五十嵐 悠紀 五十嵐 健夫 鈴木 宏正 Yuki Igarashi Takeo Igarashi Hiromasa Suzuki 東京大学大学院工学系研究科 東京大学大学院情報理工学系研究科:JST ERATO 東京大学大学院工学系研究科 Dept. of Engineering The University of Tokyo Dept. of Information Science and Technology The University of Tokyo:JST ERATO Dept. of Engineering The University of Tokyo
コンピュータソフトウェア = Computer software (ISSN:02896540)
vol.26, no.1, pp.51-58, 2009-01-27

千葉 勝吾 大多和 直樹 Shogo CHIBA Naoki OTAWA 東洋大学大学院 東京大学 Graduate School of Toyo University University of Tokyo
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.81, pp.67-87, 2007-11-30 (Released:2017-02-28)

The school system continues to occupy a central position in the system of social distribution. However, the school is changing from a social screening institution, as it was in the 1970s, to a support institution. Schools now tend to support the decision-making of students based on their own academic achievements and career plans. It is difficult for schools to intervene in students' decision-making in the way they did in the 1970s. However, the relationship between student's school records and their academic and career achievements has not been broken down despite the drastic change in this internal process. In this paper, the authors describe this mechanism in the school by investigating one commercial high school in the Metropolitan area. The authors examine data from the "Student Kartes" of all students in 2002. In these documents, teachers record students' academic achievements and their process of career determing. The authors then analyze how students move between the various channels offered by the school to make academic and career choices, and show some typical patterns. The main conclusions are as follows. First, many students failed to attend group counseling formally provided by the school, and teachers need to give individual support to students. Second, ironically, due to the fact that academic affairs were not highly valued at the commercial high school and that academic competition was not stiff, students with a strong commitment to school tended to have better achievement than those who had a weak commitment. In that sense, the school, as a support institution, also functions as a social screening institution.
日下田 岳史 Takeshi HIGETA 東京大学大学院 Graduate School of Education The University of Tokyo
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.79, pp.67-84, 2006-12-10

One premise of studies on the Japanese university participation rate is that there have been three stages: expansion, stagnation, and re-expansion. A second premise is the prefecture is used as the unit to determine whether students have moved upon entrance to university. However, the prefecture as a measurement unit does not always coincide with the zone from which students can attend university from home, or "the hometown." Therefore, using data from the "Student Life Survey" of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, this study directly measures the ratio of members of the 18-year-old cohort who entered university from home, and the ratio of those living away from home (1968-1998). In this paper, the former is called the university participation rate from home, and the latter the university participation rate from away from home. The finding is that for girls, the university participation rate from home has risen fairly consistently. This is important knowledge for the first premise of studies on the university participation rate. It appears that the reason why preceding studies have not given a successful explanation of the university participation rate of girls based on economic variables, whereas that of boys has been successfully explained, is because the cost of movement has not been considered. Therefore, this study confirms the effect of the cost of movement, and clarifies the difference of the determining factors of the university participation rate from home according to gender or university location. Furthermore, this study confirms a difference between girls and boys for each economic variable effect including the movement cost effect after controlling for factors peculiar to university location. The results are that the limiting conditions are more sensitive in large cities than in rural areas, and that girls are more sensitive to the limiting conditions than boys when controlling for the factor peculiar to the area. This suggests the reproduction of the composition where "girls remain in the local area, and boys move out."
MATSUI T. Institute of Physics University of Tokyo
Publication Office, Progress of Theoretical Physics
Progress of theoretical physics (ISSN:0033068X)
vol.126, no.6, pp.1167-1176, 2011-12-25

We calculate the relative abundance of the radioactive isotopes Iodine-131 and Cesium-137 produced by nuclear fission in reactors and compare it with data taken at the troubled Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant. The ratio of radioactivities of these two isotopes can be used to obtain information about when the nuclear reactions terminated.
Nishijima Kazuhiko Okawa Masanori Department of Physics University of Tokyo Department of Physics University of Tokyo
Published for the Research Institute for Fundamental Physics by Physical Society of Japan
Progress of Theoretical Physics (ISSN:0033068X)
vol.60, no.1, pp.p272-283, 1978-07
1 34

In this article we introduce the Becchi-Rouet-Stora transformation for the gravitational field and the corresponding charge that plays an essential role in proving the unitarity of the S-matrix for the gravitational field.
酒井 朗 島原 宣男 Akira Sakai Nobuo Shimahara 東京大学 ラトガーズ大学 University of Tokyo Rutgers University
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.49, pp.135-153, 1991-10-20

