青木 光広 佐々木 敏之 藤田 珠美
北海道整形外科外傷研究会会誌 = The Journal of Hokkaido Orthopaedic Traumatology Association (ISSN:09146083)
vol.23, pp.53-55, 2007-03-31

本報告では,示指 MP 関節に捻りの加わる外傷を受け,MP 関節屈曲時に中指と重なるクロスフィンガーを呈した40歳女性症例を紹介する.手術で示指 MP 関節橈側側副靭帯の断裂が確認され,靭帯の縫合術で症状は軽快した.指 MP 関節の側副靭帯損傷はスポーツで発生する事が多く陳旧性となることがある.クロスフィンガー変形を呈することはまれである
青木 裕志 浅見 志帆 飯野 瑞貴 小倉 加奈子 坂口 亜寿美 松本 俊治
pp.1266-1270, 2016-12-01

はじめに ホルマリンは,1890年Blumにより固定液への応用が試みられてから今日に至るまで,病理標本作製においては欠くことのできない固定液となり,病理組織学の発展に多大な貢献をもたらしてきた.その理由として,取り扱いが容易なうえ,細胞形態を良好に保持し,さまざまな検索目的に対する汎用性に優れる点が挙げられる. 当初,ホルマリンは単に水で希釈しただけの固定液として使用されていたが,免疫組織化学など新しい検査技術が導入されるに従い,より精度の高い染色結果が要求されることとなり,固定液の組成にさまざまな研究が加えられてきた.Lillieによって報告された中性緩衝ホルマリンは,現在使用されている固定液の主流となっている. ホルマリンは優れた固定液である反面,人体に対しては強い毒性を示す化学物質でもある.法規上“医薬用外劇物”や“特定化学物質第二類”に指定され,その取り扱いや作業環境の管理には,法的な厳しい規制が課せられている1,2).このように,医療従事者へのホルマリン曝露が問題視され,作業環境の改善が求められるなかで,調整済ホルマリン固定液(市販品)が普及してきた背景がある. 調整済ホルマリン固定液(市販品)は,メーカーにより若干異なるが,約3年の使用期限が設けられている(図1).これは,ホルマリンが永久的に不変のものではないことを意味している.つまり,保管の過程で徐々に性状が変化し,劣化が進み,十分な固定効果が期待できない時期がいずれやってくるということである.使用期限切れのホルマリンを使用することは,程度の差はあれ,組織標本の質を落とし,病理診断の精度に影響を及ぼす可能性をもっている. 本稿では,期限を過ぎたホルマリンの使用により起こり得るリスクや,必要以上の劣化を進めないために保管に際してどのような注意を払えばよいのかを,ホルマリンの性質を踏まえながら解説したい.
日景 弥生 青木 香保里 志村 結美
日本家庭科教育学会誌 (ISSN:03862666)
vol.60, no.3, pp.125-135, 2017 (Released:2018-11-01)

The purpose of this research is to clarify perspectives of teachers without the license of home economics education (LHEE) by comparing those with the LHEE. Perspectives of teachers with the LHEE were better than those of teachers without the LHEE. Additionally, the teachers with the LHEE thought that problem solving ability was more important, and they utilized resources such as homes and community which were the basis of students’ livelihood. However, teachers without the LHEE had almost no time to research materials for teaching some subjects in addition to home economics education, and they were able to take the line of least resistance such as worksheets. The quality of home economics education was influenced by difference between teachers with the LHEE and those without the LHEE. In order to ensure study opportunity, the boards of education need to prepare support system for teachers without of the LHEE, and reform teachers’ license system immediately.
岡村 健司 木村 明彦 福島 直 青木 光広 薄井 正道 石井 清一
肩関節 (ISSN:09104461)
vol.23, no.3, pp.453-456, 1999-09-30 (Released:2012-11-20)

[Purpose] Recurrent anterior dislocation of the shoulder in elderly patients has seldom been reported, and the pathologic features of this group have not been fully clarified in the literature. The purpose of this study was to report our operative findings and to investigate the etiology of the recurrent anterior dislocation of the shoulder with onset after the age of 50.[Materials and Methods] We retrospectively studied nine patients who were over 50 years old at the time of initial traumatic dislocation and then who had recurrent instability of the shoulder. We evaluated the operative findings as follows: rotator cuff tear, Bankart lesion, anterior capsular injury. One patient was treated with the Putti-platt method and three had inferior capsular shifts. The other five patients were treated with a Bankart repair. In addition to those operations, seven of them were treated with a modified Bristow method.[Results] Rotator cuff tears were seen in 5 patients, and four of them were massive tears with a subscapularis rupture. There was an elongation of the subscapularis in the other patient. Bankart lesions were seen in 5 patients with a bony lesion. The other 4 patients had abnormal lesions of the anterior capsule.[Conclu sion] In elderly patients, destruction of the shoulder anterior stability structure including the sabscapularis should be considered as one of the main causes of recurrent anterior dislocations.
藤本 由美子 大桑 麻由美 酒井 透江 浦井 珠恵 青木 未来 定塚 佳子 丸谷 晃子 松本 勝
看護理工学会誌 (ISSN:21884323)
vol.3, no.2, pp.109-117, 2016-07-25 (Released:2018-02-28)

