山本 智子

授与大学:弘前大学; 学位種類:修士(教育学); 授与年月日:平成21年3月24日; 学位記番号:修第444号
山本 章子
一般財団法人 日本国際政治学会
国際政治 (ISSN:04542215)
vol.2015, no.182, pp.182_111-182_124, 2015-11-05 (Released:2016-08-04)

This article aims at reconsidering the decision making process of the Eisenhower administration on the revisions to the U.S.-Japan Security Treaty in 1960 as part of the policy for the U.S. oversea bases. The previous studies have argued the treaty revisions as part of American policy toward Japan with a motive to prevent her from neutralization. But so-called “New Look”, the cold war strategy of the Eisenhower’s administration which depended on nuclear weapon capability, built in the presence of oversea bases all over the world. Therefore, the U.S. government addressed lessening the complaint of the host nations to maintain the oversea bases. This article discusses the treaty revisions from the point of its relations with the Nash Report, the survey and recommendation on the situation and issues surrounding U.S. oversea bases, to point out how the treaty revisions have a close link with the comprehensive U.S. oversea-bases policy. Furthermore, my analysis focuses on the attitude of the U.S. military including the Pentagon. The previous studies have ignored the role of the U.S. military in terms of the treaty revisions, but they are a key actor as well as the Department of State and the American embassy in Japan because the U.S. military has a veto of security policies.During the period of the Eisenhower’s administration, the USSR’s success in hydrogen-bomb test and appeal for change for peace after death of Stalin escalated fear of entrapment and demand of reducing U.S.-Soviet tension among the U.S. allies. In addition, the success of the USSR in development of ICBM missiles and Sputnik I launching in 1957, persuaded the host nations to limit their alliance commitment to the United States. Furthermore, the presence of U.S. military forces for a long time and criminal jurisdiction procedures involving U.S. military personnel unfair to the host nations also led to public protest against the security policy of their government. As for Japan in 1950s, the presence of U.S. military bases was considered as an ongoing symbol of the “U.S. occupation”. What is more, the strong anti-nuclear sentiment everywhere in Japan strengthened the public’s fear of entrapment. The neutralists in Japan succeeded in propagating the idea that the U.S. military presence would increase the risk of entrapping Japan into unwanted nuclear wars after so-called “Sputnik shock”.Reflecting such a situation, the Nash Report recommended that the U.S. should examine alternatives to their base system in Far East. This recommendation became discussed seriously by the Operation Coordinating Board in spite of the opposition by the U.S. military. These altered the negative attitude of the U.S. military toward the treaty revisions.
山本 隆太
pp.1-91, 2017

野村 和孝 山本 哲也 林 響子 津村 秀樹 嶋田 洋徳
一般社団法人 日本認知・行動療法学会
行動療法研究 (ISSN:09106529)
vol.37, no.3, pp.143-155, 2011-09-30 (Released:2019-04-06)

山本 浩三
同志社法學 (ISSN:03877612)
vol.11, no.1, pp.46-57, 1959-06-30

石井 泰光 山本 正嘉 図子 浩二
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.55, no.1, pp.63-79, 2010 (Released:2010-07-20)

