岩崎 信治
一般社団法人 日本デザイン学会
日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 日本デザイン学会 第57回研究発表大会
pp.F01, 2010 (Released:2010-06-15)

岩崎 務
西洋古典學研究 (ISSN:04479114)
vol.46, pp.77-87, 1998-03-23

In Tibullus 2. 5, the last section(105-22)balances the first section(1-18)in length and in words, but the two sections differ in some respects. Messalinus, who is introduced at first as a newly elected priest of Apollo, is later imagined as a triumphant general. What development of the poem causes this change? Moreover, bringing in a new theme, the poet talks about his love for Nemesis and asserts that she is the source of his poetry. How does Tibullus' personal love affair match this national poem which treats Rome's history? In this paper, I attempt to consider Tibullus' attitude to Rome's growth and the new regime by examining these questions. After mentioning the Sibylline Books, the care of which is entrusted to quindecimuiri, the poet quotes the Sibyl's former prophecy to Aeneas(39-64). She predicted that Troy would be reconstructed to be Rome and dominate the whole world. Here the marvelous development of Rome is the poem's theme. The poet's intention is to heighten his praise of Messalinus by placing him in Rome's victorious history. Singing of a great victory has been suggested, because Apollo was asked to dress up as he had done when he celebrated Jupiter's triumph over Saturn (7-10). However, as Bright points out, Saturn is also a significant god for Tibullus. In 1.3, he states how happily men lived in the Golden Age of Saturn in contrast to his contemporary men. The coming of Jupiter's age is good and right, but can be viewed from a different angle. Therefore in the description of Rome's history its dark side is hinted dimly, e. g. Romulus' fratricide(23-4), and emerges more clearly when the poet refers to the ominous phenomena associated with the death of Julius Caesar(71-8). Now, facing Rome's painful realities, Tibullus himself predicts a happy future of Rome, which is imagined in the peaceful country(83-104). This joyful picture of a country festival is similar to the former description of the site of Rome before the arrival of Aeneas(23-38), but I agree with Mutschler that these two scenes differ in accent. While the former scene as a whole is very idyllic and fantastic, the latter is rather realistic in that the rural life is depicted more concretely. Especially the charming picture of a united family(91-4)makes a vivid impression on us. Therefore the poet doesn't suggest the restoration of the early pastoral world nor an utterly fanciful ideal society. In the last section the praise of Messalinus which has been reserved begins at last, and Tibullus as uates glorifies Messalinus as a future conqueror. Although war is a target of the poet's criticism in other poems and the dark side of Rome's development has been hinted, here the poet makes a realistic choice to assure a happy future, which corresponds to the more realistic tone of the preceding description of the rural life. What makes possible this realistic choice? I think that is showed in 105-12 referring to love and Nemesis. The poet keenly expresses the ambivalence of love, especially his love, in 107-8, where ars bona makes a sharp contrast with ars...malum, and in 110(faueo morbo cum iuuat ipse dolor). Moreover it is emphasized that Nemesis inspires Tibullus as uates and that she is the truth he reveals, because 111-2 with uati(114)is parallel to 15-6 with uatis(18), and to 63-4 with uates(65). By his sensibility to the ambivalence of love the poet can realize that Rome's prosperity cannot but involve a negative element, and on the other hand that the peaceful rural world he loves may be easily destroyed. Therefore the realistic glorification of a victorious general of Rome becomes possible for the poet, though he does not praise only the political and martial power, as pia...spectacula displayed by Messalla(119)shows. Tibullus is not singing a reluctant and unnatural praise. His song here rests on the same foundation that underlies his other elegiac poems. In this poem Tibullus sings his own song to the end, while he as uates makes a responsible prediction.
澤田 雅彦 丸山 太郎 北澤 吉明 前田 憲男 岩崎 良二 鈴木 裕也
一般社団法人 日本糖尿病学会
糖尿病 (ISSN:0021437X)
vol.39, no.6, pp.431-437, 1996-06-30 (Released:2011-03-02)

症例は18歳男性, 元々肥満ぎみだった, 1993年春より口渇出現し清涼飲料水を1日に3L以上摂取していた. 10月初めより呼吸困難出現さらに不穏状態となり14日緊急入院BMIは44.8kg/m2と著しい肥満. 血糖1040mg/dl, ケトン体も著しい高値で, 著明な代謝性アシドーシスを呈していた. ICA, IAA, 抗GAD65抗体はいずれも陰性でHLAタイプはIDDM疾患抵抗性であった. インスリン投与や補液施行するも呼吸状態悪化し死亡した. 剖検所見では両側肺動脈本幹より広範な肺動脈血栓症を認め, これが直接死因と考えられた. 膵は全体にランゲルハンス島数の減少と膵島の萎縮を認めたが膵島炎は認めなかった. アルデヒドーフクシン染色では膵島B細胞の著明な脱落を認めた. 腎には軽度の糖尿病性腎症を認めた. いわゆる “ペットボトル症候群” の膵病理所見に関する報告はなく, 貴重な症例と思われた.
簗 麻理子 岩崎 優子 篠原 宏成 大野 京子
pp.509-514, 2019-04-15

