生地の比重は小さくなり, 気泡の消失を抑制したと推察された.(2) バターの添加温度が高くなると, 生地中のバター粒子の分散性は良くなり気泡界面との付着も増加した.その結果気泡膜が強化され気泡の安定化にもつながったと考えられる.(3) バターの添加温度が高くなると, ケーキの膨化率と比容積は大きくなった.(4) バターの添加温度が高くなるとケーキはやわらかくなり, 弾力性に乏しく, 凝集性に富むようになった.(5) 官能評価では, 物性値の結果で特に弾力性に乏しく凝集性に富んだ 75℃ の試料が, 口ざわりと口どけの良さで良い評価を得た.以上の結果から, 高温のバターを添加することで生地に若干の熱が加わり, 卵中タンパク質の加熱変性とデンプン糊化が生じ, 焼成中気泡に十分な熱膨張をもたらしたと推察される.また生地中の水分含量は37.6~38.2% と試料間で有意差は認められなかったが, 添加されたバター中約 16% の水分はその温度が高温の場合には主にデンプンの糊化に使われ, グルテン形成を抑制し, ケーキの物性や官能評価に良い影響をおよぼしたと考えられた.
前田 義郎
医学哲学 医学倫理 (ISSN:02896427)
vol.23, pp.87-96, 2005-10-26 (Released:2018-02-01)

As a result of recent developments in reproductive and regenerative medicine, the moral status of the zygote and the embryo is becoming increasingly important. This paper considers them from the perspective of "potential persons" and investigates issues arising from this perspective. In particular I critically examine Tooley's personhood theory. First, I examine the "interest principle" as a core of Tooley's theory. (1) On the normative character of "interest", Tooley insists interest is necessary for an entity to have a right to life, but I insist interest is a necessary and sufficient condition for invoking others' moral consideration toward the interest-holder. (2) On the interest of potential persons, I prove the possibility of acknowledging it. (3) On the "particular interests principle", I argue conscious interest isn't the only possible interest for persons. Thus I show the "interest principle" isn't sufficient for determining personhood. I then propose another principle for determining personhood: an "ends in itself" argument based on "moral ability". Those who destroy an entity regard it as merely a means, and then being an end in itself is decisive for a person. Next, I discuss being "end in itself" based on moral ability and conclude we can regard potential persons as potential holders of that ability. Finally, I consider the concept of "potentiality". Tooley argues that the destruction of potential persons is morally equivalent to contraception. I clarify the assumptions underlying this argument by examining his "three potentialities" argument and "moral symmetry principle". He considers potentiality in terms of causality (the cause-effect relationship). When considering living entities, however, I propose we consider potentiality in terms of teleology (the parts-whole relationship, and the process aiming at goals). This paper aims to establish a framework for protecting potential persons as potential moral agents. It concludes that this is fully possible.
前野 竜太郎
医学哲学 医学倫理 (ISSN:02896427)
vol.22, pp.103-112, 2004-10-18 (Released:2018-02-01)

The purpose of this paper is to show how the nonverbal communication is used by physiotherapists with physically handicapped and serious mental retarded children, during physiotherapeutic interventions. We used interview with physiotherapists, so to speak, real narratives of physiotherapists, who give physiotherapy to these children, because most of children couldn't even communicate. These interviews show the intimate relationship between physiotherapists and handicapped children, by analyzing the data from the interviews with physiotherapists. In the past, only few attempts have been made at this process of study, because we have to need more objective reliability and validity to research physiotherapy. It is difficult for us to study nonverbal communication more objectively, as it were, it isn't in our field. As physiotherapeutic intervention would be so much different from special education for handicapped children, we need more specific research from physiotherapy about them. In this study, we use the existential analysis method defined by Mourice Merleau-Ponty. It is entirely different from logo-therapy. We avoid using the sociological method of analyzing interview data. The findings of this analysis of data show that we have to transcend the wall of specialty and objectivity of physiotherapy; in other words, we need to be involved in an ambiguity, that is, non-perceivable dimension. Then we could live children with physical handicap and serious mental retardation together, in their world and their daily living. In conclusion, caring is the most important art during the physiotherapeutic interventions.
前田 義郎
医学哲学 医学倫理 (ISSN:02896427)
vol.20, pp.139-153, 2002-11-10 (Released:2018-02-01)

