池田 章一郎 田代 憲子 伊藤 要 小島 洋彦 伊藤 勝基 近藤 達平
一般社団法人 日本人工臓器学会
人工臓器 (ISSN:03000818)
vol.7, no.1, pp.7-10, 1978-01-15 (Released:2011-10-07)

Glucose sensor for implantable artificial pancreas has been developed in our laboratories. Glucose oxidase is immobilized on the surface of the Nylon membrane filter with glutaraldehyde. This type of sensor is much better than the sensor with GOD entarapping method, in the response range of the glucose concentration and in the length of the life.The exact relationship between sensor current and blood sugar level is recognized in animal experiment.
尾立 純子 佐伯 孝子 安永 好美 宮崎 かおり 池淵 元祥 湯浅(小島) 明子 湯浅 勲
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.58, no.4, pp.179-185, 2007 (Released:2008-12-19)

The behavior of mineral levels in the diet and serum of diabetic patients was investigated. The gustometry was also examined to identify the relationship between zinc deficiency and hypogeusia. The serum levels of zinc and iron in diabetic patients were lower than those in healthy people, and the sensitivity of taste, especially of sweetness, in diabetics was also lower than that in healthy people. These findings suggest that the lower sensitivity for sweetness in the diabetic patients induced them to eat more sweet foods. A survey of the zinc, iron and copper levels in the diets of the diabetic patients indicated lower values than the dietary recommendations. In particular, the dietary zinc and iron levels of the diabetic patients who were consuming a restricted-energy diet were significantly lower than the recommended values, suggesting the importance of good mineral balance in the diet for diabetics. These results suggest the importance of studying the relationship between the diabetic serum mineral level and the mineral level of the meal.
小島 大輔
長崎国際大学教育基盤センター紀要 = The Journal of Nagasaki International University Center for Fundamental Education (ISSN:24338109)
vol.1, pp.91-101, 2018-03

小島 紘太郎 五月女 義人 竹脇 出
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.82, no.735, pp.643-652, 2017

&nbsp;After Parkfield earthquake in 1966 and San Fernando earthquake in 1971, various aspects of near-fault ground motions have been clarified and the effect of near-fault ground motions on structural response have been investigated extensively. The fling-step and forward-directivity inputs have been characterized by two or three sinusoidal wavelets. For this class of ground motions, many sophisticated analyses have been conducted from various viewpoints. However, as far as a forced input is employed, both a free-vibration term and a forced-vibration term appear and the closed-form expression of the elastic-plastic response may be difficult. In order to overcome this difficulty, the double impulse has been introduced as a good substitute of the near-fault ground motion and the closed-form expression of the undamped elastic-plastic response of a structure under the critical double impulse has been derived in the previous works.<br>&nbsp;In this paper, the double impulse is introduced again and the closed-form solution of the maximum deformation of the elastic-perfectly plastic single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) system with viscous damping under the &lsquo;critical double impulse&rsquo; is derived. Because only the free-vibration appears after each impulse of such double impulse, the energy approach plays an important role in the derivation of the closed-form solution of the maximum elastic-plastic response of the SDOF system with viscous damping. However, it is difficult to treat exactly both of hysteretic damping and viscous damping even in the theory using double impulse. The quadratic-function approximation for the damping force-deformation relationship and the assumption that the critical timing of the second impulse is characterized by the stage of the zero restoring force after the first impulse are introduced to derive the maximum elastic-plastic response with viscous damping by using the energy balance formulation.<br>&nbsp;The validity of the proposed theory using the quadratic-function approximation and the assumption of the critical impulse timing has been investigated through the comparison with the critical elastic-plastic response under double impulse using the time history response analysis. The validity of the proposed closed-form solution has also been demonstrated through the comparison with the response analysis to the corresponding one-cycle sinusoidal input as a representative of the fling-step near-fault ground motion. Furthermore, in order to investigate the applicability of the proposed theory to actual recorded ground motions, two recorded ground motions have been taken into account. It has been demonstrated that the maximum response to the critical double impulse and the response to the selected ground motion coincide fairly well. This supports the validity of the proposed theory.
佐藤 博文 針金 三弥 龍村 俊樹 山本 恵一 小島 道久 山本 和夫 柴崎 洋一 松本 貞敏 鈴木 亮一
Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society
日本消化器内視鏡学会雑誌 (ISSN:03871207)
vol.26, no.8, pp.1330-1334_1, 1984 (Released:2011-05-09)

