藤田 早苗 服部 正嗣 小林 哲生 奥村 優子 青山 一生
一般社団法人 言語処理学会
自然言語処理 (ISSN:13407619)
vol.24, no.1, pp.49-73, 2017-02-15 (Released:2017-05-15)
4 3

本稿では,子どもに「内容」と「読みやすさ」がぴったりな絵本を見つけるためのシステム「ぴたりえ」を提案する.本システムは,親や保育士,司書など,子どもに絵本を選ぶ大人が利用することを想定している.絵本を読むことは,子どもの言語発達と情操教育の両面で効果が期待できる.しかし,難しさも内容も様々な絵本が数多くある中で,子ども 1 人 1 人にとってぴったりな絵本を選ぶのは容易なことではない.そこで,ぴたりえでは,ひらがなの多い絵本のテキストを高精度に解析できる形態素解析や,文字の少ない絵本に対しても精度の高いテキストの難易度推定技術などの言語処理技術により,子どもにぴったりな絵本を探す絵本検索システムを実現する.本稿では,こうした言語処理技術を中心にぴたりえの要素技術を紹介し,各技術の精度が高いことを示す.また,システム全体としても,アンケート評価の結果,ぴたりえで選んだ絵本は「読みやすさ」も「内容」も,5 段階評価で平均値が 4.44~4.54 と高い評価が得られたことを示す.
石原 和弘 小林 哲夫
火山. 第2集 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.33, no.3, pp.269-271, 1988-10-31
横瀬 久芳 佐藤 創 藤本 悠太 Maria Hannah T. MIRABUENO 小林 哲夫 秋元 和實 吉村 浩 森井 康宏 山脇 信博 石井 輝秋 本座 栄一
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.119, no.1, pp.46-68, 2010-02-15 (Released:2010-05-21)
7 20 1

To understand the submarine volcanism surrounding the Tokara Islands, a submarine topographic analysis and 67 dredge samplings were carried out. Prior to the submarine investigations, we reviewed comprehensively geological and geophysical data on this region and confirmed the complexity of both volcanic activity and tectonic setting of the Tokara Islands. In contrast to the homogeneous subaerial volcanic rocks comprising predominantly two-pyroxene andesite lava flows, the dredged samples vary from basaltic andesite to rhyolite in composition. Furthermore, we reveal that dacitic and rhyolitic pumices are abundant and broadly distributed throughout the submarine area. The recovered volcanic rocks were mainly subangular to angular cobble-boulder fragments of lava, scoria, and variably vesiculated pumice. Volcanic rocks with hornblende phenocrysts occur only north of the Tokara strike-slip fault, which is a major tectonic element of volcanism. The pumices can be classified into three categories based on the size and abundance of the phenocrysts: aphyric pumice, fine-grained porphyritic pumice, and coarse-grained porphyritic pumice. Occurrences, such as amount in a dredge, shape without extensive abrasion, large fragment size, and bulk rock chemical compositions of the major pumice fragments suggest that they are in situ, rather than originating as drifted pumice or air fall, exotic pyroclastic fragments derived from the four super-eruptions of Kyushu Island. Because dredged samples contained fresh volcanic glass in the groundmass, and are not covered by iron-manganese oxide crust, they appear to have originated from the Quaternary eruptions. Indeed volcanic islands have developed above the submarine erosional terraces (indicated as knick points at approximately 110 m in depth), which is assumed to have formed during the last glacial age. K-Ar age dating on the representative pumice samples resulted in ages of 0.60 ± 0.20 Ma and < 0.2 Ma, respectively. These newly obtained submarine data support that acidic volcanisms occurred around the submarine calderas during the Mid-Pleistocene age.
田島 靖久 松尾 雄一 庄司 達弥 小林 哲夫
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.59, no.2, pp.55-75, 2014-06-30 (Released:2017-03-20)

