鈴木 貴大
日本経営倫理学会誌 (ISSN:13436627)
vol.25, pp.49-60, 2018-02-28 (Released:2018-04-13)

This paper aims to examine the significance of business ethics research focusing on individuals in organization. In recent years, with the rapid progress of globalization and technological innovation, the influence of a human being is larger than before. In view of this point, it can be said that there is a limit in preventing organization scandals only by the conventional business ethics framework. Based on this understanding, this paper first conforms the contents of conventional norm ethics approach, in particular deontology and utilitarianism, and try to find these problems. In addition, by adding the viewpoint of virtue ethics, we will assert the importance of business ethics research focusing on acting entity rather than act.
鈴木 貴之
The Philosophy of Science Society, Japan
科学哲学 (ISSN:02893428)
vol.53, no.2, pp.151-167, 2021-03-31 (Released:2021-03-31)

Artificial intelligence research has made impressive progress in the last ten years with the development of new methodologies such as deep learning. There are several implications of the progress both for philosophy of cognitive science and philosophy of artificial intelligence, but none are conclusive. Though its success seems to support connectionism in cognitive science, there are several features of human cognition that remain to be explained. Also, though it is often said that deep learning is the key to build artificial general intelligence, deep neural networks we now have are specialized ones and it's not clear how we can build a general artificial intelligence from such specialized networks.
鈴木 貴志 狩野 孝明 小出 英延 彦坂 知行
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌B(電力・エネルギー部門誌) (ISSN:03854213)
vol.129, no.8, pp.975-979, 2009-08-01 (Released:2009-08-01)
5 8

We have developed new vegetable based insulating oil for transformers called PFAE (Palm Fatty Acid Ester). PFAE has 0.6 times less viscosity and 1.3 times higher dielectric constant compared to mineral oil. The oxidative stability, biodegradability and acute toxicity to fish of PFAE has also been determined to be superior to mineral oil. In this paper, in order to optimize the characteristics of fatty acid esters originating from palm oil, several kinds of fatty acid alkyl esters were first synthesized in the laboratory by the molecular design technique and the transesterification from fatty acid methyl esters and alkyl alcohols. Next the electro-chemical characteristics of the fatty acid alkyl esters as insulating oil were analyzed.
尾崎 慎治 福間 英祐 戸崎 光宏 阿部 聡子 小川 朋子 比嘉 国基 坂本 尚美 坂本 正明 河野 奈央子 山城 典恵 鈴木 貴子 角田 ゆう子
日本臨床外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:13452843)
vol.69, no.12, pp.3038-3047, 2008 (Released:2009-06-11)
2 3

目的:微小乳癌に凍結療法を施行し,画像所見および病理組織学的所見から非切除凍結療法の可能性を検討した.方法:1cm以下の限局性乳癌7症例を対象とした.凍結機器はVisica Cryoablation System (Sanarus Medical, Pleasanton, USA)を用い,局所麻酔下で超音波ガイド下凍結療法を施行した.結果:凍結範囲はUS,MRIで特徴的な所見を示した.目的病変は全例で凍結範囲内に位置しており,残存病変は認めなかった.病理組織学的に凍結療法の抗腫瘍効果の検討を行った1症例では,凍結範囲の中心部(腫瘍存在部位)から採取した組織において,ヘモジンデリン沈着を伴う瘢痕様線維性組織を認め,腫瘍細胞は完全に消失していた.7症例の凍結療法後の平均観察期間は9.7カ月(3カ月~21カ月)であり,現在まで再発所見を認めていない.結論:限局性の微小乳癌病変に対して超音波ガイド下凍結療法は乳癌の局所療法の一つになりえる可能性がある.
高野 勝美 山吉 康弘 鈴木 貴彦 増田 純平 武田 利浩 野本 弘平
一般社団法人 電子情報通信学会
電子情報通信学会 通信ソサイエティマガジン (ISSN:21860661)
vol.16, no.1, pp.18-29, 2022 (Released:2022-06-01)

石川 卓哉 鈴木 孝 篠田 昌孝 高士 ひとみ 山口 晴雄 鈴木 貴久 三宅 忍幸 神谷 徹
一般財団法人 日本消化器病学会
日本消化器病学会雑誌 (ISSN:04466586)
vol.103, no.9, pp.1050-1054, 2006 (Released:2006-09-05)

症例は43歳,男性.不明熱のため当院入院.腹部超音波検査で,脾臓に多数の低エコー病変,腹部CT検査で肝臓,脾臓に多発結節状の低吸収域を認めた.猫を1匹飼っており,Bartonella henselae抗体を測定したところ高値を示し,ネコひっかき病と診断した.本症はまれな疾患と考えられるが,肝臓,脾臓に多発性腫瘤を認める不明熱をみた場合,鑑別として本症の可能性を念頭において診断をすすめることが重要と考えられた.
大久保 正人 増田 和司 小林 由佳 中村 貴子 鈴木 貴明 石井 伊都子
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.141, no.5, pp.731-742, 2021-05-01 (Released:2021-05-01)

