菅原 貴志 高里 良男 正岡 博幸 太田 禎久 早川 隆宣 八ツ繁 寛 今江 省吾 山本 崇裕 武川 麻紀
一般社団法人 日本脳卒中の外科学会
脳卒中の外科 (ISSN:09145508)
vol.34, no.4, pp.294-298, 2006 (Released:2008-08-08)

Generally vitreous hemorrhage (VH) is detected in 2.2% to 13% of subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) patients. VH with SAH (Terson's syndrome) is known to occur frequently in patients with severe SAH or re-ruptured aneurysms. We retrospectively analyzed 20 patients diagnosed with Terson's syndrome out of a total of 881 patients treated for SAH in our department from July 1995 to October 2004. Our study group comprised 15 male and 5 female patients ranging in age from 38 to 77 years (mean 51.2 years). Each patient was classified in Hunt & Kosnik (H&K) grades on admission. One patient was classified in Grade 2, 3 patients in Grade 3, 7 patients in Grade 4 and 9 patients in Grade 5. Each patient was further classified in a Fisher group: 1 patient was in Group 2, 9 patients in Group 3, and 10 patients in Group 4. Regarding the aneurysmal location, 4 cases had ICA aneurysms, 6 had AcomA aneurysms, 4 had MCA aneurysms, 4 had VA or BA aneurysms, and 2 had ACA aneurysms. Re-rupture of aneurysm occurred in 4 cases. Two patients underwent external ventricular drainage because of acute hydrocephalus immediately after CT on admission. Seventeen aneurysms were treated by surgical neck clipping, and 3 aneurysms were treated by intra-aneurysmal coil embolization as the final treatment. Seven patients underwent external decompression because of severe brain swelling, and 6 patients underwent V-P shunt for chronic hydrocephalus. Symptomatic vasospasm occurred in 1 case. Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS) at discharge showed that 8 patients were GR, 10 were MD, and 2 were SD. VH occurred in only 1 patient on the contralateral side to the ruptured aneurysm among those who had obvious hemilateral VH. Vitrectomy was performed for the 17 VH of 10 patients, and the duration from VH onset to treatment was 8-24 weeks (mean 16.4 weeks). Conservative therapy was done for 15 VH of 10 patients, and the follow-up duration was 12-102 weeks (mean 27.0 weeks). Comparing these 20 VH patients with 311 favorable-outcome (GR or MD) patients who were not considered to have VH, H&K grade or Fisher group scales were significantly higher in VH patients. No significant difference existed between the groups with regard to the number of ruptures or the location of the ruptured aneurysms.
岩坪 史弥 渡村 友昭 杉山 和靖 山本 研一朗 四元 祐子 塩野 貴史
混相流 (ISSN:09142843)
vol.32, no.1, pp.124-131, 2018-03-15 (Released:2018-05-03)

To clarify the spatial structure of number density distribution of bubbles in stout beer poured into a container, we investigated local time development of the void fraction and velocity of bubbles. The propagation velocity of the texture, i.e. the number density distribution, appearing near the inclined wall of the container is measured by the images analysis. We measured the local void fraction using brightness of images while the velocity of bubbles by means of Particle Tracking Velocimetry. As the result of measurements, we found the local void fraction and the bubbles advection velocity increase and decrease repeatedly with a time delay. We conclude the pattern of the number density distribution of bubbles is composed of fluid blobs which contain less bubbles; extruding and suction flows respectively toward and from the interior of the container form respectively in front and back of the blobs.
山本 欣司
日本文学 (ISSN:03869903)
vol.54, no.9, pp.52-60, 2005

山本 大誠 奈良 勲 岡村 仁 藤村 昌彦
理学療法科学 (ISSN:13411667)
vol.18, no.1, pp.55-60, 2003 (Released:2003-05-01)
4 1

