谷山 鉄郎 松岡 武 長屋 祐一 小林 尚文
植物工場学会誌 (ISSN:09186638)
vol.6, no.4, pp.215-224, 1994

An automatic fogculture system for year-round rice production was developed. Its purpose was to reduce natural and environmental damages on rice production and farmland. Two rice cultivars, Koshihikari and Harebare, were grown from Mar. 12, 1992 to Aug. 24, 1992. Because the amount of sunlight was decreased to one-third of normal light intensity, growth and development of the two cultivars was very uneven. Yield of Koshihikari which was the better developed of the two, was 808 kg/10a. The yield of Harebare, which did not grow well, was 23 kg/10a. If this system was given enough sunlight and had a controlled temperature, a higher yield may be possible.
美舩 美舩 乾 淳幸 坂田 亮介 原田 義文 高瀬 史明 植田 安洋 片岡 武史 国分 毅
肩関節 (ISSN:09104461)
vol.40, no.2, pp.476-480, 2016 (Released:2016-10-07)

加齢に伴う腱板組織へのadvanced glycation end products(AGEs)沈着量の変化と力学的強度の変化を,SDラットを用いて検討した.3,6,12,24か月齢のSDラットの棘上筋腱を用いて組織学的検討を行い,力学的評価として棘下筋-上腕骨複合体の最大破断強度を引っ張り試験にて評価した.HE染色では12,24か月齢のラット腱板において細胞浸潤,コラーゲン線維配列の乱れを認めた.免疫染色では加齢に伴ってAGEs沈着の増加を認め,またAGE受容体の発現増加も認めた.TUNEL染色でも同様に加齢に伴うアポトーシスの増加を認め,力学的試験では12,24か月齢において破断強度の低下を認めた.我々はこれまでにin vitro実験において,AGEsが腱板由来細胞のReactive Oxygen Species発現を増加させ,アポトーシスを増加させることを明らかにしてきた.本研究より,肩腱板においてもAGEsの沈着が細胞障害性を持つ一方で,力学的な脆弱性と相関しており,AGEsの増加が加齢に伴う腱板断裂の一因になっていることが考えられた.
谷岡 武雄 福永 正三
The Human Geographical Society of Japan
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.16, no.6, pp.561-578, 1964-12-20 (Released:2009-04-28)

There are many subjects to make clear the agrarian system of the ancient Japan. It is still the first problem to reconstitute this old system called Jori in detail. Encouraged by such a motive, the authors have researched into the Jori system of the Iga province which was adjacent to Yamato as the cultural and political center of the ancient Japan. The results obtained are as follows:1) One can find the agrarian landscape of the ancient Jori system in the Iga and Nabari basins which constituted the Iga province. This system was executed in the paddy field of the alluvial plain more than 135 meters above the sea level, avoiding the very marshy land. However, it was not continuous by reason of the undulating landform and the direction of the Jori typed land division was not fixed.2) In the district where the Jori landscape can be seen, the paddy field is very dominant, usually can raise two crops a year and its productivity is very higher than any other districts.3) The authors reconstituted the method of allotment of “Tsubo” according to the Jori system, which belonged to the serial pattern as well as the township in United States. But it is to be regretted that they could not succeed in the complete reconstitution for every case of the ancient counties.4) The Jori system of the Iga province is divided into four blocks: the Tsuge valley (ancient Abe-gun), the Hattori valley (ancient Yamada-gun), the Nagata valley (ancient Iga-gun), the Nabari valley (ancient Nabari-gun). The authors consider that the “Jo” in the Jori system was numbered in the same directions as the rivers flowed and the “Ri” in the directions at right angles to the rivers.5) In the ancient Iga, the “Kokufu” was also established as the administrative center of the province. It was situated to the eastern quarter of the Ijiro village and its plan followed the Jori system.6) There were two castle towns in the feudal times. The plan of the Nabari town followed the ancient Jori, but in the case of Ueno town, one can not find the same fact.
谷岡 武雄 山田 安彦
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.27, no.7, pp.275-286, 1954