The Kirishima volcanoes located in southern Kyushu are comprised of more than 20 volcanic edifices. The volcanoes occupy an elliptical area of approximately 330km2 with the WNW-ESE direction. Among the different types of volcanic edifices, the typical ones are compound maars and lava flows in Ebinokogen. We studied the volcanic history of Ebinokogen by geological examination of tephra layers and lava flows. After the Karakunidake-Kobayashi plinian eruption, seven tephra were formed in this area. We determined the ages of those tephra and two lava flows. The magmatic eruptions, produced Tamakino B tephra, occurred after Karakunidake-Kobayashi tephra eruption. The first activity in Ebinokogen from about 9.0 cal ka BP generated Fudoike lava flow, and Fudoike-Tamakino A tephra erupted from Fudoike crater. Karakunidake north-Ebino D tephra was generated from the northwest flank of Karakunidake at 4.3 cal ka BP, with debris avalanche and lahars. Phreatic Fudoike-Ebino C tephra erupted from the Fudoike crater at 1.6 cal ka BP. Ioyama-Ebino B tephra eruption started from around the 16th to 17th century with lava flow. Phreatic Ioyama east-Ebino A tephra erupted from Ioyama east crater in 1768 AD. The Ebinokogen area is one of the active regions of Kirishima volcanoes explicated by geophysical observations. Our results indicate cyclical tephra depositions mainly produced by small magmatic and strong phreatic eruptions in this area after the Karakunidake-Kobayashi pyroclastic eruption. Furthermore, the vent locations were found to migrate with each eruption.
小林 哲夫
一般社団法人 日本地質学会
地質学雑誌 (ISSN:00167630)
vol.123, no.5, pp.309-319, 2017-05-15 (Released:2017-07-25)

石川 知夏 小林 哲生
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.29, no.4, pp.549-556, 2022-12-01 (Released:2022-12-15)

Although previous studies have repeatedly shown the bouba/kiki effect that nonsense words including certain sounds are associated with particular shapes (round and sharp objects), the cognitive foundation of the effect still remains unclear because of the use of a very limited number of nonsense words. To clarify the relation between a larger set of speech sounds and visual shapes, we used a 7-point Likert scale to collect the data of roundness-sharpness ratings for Japanese 69 one-mora sounds. Both sighted and vision-impaired Japanese speakers rated the sonorants (/m/, /n/) more roundly than the unvoiced (/t/, /k/, /p/) and the voiced obstruents (/b/ /d/, /g/). Moreover, they rated the unvoiced obstruents more roundly than the voiced obstruents. This is inconsistent with the previous findings from English speakers who rated the voiced obstruents more roundly than the unvoiced obstruents (McCormick et al., 2015), suggesting a cross-linguistic difference in the consonant-roundness relation. The findings are discussed in light of a subtle difference in articulatory or acoustic characters and an orthographic system representing voiced obstruents.
小林 哲郎 難波 光義 黒田 暁生 松久 宗英 山田 研太郎 今村 洋一 金重 勝博 浜口 朋也 川村 智行 佐藤 譲 高橋 和眞 丸山 太郎 西村 理明 勝野 朋幸 楠 宜樹 清水 一紀 柳澤 克之 粟田 卓也 雨宮 伸 日本先進糖尿病治療研究会
一般社団法人 日本糖尿病学会
糖尿病 (ISSN:0021437X)
vol.57, no.6, pp.403-415, 2014-06-30 (Released:2014-07-02)

最近,持続インスリン皮下注入療法(Continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion:以下CSII)と持続血糖モニタリング(Continuous glucose monitoring:以下CGM)が糖尿病の治療機器として普及しつつある.我々はCSIIおよびCGMに関する科学的根拠をもとに,これをコンセンサスステートメントとしてまとめた.CSIIでは適応,臨床効果,リスク管理など,さらに,運用法の実際的な要点,シックデイ,妊娠,食事・運動などに関する注意などについて述べた.CGMに関してもその適応と効果,糖尿病治療への活用法,注意点を述べた.CSIIおよびCGMは1型糖尿病,2型糖尿病の一部や妊娠中の糖尿病症例にも重要な臨床機器であり,このステートメントをもとに内科および小児科領域の患者教育に適応できる具体的なガイドラインの作成が望まれる.
大竹 裕香 奥村 優子 山田 祐樹 小林 哲生
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.26, no.2, pp.243-253, 2019-06-01 (Released:2019-12-01)

