Xing Xiaoxiong Dobashi Yoshinori Yamamoto Tsuyoshi Katsura Yosuke Anjyo Ken
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE)
IEICE transactions on information and systems (ISSN:17451361)
vol.E98, no.2, pp.404-411, 2015-02

We present an algorithm for efficient rendering of animated hair under a dynamic, low-frequency lighting environment. We use spherical harmonics (SH) to represent the environmental light. The transmittances between a point on a hair strand and the light sources are also represented by SH functions. Then, a convolution of SH functions and the scattering function of a hair strand is precomputed. This allows us to efficiently compute the intensity at a point on the hair. However, the computation of the transmittance is very time-consuming. We address this problem by using a voxel-based approach: the transmittance is computed by using a voxelized hair model. We further accelerate the computation by sampling the voxels. By using our method, we can render a hair model consisting of tens of thousands of hair strands at interactive frame rates.
公益社団法人 日本獣医学会
Journal of Veterinary Medical Science (ISSN:09167250)
pp.14-0406, (Released:2014-10-29)
5 17

Canine atopic-like dermatitis (ALD) is suspected to be associated with food allergies, particularly those mediated by lymphocytes. In this study, 54 cases were included as ALD dogs, based on the negative IgE test results. In the dogs, the percentage of activated cells helper-T lymphocytes were measured by flow cytometry using cultured peripheral lymphocytes under food allergen stimulation. We observed that 49 of the 54 ALD dogs (90.7%) had positive lymphocyte reactions against one or more food allergens. The most common food allergen was soybean, showing positive results in 21 dogs (49.2%), while the allergen to cause the lowest number of reactions was catfish (only 5 dogs, 10.2%). These results may be useful in considering elimination diets for ALD dogs.
Kaneko Takehito Sakuma Tetsushi Yamamoto Takashi Mashimo Tomoji
Nature Publishing Group
Scientific reports (ISSN:20452322)
vol.4, 2014-10-01

超簡単!遺伝子改変動物作製法の開発 -エレクトロポレーション(電気穿孔)法による哺乳類受精卵への ZFN、TALEN、CRISPR-Casの導入に成功-. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2014-10-03.
Reo TAMAI Masaru FURUYA Shingo HATOYA Hideo AKIYOSHI Ryohei YAMAMOTO Yoshiaki KOMORI Shin-ichi YOKOI Kenichiro TANI Yuji HIRANO Masayuki KOMORI Shigeo TAKENAKA
公益社団法人 日本獣医学会
Journal of Veterinary Medical Science (ISSN:09167250)
pp.14-0043, (Released:2014-08-13)
3 15

Canine lymphoma is a common cancer that has high rates of complete remission with combination chemotherapy. However, the duration of remission varies based on multiple factors, and there is a need to develop a method for early detection of recurrence. In this study, we compared the metabolites profiles in serum from 21 dogs with lymphoma and 13 healthy dogs using gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The lymphoma group was separated from the control group in an orthogonal projection to latent structure with discriminant analysis (OPLS-DA) plot using ions of m/z 100–600, indicating that the metabolites profiles in lymphoma cases differed from those in healthy dogs. The lymphoma group was also separated from the control group on OPLS-DA plot using 29 metabolites identified in all serum samples. Significant differences were found for 16 of these metabolites with higher levels in the lymphoma group for 15 of the metabolites and lower levels for inositol. An OPLS-DA plot showed separation of the lymphoma and healthy groups using these 16 metabolites only. These results indicate that metabolites profile with GC-MS may be a useful tool for detection of potential biomarker and diagnosis of canine lymphoma.
Tonegawa S Kasahara S Fukuda T Sugimoto K Yasuda N Tsuruhara Y Watanabe D Mizukami Y Haga Y Matsuda T D Yamamoto E Onuki Y Ikeda H Matsuda Y Shibauchi T
Nature Publishing Group
Nature communications (ISSN:20411723)
vol.5, 2014-06-19

