鈴木 貴久子
一般社団法人 日本オリエント学会
オリエント (ISSN:00305219)
vol.42, no.2, pp.22-39, 1999 (Released:2010-03-12)

Medieval Arabic books of culinary, hygiene and pharmacology indicate that there were at least nine different types of pasta at the time. The records also provide us with detailed information on shapes, production process, recipes, commercial production, and medical use of pastas, as well as when and where they were eaten under what circumstances, and how pasta dishes were received by people back then.According to the definition in medieval books of hygiene and pharmacology, pastas in the medieval Islamic period were made from dough kneaded without adding yeast and then cooked in soup or boiled in hot water.1) Itriya, rishta These noodle-type pastas were the most popular in the medieval Middle East. Itriya had been known in the Middle East since before Islam. A twelfth-century geographer al-Idrîsî says that Itriya was then manufactured in Sicily on industrial basis and was shipped to various regions along the Mediterranean coast. Rishta was served during banquets at the Mamluk court in the fifteenth century. In the sixteenth century Egypt, it was served as a special diet for the sick people.2) Kuskus, fidâsh, muhammas, taltîn: These are the pastas from the Maghrib region. The first three are grain-like in shape, while taltîn is a pasta cut into small, thin square. Sha'îrîya is another kind of pasta shaped like barleycorn and was consumed only in Mashriq. Kuskus first appears in a book of culinary compiled in Mashriq in the mid-thirteenth century. A sixteenth century essay on cooking cites kuskus as one of the foods sold at al-sûq.3) Tutumâj, shashaburk: These are the pastas from the Central Asia. In the Middle East, they make their first appearance in the books of culinary and pharmacology in the mid-thirteenth century. In China, two cooking books, both compiled in the mid-thirteenth century, carries a recipe of tutumâj, which is transliterated into Chinese as “_??__??__??__??_ or _??__??__??__??_ tu'tu'mashih.” It appears that the dish had been regarded exotic in both China and the Middle East. Tutumâj is a flat pasta with square or disc-like shape. Shashaburk is tutumâj stuffed with ground meat. They were both served with yogurt. According to a thirteenth century Arab pharmacologist al-Kursî, tutumâj is a loan word form Turkish.Mention in Arabic records on kuskus, which is from the Maghrib, or tutumâj, which is from the Central Asia, suggests that there was a massive migration from these regions to the Middle East in the mid-thirteenth century.
鈴木 貴之
The Philosophy of Science Society, Japan
科学哲学 (ISSN:02893428)
vol.42, no.2, pp.2_13-2_28, 2009 (Released:2010-02-15)

Brain sciences can show that our acts are caused by deterministic processes in our brain and that our acts are often influenced by unconscious brain processes, but these facts alone cannot deny free will. Brain sciences are important rather because they, along with other biological and behavioral sciences, offer the data that seem troublesome for compatibilists. The problem of free will cannot be solved either by conceptual analysis alone or by empirical research alone. Whether we endorse reductionism or non-reductionism, it is necessary to revise our commonsense concept of free will to establish compatibilism.
鈴木 貴久子
The Society for Near Eastern Studies in Japan
オリエント (ISSN:00305219)
vol.42, no.2, pp.22-39, 1999

Medieval Arabic books of culinary, hygiene and pharmacology indicate that there were at least nine different types of pasta at the time. The records also provide us with detailed information on shapes, production process, recipes, commercial production, and medical use of pastas, as well as when and where they were eaten under what circumstances, and how pasta dishes were received by people back then.<br>According to the definition in medieval books of hygiene and pharmacology, pastas in the medieval Islamic period were made from dough kneaded without adding yeast and then cooked in soup or boiled in hot water.<br>1) <i><b>Itriya</b></i>, <i><b>rishta</b></i> These noodle-type pastas were the most popular in the medieval Middle East. <i>Itriya</i> had been known in the Middle East since before Islam. A twelfth-century geographer al-Idrîsî says that <i>Itriya</i> was then manufactured in Sicily on industrial basis and was shipped to various regions along the Mediterranean coast. <i>Rishta</i> was served during banquets at the Mamluk court in the fifteenth century. In the sixteenth century Egypt, it was served as a special diet for the sick people.<br>2) <i><b>Kuskus</b></i>, <i><b>fidâsh</b></i>, <i><b>muhammas</b></i>, <i><b>taltîn</b></i>: These are the pastas from the Maghrib region. The first three are grain-like in shape, while <i>taltîn</i> is a pasta cut into small, thin square. <i>Sha'îrîya</i> is another kind of pasta shaped like barleycorn and was consumed only in Mashriq. <i>Kuskus</i> first appears in a book of culinary compiled in Mashriq in the mid-thirteenth century. A sixteenth century essay on cooking cites <i>kuskus</i> as one of the foods sold at <i>al-sûq</i>.<br>3) <i><b>Tutumâj</b></i>, <i><b>shashaburk</b></i>: These are the pastas from the Central Asia. In the Middle East, they make their first appearance in the books of culinary and pharmacology in the mid-thirteenth century. In China, two cooking books, both compiled in the mid-thirteenth century, carries a recipe of <i>tutumâj</i>, which is transliterated into Chinese as "_??__??__??__??_ or _??__??__??__??_ <i>tu'tu'mashih."</i> It appears that the dish had been regarded exotic in both China and the Middle East. <i>Tutumâj</i> is a flat pasta with square or disc-like shape. <i>Shashaburk</i> is <i>tutumâj</i> stuffed with ground meat. They were both served with yogurt. According to a thirteenth century Arab pharmacologist al-Kursî, <i>tutumâj</i> is a loan word form Turkish.<br>Mention in Arabic records on <i>kuskus</i>, which is from the Maghrib, or <i>tutumâj</i>, which is from the Central Asia, suggests that there was a massive migration from these regions to the Middle East in the mid-thirteenth century.
尾崎 幸謙 鈴木 貴士
行動計量学 (ISSN:03855481)
vol.46, no.2, pp.39-52, 2019 (Released:2020-03-31)