The purpose of this study was to investigate the similarities of upper torso rotation and pelvic rotation around the vertical axis of the global coordinate system with trunk rotation during throwing and striking movements. We enrolled twenty-three right-handed male college students, who performed baseball pitching and batting movements and the golf driver shot. During the throwing and striking movements, 3D coordinates of body landmarks were obtained using the VICON 612 system with 10 cameras operating at 120 frames per second. The ball speed during pitching and the head speed during batting and the driver shot were measured using a high-speed camera at 250 frames per second and analyzed using WINanalyze (2D motion analyzer). The angles of rotation of the upper torso and pelvis were calculated as the angles between the respective segment and the global x-axis. The trunk rotation angle was calculated as the angle between the upper torso segment and the pelvic segment. The sequential data for rotational movement variables were normalized from the onset of the minimum upper torso angle until release or impact. There were significant positive correlations between the ball speed during pitching, head speed during batting, and head speed during the driver shot (pitching vs. batting, r=0.627, p<0.01; pitching vs. driver shot, r=0.670, p<0.01; batting vs. driver shot, r=0.554, p<0.01). There were significant positive correlations between the two striking movements with regard to the maximum angular velocity of upper torso rotation (r=0.567, p<0.01) and pelvic rotation (r=0.523, p<0.05). The batting and driver shot showed similarity of trunk rotation and pelvic rotation in that the contribution of pelvic angular velocity to the maximum upper torso angular velocity was larger than the contribution of trunk rotational angular velocity to the maximum upper torso angular velocity. Upon trunk rotation, there were no significant positive correlations among the pitching, the batting, and the driver shot with regard to maximum angular velocity. These results indicate that the ball and head speeds are strongly related during pitching, batting, and the driver shot. The upper torso rotation and pelvic rotation around the vertical axis of the global coordinate system are related only during batting and the driver shot.
山本 晃弘 関村 直人
一般社団法人 日本原子力学会
日本原子力学会和文論文誌 (ISSN:13472879)
pp.J16.002, (Released:2017-06-27)

The enhancement of safety culture is an issue for both plant operators and regulators working in fields related to the safety management of nuclear power plants. Plant operators have been collecting safety culture data through a broad range of tools and methods such as observations, interviews and other surveys. However, many issues remain regarding the effectiveness of safety culture activity. A new regulatory authority was established in 2012 after the Fukushima Dai-ichi accident to enforce nuclear safety regulations but its activity is still weak in terms of monitoring the performance of plant operators’ safety culture. In order to promote and strengthen safety culture, plant operators need to collect detailed event information, even when events do not directly affect plant safety, and accumulate information related to human, organizational and technical factors through dialogue among the parties responsible for coping with events. Both operators and regulators should all be working in the same direction to assess information that will help their periodic reviews, and the involvement of local government is a key to enhancing their safety culture.
山本 忠宏 大塚 英志 橋本 英治 泉 政文 Tadahiro YAMAMOTO Eiji OHTSUKA Eiji HASHIMOTO Masafumi IZUMI

本研究では、石ノ森章太郎のまんが作品を対象として、写真や映画における運動表現を対置しながら石ノ森章太郎の運動表現の分析を行うことを目的とする。分析対象としては、1971 年に『少年マガジン』において、TV シリーズとのタイアップで1 年間連載された『仮面ライダー』を取り上げる。石ノ森章太郎はこの作品の直前に『ジュン』(1967)や「神々との戦い編」『サイボーグ009』(1969)において実験的な表現を行っている。そこには、特定の主人公に感情移入させる物語を語ることに縛られない表現が見受けられ、その方法は『仮面ライダー』の運動表現において「加速と停滞」という役割として顕著に見られる。石ノ森章太郎の運動表現における「加速と停滞」という要素を検証しながら、物語を語ることと共に作品内において二つのモードの形成について考察する。This study analyzes the motion representation of Shotaro Ishinomori comic works, comparing the motion representation in photography and early film. The analysis object is "Kamen Rider"(1971) was serialized in "Shonen Magazine" tie-up with the TV series. Ishinomori have done an experimental representation just before, in "Jun"(1967), "Kamigamitonotatakai-hen" of "Cyborg 009"(1969). This representation is not related storytelling and the factor of stagnation and acceleration in the motion representation of "Kamen Rider".We consider the two modes of the storytelling and the motion representation, analyzing the factor of stagnation and acceleration in the motion representation of Shotaro Ishinomori.
山本 光正
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
no.36, pp.p239-254, 1991-11