We have investigated the distribution of the &ldquo;Jori&rdquo;-type pattern in the paddy fields, with an intention of examining historically exploitation and reclamation in the eastern Harima Plain, southern part of Hyogo Prefecture. And also this treatise is aimed at the reconstruction of the &ldquo;Jori&rdquo;-system as a system of agricultural village planning in ancient times. In this region, a vast area is occupied by the hills of Miocene Series and the uplands of the Plio-Pleistocene Series, the alluvial plain is relatively narrow. Consequently, the development of the exploitation in the plain is not very old and the process was rather slow. In this plain, the &ldquo;Jori&rdquo;-type system is not universal and is discontinuous, as seen in Fig. 1-3.<br> The &ldquo;Jori&rdquo;-system was a system established in 652 to divide the cultivated land in a mesh of 6-cho squares, (a 6-cho square is equal to about 650 metres square in area.) These squares were called &ldquo;Sato&rdquo;. A &ldquo;Sato&rdquo;, in turn, was divide dinto 36 equal parts, a part being 1-cho square, this was called a &ldquo;Tsu.bo&rdquo;. The allotments of the paddy fields based on the &ldquo;Jori&rdquo;-system in Kato -gun (county) have a direction of N 43&deg;E (Fig. 3) along the lengthwise lines. But, in many other areas, the lengthwise lines of the allotments of the paddy fields run about N 18&deg;E or N 22&deg;E, and resemble those in the Shikama-gun (Himeji district), In Taka-gun which is situated along the upper stream of the Kakogawa, the lengthwise lines of the &ldquo;Jori&rdquo; pattern run nearly N-S, or approximately N 6&deg;W; the latter is similar to those of the &ldquo;Jori&rdquo; pattern in Tajima and Tamba areas (northern part of Hyogo Prefecture).<br> In the eastern Harima plain, the distribution of the &ldquo;Jori&rdquo;-type pattern is limited to the valleys which have had no recent inundation or to the older deltas. In the valley plains, the older settlements have been located at the foot of the uplands. But, the &ldquo;Jori&rdquo; pattern is not found in mountainous districts, hilly lands, uplands flood plains and the newer deltas.<br> On the delta of the Kakogawa, the &ldquo;Jori&rdquo; -system exists in the areas more than 2 kilometers inland from the coast line. But, on the delta of the Akashigawa, it is found also in the areas near the coast line.<br> We have tried to reconstruct the site of the &ldquo;Joel&rdquo;-system, the ancient administrative system, in Kako-gun (Fig. 2.) and Akashi-gun (Fig. 3.), basing the reconstruction on the lots, place names, cadastral maps and ancient documents. In these two counties, the east-west line of &ldquo;Sato&rdquo; of the &ldquo;Jori&rdquo; pattern which divided the cultivated lands into 6-cho squares was called the &ldquo;Bo&rdquo;, and the north-south line was called the &ldquo;Jo&rdquo;, the former counting from the southern border line to the northern, the latter counting from the western border line to the eastern. This system, in this province, was called the &ldquo;Jobo&rdquo;, but in other provinces, was called the &ldquo;Jori&rdquo;.<br> In these areas, the cadastral number in the &ldquo;Jori&rdquo;-system makes a continuous series, that is, from the south-eastern corner to the south-western corner, next, from the west to the east and so on, thus to arrive at the north-eastern corner.
谷岡 武雄
地理 (ISSN:05779308)
vol.2, no.4, 1957-04
谷岡 武雄 平野 健二 芦田 忠司 田中 欣治 井上 淳
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.31, no.4, pp.191-205, 1958

