池田 光功 相原 豊 松﨑 守利 本多 壮太郎 平田 哲史
福岡教育大学紀要. 第六分冊, 教育実践研究編
vol.63, pp.1-8, 2014-02-10

黒澤 亮 得能 樹之 白石 明子 祐森 誠司 池田 周平 栗原 良雄 伊藤 澄麿
ペット栄養学会誌 (ISSN:13443763)
vol.5, no.Supplement, pp.7-8, 2002-05-15 (Released:2012-09-24)

幼兎を用いて,食糞行動とビタミン吸収の関係を検討した。供試飼料は,豆腐粕(風乾物)とコーンスターチを主体としたビタミンフリーの組成とし,NRCのミネラル剤と F.LEBASの報告したビタミン剤を給与した区(対照区)と欠除した区(試験区)の2種類を調製した。これら飼料を食糞行動を阻止したウサギと阻止しないウサギに給与し,体重の変動,飼料摂取量,排泄糞重量,排泄糞組成を測定した。体重変動,飼料摂取量に対して,食糞行動の阻止は有意に抑制的に作用し,ビタミン給与はそれを若干補正する程度であった。またビタミンB12およびビタミンEの排泄量は,ビタミン給与で多く,食糞行動の阻止で少なかった。
野村 幸世 川瀬 和美 萬谷 京子 明石 定子 神林 智寿子 柴崎 郁子 葉梨 智子 竹下 恵美子 田口 智章 山下 啓子 島田 光生 安藤 久實 池田 正 前田 耕太郎 冨澤 康子
日本外科系連合学会誌 (ISSN:03857883)
vol.40, no.2, pp.187-195, 2015

堀内 孝次 池田 裕
岐阜大学農学部研究報告 (ISSN:00724513)
vol.49, pp.19-25, 1984-12-15

小平 光治 後藤 光浩 池田 勝幸 小松 秀敏
一般社団法人 日本時計学会
日本時計学会誌 (ISSN:00290416)
vol.99, pp.30-40, 1981

The musical alarm clocks and watches appeared about three years ago. Recently, more than lO,OOO,OOO pcs digital watches with musical alarm function are produced annually all over the world. The reason of this prosperity is that musical alarm fits more for young people's sensitivity than beep sound alarm. For there market requirements, we have developed musical chips which play comfortable melodies automatically and can be driven by low voltage source. In the process of developing them, we examined from many viewpoints such as low power supply, low current consumption, dignity of sound and frequency limits. Then we have obtained an efficient linear amplifier and excellent melody generation system.
池田 博明
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
電子情報通信学会論文誌 C (ISSN:13452827)
vol.J96-C, no.11, pp.311-318, 2013-11-01

杉山 将史 池田 啓祐 金田 翼 甲斐 義弘 富塚 誠義
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.83, no.856, pp.17-00279-17-00279, 2017 (Released:2017-12-25)

When developing rehabilitation assist suits, safety consideration for patients is crucial. Computer-aided control techniques can improve their safety. However, when the computer breaks down, the assist suit may be dangerous for the user because of its unintentional motion. Therefore, assist suits with hardware-based safety devices are desired to guarantee safety even when the computers do not operate properly. In this paper, we present a new rehabilitation assist suit equipped with a velocity-based safety device and a torque limiter. The assist suit assists a patient's knee joint. The velocity-based safety device switches off the assist suit's motor if it detects an unexpected high joint angular velocity. The torque limiter cuts off the torque transmission if it detects an unexpected high joint torque. These safety devices will work even when the computer breaks down, because they consist of only passive mechanical components without actuators, controllers, or batteries. Firstly, we describe the features of the assist suit with the safety devices. Secondly, we introduce the structure of the assist suit. Thirdly, we explain the structure and mechanism of the velocity-based safety device. Fourthly, we show the prototype assist suit that we have developed. Finally, we present experimental results to verify the effectiveness of the velocity-based safety device installed on the developed assist suit.
和田 尭之 佐藤 直之 池田 心
研究報告ゲーム情報学(GI) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.2015, no.5, pp.1-8, 2015-02-26

