杉浦 千登勢 呉 博子 田辺 文子 汐田 まどか 前垣 義弘 大野 耕策
一般社団法人 日本小児神経学会
脳と発達 (ISSN:00290831)
vol.45, no.4, pp.294-298, 2013 (Released:2014-10-11)

【目的】けいれん重積型急性脳症に伴う神経心理学的後遺症の臨床的特徴を明らかにする.  【方法】本症8例の臨床経過を後方視的に検討した.  【結果】全例に運動麻痺はなかった. 亜急性期に5例で不随意運動が出現し, 4例は一過性であった. 5例で口唇傾向, 6例で左半側空間無視が一過性に出現した. 慢性期以降では, 独歩可能となった7例中6例で歩容の不安定性, 7例で注意障害, 7例で対人技能面の問題, 2例で感情失禁が持続していた. 頭部画像所見では, 一過性症状の出現期に皮質下病変, 慢性期持続症状の出現期に大脳皮質萎縮所見を認めた.  【結論】これらの臨床的特徴を把握することは, 適切なリハビリテーションを行ううえで有用である.
成瀬 光栄 黒田 昌志 伊藤 剛 奥野 博 島津 章 田辺 晶代 難波 多挙 立木 美香 中尾 佳奈子 玉那覇 民子 革嶋 幸子 臼井 健 田上 哲也 広川 侑奨
日本内分泌・甲状腺外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:21869545)
vol.29, no.2, pp.94-100, 2012

原発性アルドステロン症(PA)は治療抵抗性高血圧や標的臓器障害の合併頻度が高い一方,適切な治療により治癒可能であることから,高血圧の日常診療で常に考慮すべき内分泌疾患である。2009年の米国内分泌学会に続き,わが国でも日本高血圧学会,日本内分泌学会から診療ガイドラインが発表された。スクリーニング(case detection),機能確認検査(confirmatory testing),病型・局在診断(subtype testing),治療選択が診療の基本ステップで,PA診断の啓発と医療の標準化の点で大きく貢献したといえる。しかしながら,同時に,診断に用いる指標,検査方法,判定基準などの詳細は十分には標準化されておらず,専門医,施設,国ごとで異なっているのが実情で,治療法選択の観点から,PAの診断,特に非典型例での診断の精度は今後,十分に検証される必要がある。また,実施が必要な機能確認検査の数や局在に必須とされる副腎静脈サンプリングは,common diseaseの診療水準向上における障壁となっており,今後,簡素化と非侵襲化が必須である。PA診療においては,ガイドラインの特色と課題を十分に認識し,個々の患者で適切な診断,治療を選択する必要がある。
田辺 健一
東北地理 (ISSN:03872777)
vol.27, no.4, pp.189-196, 1975 (Released:2010-04-30)
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Three major periods in the development of urban geography and the growth in the number of urban geographers in Japan can be recognized: the first is from 1904 to 1929, the second is from 1930 to 1946, and the third from 1947 to the present.The first period was initiated by the studies of Professor N. Yamazaki, Tokyo University. This was then followed by the papers of M. Odauchi, K. Tanaka and T. Ogawa. Among these geographers, urban geography was not their specialization with the exception of M. Odauchi. Consequently, there were practically no urban specialists at this time.The second period can be subdivided into a prewar period and a wartime stagnation period in urban geographic research, The former period was started with the establishment of the Association of Japanese Geographers. The main trends in this period were morphological and quantitative analyses of urban area and the statistical analyses of urban population. There were many articles regarding urban areas in geography, but most of these articles were written by non-specialists. Geographers who concentrated their efforts on urban geography included S Kiuchi, Y. Ogasawara and K. Kagami in the latter part of the prewar period. However, the war brought about a stagnation in urban studies from about 1940 to 1946.The third period is the postwar period which was initiated by the studies on war-damaged cities by S Kiuchi, K. Inoki, E. Inami and K. Tanabe. Later, S Kiuchi published a seminal book entitled, Urban Geography, which greatly influenced the younger geographers and students. Many geographers began to specialize in this area of study as postwar interest in urbanization grew. The rapid growth can be seen by the eleven symposia on urban geography which have been held between 1953 and 1973 during the annual meetings of AJG. The studies by urban specialists cover the entire range of this field. In addition, studies on foreign cities have increased in recent years. The use of quantitative methods for urban studies has progressed recently.
田辺 浩介 谷藤 幹子
一般社団法人 情報科学技術協会
情報の科学と技術 (ISSN:09133801)
vol.71, no.5, pp.200-205, 2021-05-01 (Released:2021-05-01)

研究機関によって運営される研究者プロフィールサービスは,オープンサイエンスの進展に代表される研究活動の多様化や,Institutional Researchの取り組みによって,その目的が研究成果の公開から研究活動の分析のための情報基盤へと広がってきている。本稿では,今後の研究者プロフィールサービスの方向性や,その構築・運用に求められる研究機関の取り組みについて論じる。
山出 新一 上山 久雄 田辺 詔子 深見 嘉一郎 市川 一夫 橘 俟子
VISION (ISSN:09171142)
vol.11, no.3, pp.113-118, 1999 (Released:2019-04-19)