直接観測された物質物理学の謎「隠れた秩序」. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2014-06-19.
日本薬物動態学会 会長/日本薬物動態学会 DMPK編集委員長
Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics (ISSN:13474367)
vol.28, no.5, pp.411-415, 2013 (Released:2013-10-25)

Inhibition of cytochrome P450 (CYP) 3A4 is the major cause of drug-drug interactions (DDI). We have previously reported that the genetic variation of CYP3A4 significantly affected the inhibitory profiles of typical competitive inhibitors. In addition to competitive inhibition, some clinically significant DDI are attributable to mechanism-based inhibition (MBI). However, the differences in the MBI kinetics among CYP3A4 genetic variants remain to be characterized. In this study, we quantitatively investigated the inhibition kinetics of MBI inhibitors, erythromycin and clarithromycin, on the CYP3A4 variants CYP3A4.1, 4.2, 4.7, 4.16, and 4.18. The activity of CYP3A4 was assessed using testosterone 6β-hydroxylation with recombinant CYP3A4. Both erythromycin and clarithromycin decreased the activity of CYP3A4 in a time-dependent manner. The maximum inactivation rate constants, kinact,max, of erythromycin for CYP3A4.2 and CYP3A4.7 were 0.5-fold that for CYP3A4.1, while that for CYP3A4.16 and CYP3A4.18 were similar to that for CYP3A4.1. The KI values of erythromycin for CYP3A4.2, 4.7, 4.16, and 4.18 were 1.2-, 0.4-, 2.2- and 0.72-fold those of CYP3A4.1, respectively. Similar results were obtained for clarithromycin. In conclusion, the inhibitory profiles of MBI inhibitors, as well as competitive inhibitors, may possibly differ among CYP3A4 variants. This difference may contribute to interindividual differences in the extent of DDI based on MBI.
比嘉 康則 榎井 縁 山本 晃輔 ヒガ ヨシノリ エノイ ユカリ ヤマモト コウスケ Higa Yasunori Enoi Yukari Yamamoto Kousuke
大阪大学教育学年報 (ISSN:13419595)
vol.18, pp.109-124, 2013-03-31

Tanaka Akihito Woltjen Knut Miyake Katsuya Hotta Akitsu Ikeya Makoto Yamamoto Takuya Nishino Tokiko Shoji Emi Sehara-Fujisawa Atsuko Manabe Yasuko Fujii Nobuharu Hanaoka Kazunori Era Takumi Yamashita Satoshi Isobe Ken-ichi Kimura En Sakurai Hidetoshi
Public Library of Science
PLoS ONE (ISSN:19326203)
vol.8, no.4, 2013-04-23

効率よく、再現性高くヒトiPS細胞から筋肉細胞を作製 -筋肉疾患の創薬プラットフォームの開発に向けて-. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2013-04-24.
Hidenori Arai Akira Yamamoto Yuji Matsuzawa Yasushi Saito Nobuhiro Yamada Shinichi Oikawa Hiroshi Mabuchi Tamio Teramoto Jun Sasaki Noriaki Nakaya Hiroshige Itakura Yuichi Ishikawa Yasuyoshi Ouchi Hiroshi Horibe Nobuo Shirahashi Toru Kita
一般社団法人 日本動脈硬化学会
Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis (ISSN:13403478)
vol.13, no.4, pp.202-208, 2006 (Released:2006-08-15)
87 126

