井上 太之 鈴木 大 北野 忠 河野 裕美
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
pp.20-024, (Released:2021-02-03)

Compared with the other anguillid eel species native to Japan (Anguilla japonica and A. marmorata), very little is currently known about the Japanese populations of A. bicolor pacifica. Three specimens of the latter (652.4–879.1 mm total length), collected in an irrigation channel on Iriomote Island, southern Japan, were examined, and the phylogenetic and morphological characters of the species discussed. The stomach contents of two specimens included a number of frog remains.
河野 裕彦 木野 康志 秋山 公男 関根 勉 菅野 学

トリチウム壊変が引き起こすDNAの鎖切断過程を探索するため,密度汎関数強束縛法に基づいた反応動力学シミュレーションを行った。反応時の電荷の変化を定量化するマリケン電荷と各原子のエネルギーの変化を定量化する原子分割エネルギーを使った。トリチウムがβ壊変後Heとして脱離すると,電荷再配置の後,実質的にトリチウムが引き抜かれたDNAは中性となって,ラジカル的な性質を持つ。この条件下では,糖の3'C あるいは5'Cにトリチウムがある場合,隣接するリン酸基のP-O結合が切断することがわかった。この反応は1本鎖切断で終わっており,修復が困難な2本鎖切断に至る可能性は極めて低いことがわかった。
河野 裕次
地域政策科学研究 (ISSN:13490699)
no.8, pp.39-73, 2011-03

"In this paper, I have examined the relationship between southern Kyushu and Setouchi in the Yayoi period by referring to Setouchi pottery and cultural elements from southern Kyushu. In the first period (about BC.3-BC.1), there was contact between southern Kyushu and western Setouchi, and it is assumed that this was part of the increasing interaction over a large area of Western Japan at this time. In the second period (about AD.1-AD.2), cultural elements from southern Kyushu cannot be confirmed in Setouchi, and so the existence of the contact becomes unclear. Setouchi pottery produced in this period showed influences of the area's relationship with eastern Kyushu. In the third period (about AD.2-AD.3), pottery movement from Setouchi to Kyushu declined, and the number of excavations of Setouchi pottery decreases. However, it is in this period that the amount of Setouchi pottery excavated from the tomb areas increases. Thus, the movement of pottery and the influence of the pottery attributes were confirmed to be one direction from Setouchi to southern Kyushu through each period. Such an asymmetric relationship will become an important aspect when thinking about the background of the relationship between southern Kyushu and Setouchi in the future."
北條 芳隆 河野 裕美

河野 裕美 依田 憲

観察が難しい環境下における野生動物の採餌行動や社会的相互作用を記録するため、小型の映像記録装置の開発と海鳥への適用を行った。カツオドリの幼鳥にビデオカメラを装着することによって、社会的な情報を用いて採餌をおこなっていることが明らかになった。また、小型GPS を併用することにより、行動圏の拡大や採餌技術の発達に伴って、他個体との社会的接触が変化することが示された。
河野 裕美 水谷 晃
公益財団法人 山階鳥類研究所
山階鳥類学雑誌 (ISSN:13485032)
vol.46, no.2, pp.108-118, 2015-03-20 (Released:2017-03-20)

カツオドリSula leucogasterは,世界の熱帯から亜熱帯海域に4亜種が分布する.本種は島嶼間の移動が少なく,遺伝的交雑が低いと考えられてきた.しかし,東太平洋海盆を挟んで西側に生息する亜種カツオドリS. l. plotusが東方へ,東側に生息する亜種シロガシラカツオドリS. l. brewsteriが西方へそれぞれ分散して繁殖した例が報告されている.さらに,西部太平洋に位置する琉球列島南部の仲ノ神島において,2009年5月17日に頭部から頸部が白色の亜種シロガシラカツオドリの成鳥の雄1羽が飛来した.その後,2014年まで,同じ場所で同個体と思われる雄が断続的に確認され,2012年から2014年まで仲ノ神島個体群の繁殖スケジュールと同調して,亜種カツオドリと思われる雌と繁殖し,雛を巣立たせた.さらに2011年以降には,同島の別の場所で白色頭部の雄1羽が断続的に記録されるようになった.この雄は雌に対する求愛を行ったが,2014年までつがいは形成されなかった.本観察により亜種シロガシラカツオドリの日本における繁殖行動が初めて確認され,同時に別亜種の繁殖地に飛来した個体によるつがい形成から繁殖までの過程を記録できた.
伊藤 寿茂 北野 忠 唐真 盛人 藤本 治彦 崎原 健 河野 裕美
Venus (Journal of the Malacological Society of Japan) (ISSN:13482955)
vol.72, no.1, pp.77-87, 2014