One of the oldest cadastral maps (drawn in 751 A. D.) kept by Shosoin, is that of the Minuma manor in Omi province of the Todai-ji temple. It shows the &ldquo;Joni&rdquo;-system which was the land system of ancient Japan. As result of our research on the &ldquo;Jori&rdquo;-system of Inukami county in Omi, it was proved that the area in the map corresponds to the domain of the modern village, Binmanji, in the east of Hikone City. We made a general and intensive survey by means of reading air photographs, land measurements, soil analysis, studying old documents and archeological excavation of the domain of the manor. The results are as follows:<br> 1) The Minuma manor belonging to the Todai-ji temple occupied the Inukami river's fan in the middle of the lake Biwa plain about the middle of the 8 th century. Inspite of fierce overflows at heavy rains, it was neccessary first of all to built a reservior and an irrigation canal for the management of paddy fields, because the ordinary quantity of water supplied by the river was insufficient and the soils of this fan was osmotic.<br> 2) Below the soils now under cultivation, there spreads the stratum of the anciently cultivated soils and it is probably the same stratum as the one containing the remains which are supposed to be belong to 8th century.<br> 3) Judging from the roads the reservoir, some parts of land division and the black coloured soils found by excavation, we think that the &ldquo;Jori&rdquo;-system was put in operation over this area to the same direction as the other parts of Inukami county.<br> 4) The land division in most parts of lands now under cultivation is very much different from the &ldquo;Jori&rdquo;-system in Inukami county, and it is adapted to the land form.<br> 5) It is better to consider that the Todai-ji manor has occupied this area based on the &ldquo;Jori&rdquo;-system. But there are some differences between the old lands of the manor and the present ones. The reasons would probably be due to the overflows or changes of various human geographical conditions.<br> 6) The history of the settlements of this area began in Nara era, at the establishment of this manor.<br> 7) The houses which occupied the hilly land consisting of the old aluvial strata, remained for considerably long period. And the houses which were situated on the flood plain of the river seem to have been lost by overflows and lateral erosion of the Inukami.<br> 8) The site of the present village seems to correspond to Shibahara (brush fields) on the map, and the village has the character of a &ldquo;Monzen-Machi&rdquo; of the Binman-ji temple which was built up in Heian era. Probably the movements of the residents from hilly land to the present site were done gradually over the long period before Meiji revolution.<br> 9) Considering the land from, the land system and the result of the archeological excavation, we conclude that contents of the map was not so different from facts.<br> 10) And so we can say that the Todai-ji manor in this area was established not through the acquirement of already cultivated lands, but through the clearing of lands which were hard to cultivate. In this, we recognize the peculiar character of the Todai-ji manor in Nara era, and this character was common the other manors of this temple.
谷岡 武雄
史学研究会 (京都大学文学部内)
vol.56, no.3, pp.319-350, 1973-05-01

個人情報保護のため削除部分あり駿河・遠江の両国々境に展開する大井川扇状地においては、散居景観が典型的に発達している。かかる集落型の起源について、従来は近世初期の成立にかかるものと考えられた。しかし筆者らは、居住地の時間的連続性・居住者の系統性・集落型の継承性という三方向から実態調査に基づくアプローチを行ない、いままでとは異なった結論を得るに至った。すなわち、台地の開析谷・扇側や扇裾の一部においては、大治四年の質侶荘立券文案に示されたごとき条里制に基づく土地割が残存している。また、向榛原の一部には堤防で囲われた輪中地形がある。したがって、洪水から比較的に安全な扇状地上位面(微高地) に居住し、しばしば氾濫する同下位面にて水田を営むという生活が、古代から行なわれてきたことは明らかである。しかも文安二年の請状や嘉吉三年の検地目録に記載された名主百姓の系統を引くものが、現在の散居農家の中に見いだされ、居住者の家系を若干は十五世紀前半まで、ごく一部は十二~十三世紀までさかのぼることができる。かかる事実のうえに立ち、上記立券文および検地目録、土地所有関係、本家~分家関係を検討した結果、この扇状地の大部分では、散居的開発→氾濫による耕地の荒廃→それの再開発という過程が繰り返されたけれども、居住条件が良好なところでは、全体として階層分化が進行し、居住密度が高まりながらも、同じような散居的集落形態が、歴史の諸時期を通じて継承されてきたことが判明した。十五世紀前半以降に見られる集落型の継承は、それ以前の時期においても行なわれたのではなかろうか。世界的に見て、dispersion intercalaire のタイプに属すると思われる日本の散居集落は、古代には集居集落との未分化なかたちであらわれ、遠隔地荘園が経営されるような pioneer fringe において、開拓に伴う集落型として顕現するに至ったように考えられる。There can be found a typical landscape in the boundary area between Suruga 駿河 and Tōtōmi 遠江. And it has been assumed that such a settlement-type has its origin in the early modern age. In this article I investigated this problem from three view points; that is, the continuity of the settlement area, pedigrees of the settlers and succession of the settlement-type. As the result of that investigation I found it out that in this fan man continued to live in just the same dispersed settlement from the early times. I think that type of the settlement existed not only after the first half of the fifteenth century but also before that time. The dispersed settlement of Japan which belongs to the type of the dispersion intercalaire appeared as the form not distinct from the amalgamated settlement in the ancient time and showed itself as reclamation work went on in the pioneer fringe in which remote manors was set up.
向井 潤 栗田 隆夫 上撫 忠広 原 肇 豊岡 武裕 伊藤 宏之
一般社団法人 映像情報メディア学会
テレビジョン学会技術報告 (ISSN:03864227)
vol.18, no.65, pp.41-46, 1994