Results of an analysis of survey data which includes data from inappropriate respondents (respondents who do not devote an appropriate amount of attentional resources when answering questions or whose answers for two questions are contradictory) are untrustworthy. To address this problem, an instructional manipulation check or directed questions scale can be used to identify such respondents. However, survey companies are not willing to use such tools for ethical reasons. In the present study, using eleven machine learning models and six exploratory variables, a prediction model which can judge whether a respondent is inappropriate is developed. The model shows that two explanatory variables, the maximum number of consecutive items on a scale to which a respondent answered with the same response option and response time, are effective for the prediction. The model can reduce the percentage of inappropriate respondents in the analyzed data, which leads to an improvement in the trustworthiness of the analysis results.
鈴木 貴久子
一般社団法人 日本オリエント学会
オリエント (ISSN:00305219)
vol.37, no.2, pp.88-107, 1994 (Released:2010-03-12)

Many cookery books were compiled in the medieval Islamic times and thirteen of them were already indicated by Ibn al-Nadim (d. ca. 387/995) in the Fihrist. Although their importance as historical sources has been recognized, they have been a generally neglected subject of study.My main purpose of study of the Arab cookery books is to describe food availability and dietary life in the medieval Islamic period and to explicate the changes of dietary life under the constant influence of the various factors of political, economical and cultural activities. In this paper I intended to clarify their general character and to point out the strong textual similarities among eight books.As a result, it can be claimed, they were compiled as one of adab Literature. All those authors who compiled cookery books before the 11th century were on intimate terms with Abbasid caliphs in the courts in the capacity as physicians, musicians, bureaucrats and scholars; the authors who compiled them after the 13th century, on the other hand, they belonged to the urban society as the people of the educated class (khassah) like 'ulama's, jurists, scholars and poets. It alludes to the emergence and development of an urban high cooking after this period.Arad cookery books were, generally speaking, compiled with the aim of defining “the healthful diet (al-sahih min al-at'imah)” in accordance with the Islamic law and medical science. As for their contents, a wide variety of subjects are taken up; proper kitchen practices, the nature of various kinds of food stuffs, table manners and preparations for breads, condiments, preserves, sweetmeats, drinks and so on.The comparison of contents of eight cookery books reveals that these cookery books can be divided into four “extended families”.(1) Books that drew information from al-Warraq's work which was written around the end of the 10th century(2) Books that are strongly parallel with al-Baghdadi (d. 637/1239-1240)'s work(3) Books of which a number of recipes of preparations closely parallels those of Ibn al-'Adim (d. 660-1262)'s work(4) Books which were compiled in Maghrib-Andalus in 13th century Despite the similarities among those cookery books, each of them serves as a totally independent source with new information which reflected the social and economical conditions of the areas where they were compiled.In sum, Arab cookery books are important sources for the study of medieval Islamic societies in general.
池上 重康 木方 十根 砂本 文彦 鈴木 貴仁
一般財団法人 住総研
住総研研究論文集 (ISSN:21878188)
vol.38, pp.53-64, 2012 (Released:2017-08-10)

鈴木 貴之
科学哲学 (ISSN:02893428)
vol.35, no.2, pp.83-94, 2002-11-10 (Released:2009-05-29)
3 1

We have the ability to predict and understand behavior of ourselves and others by attributing various mental states. How can this ability, so-called the theory of mind, be explained? At present, we have two explanations, theory-theory and simulation-theory, and cannot decide which is better. However, if we appreciate that the underlying problem is how to describe the psychological mechanism which generates the phenomena describable as the use of theoretical knowledge, we can see that there remains an important alternative explanation which explains the ability as a kind of pattern recognition.
尾方 昇 鈴木 貴志子
日本海水学会誌 (ISSN:03694550)
vol.47, no.3, pp.145-151, 1993 (Released:2013-02-19)