2006年に国内で初めて記録された石垣島のドブガイモドキについて,幼生の採集を試み,幼生が寄生している魚種を調査するとともに,実験飼育下で宿主として機能する魚種を確認した。島内の生息地においてプランクトンネットをひき,幼生の採集を試みるとともに,採集した成貝を継続飼育し,放出した幼生を採集した。幼生の殻の形状は亜三角形で腹縁に鉤を持つAnodonta型であり,殻長,殻高,殻幅の平均はそれぞれ221.5 μm,228.0 μm,108.3 μmであった。次に,現場で採集した幼生の寄生を受けていると想定される6魚種(ギンブナ,グッピー,タイワンドジョウ,ティラピア類,オカメハゼ,タウナギ)と,飼育下で放出された幼生を人為的に寄生させた12魚種(コイ,キンギョ,タイリクバラタナゴ,ドジョウ,ヒレナマズ,メダカ,グッピー,タイワンキンギョ,オカメハゼ,タナゴモドキ,ゴクラクハゼ,ヨシノボリ類)を実験水槽内で継続飼育して,魚体から離脱してきた幼生を観察,計数した。その結果,ヒレナマズ,メダカ,グッピー,タイワンキンギョ,オカメハゼ,タナゴモドキ,ゴクラクハゼ,ヨシノボリ類の8魚種より,変態を完了させた稚貝が出現した。寄生期間中に幼生サイズの増大や外形の著しい変化は見られなかった。全離脱数に占める稚貝の出現率は魚種によって差があり,タイワンキンギョ,グッピー,ヨシノボリ類において,特に出現率が高かった。次に,同生息地において採集した6魚種(ギンブナ,カダヤシ,グッピー,ティラピア類,オカメハゼ,タナゴモドキ)を10%ホルマリン水溶液で固定して,魚体に寄生した幼生の状態を観察,計数したところ,グッピーとティラピア類の体に寄生が見られた。寄生は鰓や各鰭のほか,鰓蓋の内側,鰓耙にも見られた。幼生の相対寄生密度および被嚢率はグッピーの方が高かった。石垣島を含むドブガイモドキの生息地においては,その幼生の宿主として,在来種,外来種を含む複数の魚種が宿主として機能している可能性がある。特に,石垣島では,生息する魚の大部分を外来種が占めており,中でもグッピーが主な宿主として機能していることが判明した。このことから,石垣島内における宿主魚類の移入による分布拡大が,ドブガイモドキの分散に寄与した可能性がある。
河野 裕美 安部 直哉 真野 徹
Yamashina Institute for Ornitology
山階鳥類研究所研究報告 (ISSN:00440183)
vol.18, no.1, pp.1-27, 1986-03-30 (Released:2008-11-10)
4 7