近世における関所の研究は,当然のことながら,幕府諸政策との関連で把えられている。大名統制や入鉄砲に出女に代表されるように,研究の大きな課題の一つは関所設置の目的や意義にある。こうした関所研究の傾向からみると,一般庶民男子の通行はその研究の中で占める位置は極めて小さなものである。一方庶民の旅という観点からみると,庶民男子の通行には,幕府の定めた通過方法とはかなり異なる点がみられる。庶民男子が旅をする場合,往来手形を持参し,手形の改めを受けるだけで関所を通行することができた。もしも手形を持参しない場合でも,取り調べの結果不審な点がなければ通行を許されていたことになっている。ところが旅日記をみると,しばしば関所――主に箱根関所――に手形を「提出」している記事がみられる。提出しているのは往来手形とは別のもののようである。このことを裏付けるように,やはり旅日記には旅の途中で手形を作成・発行してもらっている記述がよくみられる。特に多いのが江戸の旅宿である。東国の人々の多くは伊勢参宮の際江戸に入り,1~2泊して伊勢に向かうが,その際旅宿で手形の発行をしてもらっている。右のような関所手形についての幕府,関所側の記録は極めて少ないようである。このような関所手形について,かろうじて『箱根御関所日記書抜』に途中手形という名称で記されている。その内容も旅の途中での手形発行を禁じたものである。このような手形が自然発生的に成立したとはとても考えられない。恐らく何らかの理由により一時的にとった処置が,途中手形に姿を変え尾を引きずり,これを旅籠屋が利用したのであろう。いずれにせよ庶民男子が関所を通過する時,旅の途中で発行してもらった手形を関所に提出したことは事実として認めざるを得ない。The study of the barrier stations in the Early Modern Period has been, as a matter of course, understood in its relationship to the policies of the Tokugawa Shogunate, as typically seen in the control of the Daimyo (feudal lords), the bringing in of weapons, and women coming out (from Edo, where wives of Daimyo were kept hostage), one of the important subjects of studies lies in the significance of the establishment of barrier stations.Considering this leaning in the study of the barrier stations, passage by men of the common class receives little attention.On the other hand, from the viewpoint of the common people, the passage of barrier stations by men of the common class was considerally different from the manner stipulated by the Shogunate. When a man of common class went on a trip, he carried a traffic bill called "Orai-Tegata", and could pass barriers only on being checked for the bill. Even if he did not possess a bill, if he was not doubted in an interrogation, he would have been permitted to pass the barrier station.When reading travel diaries, however, I often find passages referring to the "filing" of a bill to a barrier station―mostly to that at Hakone. It seems to have been something different from the ordinary traffic bill. In support of these passages, other passages in travel diaries include descriptions of the preparation and issuance of bills during the course of a journey. This was most frequent in travellers' lodges in Edo.People in eastern Japan, on their way to the Ise Shrine, entered Edo and stayed there one or two days before continuing their journey again. At that time, they had the bill issued at their lodge.It seems these bills for passing the station were rarely described in the records of the Shogunate or barrier station. They are mentioned only as "Tochu-Tegata" (part-way bill) in a document called "Extract of Hakone Station Daily Report". The content of this document was a prohibition of the issuance of this type of bill in the course of a journey.It is unbelievable that such a bill came into being spontaneously. It is probable that a temporary measure, which had been taken for some reason, survived in the form of Tochu Tegata.In any case, it was an obvious fact that men of the common class filed a bill which was issued in the course of their trip, in order to pass a barrier station.
山本 悟 葉狩 秀樹 村山 光宏
一般社団法人 日本航空宇宙学会
日本航空宇宙学会論文集 = Journal of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences (ISSN:13446460)
vol.47, no.540, pp.41-46, 1999-01-05

The nonequilibrium condensation generating around the 2-D and 3-D wings in moist air, so-called 'Vapor Trail, ' is numerically investigated. The fundamental equations composed of the compressible Navier-Stokes equations and tho model equations for the phase change based on the classical condensation theory are solved using the fourth-order accurate compact MUSCL TVD scheme and the second-order Runge-Kutta scheme. As numerical examples, the 2-D transonic viscous flows around the RAE 2822 wing in moist air are calculated changing the relative humidity and the calculated results are compared with those in dry air and the experiment. Also the 3-D flows around the ONERA M 6 wing in moist air are preliminary calculated.
今井 正 出濱 和弥 坂見 知子 高志 利宣 森田 哲男 今井 智 山本 義久 岡 雅一
Japanese Society for Aquaculture Science
水産増殖 (ISSN:03714217)
vol.64, no.3, pp.273-280, 2016-09-20 (Released:2017-09-20)