我々は、ツイステッド・ネマチック(Twisted Nematic)構造を固定化した光学機能性高分子液晶フィルム(LCフィルム)を開発した。本フィルムにおいてねじれ角とリターデーション、さらには複屈折の波長分散特性を制御し、最適化することにより、高コントラストのS TN液晶ディスプレイを実現することができる。また、ねじれ角、リターデーション等を制御することにより、ツイステッド・ネマチックだけでなく様々な構造をとることができ、コレステリック・フィルム等への応用が期待できる。
森岡 武史
日本社会情報学会全国大会研究発表論文集 日本社会情報学会 第22回全国大会
pp.138-141, 2007 (Released:2010-01-22)

In many of online communities like BBS, the members anonymously communicate with each other. Such anonymous communications cause "deindividuation." According to the SIDE model of social psychology, deindividuation has the effects on the individual inclination to conform to group norms. This paper shows how deindividuation affects the order of online community in terms of not individual psychology, but the structural processes of the social systems. This paper is based on the research of the two internet BBS. In this research, the discourse analysis is used which is based on the automatic coding by computer like text mining.
中林 亮 吉岡 武雄 泉川 智子 藤岡 昭三 木村 靖夫
一般社団法人 植物化学調節学会
植物化学調節学会 研究発表記録集 (ISSN:09191887)
vol.40, pp.55, 2005-10-13 (Released:2018-02-15)

Ailanthus altissima has been known to be allelopathic plant since no plant can grow under the tree. Heisey et al (1990) showed that crude extracts of root and stem bark of A. altissima exhibited strong herbicidal activity. We confirmed plant growth inhibitors against Lactuca sativa in the aqueous extract of A. altissima bark. The compound was isolated and identified to be ailanthone known as quassinoid or allelopathic substance. Here, we report plant growth activities of ailanthone against Lactuca sativa, Pariucam crus-galli, Raphanus sativa L. and Daucus cavota L. in detail.
岩崎 勝郎 中嶋 裕 井上 喜博 前田 謙而 常岡 武久
West-Japanese Society of Orthopedics & Traumatology
整形外科と災害外科 (ISSN:00371033)
vol.35, no.1, pp.167-172, 1986-10-25 (Released:2010-03-16)

In order to clarify the factors influencing the prognosis of the femoral neck fracture in young adults, 53 fractures in 52 patients were evaluated. All patients were between 13 and 49 years old.The incidence of non-union was 6 per cent of 49 fractures and of late segmental collapse (LSC), 24 per cent of 41 fractures. Non-union was seen in patients who had Garden Stage III and IV fractures, and in patients of more than 46years old at trauma. The LSC occurred in 6 of 9 Garden Stage IV fractures and in 2 of 8 transverse fractures in middleneck, as well as in 3 of 6 patients who had operation at 22 days or more after trauma.It is concluded that there is few problems on the bone union of the femoral neck fracture in young adults. The most important factor which influences the prognosis is LSC, and the occurrence of this complication i s related to the interval between trauma and operation, and to the type of fracture.
谷岡 武雄
The Human Geographical Society of Japan
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.14, no.2, pp.109-133, 1962-04-28 (Released:2009-04-28)

