鈴木 健介 中山 雅雄 浅井 武
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
vol.67, pp.265_2-265_2, 2016

<p> 現在のサッカーは、プレーするのに十分な時間とスペースが確保されていた1970年頃のサッカーから変化し「Less Time、Less Space」と形容されるような、相手チームに時間とスペースを与えないコンパクトな守備組織の形成が主流となっている。試合に勝利するためにはこのようなハイプレッシャーの中でも正確で早い判断と技術を発揮しゴールに向かい、得点をあげる必要がある。特にディフェンスとミッドフィルダーとの間のエリアを指す「バイタルエリア」における技術発揮は多くの指導書等で重要視されている。しかし、バイタルエリアにおいてどのようなプレーが行われているかという分析・研究は報告されていない。そこで本研究は2014W杯優勝チームであるドイツ代表の選手が最も多く所属するドイツのトップリーグであるブンデスリーガと、日本のトップリーグであるJリーグのバイタルエリアでの攻撃プレーを対象に、記述的ゲームパフォーマンス分析を行うことで、バイタルエリアにおけるプレーの特徴及び、それぞれのリーグにおける同エリアでのプレーの特徴や違いを明らかにすることを目的とした。</p>
平嶋 裕輔 浅井 武 鈴木 健介 中山 雅雄
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
vol.70, pp.223_3, 2019

<p> ゴールキーパーにとって最も重要なプレーはシュートストップである。このシュートストップは、現在、セーブ率を用いて評価されることが一般的である。しかし近年、セーブ率は、被シュート1本毎のシュートストップ難易度が考慮されておらず、現場に有効な評価指標ではないとその妥当性を疑問視する声もある。そこで本研究は、2014FIFAワールドカップ全64試合を対象に、128名のGKをセーブ率によって評価し、その結果と被シュート1本当たりの平均シュートストップ失敗確率、被シュート数、予測失点との関係を明らかにし、セーブ率の問題点を検証することを目的とした。被シュート1本当たりの平均シュートストップ失敗確率及び予測失点の算出には、平嶋ほか(2014)が開発したシュートストップ失敗確率予測回帰式を用いた。その結果、セーブ率と被シュート1本当たりの平均シュートストップ失敗確率、予測失点との間に有意な負の相関関係が認められた。つまりセーブ率は、シュートストップの難易度が考慮されておらず、平均シュートストップ失敗確率の低い選手、予測失点が少ない選手の評価が高くなるという大きな問題点を有するということが明らかとなった。</p>
夏原 隆之 加藤 貴昭 中山 雅雄 浅井 武
The Japan Journal of Coaching Studies
コーチング学研究 (ISSN:21851646)
vol.31, no.1, pp.1-10, 2017-10-01 (Released:2019-03-01)

Accurately judging a situation during soccer is one of the important factors for executing superior performance. In order to acquire decision making ability, in practice and instruction sessions, it is considered desirable to adapt scientific knowledge to coaches' rules of thumb and experiences. However, it has been pointed out that practice and instructions based on scientific evidence are hardly executed. Therefore, in this review, we aimed to examine the relationship between the perceptual-cognitive skills and coaching science related to decision making for the perceptual-cognitive skill research in soccer through an overview of the research results that have been clarified so far about each factor of pattern recognition, visual search behaviors, and anticipation that constitute perceptual-cognitive skills, and the knowledge that supports them. In addition, one of the important tasks in perceptual-cognitive skill research is acquiring perceptual-cognitive skills and developing effective coaching and training methods. Therefore, from the standpoint of motor learning research, we discuss future works on perceptual-cognitive skills of soccer, while exploring the relationship between acquisition of perceptual-cognitive skills and coaching science. It is suggested that the theoretical background clarified through this review would be useful for obtaining scientific knowledge about decision making in an environment with severe temporal and spatial constraints.
鈴木 健介 浅井 武 平嶋 裕輔 松竹 貴大 中山 雅雄
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.19002, (Released:2019-08-20)

