村上 航 對馬 聖菜 伊藤 滉彩 田辺 新一
公益社団法人 空気調和・衛生工学会
空気調和・衛生工学会大会 学術講演論文集 令和元年度大会(札幌)学術講演論文集 第7巻 空気質 編 (ISSN:18803806)
pp.1-4, 2019 (Released:2020-10-31)

田辺 郁 茂木 徹一 マリア エレナ ロベルト
公益社団法人 日本鋳造工学会
鋳造工学 (ISSN:13420429)
vol.75, no.7, pp.474-478, 2003

  In order to demonstrate the superiority of granular grain structure for thixocasting materials, semisolid samples with granular and dendrite structures were cast into a permanent mold by a punch. The test piece consisting of granular crystals revealed that the punch power was less than 1 kN until three quarters of the casting process. In contrast, the structure consisting of dendrite crystals revealed that the punch power was greater than 8 kN until one quarter of the casting process, and the power increased as the casting process proceeded. Granular grains of primary α aluminum surrounded by liquid phase could be easily moved into the die cavity, since the liquid phase acted as a lubricant. However, with test piece consisting of dendrite crystals, the liquid phase only moved at the first stage and the deformation resistance increased.
井上 美保 井口 隆文 川田 あゆみ 佐藤 直樹 渡辺 敏郎 段 武夫 田辺 創一 武藤 徳男
公益財団法人 日本醸造協会
日本醸造協会誌 (ISSN:09147314)
vol.103, no.6, pp.499-504, 2008

大麦醗酵エキスと赤紫蘇エキスを主成分とした大麦赤紫蘇飲料の摂取がスギおよびヒノキ花粉症患者の症状に及ぼす影響について検討した。被験者は, スギ花粉症の症状を有し, 血液検査でスギRASTスコァーが陽性と判定された25人を対象とし, スギ花粉が飛散する前から大麦赤紫蘇飲料を飲用するA群と花粉が飛散してから飲用を開始するB群の2群に分けて実施した。くしゃみと鼻水 (鼻をかんだ回数) のスコアーでは, スギの花粉が飛散するとB群のスコアーが常に高値を示し, 症状が悪化した。一方で鼻詰まりと目のかゆみに関しては両群ともに差は認められなかった。鼻症状の総合的判断である鼻Symptom ScoreとSymptom Medication Scoreでは, スギの花粉飛散後, B群が高値を示し, A群は軽症であった。大麦赤紫蘇飲料は, 大麦醗酵エキスを主成分とする飲料であり, 大麦赤紫蘇飲料による花粉症症状の軽減効果は, 主として大麦醗酵エキス成分による効果と考えられた。
阿座上 聖史 名本 真章 畑 佳孝 向井 康二 富田 洋介 本田 邦臣 伊原 栄吉 井原 裕二 三澤 正 田辺 嘉高 豊島 里志
一般社団法人 日本消化器内視鏡学会
日本消化器内視鏡学会雑誌 = Gastroenterological endoscopy (ISSN:03871207)
vol.53, no.4, pp.1288-1294, 2011-04-20

内田 幸子 小柴 朋子 田村 照子 森本 美智子 田辺 文憲
一般社団法人 日本繊維製品消費科学会
繊維製品消費科学 (ISSN:00372072)
vol.55, no.1, pp.44-51, 2014

<p>臨床現場で働く看護師にとってナースウェアは,看護業務を行っていく上で不可欠であり,超高齢社会に突入した我が国において,高齢者のケアに多くの時間を要する看護師の衣環境の工夫は急務である.本研究の目的は現状のナースウェアについて調査し,問題点を抽出して今後の改善課題を明確にすることである.アンケート調査は東京都,山梨県で実施,対象者は554名である.ナースウェア選択時に重視する項目は「動きやすさ」「素材」「デザイン」が上位で,回答者の45%が現行のナースウェアに「動きにくさ」を感じていた.ナースウェアの型としてはパンツスーツ型が,開きではファスナー開きが好まれていた.ナースウェアの色は「白」が最も好まれ,次いで「ピンク」であった.洗濯は大多数が病院契約のクリーニング業者で行っていた.ナースウェア選択基準の特性について因子分析を行った結果,耐洗濯性,素材,付加機能,デザイン性,動きやすさを重要視していると解釈することができた. </p>
田辺 正行
公益財団法人 日本醸造協会
日本醸造協会誌 (ISSN:09147314)
vol.85, no.5, pp.309-315, 1990-05-15 (Released:2011-09-20)