現在,国内では統合失調症者を対象としたリハビリテーション医療における理学療法はほとんど確立されていない。理学療法は基本的に身体的健康を回復,維持するために欠かせないものであるが,身体的健康は精神保健に対しても多大な寄与をなし得るものである。本研究の目的は統合失調症者12名に対して毎週1回,12週間の理学療法介入を試み,その有効性について検討することである。この結果,Body Awareness Scale(BAS) の「身体能力に関する項目」とPositive and Negative Syndrome Scale(PANSS)の「陰性尺度」および「総合精神病理尺度」において理学療法介入群に有意な値の変化が認められた。以上の結果より,統合失調症者に対する理学療法は身体面と精神面の両面において有効である可能性が示された。したがって,精神科領域のリハビリテーション部門において理学療法を導入し,他職種と連携して取り組んでいくことが望ましい。
山本 玄珠 長峰 崇 北垣 俊明 海野 友紀
地球科学 (ISSN:03666611)
vol.58, no.6, pp.375-388, 2004-11-25 (Released:2017-07-14)

筆者らは,青森県尾太鉱山跡地坑道内において,廃水性マンガン団塊を発見した.本マンガン団塊は,15年以内で形成されたものである.粗粒から中礫サイズのこのマンガン団塊は,ブドウ状表面構造を有すマンガンクラスとともに産出するが,それらは微生物のマットと思われる物質が広く発達している中に認められる.いくつかのマンガン団塊のコアや表面には微生物と思われる物質が含まれていた.今回発見されたマンガン団塊は全て球状を呈し、層構造を有すが,それらは深海のマンガン団塊の形状(Meylan 1974)で示すとs-m[SDP]sまたはs-m[SDP]s+rに分類される.本マンガン団塊が微生物的物質と共に存在することから,本マンガン団塊の形成には,微生物的物質が関係していると考えられる.
岩崎 寛 山本 聡 権 孝〓 渡邉 幹夫
日本緑化工学会誌 (ISSN:09167439)
vol.32, no.1, pp.247-249, 2006-08-31
10 14

三浦 玲 梶原 健吾 八木 喜崇 坂本 和香奈 芹川 亜実 西山 景子 吉井 隆一 西口 佳彦 山本 紗友梨 中村 朋文 梶原 奈央 藤本 歌織 尾上 友朗 富田 正郎 向山 政志
一般社団法人 日本透析医学会
日本透析医学会雑誌 (ISSN:13403451)
vol.51, no.6, pp.395-399, 2018 (Released:2018-06-28)

本邦における2型糖尿病患者数は増加の一途をたどっている. メトホルミンの単独療法では低血糖のリスクは低く, 他の血糖降下薬にて懸念される体重増加も少ないうえに, インスリン抵抗性の改善を期待でき心血管保護作用もあいまって, その適応は増加している. メトホルミンの極めて稀な副作用として乳酸アシドーシスがあるが, 致死率が非常に高く迅速な対応を必要とする. 今回, われわれは53歳の患者におけるメトホルミンを原因とした重症乳酸アシドーシスに対し, 点滴加療を施行するも改善不十分であり, 血液透析にて救命することができた1例を経験したため報告する. 乳酸アシドーシスは発症すると重篤であるため, ハイリスク患者ではあらかじめ投与を避けることや, 脱水, シックデイ, 過度のアルコール摂取など患者への注意指導を行うことで発症自体を予防することが重要だが, 発症した場合は遅滞なく透析を含む積極的治療介入を検討する必要がある.
吉川 俊明 坂本 慎介 堀 琴乃 楠本 寛 山本 康 服部 高資 佐多 宏太
一般社団法人 日本航空宇宙学会
日本航空宇宙学会論文集 (ISSN:13446460)
vol.56, no.655, pp.391-395, 2008 (Released:2008-08-27)
1 1

In this paper, we propose the method for the measurement of required power and the adjustment of optimum gear ratio in take-off ground running. To get the values of required power and speed, we measured torque of the left side and the right side of pedals, RPM of pedals, and speed of the cockpit frame. In order to improve the take-off speed, some drums were applied, and the optimum gear ratio of the front drum to the rear drum was determined.
松井 豊 山本 真理子
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.1, no.1, pp.9-14, 1985-10-05 (Released:2016-11-18)