In football it is necessary to score more goals than one’s opponents in order to win the game. One strategy for gaining goals and scoring opportunities is attacking through the gap between an opposing defender (DF) and a midfielder (MF) (the DF-MF gap). However, research on this form of attack has revealed that it is merely more likely to lead to scoring and scoring opportunities than other forms of attack. In the present study, therefore, through a comparison between the Japanese J League (JL) and the German Bundesliga (BL), we examined the features of DF-MF attack play in the JL and BL and differences between them, in order to clarify the challenges in the JL for creating scoring opportunities. We determined the number of passes into the DF-MF gap, the number of passes from players receiving the ball in the DF-MF gap, and the relationship between receiving the ball in the DF-MF gap and the opposing DF. The sample used for analysis was a total of 40 games: 20 in the JL (2015 season) and 20 in the BL (2015/2016 season). For statistical analysis, independent t test and chi-squared test were conducted. In comparison to the BL, the rate of penetration into the DF-MF gap was lower in the JL. In addition, it became clear that in the JL there was a lower proportion of scoring opportunities such as penetration into the PA and shots when penetrating into the DF-MF gap than was the case in the BL. This was considered to be due to the fact that in the JL, the number of balls received in the DF-MF gap in the direction of goal was lower than that in the BL. Furthermore, in the JL, when the ball was received in the DF-MF gap, the proportion of moves defended from the opponent goal side was higher than in the BL, suggesting a problem in how the ball is received. These findings suggest that in the JL it is necessary to increase the opportunity for scoring by making it easier for the ball to advance in a goalward direction by receiving the ball when separated from the opponent DF.
伊藤 慎一郎 鎌田 真輝 浅井 武 瀬尾 和哉
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
シンポジウム: スポーツ・アンド・ヒューマン・ダイナミクス講演論文集
vol.2011, pp.23-26, 2011

The configuration of soccer balls has closely approached a perfect round shape by not only reducing a number of panels but also by eliminating roughness of the panel joints by thermal bonding process recently. Therefore, in a non-rotating or low-rotating moving shot, a soccer ball drops and curves by the change of wake flow, which is called a knuckle ball effect. It is said that the cause of the swerving ball on no rotating shoot of the soccer ball depends on the outbreak of the vortex occurred in the wake. However, it is not grasped the timing among the vortex outbreak and the swerving of balls. In this study, the velocity fluctuation of the ball wake was measured with hot wire probe and the oscillation of the ball was measured with three components load cell. And also the asymmetric configuration of the ball panel against moving direction was investigated as a factor to bring unexpected change of the ball orbit. The results show that the position change of the tail of vortex ring affects the swerving of the balls and that the low-rotating ball changes its face against the moving direction and it produces irregular lateral force.
松竹 貴大 夏原 隆之 田部井 祐介 中山 雅雄 浅井 武
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
vol.67, pp.111_1-111_1, 2016

<p> 本研究では、熟練したサッカー選手の状況判断時における脳内情報処理の特性を明らかにする事を目的に、競技レベルの異なる大学生サッカー選手26名(Expert群:13名、Sub Expert群: 13名)を対象に実際のプレー状況を想定した選択反応課題(3vs1パス回し課題、4vs2パス回し課題)における事象関連電位(event related potential:ERP)、筋電図反応時間(electromyography reaction time:EMGRT)及び反応時間(Reaction Time:RT)の測定を行った。結果、EMGRT、RTではExpert群がSub Expert群より有意に短かった。ERPにおいてはP300潜時、振幅ともに有意差は認められなかった。状況判断におけるExpert群とSub-Expert群の大きな違いは、正確に速く運動を実行できる(出力できる)ことであった。これらのことから、熟練したサッカー選手は状況判断を行い、プレーを実行する際「どのような状況か」という評価よりも、「何をすべきか」という反応・運動の処理が、より先行して賦活していることが示唆された。</p>
松竹 貴大 夏原 隆之 小井土 正亮 鈴木 健介 田部井 祐介 中山 雅雄 浅井 武
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.67, no.1, pp.107-123, 2018-02-01 (Released:2018-01-19)

In this study, observing football players under simulated playing conditions to measure event-related potentials (ERPs, i.e. P300), electromyography reaction time (EMG-RT), and reaction time (RT), we investigated neural correlates of information processing during selective reaction challenges. A high performance group included 13 collegiate football players who had previously won the All Japan University Championships. A low performance group included 13 collegiate football players who never competed at the national level or played in prefectural or regional competitions. We conducted a 4 vs. 2 ball possession task (i.e. a Go/NoGo task) under simulated playing conditions that required situational assessment. Our results showed that the high-performance group had a significantly higher correct response rate than did the low-performance group in 4 vs. 2 ball possession tasks. Moreover, the EMG-RT and RT of the high-performance group were significantly shorter than that of the low-performance group. Furthermore, the P100 and P300 latencies of the high-performance group was significantly shorter than those of the low-performance group. These findings indicated that high-performance football players could perform the task-relevant stages of information processing (such as visual information processing, stimulus evaluation, and motor response output) in a short time. There was no correlation between EMG-RT and P100 (Go, NoGo stimulation), indicating that initial visual information processing did not contribute to the execution of the final motor response. There was no correlation between EMG-RT and Go P300 latency, whereas a significant correlation with NoGo P300 latency was shown. This suggested that the stimulus evaluation system by NoGo stimuli (response inhibition) is strongly involved in the final motor output reaction.
河崎 正裕 青山 興司 大倉 隆宏 後藤 隆文 高尾 智也 仲田 惣一 向井 亘 秋山 卓士 浅井 武 岩村 喜信
特定非営利活動法人 日本小児外科学会
日本小児外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:0288609X)
vol.53, no.1, pp.38-42, 2017-02-20 (Released:2017-02-20)