消費者の嗜好が多様化するのに伴い, 日本の市場で新たな地位を確保した酒類も少なくない。若者を中心として歓迎されているシードルについて, 原料のりんご, 醸造法, 製品の成分と幅広く解説していただいた。新たに他の果実を原料とした酒類を開発する際にも役立つところが多い。
井上 莉沙 高橋 好斗 尾方 壮行 都築 和代 田辺 新一
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.84, no.764, pp.919-926, 2019 (Released:2019-10-30)
1 6

In this study, field surveys in actual bedrooms in summer and winter were conducted with the purpose of verifying that the evaluation of the thermal environment in bedrooms by calculating the human heat load on the human body is effective in different seasons. The measurements were undertaken in two seasons; the summer period was July, August and September of 2017 and 2018, the winter period was December of 2017, and January and February of 2018. In the calculation of the human heat load, the actual basal metabolic rate of the subjects was substituted for the metabolic rate in formula proposed by Akiyama et al. during sleep. The quality of sleep was evaluated based on the physiological parameter during the sleeping period, including sleep stage, by measuring the electroencephalogram, electrooculogram, and electromyogram and the subjective sleeping feeling at the time of waking up. We evaluated that sleep quality was good as there were more appearances of deep sleep and less appearances of wake time. Also, OSA sleep inventory was used for subjective evaluation of the sleeping feeling. Since the relation between human heat load and percentage of sleep stages in winter was similar to that in summer, it was shown that the evaluation of the thermal environment in bedrooms due to human heat load may be effective even in different seasons. In both seasons, the colder environment when the human body thermal load is smaller than 0 W / m2 decreased the quality of sleeping, but it tended to be different in warm environments when the human heat load was greater than 0 W / m2 ; especially around 45 minutes after turning over, there was a tendency that the percentages of stage wake, REM sleep, and shallow sleep are the smallest and the percentage of deeper sleep is the largest in the vicinity of the steady state where the heat loss to the bedding from the human body is nearly 0 W / m2. The value after sleep onset immediately was taken as the initial value, and the heat radiation amount or endotherm amount added every 30 seconds was calculated as ΣLm. The closer the ΣLm is to 0 kJ/m2 the higher the percentage of deep sleep. That is, the quality of sleep tended to be improved in the state where the heat radiation amount and the endotherm amount were about the same. It is known that deep sleep appears longer during the initial part of 90 minutes after sleep onset, and the sleep becomes shallow in the latter part of sleep. In this study, the deep sleep time overnight tended to be longer when a longer deep sleep time was obtained within 90 minutes after sleep onset. In addition, the longer the deep sleeping time in one night, the more the subjective feeling of sleep when waking up tended to be improved. Therefore, in this study, it was shown that, in order to improve the quality of sleep, it is important to keep the body posture in the bed long in a low-humidity and warm environment because the heat flow to the bedding from the human body continues in the steady state quantitatively. Finally, it was shown that it is important to get a longer deep sleeping time from both viewpoints of physiological evaluation and psychological evaluation for sleep.
田辺 龍
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
no.68, pp.42-53, 2006

'2ch (2 channel)' is the most popular anonymous BBS in Japan. It consists of hundreds of categories called 'ita (board)', and each ita also consists of hundreds of threads. Occasionally many responses are noted on some threads instantaneously, but most of these phenomena are regarded as consummatory communications like so-called 'matsuri (festival)' not as public opinion. But some of these have possibility of becoming public opinion when these are referred by other web sites, covered by mass media. So the inter-media relations can make anonymous BBS rouse public opinion, when an argument in some thread is cited by other media one after another.
田辺 浩介

川本 義海 田辺 毅 川上 洋司 KAWAMOTO Yoshimi TANABE Takeshi KAWAKAMI Yoji
福井大学工学部研究報告 (ISSN:04298373)
vol.46, no.2, pp.163-172, 1998-09

This paper aims to grasp and evaluate the present condition of the main streets in central Taipei City that was once under the occupation of japan. At frrst,the way of utilization, the structure and so on of each street are investigated by the field surveys. Then, the streets are evaluated from the viewpoints of safety,smoothness,scenery,location etc. based on japanese and Taiwanese students' consciousness. As the results, it is made clear that japanese students tend to regard "location" as more important factor and Taiwanese students tend to regard "safety" as more important factor in the evaluation of the streets.