A dominant rural landscape in the Vendée region called “bocage” is an expression of common characteristic culture and agricultural economics in Western France. The “bocage” is usually considered in contrast with the “plaine” or “campagne”. But for some 20 years, French geographers have remarked a small open field, named gagnerie or méjou in the “bocage” zone. This phenomenon contains problems difficult to solve for the scholars in this country. The writer, who had surveyed practically “Esch” at the Moraine Zone in Northern Germany, and Akker at the Campine region in Belgium, is in a position where he is able to try to compare it with gagnerie. In August 1958, the writer visited the Vendée's village and was concerened directly in practical investigation of the field. In writing this report, the author is sincerely grateful to Prof. G. Chabot, Prof. A. Perpillou, of the Sorbonne, and Mr. F. Verger, of Poitier Univ.The commune of St. Hilaire de Talmont and the castle town of Talmont, whose field was surveyed by the writer, is located at the south-western margin of “bocage vendéen”. On the south side of this, there are dominant regions of “plaine” and “marais” landscape zone. Accordingly, affected by the village-settlement's type from the south, at the commune investigated, the hamlets which are dotted with several groups of farms are remarkable. Farmers call them villages.Such “villages” have “gagneries” making a narrow strip among the “bocage”.These “villages” have exsisted from at least 14 centuries. In one of these “villages”, a church was built, and the village grew up to bourg. On the other hand, castle town was built before that time. In the 19th century, vast waste lands were cultivated and the farms spread all over. Thus in these communes the systematical structure of farms-villages-bourg-castle town are organized. From the historical point of view, the “village” is the older type and may be considered as the original form of the rural settlement in this region. There are the same hamlets and field's landscape as gagnerie∼village in the case of Akker and Esch, but their regions of distribution as well as the time of establishment are different, so a simple comparison is not advisable. Likewise, from the “village” with “gagnerie”, it is also difficult to guess similarly the original form of villages in the northeastern parts of France.As a result of the development of traffic, the growth of local cities and the recent agricultural evolution, the present farms and villages are fairly well connected with bourg; moreover, these are related to castle town Talmont and equally Les Sables-d'Olonne. In short, the farms, villages, bourg hold the fundamental unit in the urban net of Talmont-Les Sables d'Olonne or La Roche sur Yon-Nantes-Paris.
鴻巣 俊之 田島 和 武田 憲子 宮岡 武男 笠原 真由美 安田 紘 老田 貞男
The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan
Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin (ISSN:00092363)
vol.39, no.10, pp.2581-2589, 1991-10-25 (Released:2008-03-31)
9 16

New triazole compounds were designed and synthesized as potential inhibitors of the fungal cytochrome P-450 14α-demethylase. In testing for antifungal activity against a mouse systemic Candida albicans infection, (2R, 3R)-3-acylamino-2-aroyl-2-butanol derivatives III exhibited remarkably high efficacy after oral or parenteral administration. The structure-activity relationships of these amidoalcohols were evaluated.
末松 大二郎 松岡 武夫
一般社団法人 日本物理学会
日本物理学会誌 (ISSN:00290181)
vol.43, no.8, pp.586-593, 1988-08-05 (Released:2008-04-14)

四つの力ならびに物質と時空とを統一する理論として最近注目を集めている超弦理論と, そこから導かれる低エネルギー有効理論について概括する. 超弦理論は高次元時空において定義されており, 4次元以外の余分な次元の空間がコンパクト化される結果として4次元理論が得られる. 導出される低エネルギー有効理論は, このコンパクト空間の位相構造と密接に関係している. いわゆる標準模型を含むなど, 低エネルギー有効理論として満すべき現実的条件と, コンパクト空間の位相構造との関係や超弦理論の実験的検証の可能性について述べる.