In 2010, the in-hospital practical training period for pharmacy students was extended from 4 to 11 weeks. We have conducted questionnaire surveys of these students every year with the aim of reviewing the quality of training by conduction of surveys and evaluations. However, it was not clear whether reviewing based on the questionnaire results improved student satisfaction with the in-hospital practical training. Therefore, the aim of this study was to verify the validity of reviewing based on the questionnaire results by analyzing the data accumulated during the long-term practical training. A questionnaire survey was conducted of 333 5th-year students upon completion of practical training at Chiba University Hospital from 2010 to 2017. Students self-evaluated their attitude toward practical training on a 6-point scale and their satisfaction level for each component of the practical training on a 5-point scale. The students were also allowed to share their feelings about hospital pharmacy work. Repeated review of the training content can facilitate communication with patients, which was lacking at the beginning of the training period. Improved communication led to higher-quality pharmacy practice and increased student satisfaction. Meanwhile, changes to work procedures may reduce student satisfaction unless the training strategy is reviewed accordingly. Because the work of hospital pharmacists is constantly changing, it is considered that the content of the practical training should be revised accordingly through continuous conduction of surveys and evaluations, thereby enabling optimal practical training.
鈴木 貴仁 角 幸博 池上 重康
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.71, no.601, pp.183-189, 2006-03-30 (Released:2017-02-17)

With the construction of streetcar line 'Yunokawa-Sen' in early Taisho era, the suburb, in the east area of Hakodate, had been developed. The men who had developed this area in early stage were philanthropists. Most of the residential areas were developed linearly along the road of the former field, which ran at right angles to 'Yunokawa-sen'. The establishment of Housing Unions in Hakodate started just before the peak of the rate of increase of housing areas. 'Hakodate-Jutaku-Kumiai' had a remarkable influence on the development 'Bunka-Mura'. In 'Midorimachi-Dori', dwellings by housing unions initiated the owner-occupation. Moreover the residents of housing unions built up sustainable community as mentioned on several newspapers.
鈴木 貴之
科学哲学 (ISSN:02893428)
vol.53, no.2, pp.151-167, 2021

<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Artificial intelligence research has made impressive progress in the last ten years with the development of new methodologies such as deep learning. There are several implications of the progress both for philosophy of cognitive science and philosophy of artificial intelligence, but none are conclusive. Though its success seems to support connectionism in cognitive science, there are several features of human cognition that remain to be explained. Also, though it is often said that deep learning is the key to build artificial general intelligence, deep neural networks we now have are specialized ones and it's not clear how we can build a general artificial intelligence from such specialized networks.</p>
五十殿 利治 滝沢 恭司 鈴木 貴宇 喜夛 孝臣 江口 みなみ
vol.2012, pp.[1]-[9], 2013-03

The purpose of this joint research is to examine the image of “Artist” in modern Japan, an image which was different from traditional literati and imported from West just like the Art itself. Late Meiji and early Taisho period saw a surge of modernism in art and literature in Japan and special attention is paid to the significance of artists’ fashion including “nude”. Major modernists in the 1920s and the 1930s such as Ryusei Kishida, Kaita Murayama, Kyojiro Hagiwara, Tomoyoshi Murayama and so on were multi-talented and transcended traditional boundaries of genres of arts and some of them attracted public attention for their fashion and thus were widely publicized as a fashion leader. These no doubt contributed to the formation of the general image of “Artist”. Our purpose is to investigate modern fashion in terms of general art(s) history, taking into consideration western original models and its transformations in modern Japan, its reception of general public and so on. Though not every aim of this joint research set initially up has attained, our researches for them have been steadily done. It is noteworthy that taking up as a subject of joint research work “separate” phenomena hitherto seen in histories of art and literature, each member of this research group and participants in its seminar as well came to grasp social and historical significances of close relations between fashion and creative activities of artists and literary figures. The most important and common view we shared as a conclusive understanding in our researches should be summarized: as Prof. Toby Slade pointed out at one of our seminars, fashion in modern Japan was as an aesthetic and social phenomenon or cultural institution rather than a practical utilitarian tool of life. That is the reason why we have discussed clothes of Artist (among others) as a way of artistic expression with social significance. The other aspect we should like to emphasize in our joint research is that we have considered the fashion in modern Japan in terms of viewpoints from within and without, that is, on and/or from Europe and America and pre-war Asian colonies. Here are our main subjects that members of this joint research have taken up respectively: 1) Tomoyoshi Murayama in “Bubikopf” (okappa or bobbed hair style) wore a knit cap and a Rubashka or Russian blouse and these made Murayama famous as an artist and a fashion leader. 2) Women moved in the society with bobbed hair and in western clothes when female writers in the early Showa era such as Chiyo Uno and Fusa Sasaki were cutting-edge professional women. 3) Leftist painters in 1920s painted workers in so-called “Nappa-fuku” or blue work clothe and they themselves wore after factory workers and around 1930 young people such as “Marx Boy” and “Engels Girl” in blue-color clothe.