The purpose of this paper is to present, from a sociology of knowledge perspective, a critical analysis of dominant traditional teaching methods deeply rooted in the culture of teaching. The previous studies on this research topic were influenced by Western scholars and failed to offer a clear understanding of the process of learning teaching methods. We use an ethnographic approach to study the Process. Based on an analysis of our ethnographic data we conclude that: (1) Teachers uncritically accept the traditional teaching method as a taken-for-granted approach to teaching. These methods are not used as a survival strategy to cope with constraining situations they encounter. (2) The reason why teachers predominantly use the traditional method is grounded in ethnopedagogy which integrated various aspects of teaching. Beginning teachers come to share ethnopedagogy through intersubjective interaction with experienced teachers. Its emphasis is placed not on instructional methods but on the relationship of trust between teachers and students. Because the traditional instructional method is compatible with ethnopedagogy, teachers are not actively seeking new methods. (3) Structural factors contribute to the perpetuation of ethnopedagogy. First, the absence of interaction that exists between universities and schools tends to prevent infusion into schools of innovative pedagogical theories formulated by scholars. Second, relatively closed interaction among teachers is conducive to the continuation of traditional pedagogy. Third, ethnopedagogy is the most influential practical approach that integrated various aspects of teaching and teacher responsibilities. (4) Influence of official policies of the Ministry of Education on deciding teaching strategies is not obvious. Rather it is established in its control of curriculum and the legitimacy that suggest traditional instructional methods.
坪井 潤一 森田 健太郎 JUN-ICHI TSUBOI KENTARO MORITA 北海道大学大学院水産科学研究科:(現)山梨県水産技術センター 東京大学海洋研究所:(現)(独)水産総合研究センター北海道区水産研究所 Graduate School of Fisheries Sciences Hokkaido University:(Present address) Yamanashi Fisheries Technology Center Ocean Research Institute University of Tokyo:(Present address) Hokkaido National Fisheries Research Institute Fisheries Research Agency
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.70, no.3, pp.365-367, 2004-05-15

釣られやすさの種間差を明らかにすることは, 天然個体群保全や放流指針策定において重要である。本研究では, 野生化したニジマスと天然のイワナが生息する自然河川において餌釣りとフライフィッシングを行い, 釣られやすさの種間差を比較した。その結果, 餌釣りではイワナの方がニジマスよりも釣られやすかったが, 逆にフライフィッシングではニジマスの方がイワナよりも釣られやすかった。放流直後のニジマスは非常に釣られやすいと考えられてきたが, 自然水域に馴化した個体や再生産された個体では, 釣られにくくなることが示唆された。
西田 健志 五十嵐 健夫 Takeshi Nishida Takeo Igarashi 東京大学大学院情報理工学系研究科 東京大学大学院情報理工学系研究科:科学技術振興機構さきがけ Graduate School of Information Science and Technology the University of Tokyo Graduate School of Information Science and Technology the University of Tokyo:JST PRESTO
コンピュータソフトウェア (ISSN:02896540)
vol.23, no.4, pp.69-75, 2006-10-26

千葉 勝吾 大多和 直樹 Shogo CHIBA Naoki OTAWA 東洋大学大学院 東京大学 Graduate School of Toyo University University of Tokyo
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.81, pp.67-87, 2007-11-30

The school system continues to occupy a central position in the system of social distribution. However, the school is changing from a social screening institution, as it was in the 1970s, to a support institution. Schools now tend to support the decision-making of students based on their own academic achievements and career plans. It is difficult for schools to intervene in students' decision-making in the way they did in the 1970s. However, the relationship between student's school records and their academic and career achievements has not been broken down despite the drastic change in this internal process. In this paper, the authors describe this mechanism in the school by investigating one commercial high school in the Metropolitan area. The authors examine data from the "Student Kartes" of all students in 2002. In these documents, teachers record students' academic achievements and their process of career determing. The authors then analyze how students move between the various channels offered by the school to make academic and career choices, and show some typical patterns. The main conclusions are as follows. First, many students failed to attend group counseling formally provided by the school, and teachers need to give individual support to students. Second, ironically, due to the fact that academic affairs were not highly valued at the commercial high school and that academic competition was not stiff, students with a strong commitment to school tended to have better achievement than those who had a weak commitment. In that sense, the school, as a support institution, also functions as a social screening institution.
小林 雅之 Masayuki KOBAYASHI 東京大学 Center for Research and Development of Higher Education The University of Tokyo
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.80, pp.101-125, 2007-05-31