To determine the prevalence of metabolic syndrome in the Japanese general population, we analyzed data from a nationwide survey conducted in 2000. According to the Japanese new diagnostic criteria for metabolic syndrome in 2005, we analyzed 3,264 people aged from 20 to 79 (men, 1,917; women, 1,347) from the total participants. The incidence of metabolic syndrome was 7.8%. Men had a higher incidence (12.1%) than women (1.7%). Most of the women satisfying the criteria were 50 years old or over, while the incidence in men started to rise from their 30s. When we applied the criteria of Adult Treatment Panel III, the incidence was about 3-fold higher. In this population visceral obesity was associated with metabolic abnormalities, such as higher LDL-cholesterol, triglyceride, glucose, and blood pressure and lower HDL-cholesterol. Thus we determined the incidence of metabolic syndrome and each metabolic abnormality in the Japanese general population in 2000 and found an association of visceral obesity with metabolic abnormalities. Intervention to reduce the incidence of metabolic syndrome in Japan is necessary to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
山本 裕之 小寺 香奈 YAMAMOTO Hiroyuki KOTERA Kana
岩手大学教育学部附属教育実践総合センター研究紀要 (ISSN:13472216)
vol.8, pp.67-80, 2009-03-01 (Released:2016-05-17)

1920年代にC.アイヴズ、A.ハーバらによって実践された4分音などの微分音は、その後のヨーロッパ音楽において現代的奏法の中でも重要項目として扱われてきた。彼らが微分音に挑戦した当時のヨーロッパは平均律(12等分平均律)の概念が席巻して既に久しい。かつてのヨーロッパで長期にわたって繰り広げられてきた音律論争において、それぞれの音律の間に存在した非常に小さなどツチ(音高)の差は、19世紀という様々な調性を用いた時代の要請に応えて12等分平均律という画期的な妥協案に収れんした。西洋音楽文化の外にある各民族音楽の音律を除外して考えれば、微分音とはいったん世界標準として目盛りが敷かれた平均律からあらためて外れたピッチ、または音程のことを指す。 とはいえ、オルガンのように一度調律したらそうたやすくは調律が崩れないような楽器はわずかであり、それどころか多くの楽器では奏者がその場で随時楽器のピッチをコントロールしながら演奏する。19世紀に作られたキーをたくさん持つ木管楽器や、H.シュトルツェルなどが発明したヴアルヴをもつ金管楽器群は、それ以前の楽器に比べて格段に多くのピッチを安定させながら自在に鳴らせるように設計されている。が、その中で奏者はさらに楽器の精度と共に自らの耳と発音テクニックによって出来るだけ「正しい」ピッチを作り出そうと技術を磨いた。しかし実際の演奏では厳格に正しく、19世紀以降の「半音階の分かりやすい知的モデル」である平均律に即した音律で演奏されるわけではない。音楽のイントネーションに合わせて、あるいは奏者や楽器自体のコンディションに即して、平均律から大きく外れないピッチを作りながら演奏されるのが常である。したがって、例えばある音が僅かに数セントの単位で平均律からずれたからといってもそれは「ある音」の範囲を越えず、微分音の概念で語られるわけではない。 つまりこれらのような木・金管楽器は、音楽的内容に即して随時平均律から逸脱して演奏されることを前提としながらも、平均律を原則として作られている。したがって、そのような楽器であえて微分音を作り出すことは矛盾であるが、楽器の構造上は不可能ではない。すなわち、楽器はそのように作られてはいないが不可能ではないのである。 20世紀後半になって微分音が作品の中で頻繁に使われ始めると、各楽器の現代奏法を解説する書物には必ずといってよいほど微分音の運指表が掲載されるようになった。特に木管楽器の書物では多くのキーの組み合わせによって膨大な微分音の可能性が提示されている。金管楽器においては、楽器の機構上木管楽器のように膨大な微分音が作り出せるわけではないが、それでも実用的な量は作り出せる。しかしそのための資料が木管楽器ほど多いわけではない。そこで本稿では、金管楽器の中でも特に現代奏法に関する資料がほとんど書かれていないユーフォニアムにおいて、これまで存在しなかったこの楽器のための汎用的な微分音スケールを提示することを目的とした。
山本 宏樹 Hiroki YAMAMOTO 一橋大学大学院 Graduate School Hitotsubashi University
教育社会学研究 = The journal of educational sociology (ISSN:03873145)
vol.83, pp.129-148, 2008-12-15