非侵襲的陽圧換気療法(non-invasive positive pressure ventilation:NPPV)のマスクによる圧迫創傷の関連要因を導くことを目的に健康成人に非換気でNPPVマスク装着の条件を整えて繰り返し装着し,皮膚の変化を詳細に観察し分類した.方法は9名の対象者に対して2種類のマスクを2回以上装着した.研究者1名がマスク固定の絞め方を統一しすべての調査内容の観察を行った.皮膚変化が2回同じようにみられた場合をマスクによる皮膚変化とし,顔の形状および対象者の主観との関係を分析した.その結果,頬や額はマスクの形状に一致した定形の皮膚変化がみられたが,鼻はマスクの形状と一致しない特徴的な不定形な形状がみられた.また鼻はマスクのずれ感を伴い,マスクサイズの不一致やマスク自体の変形が皮膚変化の形状に影響していることが考えられた.NPPVマスクの圧迫創傷の要因はケア要因のみではなくデバイスの評価や適性使用のアセスメントも重要であることが示唆された.
青木 洋
経営史学 (ISSN:03869113)
vol.53, no.1, pp.3-21, 2018 (Released:2020-06-30)

Japanese computer firms evolved from the electronic and telecommunications equipment industries, while US firms such as IBM and Sperry Rand evolved from the business machines industry. From the late 1950s to early 1960s, the Japanese computer industry lacked computer peripherals and software technology. Therefore, it needed to acquire the technology from US firms.To do so, it needed to negotiate technological partnerships with IBM and Sperry Rand. This negotiation process greatly influenced the later competitive advantage of both the US and Japanese firms in the Japanese computer market. However, previous studies have not examined this influence in sufficient detail. Therefore, this paper focuses on the negotiation process between Sperry Rand and three Japanese parties (Nippon Remington Univac [NRU], Toshiba, and Ministry of International Trade and Industry), and uses Japanese archives to examine the negotiations' influence on Sperry Rand and Toshiba.This paper elucidates two points. First, Sperry Rand did not benefit from negotiations compared with IBM. Because it fell behind in patent applications and publication of computer principles and related technologies in Japan, it fell behind in the Japanese market. Second, Toshiba's role in founding NRU and negotiating with Sperry Rand delayed the commercialization of its computers. Toshiba expected an earlier technology transfer from Sperry Rand, and planned its computer business on the premise that NRU would order many computers and peripherals, but the partnership did not come to fruition.In the 1960s Japanese computer market, IBM gained a competitive advantage among foreign firms, while Fujitsu, Hitachi, and NEC did the same among Japanese firms. This situation was a consequence of Sperry Rand's and Toshiba's respective problems.
青木 洋
Business History Society of Japan
経営史学 (ISSN:03869113)
vol.48, no.2, pp.2_3-2_26, 2013 (Released:2016-03-18)

Industry-government-university collaboration (IGUC) in Japan during the period from World War II to the postwar time has recently attracted the attention of some historians. However, there are only a few case studies focussing on the development of a specific technology. This paper presents a case history of high frequency (HF) heating and hardening technology from the pre-war to the post-war period in Japan, and examines the role of IGUC for the technological development.Many new technologies were developed during the War, but the most famous and important among them was electronics. It originally led to the development of radio, but thereafter, people tried to apply it in other industrial and technological fields also. The HF heating and hardening technology attracted attention as a promising manufacturing technology after the War. It is one of the reasons for which a lot of idle HF valve oscillators for military use were applicable to HF heating equipments.Consequently, this paper gives a clear picture that the network of IGUC expanded from the pre-war to the post-war period in the field of HF heating technology. In the pre-war period, there was a lack of IGUC because new technologies for Japanese firms were mainly procured from foreign firms. But, the situation changed during the War. Japanese firms needed to develop new technologies by themselves or in collaboration with other domestic institutes. Public research institutes and university professors played an important role in IGUC. As a result of this collaboration, some new enterprises got the opportunity to establish and grow as leaders in the industry.
青木 洋
Business History Society of Japan
経営史学 (ISSN:03869113)
vol.46, no.3, pp.3_30-3_55, 2011 (Released:2014-09-10)

This paper analyzes the institutionalization of testing and research institutes, learned societies, and engineers' associations in prewar Japan. Although some historians examine this subject, they tend to focus on famous or large organizations and their studies are not based on comprehensive statistical data. This paper analyzes the data that public organizations published in the prewar period, although they are partly revised and supplemented because of erroneous and inadequate information, particularly regarding the establishment year of private institutes. The data analyzed are of 773 institutes and 233 societies and associations.As these data comprise establishment year, research field and topic, address, administrator (the central government, local governments, or private organizations), and so on, this analysis possibly elucidates long-term trends of the establishment of various classifications of organization.Consequently, this paper provides some facts about these historical trends. First, although the First World War is considered an epoch for the institutionalization of testing and research institutes, 40% of them were actually established before the War, because there was much activity in the fields of agriculture, forestry, and fisheries, and light, traditional industry before the War and these fields are frequently overlooked. Second, the greatest proportion of these institutes were in chemistry, so this discipline is the main driving force of institutionalization in Japan, similar to the U. S. A. Third, these institutes were established at an equal pace among various areas. Fourth, the high number learned societies and engineers' associations established annually occurred in a different era from that of testing and research institutes. The former is the second half of the 1920s; the latter, the WWI era. This fact demonstrates that different factors contributed to the establishment of all the above bodies.
青木 隆浩
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.205, pp.7-35, 2017-03