要約 目的:正常眼圧緑内障の片眼に網膜分離と黄斑部の網膜剝離が併発した症例の報告。 症例:71歳の女性が右眼の視力低下で紹介され受診した。15年前から両眼の緑内障として他医で加療中であり,当初の矯正視力は左右とも1.2であったという。 所見と経過:矯正視力は右0.3,左0.7であった。光干渉断層計で右眼の黄斑部に網膜剝離と,乳頭周囲に網膜分離があった。網膜の内層分離は,視神経線維層欠損部位から鼻側に広がり,網膜外層分離の範囲は乳頭の下方を中心に鼻側と耳側に均等に広がっていた。Optic disc pit maculopathyに類似する疾患と考え,硝子体手術を実施した。術後に黄斑円孔が生じたが,内境界膜の自家移植とガスタンポナーデにより円孔は閉鎖し,右眼視力は0.5に改善した。 結論:乳頭にpitがなくても,正常眼圧緑内障では,経過中にoptic disc pit maculopathy様の網膜分離や網膜剝離が生じうることを本症例は示している。
岩崎 晶夫 高嶋 良太郎 鈴木 圭輔 竹川 英宏 鈴木 綾乃 鈴木 紫布 平田 幸一
Neurosonology:神経超音波医学 (ISSN:0917074X)
vol.29, no.1, pp.8-12, 2016 (Released:2016-06-24)

Purpose: An increased prevalence of patent foramen ovale (PFO) has been reported in patients with migraine with aura compared with non-migraine subjects. This study aimed to investigate the prevalence of PFO in Japanese patients with migraine. Methods: Fifty-four consecutive patients with migraine were recruited from the headache outpatient clinic of our department. Migraine was diagnosed according to the International Classification of Headache Disorders, second edition. Patients were divided into migraine with aura (MWA) and migraine without aura (MWOA) groups. Transcranial ultrasound was performed, while contrast agent was injected intravenously with the Valsalva maneuver. PFO was diagnosed if micro-embolic signals in the right middle cerebral artery were identified soon after injection of contrast agent and Valsalva load release. Results: No significant differences in patient characteristics were observed between the MWOA group (n=22) and MWA group (n=32). The prevalence of PFO was 46.3% among all migraine patients, 56.3% in the MWA group, and 31.8% in the MWOA group. Patients with MWA thus tended to show a higher prevalence of PFO compared to those with MWOA (p = 0.077). Conclusion: The tendency toward an increased prevalence of PFO in the MWA group in this study suggests a possible association between MWA and PFO.
岩崎 貴也 阪口 翔太 横山 良太 高見 泰興 大澤 剛士 池田 紘士 陶山 佳久
一般社団法人 日本生態学会
日本生態学会誌 (ISSN:00215007)
vol.64, no.3, pp.183-199, 2014-11-30 (Released:2017-05-20)

岩崎 貴哉 佐藤 比呂志
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.61, no.Supplement, pp.165-176, 2009-07-31 (Released:2013-11-21)
2 5

Recent seismic expeditions with controlled sources in Japan provided important constraints on the deformation styles and physical properties of the island arc crust and uppermantle. The crustal structure in the Japanese Islands is characterized by an upper part with a large velocity variation (5.5-6.1 km/s), a middle part with a velocity of 6.2-6.5 km/s overlying a lower part whose velocity is 6.6-7.0 km/s. In many cases, most shallow microearthquakes are concentrated in the upper crust and upper half of middle crust while the lower half of middle crust and lower crust are reflective with very low seismicity. The uppermost mantle is characterized by a low Pn velocity of 7.5-7.9 km/s. Several observations on PmP phase indicate that the Moho is not a sharp boundary with a distinct velocity jump, but forms a transition zone from the upper mantle to the lower crustal materials. A detailed structural section across the NE Japan Arc from intensive onshore-offshore profiling in 1997-1998 revealed crustal deformation associated with the Miocene backarc spreading of the Sea of Japan. The backbone range of this arc shows a pop-up structure formed by inversion tectonics due to the present compressive stress regime. Crustal thinning associated with the backarc spreading is very clear west of this pop-up structure where the crust deduces in thickness from 30 to 25 km. A section across the SW Japan arc elucidated the detailed subduction geometry of the Philippine Sea Plate and inland crustal evolution associated with processes of accretion and magmatic intrusion. The Outer Zone south of the Median Tectonic Line is characterized by northward dipping structures of accretionary complexes, while the lower part of the crust in the Inner Zone is quite reflective, probably modified and homogenized due to the magmatic intrusion at Cretaceous time. Clear structural images obtained for arc-arc collision zones in central Hokkaido and easternmost part of the SW Japan arc provides direct evidence of crustal delamination. The structure in Hokkaido strongly indicates that the delamination of the Kuril forearc occurs at its brittle-ductile transition zone.
鳥居 方策 岩崎 真三
音声言語医学 (ISSN:00302813)
vol.36, no.1, pp.35-39, 1995-01-20 (Released:2010-06-22)