市販のコンピュータゲーム特に RPG と呼ばれるジャンルでは,ゲーム AI が操作するキャラクタとチームを組んで遊べるものも多いが,しばしば仲間 AI プレイヤは期待に反する行動を取り,プレイヤの不満に繋がる.これはこの種のゲームに "勝つ" 以外の副目的が複数あり,AI プレイヤは人間プレイヤの "どの目的をどの程度重視しているか" といった価値観を理解せずに行動していることが原因の一つである.本研究では,人間プレイヤが選択した行動から人間プレイヤの重視する目的を推定し,それを AI プレイヤの行動選択に活用することでその人間プレイヤにとって満足度が高い AI プレイヤを生成することを目指す.評価実験では,様々な価値観を持つ仮想人間プレイヤを人工的に構成し,提案手法を適用して価値観を推定した.全く同じ価値観に基づいて行動を選択した場合の行動一致率 (例えば 70.6%) に対し,推定した価値観に基づいて行動を選択した場合の行動一致率 (例えば 67.1%) は,最悪の場合でも 3.5% しか劣っていない結果を得ることができた.Some genres of commercial video games, especially RPG games, allow players to play the game with the AI players as the teammates. But the AI players as the teammates often take actions that the human player does not expect them to do. Such mismatches between the expectations of the human players and the actions taken by the AI players often cause dissatisfaction of the players. One of the reasons for such mismatches is that there are several types of sub-goals in these games and the AI players act without understanding which types of sub-goals are important for each human player. The purpose of this study is to propose a method to develop teammate AI players that estimate the sub-goal preference of the human players and act with causing less dissatisfaction of the players. In an evaluation experiment, we prepared some artificial players with various preferences for the sub-goals and tried to estimate their sub-goals by the proposed method. The selected actions based on the estimated sub-goal preferences were the same as the selected actions by the original artificial players at the rate of 67.1% in one setting. The upper bound of the rate is about 70.6% (in this setting), which is the rate at which the same actions are selected when the preference of sub-goals is the same. Thus the proposed method is only 3.5% inferior in performance in the worst case compared to an ideal estimation.
池田 安隆
一般社団法人 日本活断層学会
活断層研究 (ISSN:09181024)
vol.1996, no.15, pp.93-99, 1996-11-29 (Released:2012-11-13)

Faulting and other surface deformations in recent geologic time are essentially relevant to understanding present-day tectonic processes, which in turn are a key to scientific, not empirical, earthquake prediction. Geologic records are indispensable because instrumentally observed records, such as geodetic measurements and microseismicity, are not sufficient in time to cover a whole cycle of strain buildup and release in a orogenic zone.Rheological structure of the Japan arc b ased on explosion seismology, heat-flow measurements, and laboratory experiments indicates that the western half of central and northern Honshu, including continental slopes on the Japan Sea side, is mechanically very weak; only the upper 15 kilometers of crustal rocks behaves elastic, and ductile lower crust is underlain directly by asthenospheric mantle. This zone of weakness was rifted and stretched during the early Miocene back-arc spreading event, and coincides broadly with the distribution of active faults. Since late Miocene time up to the present, the Japan arc has been subjected to east-west compression due principally to the westward convergence of the Pacific plate at Japan trench at a rate as high as ∼90 millimeters per year.If the megathrust at the Japan trench is locked, the plate convergence is to be ac c ommodated mainly in this zone of weakness. Actually, geodetic observations in the last 100 years have revealed that strain accumulation rates over the mechanically weak zone are on the order as high as 10-7 per year. However, geologically observed strain rates, based on slip rates on active faults and folding rates, are one order of magnitude lower than the geodetic rates. A possible explanation for this discrepancy between short-term (geodetic) and long-term (geologic) observations is that the strain accumulated in the last 100 years at abnormally high rates is likely to be released by slip on the megathrust at Japan trench, which would produce big earthquake(s) with magnitude 8 or greater. Only a fraction of plate convergence may be accommodated within the Japan arc as long-term deformation.Whether or not the above scenario is real, the process of strain buildup and release in the Japan arc-trench system is unique, and should be understood with more geologic, as well as geophysical, observations.