【目的】成人では上腹壁ヘルニアはまれとされているが,小児ではよくみかける疾患である.この違いが何に起因するのかそれぞれの臨床像に焦点をあて検証した.【方法】2005 年4 月から2015 年3 月まで関連小児外科6 施設および同施設の成人外科6 施設で手術された上腹壁ヘルニア症例を対象とし,カルテ記載から比較した.【結果】今回小児76 例,成人11 例の87 例が集計された.症例は全年齢に分布していたが,幼児期が圧倒的に多かった.性別はともに女性が多かった.症状は小児では上腹部腫瘤以外ではほとんど無症状であったが,成人では11 例のうち8 例に腹痛を認めた.多くの例が診断後1,2 年以内に手術が施行されていた.ヘルニア門径は小児では10 mm 以下,成人では20 mm 以上が多かった.ヘルニア内容は小児では腹膜前脂肪,成人では大網が多数を占めた.術式は全例単純縫合閉鎖が行われ,再発例はなかった.【結論】上腹壁ヘルニアの小児と成人の報告数の差は手術適応に起因すると考えられた.小児では整容及び将来の嵌頓リスク,成人では腹痛などの嵌頓症状である.成人の有症状例の少なさを考えると,小児において将来の嵌頓リスクを高く見積もり過ぎている可能性がある.幼児期の上腹壁ヘルニアの手術適応には議論の余地があると考える.
松竹 貴大 實宝 希祥 門岡 晋 菅生 貴之 浅井 武
スポーツ心理学研究 (ISSN:03887014)
vol.43, no.1, pp.1-13, 2016

Primary scientific data for evaluating information processing ability of the central nervous system that are associated with decision making was investigated in football players, by using event-related potentials (ERP; N200, P300) and reaction times. Participants were college football players who were winners of the all Japan university championship (n=8; Elites) and 8 graduate students with no football experience (n=8; Novices). They used an oddball paradigm consisting of a simple visual stimulus (Choice Reaction Task 1: CRT1) and an oddball paradigm consisting of a complex visual stimulus (Choice Reaction Task 2: CRT2). Results indicated that Elites had a significantly shorter reaction time than Novices in the CRT2. This finding corroborated many previous studies, and indicated that reaction times of Elites were faster than Novices. In addition, ERP (N200 and P300) was observed in all participants and there were no significant differences between the two groups in N200, or P300 latencies in the CRT1. However, Elites showed latencies that were significantly shorter than Novices in the CRT2. These results indicated that the process of evaluating and classifying stimuli was faster in Elites, suggesting that information processing ability of Elites was superior to Novices. In conclusion, this study identified basic scientific data on reaction times and ERP associated with evaluating information that are indicative of central nervous system processing ability associated with decision making by football players.
中山 雅雄 浅井 武
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.54, no.2, pp.343-353, 2009-12-10 (Released:2010-02-13)

The purpose of this study was to investigate the elements that constitute an effective environment for passing practice in soccer by analyzing the relationship between player age range as an organism constraint and the width of the area in which the ball is possessed in a three vs. one (3 vs. 1) task constraint. The task consisted of passing the ball employing one or two touches to maintain possession in a 3 vs. 1 formation in three different square-shaped areas measuring 8m×8m, 10m×10m and 12m×12m. The participants were divided according to age, and categorized as under (U)-10 (fourth grade elementary school), U-12 (sixth grade elementary school), U-14 (second grade junior school) and U-16 (first grade high school). The following criteria were then investigated: passing performance (passing success rate and the number of passing sequences), speed of the passing movement, support available to the player, and decision-making about the passing direction.It was found that U-10 players performed worse in the task than players in the other age groups. Moreover, passing speed was affected by the width of the play area for the U-10 and U-12 players, but not for the U-14 and U-16 players. The distance between the support players was the same for all age groups; however, for the U-10 players, the support angles were more acute than those for the other age groups, thus preventing the U-10 players from adopting useful supporting positions. Furthermore, it was found that the width of the play area did not affect passing performance, but did affect the speed of the passing movement in the 3 vs. 1 task. The distance and the angle of support differed among the players in the different age groups.It is concluded that a wider area in the 3 vs.1 possession task creates easier choices for U-10 and U-12 players, leading to easy understanding of the passing motions. For the U-14 and U-16 players, making the area narrower is effective for maintaining a higher 3 vs.1 possession level. From these perspectives, considering the width of the area for 3 vs.1 possession is important in relation to the developmental stage of soccer players.
浅井 武 瀬尾 和哉 笹瀬 雅史

丹羽 健市 浅井 武 長井 健二 大貫 義人 笹瀬 雅史 竹田 隆一 曽 広新 李 宏玉 修 傳風 揚 振東

浅井 武 瀬尾 和哉 藤井 範久 高木 英樹 小池 関也 藤澤 延行
