藤本 修平 林原 仁志 村上 睦尚 菅澤 忍
流体工学部門講演会講演論文集 (ISSN:13480251)
vol.2012, pp.495-496, 2012-11-16

We develop quantitative evaluation method of airless spray by using entropy of gray scale image. Stroboscopic method is employed to visualize the spray. An undesirable "tail" region of the spray is detected as low image entropy area. As against the conventional visual judgment, the proposed method enables a quantitative evaluation of spray.
若林 敬子
人口学研究 (ISSN:03868311)
no.9, pp.59-69, 1986-05-30

小林 哲生
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会誌 (ISSN:13405551)
vol.136, no.1, pp.26-29, 2016-01-01 (Released:2016-01-01)

1.はじめに 光ポンピング法により生成したアルカリ金属原子のスピン偏極を用いて極微弱な磁界の計測を可能とするのが光ポンピング原子磁気センサ (Optically pumped atomic magnetometer:OPAM) である(1)(2)。光ポンピング法とは,近接した二つのエネルギー準位における電子の占拠数
林 和弘
公益社団法人 日本表面科学会
表面科学 (ISSN:03885321)
vol.37, no.6, pp.258-262, 2016-06-10 (Released:2016-06-21)
1 1

Author introduces a vision and current issues of Open Access and Open Science with some backgrounds. Both are hot policy issues all over the world and getting recognized among researchers gradually. Towards new paradigm and a platform for next generation of scientific research activities and publishing systems, learned societies and its members, with other various stakeholders, should reframe their strategy with redefining of their mission.
灘岡 陽子 早田 紀子 杉下 由行 梶原 聡子 渡部 ゆう 吉田 道彦 長谷川 道弥 林 志直 大地 まさ代 甲斐 明美 住友 眞佐美
日本公衆衛生雑誌 (ISSN:05461766)
vol.61, no.3, pp.136-144, 2014 (Released:2014-04-16)

目的 本報告の目的は,東京都における2011年の麻しんの流行状況を把握し,麻しん排除に向けて,今後の対策へ反映させることである。方法 感染症発生動向調査事業によって2011年に都内で報告された麻しん患者の発生届と麻しん調査票の内容を対象とした。年齢階級別,遺伝子型別,ワクチン接種歴別の発生状況,発生届の取り下げ状況,遺伝子検査結果別の IgM 抗体検査結果と検体採取日の関係等について分析を行った。結果 2011年の麻しん患者報告数は178件で,13週から24週にかけて一つのピークを形成し,この期間に128件(71.9%)の報告が集中していた。1~4 歳が40件(22.5%)で最大で,20歳代と30歳代がそれぞれ34件(19.1%)であった。麻しん患者が 2 人以上発生した施設数は 6 か所,1 事例の患者数は 4 人以下にとどまり,散発例がほとんどであった。1~4 歳の年齢層を除くすべての年齢層で,接種歴が無いか不明が過半数を占めた。PCR 遺伝子検査で検出された麻しんウイルスの遺伝子型は主に D4 型,D9 型で,2008年まで国内流行株の中心だった,いわゆる土着株である D5 型ウイルスはみられなかった。結論 2011年の麻しんの流行は,海外から持ち込まれたウイルス株によるものであった。2007年,2008年のような大流行に至らなかったのは,発生後の関係機関の対応が迅速かつ適切になったことと感受性者が減少したことが影響していると思われる。麻しん排除に向けて,引き続き麻しんワクチン接種率の向上に努めること,麻しん疑い患者に確実に遺伝子検査を実施し,的確なサーベイランスを実施することが重要と考えられた。
林 直美
イタリア学会誌 (ISSN:03872947)
no.46, pp.147-174, 1996-10-20