イオン交換膜法と外側加熱型晶析缶の組合せによる製塩において, 結晶中に存在するカリウム, マグネシウム, カルシウム、硫酸イオンを定量し, 次の結論を得た.1)カリウム含量は300~1,600ppmで母液濃度に比例する.2)硫酸カルシウムは100~500ppmで, 粒径が小さくなると増加する. また, 母液濃縮缶での増加が顕著である.3)カルシウムに硫酸カルシウム以外の形で存在するものが30~140ppm存在し, その量は母液濃度増加とともに増加している.4)マグネシウムは10ppm以下で液泡中に存在すると考えられ, 液泡量は70~700ppmと推定された.
鈴木 貴浩
日大医学雑誌 (ISSN:00290424)
vol.77, no.5, pp.309-312, 2018-10-01 (Released:2018-12-01)

Nutritional deficiencies are not uncommon. Therefore, we must understand whether nutritional deficiencies can cause cognitive disorder. Wernicke-Korsakoff encephalopathy (WKE), which occurs as a result of thiamine deficiency, pellagra due to nicotinic acid deficiency, malignant anemia, which occurs as a result of vitamin B12 deficiency, and diabetic coma due to hypoglycemia, can all lead to cognitive disorder. We must treat these disorders at the appropriate time, in order to prevent the cognitive disorder from becoming chronic. In this article, we consider WKE. WKE is a metabolic disease that is treatable, when diagnosed in the early stage. In the general setting, it is difficult to diagnose WKE appropriately. Therefore, we must determine whether this nutrition deficiency can contribute to the development of this treatable cognitive disorder.
鈴木 貴之
科学基礎論研究 (ISSN:00227668)
vol.28, no.2, pp.67-72, 2001-03-31 (Released:2009-07-23)

われわれは,人間の心というものに関して一般的な知識を持ち,それをさまざまな場面で用いている。たとえば,われわれは他人の心を推し量って,その人の振る舞いを予測したり,他人を望み通りに振る舞わせるために,その人の心に働きかけたりするが,こういった営みはすべて,人間の心と振る舞いに関するわれわれの知識に基づいている。これらの知識は,日常心理学(folk psychology)と総称されている。他方,今日では,心理学あるいは認知科学の領域において,人間の心と行動の関係が科学的に研究されている。では,日常心理学は,科学的心理学とどのような関係にあるのだろうか。より限定していえば,科学的心理学は日常心理学を基礎とすることができるのだろうか。本論文では,この問題について考察してみたい。
鈴木 貴久 小林 哲郎
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.30, no.2, pp.99-107, 2014-11-30 (Released:2015-07-24)

This study investigated the effects of reputation-making norms on personal network size. Someone who behaved cooperatively/non-cooperatively toward a “bad” person is denoted as C to B/D to B. Reputation-making norms are then defined by a combination of the assessment of C to B and the assessment of D to B. We hypothesized that (1) those who judge C to B negatively would form smaller personal networks than those who judge C to B positively, and (2) those who judge D to B negatively would form smaller personal networks than those who judge D to B positively. We used scenarios to assess the internalized reputation-making norms as an independent variable and investigated their effects on the size of participants' support networks as a dependent variable. Results indicated that the size of the support networks of participants following a norm which does not permit C to B was smaller than that of participants following a norm which does permit C to B. These findings suggest that using reputation made by norms which do not permit spoiling narrows the size of cooperative relationships.
小林 昭 鈴木 貴美 原 和弘 下元 泰治
一般社団法人 映像情報メディア学会
テレビジョン学会技術報告 (ISSN:03864227)
vol.17, no.35, pp.1-6, 1993-06-25 (Released:2017-10-06)

放射線環境下で使用される撮像デバイスにも高解像力が要求されるようになってきた。筆者らは、このニーズに応えるべく、2/3インチの耐放射線用MF(Mixe d Fie1d、MSと同義)高解像度カルニコン(製品No.N4182)を開発した。 N4182は、照射線量率で10^5R/hまで、総照射線量で10^8R以上まで信頼性の高いイメージングが可能である。また、この管は、高感度(0.15A/1x)、高解像度(走査面を6.6×8.8mm^2とした場合1150TV本)であるうえ、動作温度範囲が85℃まで、という優れた性能を持つものである。
原 塑 鈴木 貴之 坂上 雅道 横山 輝雄 信原 幸弘
科学技術コミュニケーション (ISSN:18818390)
vol.7, pp.105-118, 2010-02