Nakanokami-shima was designated a national monument in 1972 because of its important for breeding seabirds, though the seabirds of the island were very poorly known. In this paper we present the information on the breeding species and their current status. Observations were made over a ten years period from 1975 to 1984.Seven species of seabirds were found to breed on the island. All were summer visitors, except for the Brown Booby which may be a resident.1. Bulwer's Petrel, Bulweria bulwerii. Bulwer's Petrel was not known to breed on the island until we captured and ringed 2 adults on 2 July, 1981, both of which had fully grown brood patches, and 2 more adults on 4 July, 1982, both of which were incubating. In 1982, 1983, and 1984 the petrels bred at the same locations shown in Fig. 1. The petrels bred gathering in small numbers and laid under rock, Sixty-six adults were ringed from 1981 to 1984 and it seems that the breeding population is fewer than 100 birds.2. White-faced (or Streaked) Shearwater, Calonectris leucomelas. Many nest holes of the White-faced Shearwaters were widely distributed on gentle slopes in grassplateau in the centre of the island. Some birds incubated on bare ground under dwarf 'Gajumaru', Ficus retusa, and others incubated under large rocks. We could not estimate their population.3. Brown Booby, Sula leucogaster. The main colonies, which were used by almost all the birds, were found annually at areas A, B, C, and D shown in Fig. 2. On Nakanokami-shima Brown Boobies nested on ridges and on steep cliffs. Few birds nested in the rocky zone near the shore. Before noon on 3 July, 1981, a Maritime Safety Agency Helicopter flew over the eastern part of the island, surprising the settled birds and causing them to take flight one after another. It was possible at that time to make a total count and 250 birds were counted. Since the breeding pairs were taking care of chicks at that day, some parents were probably absent offshore. Clearly the population was larger than 250. A chick ringed on 29 June, 1980, at the main colony was recaptured at the same place on 21 August, 1983. The bird was in adult plumage, but was not breeding. This recovery record indicates that non-breeding immatures are also included among those attending the main colonies. Table 1 shows the results of an intensive search for nests during the breeding season of 1984. Nests on inaccessible cliffs in areas A-D were of course omitted. The annual breeding population was estimated approximately as about 200 to 500 birds.4. Red-footed Booby, Sula sula. This species was not known to breed in Japan before 1975, when we discovered a breeding pair on 27 August, 1975. The parent incubated one egg and its nest was builted on the canopy of dwarf 'Gajumaru' bush in area A in Fig. 2. On 24 June, 1976, 3 adults and 2 chicks were ringed at the same place, and on 30 June, 1977, one downy chick and parent were found again at the same place as in 1975. On 13 July, 1982, two fledglings and one adult were seen on the cliff in area E in Fig. 2.5. Bridled Tern, Sterna anaethetus. This, species was not known to breed in Japan until we found its breeding at the island on June, 1980. The Bridled Tern settled rocky zone near the shore, placing their eggs in the shelter of rocks. The locations of colonies in 1983, and 1984 are shown in Fig. 3. This tern is apparently an inshore feeder, remaining usually close to the colony. The estimated numbers were 120 birds in area A, and 40 in area B on June 30, 1980, about 1000 in area A, and 100 in area B on 2 July, 1981, and about 650 in area, A, and 50 in area B on 2 July, 1982. Since 1981 the numbers have increased markedly. The birds in attendance at these areas were in adult plumage, however considerable numbers of non-breeding, presumably immature, birds may make up part of these totals.
飯尾 能久 松本 聡 松島 健 植平 賢司 片尾 浩 大見 士朗 澁谷 拓郎 竹内 文朗 西上 欽也 廣瀬 一聖 加納 靖之 儘田 豊 宮澤 理稔 辰己 賢一 和田 博夫 河野 裕希 是永 将宏 上野 友岳 行竹 洋平 Bogdan ENESCU
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.58, no.4, pp.463-475, 2006-03-31 (Released:2010-03-11)
1 2

The 2004 Mid Niigata Prefecture Earthquake (MJMA 6.8) occurred on 23 October 2004. The mainshock was followed by four aftershocks with MJMA≥6.0. This earthquake is located in the Niigata-Kobe Tectonic Zone in which large strain rates (>0.1ppm/y contraction) have been observed by GPS data. We deployed three temporary online seismic stations in the aftershock area. Combining data from the temporary stations and from permanent stations around the aftershock area, we determined aftershock locations, and estimated the structures and the stress change in and around the aftershock region. Based on these results, we suggested a generating process of the 2004 Mid Niigata Prefecture Earthquake supposing that a very weak region exists in the weak zone in the lower crust just beneath the seismogenic fault.
河野 裕康