Luigi Malerba (nato a Berceto, 1927)e uno scrittore e sceneggiatore ancora attivo, apparso negli anni della neoavanguardia italiana. La scrittura malerbiana e caratteristica per l'uso del parlato, una narrazione naturale e semplice che sembra addirittura allontanarsi dal clima avanguardistico. Cio tuttavia, pur preserbando il gusto dell'umorismo nero e del paradosso. I personaggi malerbiani si muovono nel mare del suo linguaggio comico e capriccioso, ma mai sentimentale, e subiscono situazioni spietate. La disumanita e l'assurdita descritte non recano, tuttavia, alcuna traccia di obiezione o rimprovero. La poetica di Malerba si rifiuta di essere riconosciuta come neorealistica. Ma piu che i personaggi, protagonisti autentici delle opere malerbiane sono le parole, o meglio, quelle parole che non riescono mai ad appropriarsi della realta. Questa poverta delle parole si presenta soprattutto come limitatezza della descrizione. Nelle opere malerbiane, per esprimere questa limitatezza, emergono "i nomi propri", che sono capaci di designare l'oggetto di riferimento in un sol colpo, senza descrizione. Secondo Bertrand Russell, che ha completato "the description theory", e "la descrizione" che designa con precisione l'oggetto (il referente) ; ma Saul Kripke lo contraddice introducendo "the possible worlds". Il discorso di Kripke, assai suggestivo per la lettura di Malerba, suggerisce che nelle catene di comunicazione sono "i nomi propri", o meglio, "l'atto di nominare attraverso i nomi propri", a designare esattamente l'oggetto, e che la teoria di Russell e valida solo nel mondo chiuso del monologo di chi descrive. In questo studio, dunque, si discute sui nomi propri come fattore che fa spiccare questa limitatezza della descrizione, attraverso l'analisi di tre opere malerbiane, La scoperta dell'alfabeto (1963), Il serpente (1966) e Le pietre volanti (1992). 1.La scoperta dell'alfabeto Il primo racconto omonimo di questo libro emblematico, nell'episodio della firma, introduce il tema dei nomi propri e ne forma la premessa. Il protagonista dal nome Ambanelli, la prima volta che dovette apporre la propria firma a un documento, la scrisse troppo grande, e cosi in seguito molti lo chiamarono Amban. La firma e un congegno che occulta l'incapacita della descrizione del designare : che la firma, che di fatto e solo un segno, rappresenti il soggetto e soltanto una convenzione ; ma, una volta eseguita, sembra ben rappresentare e designare il referente. 2.Il serpente In questo primo romanzo malerbiano, in cui l'io narrante si identifica col protagonista, il nome proprio di Miriam, assegnato a un personaggio dal protagonista, e l'elemento piu significativo della narrazione. Il mondo monologante del protagonista, mitomane e megalomane, e quello di descrizioni minute e nevrotiche che quasi vorrebbero riferirsi a ogni cosa. Con la sua fissazione e la sua mania di persecuzione, il protagonista finisce per uccidere Miriam e divorarne il cadavere. Cio nonostante, l'esistenza di Miriam ottiene inspiegabilmente piu forza di prima. Per annullarla definitivamente il protagonista va a costituirsi alla polizia, dove tuttavia la sua auto-accusa non viene accettata dal commissario quale veritiera, perche le descrizioni che egli da di Miriam sono contradittorie. Quasi di riscontro alla polemica tra Russell e Kripke, il mondo monologante di descrizioni del protagonista non e valido nella comunicazione con l'esterno, cioe il commissario ; ma, nel rapporto tra Miriam e l'io, l'atto di chiamare quel nome e il mezzo piu efficace per indicarne ed evocarne la persona. 3.Le pietre volanti Le pietre volanti, che sono le pietre disegnate dal protagonista pittore, individuano il tema centrale del romanzo : il mondo si ripete. In questo romanzo, i nomi sono i veri protagonisti. Ovidio Romer, e tutti i suoi familiari di sesso maschile hanno nomi che cominciano per O. Mentre ne Il serpente si rappresenta la tragedia di chiamare un nome falso, in quest'opera si rappresenta quella di no essere chiamati con il vero nome.
小林 陽介
季刊経済理論 (ISSN:18825184)
vol.49, no.3, pp.90-95, 2012-10-20

Recently there has been a great deal of research generated focusing on the Financialization-Approach. However, most of the literature on financialization emphasizes the influence of the financial sector, and pays less attention to the real economy. This paper examines how to bring the dynamism of real economy into the Financialization- Approach. Firstly, I investigate the relationship between corporations and finance, focusing on the literature of corporate governance. According to the research by Lazonick and O'Sullivan, the management strategy of U.S. corporations changed from "retain and reinvest" to "downsize and distribute" after the 1980s. U.S. corporations reduced their employment, and distributed cash to stockholders, and increased dividend payments and stock repurchases to raise their stock prices. This change arose from the formation of the "market for corporate control", which is explained mainly from the following: 1) Worsening performance of corporations and agency theory, 2) Increase of the stock holding by institutional investors, and 3) Development of junk bond market. However, this change is explained only from the influence of finance. The activeness of corporations is ignored. Secondly, I investigate the situation that U.S. corporations faced in 1980s to focus on the corporate action. They faced the shift in industrial structure. Key industries, such as steel, automobile and household electronic appliances, lost competitive power, while high-technology, energy and service industries maintained competitive power. Many corporations restructured their business formations to adapt to this shift by mergers and acquisitions. While raising stock prices is a result of financial influence in the literature of financialization, raising stock prices has a positive meaning for companies which perform mergers and acquisitions. Companies can perform mergers and acquisitions advantageously when their stock prices are high. Increase of dividend payments and stock repurchases can be understood to be a result of corporate action which adapts to the shift in industrial structure by mergers and acquisitions. Finally, I discuss the corporate image which should be included in the Financialization-Approach. The corporation should be assumed the active one which pursues profits, not the passive one assumed in the former literature. This is the starting point of an attempt to bring the dynamism of real economy into the Financialization-Approach.
柴田 壮一 中村 俊貴 小林 由布子 庄野 浩子 八木澤 啓司 左右田 和枝 宮下 博幸 松原 肇
医薬品情報学 (ISSN:13451464)
vol.18, no.1, pp.46-49, 2016 (Released:2016-06-13)