Many studies have suggested that the knowledge of picture books possessed by caregivers predicts their children’s language abilities, reflecting the richness of linguistic inputs in shared book reading. Previous studies have measured knowledge of picture books by asking caregivers to check the items they know from the lists of titles and authors of popular picture books (Title/Author Recognition Test). However, these studies have been conducted only in English-speaking countries. We developed a Japanese version of the Title/Author Recognition Tests to measure the picture book knowledge of Japanese caregivers. In Study 1, Japanese caregivers completed questionnaires on title/author lists that we developed and some measures related to shared book reading. The results revealed significant correlations between recognition scores and measures related to shared book reading. In addition, the score on the title list correlated with the age of the eldest child, which reflects the length of child-rearing experience. In Study 2, we compared the recognition scores of the caregivers with students of a course on childcare worker training and students with little experience of caring child. The results showed that the recognition scores varied reflecting both child-rearing experience and childcare worker training. These results suggested the validity of the recognition lists we developed. Future research is needed to investigate whether the scores on the recognition lists are related to children’s language abilities.
小林 哲夫
日本関節病学会誌 (ISSN:18832873)
vol.36, no.2, pp.97-101, 2017 (Released:2018-07-31)

Bacteremia occurs through the translocation of oral bacteria from subgingival biofilms into the systemic circulation following daily oral hygiene activities and dental procedures. Bacteremia is caused more frequently in the treatment of periodontal disease than in other dental procedures. Periodontal treatment involves mechanical debridement, which consists of plaque control, scaling and root planing, and periodontal surgery. The debridement of bacterial biofilms in close proximity to the ulcerated epithelium of the gingival sulcus or periodontal pocket may lead to bacteremia. Therefore, it is essential to maintain oral hygiene and periodontal health in order to decrease the risk of bacteremia. It has long been debated by the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) and the American Dental Association (ADA) whether or not the risk of prosthetic joint infection (PJI) is related to bacteremia after professional dental treatments. Currently, there is strong evidence of such an association. In addition, the indirect evidence obtained from multiple moderate-strength studies suggests that the use of prophylactic antibiotics reduces the incidence of post-dental procedure bacteremia. However, there have been no studies regarding the relationship between bacteremia and PJI. In summary, it is necessary to consider the risk of dental procedure-induced bacteremia and patient characteristics when prescribing prophylactic antibiotics for patients with prosthetic joints who are undergoing dental procedures. It may be particularly beneficial for these patients to maintain good oral hygiene.
小林 哲夫 早川 由紀夫 荒牧 重雄
火山. 第2集 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.28, no.2, pp.129-139, 1983-07-01

大隅降下軽石堆積物は, 約22, 000年前に鹿児島湾最奥部で起こった一連の巨大噴火の最初期のプリニアン噴火の産物である.灰白色の軽石と遊離結晶および少量の石質岩片からなる本堆積物は, 全層にわたってほぼ均質な見かけを呈するが, 多くの場合, 上方に向かって粒径がやや大きくなる逆級化層理を示す.層厚分布図(Fig.3)と3種の粒径分布図(軽石の平均最大粒径・石質岩片の平均最大粒径・堆積物の中央粒径;Figs.5, 6, 7)は, いずれも本堆積物の噴出火口が姶良カルデラの南縁, 現在桜島火山の位置する地点付近にあったことを示している.分布軸は火口からN120°E方向に伸びるが, 分布軸から60 km以上離れた地点にも厚く堆積している.又, 堆積物は分布軸の逆方向すなわち風上側にも20 km以上追跡できる.分布軸上で火口から30 km離れた地点での層厚は10 mに達するが, 40 km地点より遠方は海域のため層厚値は得られない.そのため噴出量の見積もりには多くの困難が伴うが, すでに知られている他のプリニアン軽石堆積物の層厚-面積曲線(Fig.4)にあてはめて計算すると, 総体積98 km^3(総重量7×10^<16>g)が得られ, 本堆積物は支笏-1軽石堆積物(116 km^3)に次ぐ最大規模のプリニアン軽石堆積物であることがわかる.3種の粒径分布図から得られる粒径-面積曲線(Fig.8)は, 噴出速度・噴煙柱の高さ・噴出率などで示される噴火の「強さ」を比較する上で有効である.それにより, 大隅降下軽石噴火の「強さ」はけっして例外的なものではなく, プリニアン噴火の平均あるいはそれをやや上回る程度であったことが判明した.
國武 絵美 小林 哲夫
マイコトキシン (ISSN:02851466)
vol.66, no.1, pp.85-96, 2016-01-31 (Released:2016-02-16)