Recently, some scientific disciplines have been politically promoted in many countries, because governments believe that they can produce economically profitable knowledge, and that neuroscience belongs to these disciplines. They are aptly characterized by Jerome Ravetz's notion of "post-normal science." It is expected that some knowledge produced by neuroscience may, when applied to the real world, influence social systems and, ultimately, our views on what it is to be human beings, even though it is difficult for us to foresee its concrete impacts. To minimize its unexpected negative effects, even non-specialists need to have neuroscience literacy, which includes not only a basic theoretical knowledge of neuroscience, but also knowledge on its social significance and possible impacts on our self-understanding as human beings. We compiled a textbook of neuroscience literacy, and used it in liberal arts education. In this article, we document our project of education on neuroscience literacy in liberal arts, and discuss its social and epistemological meaning.
鈴木 貴士 村山 朗 緒方 敦 横山 暁
行動計量学 (ISSN:03855481)
vol.48, no.1, pp.17-28, 2021 (Released:2021-11-10)

It is not easy for companies to know how consumers react to advertisements. In recent years, the idea of occasion recognition has been proposed as a method for knowing the advertising effect. This is a state in which consumers remember the situation when they see an advertisement, and it is considered that the advertisement effect is higher in this state. However, a questionnaire survey is required to observe the occasion cognition. In the present research, we estimate the consumers who are in the occasion cognitive state by measuring the operation status of mobile phones. It is possible to identify the layer (digital occasion clusters) that are presumed to be occasion cognition without conducting a survey.
市川 雷師 守屋 達美 保坂 辰樹 福西 智子 沖崎 進一郎 小川 顕史 鈴木 貴博 松原 まどか 高田 哲秀 田中 啓司 藤田 芳邦
一般社団法人 日本糖尿病学会
糖尿病 (ISSN:0021437X)
vol.53, no.7, pp.495-500, 2010 (Released:2010-08-19)

症例は65歳の男性.2型糖尿病で食事療法,インスリン療法を受けていたが,HbA1cは7~9%台であった.2008年9月下旬感冒を契機に食思不振となり,インスリン注射を中断した.10月12日意識障害,異常行動を主訴に当院を受診し,糖尿病性ケトアシドーシス(Diabetic ketoacidosis:以下DKAと略す)の診断で入院した.第2病日から腹痛を訴え,腹部CTで門脈ガスを認めた.腸管壊死を疑い上腸間膜動脈造影を行なったが,血栓や閉塞はなく非閉塞性腸管虚血症(Nonocclusive mesenteric ischemia:以下NOMIと略す)と診断した.血管拡張薬の持続投与も効果なく,第3病日緊急手術を施行し救命できた.NOMIは特徴的所見がなく診断が困難であり死亡率も高い.DKAでは腹痛を訴える症例が少なくなく,鑑別としてNOMIも念頭に置き診療にあたる必要がある.
鈴木 貴美子 長江 美代子
日本赤十字豊田看護大学紀要 (ISSN:13499556)
vol.7, no.1, pp.133-144, 2012

名和 範人 鈴木 貴 小川 知之 石毛 和弘

中川 裕美 稲葉 美穂 後藤 祐充 笹舘 夏来 三宅 敏恵 小林 敦子 鈴木 貴博 下澤 達雄
一般社団法人 日本臨床衛生検査技師会
医学検査 (ISSN:09158669)
vol.70, no.4, pp.654-660, 2021-10-25 (Released:2021-10-25)

血中カリウム(potassium; K)値は腎機能などによって変動するが,体内での変動とは別に,検体の溶血や採血時のクレンチングなどの条件によって偽高値を示すことがある。今回,これらに問題はなく一過性に高K血症をきたした症例を経験した。この症例ではカリウムを多く含む食事の影響が推測されたため,その検証を行ったので報告する。同意が得られたボランティア12名を対象に,患者から聞き取りを行った内容と同様の食事を摂取させ,食前,食後1時間,2時間で血清Kと尿K,尿クレアチニン(creatinine; CRE)を測定した。個人別の変動では,12名のうち2名において血清K値が食後1時間で0.7 mmol/L上昇,食後2時間の尿K/CREが60 mmol/g·CRE上昇した。また,血清K値は食前の値に対して食後1時間**,2時間*で有意に上昇し,尿K/CREは2時間**で有意に上昇した(*p < 0.05, **p < 0.01)。12名のうち5名で血清K値が0.3 mmol/L以上上昇しており,この群では食後1時間の尿Kの排泄量が少なく食後2時間で大きく増加していることより,K排泄が遷延していると考えられた。今回の検討で,健常者においても短時間で食後の血清K値の上昇を認めたことから,臨床像と乖離のある高K血症においては採血手技や検体の取り扱いの確認だけでなく,食事内容や食後の時間経過の聞き取りも重要であると考えられた。