井上 太之 鈴木 大 北野 忠 河野 裕美
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.68, no.1, pp.29-34, 2021-04-25 (Released:2021-05-09)

Compared with the other anguillid eel species native to Japan (Anguilla japonica and A. marmorata), very little is currently known about the Japanese populations of A. bicolor pacifica. Three specimens of the latter (652.4–879.1 mm total length), collected in an irrigation channel on Iriomote Island, southern Japan, were examined, and the phylogenetic and morphological characters of the species discussed. The stomach contents of two specimens included a number of frog remains.
河野 裕之 髙橋 儀平 竜口 隆三
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.22, no.51, pp.701-706, 2016 (Released:2016-06-20)

This report summarizes the series of studies on which legislated as JIS S0026 on Mar. 2007, “Standardize the layout of the toilet operation equipment and appliance in public rest room”, is based. The authors implemented user verifications with the cooperation of approximately 100 persons with disabilities (physical and visual), the main group of people to whom extra consideration should be given. According to the verifications, the study proposed the appropriate measurements for installation of the three fixtures (toilet paper holder, flush button, and call button), including the allowable range, as the recommended standard layout.
河野 裕治 山田 純生
公益社団法人 日本理学療法士協会
vol.2003, pp.D0647, 2004

【はじめに】労作時疲労感の軽減を目的とした換気補助(PAV)の先行研究は、これまで主に呼吸器疾患患者に対して行われており、健常人を用いた検討も十分でない。健常人を用いたこれまでの研究では、最大酸素摂取量の近傍の強度や漸増負荷を採用しており、廊下歩行など臨床場面への応用には実験条件が異なるため更なる基礎的検討が必要とされていた。本研究ではPAVの臨床応用を想定し、健常人を対象としてPAVによる生体反応を検討した。<BR>【対象と方法】喫煙歴、肺疾患歴のない健常成人11名(男性8名、女性3名)を対象とした。最初に自転車エルゴメータを用いた心肺運動負荷試験を行い、呼気ガス分析より各被験者の嫌気性代謝閾値(AT)を求めた。次にATの90%の負荷量で12分間の自転車エルゴメータ駆動をPAV無しで行う実験1と、12分間の後半6分間にPAVを行う実験2の2施行を行なった。PAVはミナト医科学(株)製Hyper Reflex HR50を改造し90L/分の吸気PAV装置を作成した。運動時の吸気補助は被験者が手動スイッチを操作することにより行った。こうして、実験1、2における運動後半6分間における主観的疲労度(Borg指標)、心拍・血圧反応ならびに呼吸ガス代謝指標を比較・検討した後、運動6分目と12分目の各指標の変化度よりBorg指標の変化に関連する要因を調べた。統計手法は時間を主効果とする二元配置分散分析ならびにPearsonの積率相関係数を用いた。有意水準は5%とした。<BR>【結果】実験1、2ともVO<SUB>2</SUB>は定常状態を示した。VEは実験1では6分以降も時間と共に増加し続けたのに対し、実験2ではPAV開始直後から低下した。VE 同様、他の生理学的指標もPAV開始直後から低下したが、Borg指標はPAV開始4分目から低下を示し、他の指標との時間的ズレが認められた。PAVにより増加が見られた指標はTVEのみであり、VE、RR、VE/ VCO<SUB>2</SUB>、ETO<SUB>2</SUB>、Borg(C)、Borg(L)、DP、HR、BPは全て有意な低下を示した。Borg指標の変化度と関連する生理学的指標は認められなかった。<BR>【考察】PAVにより主観的指標、換気指標ならびに心拍・血圧指標は低下を示した。これはPAVによる吸気筋の仕事量を軽減させた結果もたらされたものと思われた。しかし、主観的労作度の関連要因は今回の検討からは特定できずPAVの条件設定や症例を増やして今後検討すべき課題となった。<BR>【結語】AT以下の低強度運動負荷時においても、PAVは主観的労作を軽減し、呼吸ガス代謝ならびに心拍・血圧指標を低下させることが確認された。今後は呼吸ガス代謝ならびに他の関連指標との検討から、PAVによる労作軽減機序に関する検討を進めることが必要と思われた。
河野 裕康
経済学史研究 (ISSN:18803164)
vol.59, no.2, pp.75-95, 2018 (Released:2019-09-02)