糸状菌は植物バイオマス(リグノセルロース)に由来する低分子の糖を細胞表層であるいは細胞内に取り込んだ後に感知し,シグナル伝達機構を介してセルラーゼやヘミセルラーゼ遺伝子の発現を転写レベルで活性化する.一方,資化しやすいグルコース等の糖の存在時にはカーボンカタボライト抑制機構が働き,転写が抑制される.このメカニズムを理解することは植物バイオマス分解酵素の効率的な生産に極めて重要である.主にAspergillus属,Trichoderma reesei,Neurospora crassaにおいてゲノムワイドな解析が行われ,遺伝子破壊株ライブラリの利用やセルラーゼ遺伝子と同時に制御される未知遺伝子の機能解析などにより,複数の転写制御因子が単離された.またその上流のシグナル伝達カスケードについても研究が進められており,セルロース性シグナルに対する応答が光や既存の調節経路により微調整されることなども示されている.このレビューではリグノセルロース分解酵素遺伝子の発現制御に関わる転写因子の機能,誘導物質の認識及びそのシグナルの伝達などの遺伝子発現誘導メカニズムに関する研究を概括した.
小林 哲夫
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.67, no.3, pp.335-350, 2022-09-30 (Released:2022-10-27)

In the Kikai caldera, a major caldera-forming eruption, the Akahoya eruption (Ah eruption), occurred at 7.3 cal ka BP. It started with a plinian eruption (K-KyP), accompanied by a small intra-plinian Funakura pyroclastic flow (K-Fn). In the second eruptive stage, large Koya pyroclastic flow eruption (K-Ky) occurred, which covered the southern part of Kyushu with widespread co-ignimbrite ash (K-Ah (c)). These series of pyroclastic materials are collectively called Kikai-Akahoya tephra (K-Ah (T)). It has been thought that the Akahoya tsunami (Ah tsunami), occurred in connection with the Ah eruption. However, in outcrops below 50 m elevation in the proximal area of the caldera (~60 km), the K-Ah (T) was either replaced by Ah tsunami deposits of various sedimentary facies or completely eroded away by the same tsunami. The largest tsunami was therefore estimated to be due to the collapse of the caldera rim, which occurred some time after the end of the Ah eruption. On the other hand, in the Yokoo midden at Oita city, approximately 300 km from the caldera, it was considered that the K-Ah (c) was deposited immediately above the sandy tsunami deposit. However, the parent material of these distal Ah tsunami deposit is presumed to be K-Ah (r), which was transported and deposited from hinterland to the estuary, and was then incorporated and redeposited by the subsequent striking Ah tsunami. That is, the particles in the tsunami can be interpreted as separating and settling into two different layers, i.e. the basal sand layer and the upper K-Ah (r) set as the same tsunami deposit, due to differences in density. This interpretation is also supported by the chemical analyses of volcanic glass. Thus, the erosion and deposition either proximal or distal area of the caldera indicate that the largest Ah tsunami occurred some time after the Ah eruption. The caldera rim shows a double depression structure which was formed during the Ah eruption, and there are many channel structures on the caldera rim that suggest intense seawater movement. It is therefore highly probable that the sudden collapse of caldera wall after the Ah eruption is the cause of the tsunami, together with the run-up height near the caldera. However, it is not possible to estimate the time until the collapse that caused the Ah tsunami.