In Japan, like in most countries, the equality of educational opportunities is a crucial issue both in academics and in governmental policy. However, the policy of equality of educational opportunities in Japanese higher education has been weakening. The first aim of this paper is to investigate the background of the policy and to clarify the reasons for its loss of importance. With this aim, the author gives an overview of policy and research works on the equality of higher education opportunities in Japan, in comparison with those overseas. The aim of higher educational policy and planning in post world-war II Japan was to rectify disparities in higher education opportunities between regions and social classes by increasing the supply of institutions providing higher education. However, the policy turned drastically from enlargement to suppression in 1975. The establishment of new universities and departments in the metropolitan area were strictly restricted by the Ministry of Education. This policy aimed to reduce regional inequalities in higher educational opportunities, and was largely successful in doing so. However, the policy concentrated on the regional inequalities, leading to a loss of concern on inequalities among social classes, with the exception of student financial aid programs. Secondly, the results of the Student Life Survey by the Ministry of Education (from 2004 by the Japan Student Service Organization) are often used to demonstrate the equality of higher educational opportunities in Japan. On the contrary, however, some researchers argue that the inequality of higher educational opportunity has been increasing or at least not decreasing, using other survey data. This paper examines the equality of higher educational opportunities using new survey data from 2005. The data show large inequalities in university education opportunities, particularly in private universities. In particular, the participation rate is very low among low-income, low-achievement, female high school graduates. This shows that there are still problems of inequality. Thirdly, this survey shows the existence of debt aversion among parents in the lowest income class and in families with mothers having the lowest education levels. It seems likely that debt aversion leads to serious problems because of the inadequacy of student aid programs, coupled with high tuition fees in Japan. The student financial aid programs of The Japan Student Service Organization, the largest public student program in Japan, gives loans, but not grants, to undergraduates. Some parents and students from lower income tiers may decide not to apply to university to avoid a debt burden. This result implies the need for grants to maintain the accessibility of higher education in the future.
教師集団研究会(牧野巽代表) Human Relation Research Group (Tatsumi Makino Chief Investigator) Teachers 東京大学 University of Tokyo
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.17, pp.2-49, 1962-10-10

I The Significance of the Study and Its Viewpoint II The Consciousness of the Teachers in their Daily Life III The Process of Organization of the Teachers' Group and Its Morale In this report are summarized the results of the study conducted since 1959 by some of the members of the Japanese Association of Educational Sociology living in Tokyo. An attempt has been made to analyze the teachers' group of a school as a unit, which forms the core of the school administrative organization and so-called the system of educational movements, in relation to school administration, teachers union movement and to the school board. Theoretical explanations have been made concerning the significance of the study of teachers' group which is regarded as an integrating subject in educational practice. Both in urban and rural areas 52 primary find junior high schools were sampled in terms of the size of the schools, and individual teachers in those schools were asked to answer the questionnaire. The survey was conducted in 1961. The following are the summarized results of the study. First of all, if the collectivity of the teachers is compared with other occupational groups, the teachers' consciousness in their daily life is very similar to that of the ordinary white-collar workers. In their informal human relations emotional influence is strong, particularly among women teachers. It seems that teachers are burdened with miscellaneous clerical duties which handicap their educational practice and fail to uplift their morale. Also assignment of duties in accordance with seniority seems to disturb the unity of the teachers group. Secondly, in observing the process of organization of teachers' groups, some of them are being organized smoothly, while others are not; at the same time there are some undifferentiated groups. In primary schools there are more undifferentiated groups than in junior high schools, in which almost half of the groups are smoothly organized, while the others are not. The types of principals in terms of both personal and administrative position, (for instance, bureaucratic type) influence the process of the organization of teachers groups and the morale of the teachers' groups to a great extent. In this respect it can be stated that the status of the organization of the teachers groups is closely related to the morale in education.
安藤 理 Satoru ANDO 東京大学大学院 Graduate School University of Tokyo
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.79, pp.47-65, 2006-12-10

Studies in the sociology of education have not paid sufficient attention to the social effects of intergenerational academic background mobility. Intergenerational academic background mobility means the change between an individual's academic background and that of his/her father. This paper examines support for redistribution to clarify the effect. Using the integrated data of JGSS-2000, 2001, 2002 and 2003, the author finds that college graduates whose fathers are also college graduates tend to not support redistribution compared to college graduates whose fathers are graduates from compulsory education alone. This means that intergenerational academic background mobility has a gap-widening effect. People who receive an advantage by the fact that their own fathers are college graduates tend to not support redistribution, implying that the gap will continuously expand. The policy implication of this paper is that as the percent of students pursuing higher education increases, people who tend to not support redistribution will also increase. It is possible, thus, that it will become more difficult for policy makers to implement redistribution policies.