Background and Purpose: Recent advancements in molecular biology have revealed genetic aspects of congenital color vision deficiencies (CVD). In many cases of CVD the genotypes and phenotypes coincide with each other. But it is also known that there are cases in which the genotype alone can not explain the clinical diagnosis of CVD. So it is still unclear whether routine gene analysis is useful as a clinical diagnostic tool for this anomaly. We evaluated the clinical usefulness of genetic analysis for congenital red-green color vision deficiencies.Methods: The base sequences of red-green pigment genes of 42 CVD cases and 36 color normal males were determined using PCR and a DNA sequencer (ABI PRISM 300 Genetic Analyzer). The CVD cases were diagnosed using clinical color vision tests including an anomaloscope. The color normal subjects were tested with Ishihara plates and, if needed, with an anomaloscope.Results: All normals had two types of exon 5, i.e., both red and green pigment genes. Thirty three (79%) of 42 CVD cases had only one type of exon 5, but 9 cases had both red and green types as did the normals. They could not be differentiated from the normals by exon 5 analysis. Of the 33 cases who had only one type of exon 5, three dichromats (IP and 2D) had two kinds of green pigment gene and one anomalous trichromats (PA) had only one type of red pigment gene. In all 13 cases (31%) had some inconsistencies between the genotype and the phenotype.Conclusion: Pigment gene analysis alone could not fully differentiate CVD from normals.
田辺 郁男
一般社団法人 表面技術協会
表面技術 (ISSN:09151869)
vol.60, no.11, pp.704, 2009-11-01 (Released:2010-05-28)
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平口 悦郎 三宅 毅 須永 道明 新里 順勝 小沢 達吉 加藤 紘之 田辺 達三
Japan Surgical Association
日本臨床外科医学会雑誌 (ISSN:03869776)
vol.53, no.1, pp.209-214, 1992-01-25 (Released:2009-03-31)

消化管の手術後,縫合不全により形成された瘻孔が難治化し,その対策に苦慮することがある.当科ではフィブリン糊注入による瘻孔閉鎖を試み,良好な結果を得たので報告する.昭和63年5月から平成元年10月までの期間に321例の消化管手術を施行し,術後縫合不全,瘻孔の形成を認めた27例中12例を対象とした.年齢は28歳から80歳,性別は男性6例,女性6例で,胃全摘術後5例,膵頭十二指腸切除術後3例,直腸切断術後3例,ほか1例であった.それぞれ2週間から5カ月,平均8週間の保存的治療を行い,瘻孔の縮小は認めたものの治癒には至らず,フィブリン糊注入を施行した結果, 9例で瘻孔閉鎖,治癒した.本法によれば浸出液が持続的かつ多量にあるもの,感染の急性期にあるもの,瘻孔部に腫瘍が浸潤しているものなどを除いた多くの症例で,手術的治療をすることなく,短期間で瘻孔を治癒させることが可能であり,きわめて有効な治療法である.
海野 賢 三宅 絵美香 田辺 新一
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.80, no.716, pp.917-923, 2015 (Released:2015-11-11)
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Different kinds of adaptive opportunities are selected in bedrooms, such as air conditioning and natural ventilation; however, the thermal environment created by these measures is not necessarily good for sleep. In this research, a field survey was carried out to investigate the effect of the total thermal environment and its variation on sleep. First, we investigated the effect of airflow and found that an increase in air turbulence causes an increase in the duration of wakefulness. Next, we adjusted the comfort equation for sleep and calculated the thermal load on the body and its variation. We found that both negative and positive increase in the heat load on the body causes an increase in the probability of awakening. An increase in its variation also resulted in an increase in the probability of awakening. We concluded that when planning a pleasant thermal environment for sleep, it is important to consider the total thermal environment and to take into account the effect of its variation as potential cause of sleep disruption.
田辺 英
医学哲学 医学倫理 (ISSN:02896427)
vol.25, pp.1-10, 2007-10-18 (Released:2018-02-01)

In the history of medicine as well as in the modern clinical setting, conflicts between two contrastive models of explanation have been observed, the "pathogenic model" and the "recovery model". The pathogenic model focuses on how the pathological process is generated, and has its theoretical background based on the modern mechanistic view of nature. The recovery model focuses on how the recovery process occurs, and has its origin in the ancient Hippocratic school and teleological standpoint. In the context of modern science, the recovery model has always been criticized as a vitalistic and non-rational way of thinking. Some clinicians, however, have reported beneficial effects of certain symptoms. For instance, clinicians may use two different descriptions in the treatment of a fever: 1) the fever should be brought down because it is harmful to the body, or 2) the fever has a beneficial effect on the course of disease. Much research suggests that fever both benefits and harms the body. Therefore, clinical judgments will be based on assessments of these two aspects. Antagonism of the two models is one of the most fundamental themes in the history of medical theory. Hippocrates often referred to the "vis medicatrix naturae" and insisted upon the benefit of symptoms. On the other hand, scientists of the 17th century denied the existence of a "vis medicatrix naturae". To solve this conflict and obtain a basic theory of a model of recovery, we examined the concept of the norm with reference to the philosophy of G. Canguilhem.