The 'personhood' argument is one of the basic principles of bioethics. But various forms are possible within this principle. The high evaluation of the patient's will is one form of personalism. The superiority of a person's value over a life's value is another form. But the famous 'personhood' argument today maintains a personhood is 'a necessary condition for the right to life'. This argument is linked with 'the denial of the right to life for potential persons' and 'the criticism against the speciesism'. This argument indeed provides some guidelines for abortion and the vegetative state, but it will admit almost any cases of the recent reproductive technology, especially ES cells. So, I want to define the person again from the viewpoint of 'moral personalism'. In this paper, I want to introduce my interpretation of Kant's 'categorical imperative', and then try to define a person on the basis of it. 'A categorical imperative' can be interpreted as 'a practical categorical syllogism'. We can discover two conditions for valid categorical syllogisms. And from these conditions moral practical laws can be deduced. Then, I define 'a person' as 'one who can perform such practical reasoning and act according to it'. A person means a moral being. This definition makes a new understanding on 'autonomy' possible, too. This definition of person is made from the viewpoint of the 'faculty', not the 'actual will'. Therefore we can consider the difference between 'a human being' and 'a chimpanzee', and also can view 'a potential person' as a person potentially possessing this faculty. This argument is not based upon a necessary condition for right to life, but upon the moral value we must esteem. I believe that from this point of view we can give some guidelines to the recent reproductive technology, ES cells.
前野 竜太郎
医学哲学 医学倫理 (ISSN:02896427)
vol.18, pp.35-42, 2000-12-15 (Released:2018-02-01)

We usually emphasize the objectivity of physiotherapy because of its reliability and validity. When we usually do physiotherapy, we can find out various physiotherapeutical problems in accordance with objective evaluation of the patient. We can then set up a rehabilitation goal, and sometimes we might prescribe scientific exercise for a patient. However, is that all we need? In particular, how about the great number of chronic cases? If we persist in our scientific method, we couldn't discover the whole patient. I suggest we need to use not only a rational medical rehabilitation approach but also an existential medical rehabilitation approach for chronic patients. Existential medicine means holistic medicine. Even if we can't expect improvement in the disability of all chronic patients, we must understand what their problem is as a whole patient, and be concerned about their suffering. If so, they may communicate real narratives. This promotes healing for them. It may also build confidence between patient and physiotherapist. This would be a different kind of rahabilitation based upon caring. The point I want to make is that a existential medical rehabilitation has seen a great number of chronic patients change from a suffering existence to a healing existence.
前田 高弘
科学基礎論研究 (ISSN:00227668)
vol.37, no.1, pp.29-38, 2009-11-25 (Released:2017-08-01)

It is often thought a difficult task to find a place for qualia in the physical world. The reason for this may be that qualia seem to be essentially intrinsic qualities so they cannot be captured entirely in terms of their causal-functional roles. This is the typical way in which qualia are thought to be physicalistically problematic. In this paper I rethink that very problem of qualia by means of metaphysical considerations concerning properties in general. The relevant question in the metaphysics of properties is whether properties have essences which determine their identities independently of their dispositional aspects. (Such essences are called 'quiddities'.) Indeed, the problem of qualia would take a different shape depending on the answer to that metaphysical question. I show this with reference to three main views on that question, namely, quidditism, the causal theory, and the identity theory. In closing, I make a brief remark about what these considerations imply for the relationship between physicalism and qualia.
前田 高弘
科学基礎論研究 (ISSN:00227668)
vol.35, no.1, pp.29-38, 2007-12-25 (Released:2010-02-03)
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According to the relational view concerning the ontological nature of perceptual experience, perceptual experience is a relation between the perceiver and its object. Moreover, if it is a relation, then it must be a cross-time relation. After explicating the principal motive for the relational view, this paper considers whether the ontological nature of perceptual experience can really be construed as a cross-time relation, and argues that the relational view can be defended against objections based on a temporal ontology in the form of the time-lag argument which assumes either Presentism or Eternalism. So it is concluded that as far as temporal ontology is concerned the relational view has no serious problem.

1 0 0 0 OA 視覚の因果説

前田 高弘
科学基礎論研究 (ISSN:00227668)
vol.29, no.2, pp.103-109, 2002-03-25 (Released:2009-07-23)

知覚の因果説は知覚に関心を持つ哲学者や心理学者によって広く受け容れられているように見えるが, 反対する者もいる。哲学的テーゼに反対者は付き物であるから, そのことは不思議ではないとも言えようが, 私にはやや奇妙に思えるところがある。知覚の因果説は基本的に知覚の概念に関するものであるが, 事実として知覚が生起するための因果的機構が科学的にある程度説明され, かつ反因果論者たちもその種の因果的機構の存在を否定するわけではなく, さらに一般常識も知覚の因果説的な捉え方を抵抗なく受け容れることができる (あるいは現に受け容れている) ように見えるのに, なぜ反因果論者たちは, 知覚の概念そのものは因果説的ではない (あるいは因果説的に捉えるべきではない) と敢えて主張する必要があるのか。実際, 私にはその理由が見当たらない。むしろ, 知覚の概念は因果説的であると考える方が理に適っているように思われる。そのことを論ずるのが本稿の目的であるが, 以下の議論は専ら視覚を問題にしている。反因果論者たちはすべての感覚様相について因果説を批判しているわけではなく (cf. [9] p.295), 批判の対象になるのは基本的に視覚か聴覚であり, 私が視覚の因果説を擁護するために持ち出す論点が視覚以外にも当てはまるわけではないからである。いずれにせよ, 私がここで論じたいことは, 敢えて控えめに言えぼ, 少なくとも視覚に関して因果説を拒否すべき理由は見当たらないということである.