尋常性疣贅の多発を伴ったS状結腸癌の2例を報告した.症例は59歳の女性と78歳の男性で,ともに消化器症状はなかったが,2年以上前から尋常性疣贅が顔面,手背に多発し治癒傾向にないため,消化管の精査を行った. 上部消化管には異常所見を認めなかったが,注腸造影と大腸内視鏡検査によりS状結腸癌の合併をみとめ,根治術をおこなうことが出来た. 近年,本邦での結腸癌の罹患率は増加傾向にあり,結腸癌による死亡率を低下させるには一般住民を対象とした大腸集検と共に高危険群の精査による早期癌の発見が必要である. 尋常性疣贅はhuman papilloma virus(HPV)による皮膚感染症で,その発病は細胞性免疫能の低下と関連しているといわれている.今回の2症例の経験から,高齢者で尋常性疣贅が多発し,しかも難治傾向にある場合には,内臓悪性腫瘍の高危険群に屈すると考え,精査追跡をすすめるべきである.
小島 透
vol.49, no.3, pp.73-102, 2015-03-20
斉藤 絵里 岩附 聡 小出 醇 矢嶋 瑞夫 小島 靖
公益社団法人 日本食品科学工学会
日本食品科学工学会誌 (ISSN:1341027X)
vol.58, no.9, pp.454-459, 2011-09-15 (Released:2011-10-12)

永田 武 秋本 俊一 上田 誠也 清水 吉雄 小島 稔 小林 和男
Japan Association for Quaternary Research
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.1, no.1, pp.7-10, 1957-05-30 (Released:2009-08-21)

A palaeomagnetic study has been conducted of the volcanic rocks in the North Izu-Hakone volcanic region, Japan, where the complete succession of lavas has been determined by H. Kuno. By sampling 4∼7 oriented rock-specimens at each of the localities, the period from the very beginning of the Pleistocene to the Holocene has been covered, where the maximum time interval between consecutive samples may probably be not more than several tens of thousands years except that between two samples of middle to younger Pleistocene when the volcanic activity did not occur within the region concerned. Care was taken not to use the rock samples of which natural remanent magnetization may have suffered from any significant disturbances, geologically, chemically, magnetically or otherwise. Selection of proper samples was performed according to the criteria for the stability of remanent magnetization proposed by us previously (Journ. Geomag. Geoelec., VI, No.4). The major findings in this study are: 1) During the whole Quaternary age, the axis of the geomagnetic centred dipole was fluctuating around an axis of which north pole changed from φ=72°N, λ=86°E to φ=81°N, λ=32°W. 2) The direction of polarization of the centred dipole was reversed at a time in the earliest Quat rnary, namely, during the middle period of the formation of the Usami volcano.
小島 紘太郎 竹脇 出
日本建築学会構造系論文集 (ISSN:13404202)
vol.81, no.726, pp.1209-1219, 2016

&nbsp;The near-fault ground motions have special characters and the effects of such near-fault ground motions on structural response have been investigated extensively so far. The fling-step (fault-parallel) and forward-directivity (fault normal) inputs have been characterized simply by two or three wavelets. For this class of ground motions, many sophisticated analyses have been conducted from various viewpoints. However, as far as a forced input is employed, both a free-vibration term and a forced-vibration term appear and the closed-form expression of the elastic-plastic response may be difficult. In order to overcome this difficulty, the double impulse input is used as a good substitute of the near-fault ground motion and the closed-form expression is derived of the bilinear elastic-plastic critical response of a structure under this double input.<br>&nbsp;For guaranteeing the equivalence of the double impulse and the corresponding one-cycle sinusoidal input as a substitute of a near-fault ground motion, the equivalence of the maximum Fourier amplitudes of both inputs is introduced together with the equivalence of input frequency. Because only the free-vibration appears after each impulse of such double impulse input, the energy balance formulation using the kinetic energy and the strain and dissipated energy leads to the derivation of the closed-form expression of a complicated bilinear elastic-plastic response. It is shown that the maximum inelastic deformation of a structure with a positive post-yield stiffness can occur after the second impulse different from the case for elastic-perfectly plastic models. Furthermore it is made clear that, as the positive post-yield stiffness becomes larger, the correspondence between the double impulse and the corresponding sinusoidal input becomes better.<br>&nbsp;The closed-form expression is also derived for the non-critical case. The introduction of the concept of critical excitation enabled this derivation of the closed-form expression of the maximum elastic-plastic response. The validity and accuracy of the proposed theory are investigated through the comparison with the response analysis to the corresponding one-cycle sinusoidal input and recorded ground motions (Imperial Valley 1979, Northridge 1994, Hyogoken-Nanbu 1995). It is demonstrated that the proposed method using the double impulse is applicable to actual recorded pulse-type ground motions within a reasonable accuracy.