Objective: From September 2009, the Department of Pharmacy of Kitasato University Kitasato Institute Hospital started operation room services, and the pharmacist in charge also responds to the inquiries from the operation room staff (doctors and nurses) concerning pharmaceutical compounds.  In the present study, we collected the inquiries and analyzed their contents in order to understand the information of pharmaceutical compounds required by the operation room staff.Methods: The inquiries from operation room staff received between October 2009 and March 2012 were collected and the contents were analyzed.Results: A total of 625 inquiries (mean, 20.8 inquiries per month) were received.  Regarding the contents of inquiry, the most frequent inquiry was on “the presence or absence of the stock” (70.7%), followed by “drug information” (17.0%), “handling of controlled substances” (5.9%), and “handling of non-controlled substances” (4.2%).  For “the presence or absence of the stock,” the most common pharmaceutical compounds inquired were antibacterial agents, anesthetics, and infusion fluids.  For “drug information,” the contents were diverse, ranging from drug efficacy to operation method, whether compounds are included in hospital drug list, in-hospital preparations, and drug selection.  For “handling of non-controlled substances,” the most frequent inquiries were associated with the expiration date after unsealing.Conclusion: The most frequent inquiry from the operation room staff was on “the presence or absence of the stock,” and the common subject of inquiry was presumably pharmaceutical compounds frequently used at the time of surgery.  The analysis showed that the operation room requires a wide range of information.
千種 雄一 林 尚子 Salvador Isidro B. Destura Jusie Lydia J. Siega-Sur Meredith Del Pilar-Labarda 大平 修二 of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology Dokkyo Medical University Laboratory of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology Dokkyo Medical University Laboratory of Health Sciences University of the Philippines Manila School of Health Sciences University of the Philippines Manila School of Health Sciences University of the Philippines Manila School of International Environmental Health Dokkyo Medical University Laboratory 獨協医科大学 熱帯病寄生虫病室 獨協医科大学 熱帯病寄生虫病室 国立フィリピン大学健康科学部 国立フィリピン大学健康科学部 国立フィリピン大学健康科学部 獨協医科大学 国際環境衛生室. Laboratory of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology Dokkyo Medical University Laboratory of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology Dokkyo Medical University School of Health Sciences University of the Philippines Manila School of Health Sciences University of the Philippines Manila School of Health Sciences University of the Philippines Manila Laboratory of International Environmental Health Dokkyo Medical University
Dokkyo journal of medical sciences (ISSN:03855023)
vol.40, no.3, pp.275-280, 2013-10-25

The establishment of the School of Health Sciences(SHS), University of the Philippines Manila (UPM) inLeyte in 1976 was based on the ideas of socially-concernedCollege of Medicine, UPM faculty who were alarmed by thebrain drain and the mal distribution of health manpower in the Philippines. SHS aims to produce a broad range of health manpower who serves the rural communities. It also designs and tests program models for health manpower developmentthat can be replicated in various parts of thePhilippines and in other countries as well.Its unique feature is the step-ladder curriculum---the only one of its kind in the Philippines---which is designed to meet the needs of the rural communities. Here, instead ofthe usual approach to health science education, the trainingof a broad range of health manpower from the barangay(village) health worker to the medical doctor is integratedin a single, sequential, and continuous curriculum. Each programlasts from one to more than 10 quarters( one quarter=11 weeks) and is followed by a service leave of an indefiniteperiod.The curriculum has been featured in many monographs,journals, magazine articles, and official reports of WHO forserving as a model for shifting health science educationfrom the hospital to the community.[Cited from:Improving the health of Filipinos throughexcellent and relevant programs, University of the PhilippinesManila]
浜田 明美 林 淳一
The Japan Society of Home Economics
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.40, no.12, pp.1073-1081, 1989

来聘と参向という幕府の公式行事の饗応に用いられた膳組について, 膳組の格式と客の身分・役職との関係を中心に検討し, 格式を重視した江戸幕府の饗応の形態を構成していく過程と膳組の格式を区別している要素を明らかにすることができた.<BR>1) 江戸幕府の身分と格式を重視し, 上下の関係を規定した封建制は, 料理面においては饗応の膳組の格式の細かい区別という形であらわれていた。<BR>2) 膳組の格式を区別する要素として, 膳と菜の数, それに続く膳と菜の数, 材料の差, 菓子の種類と出し方, 膳と器の種類, 膳と器の組み方の六つの要素があることを明らかにした.<BR>3) 膳組の格式は, 饗応の種類と客の身分・役職で決定される.この二つに六つの要素を対応させて客にふさわしい膳組を構成していく過程を明らかにすることができた.
奥田 透也 末松 伸朗 林 朗
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. PRMU, パターン認識・メディア理解 (ISSN:09135685)
vol.107, no.539, pp.17-22, 2008-03-03

尾木 雄貴 大山 航 若林 哲史 木村 文隆
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. CNR, クラウドネットワークロボット
vol.113, no.432, pp.95-96, 2014-02-06