Abstract: In the late 1920s, R. Hilferding (1877―1941), an intellectual leader of the German Social Democratic Party and prominent exponent of organised capitalism, played an important role in economic policy, especially for agrarian problems. However, his activities have not been completely explored from a historical point of view. In several international conferences in 1926, he argued against aggressive protectionism in favour of mutually beneficial trade agreements and economic regulation under the League of Nations. Then, during parliamenta-ry discussions, he opposed the general rise of agrarian customs, and insisted on promoting high-grade, intensified production by means of differentiated tariffs and financial aids. As for international cartels, he led the 1927 inter-parliamentary commercial conference to accepting his anti-monopolistic resolution. Within the party, Hilferding, as commission chairperson, drafted an agrarian program based on his own earlier ideas as well as on the Austrian program, and successfully persuad-ed the party congress to adopt it in 1927. This program included measures for land reform, productivity improvement, and social policy, among others, intending to cooperate with the rural working populace anew. As the financial situation worsened late in 1927 and the year after, he urged the tempo-rary introduction of foreign credits in order to maintain business prosperity. He criticised the budget for mass taxation and military expenditure, highlighting the structural defects of the fiscal transfer system, and tried to restore the balance through administrative reorganisation. Nonetheless, he supported the emergency assistance project for agriculture, and demanded individually granted loans as well as the control of commerce and even of production for sta-bilisation. Overall, his economic policy aimed to make progresses in international cooperative relationships, avoiding block economy, and cope with agrarian and financial difficulties through productivity measures, basically grounded on his peculiar view of organised econo-my. JEL classification numbers: B 24, B 31, P 16.
河野 裕康
The Japanease Society for the History of Economic Thought
経済学史研究 (ISSN:18803164)
vol.49, no.1, pp.86-103, 2007-06-30 (Released:2010-08-05)

In 1924 Rudolf Hilferding, a German social democratic theorist and political leader, recognized the considerable stability that followed the currency reform, and fully aware of entrenched antidemocratic and anti-Semitic currents in the German populace, he was all the more determined to emphasize the importance of democracy. He won a seat in the parliament and published an academic monthly, Die Gesellschaft, which he hoped would help bridge the intellectual hiatus between schools of thought. He was also actively engaged in political education at the German College of Politics.Regarding recent social changes, he pointed to a tendency toward “organized capitalism” that was in actuality based on expanding cartels and trusts: and as an alternative he urged the building of an “economic democracy, ” political democratization of the state, and “realistic pacifism, ” especially through supranational organizations. He treated these points not as part of a programmatic doctrine but as significant contemporary problems that needed to be explored carefully and in depth. Not completely certain about the direction of socialism in the future, he envisaged workers' participation in management.When the Third Emergency Tax Decree was issued, Hilferding responded by calling for taxation on inflationary gains and the national legislation on housing rents, and he opposed the revaluation of mortgages. He advised the government to take comprehensive measures, including investigation of cartels and restrictions on credit. Hilferding seized on the regulation of reparations payments in the Dawes Plan as a way to achieve political and economic stabilization on the basis of territorial reunification and the transfer system, and he pushed for revision of related laws in the National Economic Council.Thereupon he persuaded his party to adopt his resolution to accept the Dawes Plan, German participation in the League of Nations, and other social policies. Finally he was successful in persuading the parliament to accept the Dawes Plan in late August 1924. This was a precondition for the relative stabilization that brought Germany some social balance and rehabilitated it in the international society for the first time after the revolution and the hyperinflation. Thus, it is safe to say that Hilferding theoretically and practically contributed much to the realization of the relative stabilization, and furthermore, proposed a new significant vision of society in the future.