Male students differing in the degree of their self-esteem rated the impressions of ten female photographs and made a choice of their dating partner. The rating scales included 19 personality and appearance traits, liking scales, and the subjects' fear of rejection. Four factors emerged as a result of a factor analysis of the 19 personality and appearance traits: homeliness, physical attractiveness, liveliness, and individuality. The findings were as follows : (a) liking for females was not only determined by their physical attractiveness but also by their homeliness ; (b) subject's self-esteem did not influence whom they choose as his date ; (c) liking of the high self-esteem subjects (HSE) were influenced more strongly by the physical attractiveness of the female than the low self-esteem subjects (LSE); (d) only the LSE was attracted more to females with high individuality; (e) LSE's liking score was strongly influenced by fear-of-rejection score. These findings suggest that the matching hypothesis should take into account factors other than physical attractiveness, i.e. desirable personality traits judged from the appearance of the other sex and also the self-esteem of the subject.
原 真太郎 田中 春仁 川嶋 宏行 山本 浩彰 野中 泉美 山本 隆一郎 Broomfield M Niall 野村 忍
一般社団法人 日本健康心理学会
Journal of Health Psychology Research (ISSN:21898790)
pp.180328125, (Released:2020-03-31)

Waine, Broomfield, Banham, & Espie (2009) developed and validated the Metacognitions Questionnaire-Insomnia (MCQ-I) to assess metacognition about sleep, which was hypothesized to have a two-factor structure consisting of metacognitive belief about sleep, and metacognitive plans about sleep. However, it is unclear if the MCQ-I reflects metacognition about sleep as hypothesized because no item analysis or factor analysis was conducted. The present study was designed to develop a short version of MCQ-I using selected items and investigate its reliability and validity. A cross-sectional survey using the MCQ-I was conducted with undergraduates (N=330) and 27 patients with chronic insomnia disorder. Results of factor analysis and item analysis of their responses indicated that MCQ-I has a two-factor structure as hypothesized, and 25 items had high internal consistency. Moreover, the MCQ-I-25 was correlated with metacognition about worry, comprehensive dimensions of cognitive arousal, and sleep disturbances. Furthermore, the MCQ-I-25 score was higher in insomnia patients than healthy students. These results suggest that MCQ-I-25 reflects metacognition about sleep and could predict cognitive arousal and insomnia.
山本 匠一郎
紀要 (ISSN:18828175)
no.2, pp.252-196, 2009
山本 耕平
京都社会学年報 : KJS = Kyoto journal of sociology
vol.17, pp.139-153, 2009-12-25

The aim of this paper is to reexamine what kind of insight the Sociology of Scientific Knowledge (SSK) provides us concerning our understanding of science. SSK has definitely described some crucial dimensions of science which traditional sociology and philosophy of science had not taken notice of. However, it seems that SSK doesn't offer any clear implication for our understanding of scientific rationality. I consider this equivocalness a significant problem to be solved, since some claims raised by SSK provide the background assumptions for much of recent research in Science Studies, like the Science, Technology and Society (STS). To make clear what implications are to be brought out from the claims of SSK about the social dimensions of science, I incorporate some recent arguments of Social Epistemology. Recent studies in Social Epistemology show interesting facts concerning the relationship between the social dimensions of science and scientific rationality. Focusing on Philip Kitcher's discussion about the division of cognitive labor and Miriam Solomon's "Social Empiricism, " I argue that the social dimensions of science sometimes make scientific decision-making rational, and sometimes they do not: it is entirely contingent how the social dimensions of science affect the results of scientific activities. In conclusion, I argue that we should not use the claims of SSK about the social dimensions of science as theoretical bases for our evaluation of science, but just as a tool for identifying various factors underlying decision-making processes. I suggest that this interpretation of the claims of SSK offers a better way to utilize our knowledge of social dimensions of science in Science Studies.