鷹野 敏明 山口 潤 阿部 英二 二葉 健一 横手 慎一 河村 洋平 高村 民雄 熊谷 博 大野 裕一 中西 裕治 中島 映至
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌A(基礎・材料・共通部門誌) (ISSN:03854205)
vol.128, no.4, pp.257-262, 2008-04-01 (Released:2008-04-01)
4 6

We developed a cloud profiling radar, named FALCON-I, transmitting frequency-modulated continuous wave (FM-CW) at 95 GHz for high sensitivity and high spatial resolution ground-based observations. Millimeter wave at 95 GHz is used to realize high sensitivity to small cloud particles. An FM-CW type radar realizes similar sensitivity with much smaller output power to a pulse type radar. Two 1m-diameter parabolic antennas separated by 1.4m each other are used for transmitting and receiving the wave. The direction of the antennas is fixed at the zenith at this moment. The radar can observe clouds up to 20 km in height with a resolution of 9 m. Beam size of the antenna is as small as 0.2 degree of arc, which corresponds to 15 m at the range of 5 km. Observation results showed that the sensitivity of -34 dBZ is realized at 5 km in range, and good spatial resolutions.
熊谷 博之
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.108, no.4, pp.424-432, 1999-08-25 (Released:2009-11-12)
9 12

Possible tsunami deposits were found at two archeological sites along the Pacific coast near Hamana Lake in central Japan. This region has frequently suffered heavy damage from large earthquakes along the Nankai trough. Three sand deposits covering layers that include archeological remains were found at one of the sites. The ages of the sand deposits were constrained by remains just below the sand deposits, which showed good correspondence to the ages of three major historic earthquakes that seriously damaged this area, i.e., A.D. 1707, 1605, and 1498. These features strongly suggest that the sand deposits were caused by tsunami from the historic earthquakes. Core samples obtained near this site showed that a similar sequence continues into a deeper part, suggesting the existence of tsunami deposits of events older than A.D. 1498, before which few historical records are available in the Tokaido side. Further investigation of tsunami deposits in this area would yield useful information on the reconstruction of large earthquakes along the Nankai trough.
熊谷 博之 中野 優
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.61, no.Supplement, pp.379-390, 2009-07-31 (Released:2013-11-21)

We review recent advances in quantification of the sources of volcano-seismic signals. Since the 1990s, there have been remarkable advances in quantitative understanding of the sources of volcano-seismic signals. These were made by integrated contributions from observation, analysis, and modeling studies in volcano seismology. We focus on the following topics in this review paper: Broadband seismic observations on active volcanoes, waveform inversions of volcano-seismic signals, and source models based on resonances of a fluid-filled crack, bubble dynamics, and repeated fracture and healing of magma. Broadband seismic observations revealed the general existence of very-long-period seismic signals with oscillation periods longer than a few seconds beneath active volcanoes. Development of waveform inversion methods enabled us to estimate source mechanisms of volcano-seismic signals, which indicate that crack geometry is the most common in volcano-seismic sources. Source models have been successfully used to interpret dynamic interactions between volcanic fluids and the surrounding solid rock. Quantitative studies of volcano seismology are now reaching a mature stage, and links with geological and geochemical studies will be important future directions to achieve a better understanding of magmatic and hydrothermal processes beneath active volcanoes.
鍵山 恒臣 筒井 智樹 三ヶ田 均 森田 裕一 松島 健 井口 正人 及川 純 山岡 耕春 熊谷 博之 西村 裕一 宮町 宏樹 渡辺 了 西村 太志 高木 朗充 山本 圭吾 浜口 博之 岡田 弘 前川 徳光 大島 弘光 植木 貞人 橋本 恵一 仁田 交一 茂原 諭 中道 治久 汐見 勝彦 中原 恒 青木 重樹 青地 秀雄 井田 喜明
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.70, no.2/4, pp.33-60, 1996-03-15

In recent years, investigations on the structures of volcanoes have been noteworthy for further understanding volcanic processes, including locations of magma reservoirs, magma rising process before eruptions and causes of related phenomena. In 1994, a joint experiment was conducted on Kirishima Volcanoes, Southern Kyushu, to reveal the structure and the magma supply system by a group of scientists from national universities under the National Research Project for the Prediction of Volcanic Eruptions. The experiment was carried out by seismological, electromagnetic and other geophysical methods. The following seven papers including this one present some results of the experiments. This paper outlines a seismic explosion experiment in Kirishima, and presents all data on the first motion. An extensive explosion seismic experiment was conducted on December 1, 1994. Observations were made along a 30-km major line lying in the NNW-SSE direction and other sub-lines which cross the major line in and around the Kirishima Volcanoes. Along these lines, 6 shots with a charge size of 200-250 kg, and 163 temporary observations were arranged by many universities and institutes. A newly developed data logger was used for these temporal observations, and the position of each site was determined by GPS. All 6 shots were successfully fired, and clear onset and significant phases were observed at most observation sites. A travel time diagram suggests that a high velocity layer crops out south of the Kirishima Volcanoes, while in the Kirishima Volcanoes, this layer is covered with a lower velocity layer, which is thick at the northern part. It is also suggested that a structural discontinuity exists between S3 and S4.
川崎 恭治 加藤 友彦 熊谷 博夫 山藤 馨

金光 滋 熊谷 博 白坂 繁
鹿児島工業高等専門学校研究報告 (ISSN:03899314)
no.45, pp.51-56, 2010

「暗号」とは第三者に知られないように,意志の伝達を行うこと,あるいはその方法であるが,これは,古代のカエサル(シーザー)式暗号から現代の「公開鍵方式」の暗号まで連綿と続く情報と情報伝達の安全性につながる重要な伝達方法である。現代の情報化社会においても,本来の暗号の歴史を学び,暗号がもたらした繁栄と,それが破られたときの崩壊を知る歴史に学ぶ観点は混迷の時代にこそ重要であり,危機管理体制に必要であろう。 本報告では,上記の視座から,有名な暗号の歴史と,その構造について言及した。For those this rhyme is penned who are interested in the cultural and historical aspects of ciphers. Upon the page, enwrapped from every reader, search narrowly the lines ! - they hold a treasure of enlightenment. The words - the syllables! Do not forget the most trivial point, or you may lose your labor! Main contents are written by first author, and other authors added amendment. Especially, last author added his lecture content in Kagoshima National College of Technology, and Kinki University. Developing the network of computer, it is the most important point to defend the information. Therefore it is necessary that we study the ciphers in historical point of view.
堀 貞喜 石田 瑞穂 青井 真 井上 公 大久保 正 岡田 義光 小原 一成 笠原 敬司 木村 尚紀 熊谷 博之 汐見 勝彦 関口 渉次 根岸 弘明 野口 伸一 松本 拓己 山水 史生 藤原 広行 功刀 卓 浅野 陽一 関根 秀太郎 廣瀬 仁 松原 誠 安逹 繁樹 伊藤 喜宏 針生 義勝 松林 弘智 松村 稔 宮川 幸治 山品 匡史 坂無 雅子 雷 楓 伊東 明彦 岩田 知孝 ト部 卓 川勝 均 木下 繁夫 工藤 一嘉 纐纈 一起 佐藤 春夫 佐藤 比呂志 武井 恵雄 中尾 茂 平田 直 平原 和朗 堀家 正則 松澤 暢 山北 聡 綿田 辰吾 山野 誠
防災科学技術研究所年報 (ISSN:09186441)
vol.15, pp."I-12"-"I-16", 2004-09-06