交叉性失語には, 右半球内の言語表象の組織化が広範で異常なもの (異常交叉性失語) と, 通常の非交叉性失語の際の左半球内の組織化の鏡像を呈するもの (鏡像交叉性失語) とがある.前者は早期発達段階における左半球機能の故障によるものであり, 右半球内の損傷部位と関係なく, 非流暢性発話, 失文法など一定の症状を呈しやすいとされている.後者は遺伝を含む生物学的素因によるものであり, 症状と病巣部位との関係は左半球損傷による非交叉性失語とよく対応する.一方, 交叉性失語の合併症状の研究から, 種々の高次大脳機能の交叉の起こりやすさが問題にされ, 言語機能の方が視空間機能よりも交叉しやすいことが分かった.近年は, 交叉性「右半球症候群」ないし機能側在性の逆転 (reversed laterality) なる名称のもとに, 稀有な症例が報告されているが, これらの側在性の逆転の原因としては生物学的素因の関与が想定されることが多い.
岡山 将也 岩崎 一正
一般社団法人 情報科学技術協会
情報の科学と技術 (ISSN:09133801)
vol.68, no.10, pp.484-488, 2018-10-01 (Released:2018-10-01)

岩崎 雅之
vol.32, pp.1-16, 2015

Previous studies, such as Virginia Woolf in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction (2000) edited by Pamela L. Caughie, and Holly Henry's Virginia Woolf and the Discourse of Science (2003), argue that Virginia Woolf literalises in her novels new perspectives brought by technological devices such as the X-ray photograph, the gramophone and the telescope. However, these works do not clarify the correlation between scientific perspectives and the sexual desires represented by modern technological devices in To the Lighthouse (1927). In this novel, Mrs Ramsay, a Victorian "Angel in the House," appears in the visions given by the telescope and the telephone, having her sexual enchantment enhanced through which other characters see her in a "modern" way. In addition, Lily Briscoe, an aspiring postimpressionist artist, is said to see things with her X-ray-like vision, which discloses the desires of male characters hidden in their bodies. The discourse of science modifies her perspective as an artist and represents sexual differences in an artistic way. Meanwhile, Lily paints Mrs Ramsay as a "wedge-shaped core of darkness" and a "triangular purple shape," purely geometrical painterly forms. Significantly, these images are visualised through her "Chinese eyes." Urmila Seshagiri indicates how racial differences work to produce the postimpressionist geometrical expressions, defining modernism as an art movement that always pursued the new and discovered racial differences as an aesthetic innovation for the aim. According to Seshagiri, this tendency is found in To the Lighthouse as Lily's "Oriental" eyes. Certainly, Mrs Ramsay's images appear in Lily's vision as the geometrical forms representing a novelty in Western art, but the artist's eyes also work virtually as a technological device. In short, her "Oriental" eyes are also scientific, revealing sexual desires and perceiving human beings in a geometrical pattern. In this study, I suggest that Mrs Ramsay's image appears at the intersection of discourse of science, colonialism and post-impressionism. Geometrical expressions by Lily meet the demand of modernism, succinctly expressed by Ezra Pound's "Make it new," through racial differences and presents a new form of human beings in a post-war society liberated from the conventions of pre-war society. The correlation among the discourse of science, body and geometrical perspective forms an aspect of Woolf's visionary modernism in this novel.
吉田 純土 中西 賢也 豊辺 将嘉 岩崎 正久 渡辺 英俊 日向野 茂
一般社団法人 交通工学研究会
vol.5, no.4, pp.A_8-A_17, 2019

<p><tt>政府による「観光立国推進基本計画」の策定等を受け、官民が一体となった観光関連事業が推進される中、一部の観光地においては街路空間における歩行者の混雑が深刻になっている。そこで本研究においては歩行者の歩行目的に特徴を有する地域において観測を行い、歩行速度、歩行密度等のデータを収集したうえで、交通容量を算出し、「観光」目的の歩行者が多い地域と「通勤」目的の歩行者が多い地域等とを比較した。</tt> <tt>その結果、「観光」目的の歩行者は、「通勤」目的の歩行者と比べ集団歩行が多いこと、立ち止まりが多いこと、歩行速度が遅いこと、単位幅員あたりの交通容量が小さいこと等が明らかになり、観光地やその周辺市街地等における歩行動線の検討や歩行空間整備に関しては観光地特有の対応方策や歩道整備水準の策定等が必要であることを示した。</tt></p>
岩崎 達哉