Researchers seem to agree unanimously on the unreliability of official statistics on futoko children (school refusers), making it difficult to uncover the social factors behind the phenomenon. Though many researchers have questioned whether the official statistics can explain the reality of futoko, there has been no verification of the reliability and validity of the statistics. The aim of this study is to examine this issue and formulate an alternative plan for statistics. To achieve this aim, the author used the "School Basic Survey" from 1966 to 2006 and examined futoko rates within the "Long absentee" data from 47 prefectures, which is divided into subclasses by the following reasons: "Illness," "Economic reason," "Futoko" and "Others." The actual differences between areas were then analyzed using a five-number summary. As a result, the two following facts were clarified. Firstly, it is impossible to compare the data on "Futoko," "Illness" and "Others" between prefectures because of differences in the investigation methods. From the beginning, the classification standards differ from prefecture to prefecture, and this leads to local differences. Secondly, the method for sorting data was changed in 1998, comparisons across time periods invalid. In conclusion, the author recommends using data on "Long absentees" as a measure for the futoko phenomenon because the official statistics on futoko have already lost validity. Statistics on long absentees are much better than those on futoko to show the reality of the phenomenon. Finally, the author discusses both the advantages and disadvantages of using data on "Long absentees," confirms the existence of differences among regions at the prefectural level for long absentees, and considers future prospects and tasks.
Nurhadryani Yani Maslow Sebastian Yamamoto Hiraku
Interdisciplinary Information Sciences (ISSN:13409050)
vol.15, no.2, pp.211-222, 2009-08

In recent years the Internet has changed dramatically. The 'Web 2.0' with its new technologies such as Twitter, Facebook, or YouTube is now an important tool for social-networking with significant implications for both, the online and offline realms of society and politics. At the same time, while the development of new information and communication technologies (ICTs) has advanced in an unprecedented speed, the spread of such technologies was accompanied with significant political changes in Indonesia since 1998, marking the collapse of the Suharto-regime and the move towards a democratic governance system. After more than three decades of authoritarian rule, 'democracy 1.0' has marked a fundamental reform process creating new political parties and allowing the free expression of opinion. While ICTs played a visible yet limited role in this transition process towards a mature democratic system, the role of 'Web 2.0' technologies is increasing, especially in election times facilitating the formation of public opinion while connecting citizens to the political process. In systematically analyzing the development of ICTs in Indonesia this study wishes to explain the role that new information technologies play in the political process of this country since 1998, while paying special attention to the most recent parliamentary and presidential elections of 2009. In studying the role of ICTs in political transformation processes and democratic development represents a widely unexplored question in the scholarship addressing the political developments in Southeast Asia. Therefore, this study attempts to address this important new field of research through taking a closer look at Indonesia while applying new theoretic insights generated from the discussion of the concepts of e-government, e-governance, and e-democracy and the links that bind them, online and offline.
Kyoko Yamamoto Yasuhiro Komatsu Hiroyuki Yamamoto Hiroko Izumo Kyo Sanoyama Masami Monden Kyoko Takeda Fumiko Nakahara Katsumi Yoshida
Tohoku University Medical Press
The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine (ISSN:00408727)
vol.225, no.3, pp.195-202, 2011 (Released:2011-10-19)
6 6

Diabetes and chronic kidney disease (CKD) which are risk facters of cardiovascular disease, are increasing global public health problems. Microalbuminuria is an early sign of progressive cardiovascular and renal disease in individuals with or without diabetes. Screening for microalbuminuria and early treatment are recommended for patients with increased cardiovascular and renal risk factors. However, the procedure used to measure urinary albumin is expensive. Alternatively, the measurement of total urinary protein is simple and inexpensive. Thus, we aimed to establish a method that could predict the presence of microalbuminuria by measuring the total protein-to-creatinine ratio. Spot urine samples were obtained from 150 patients with diabetes mellitus, and the total protein-to-creatinine ratio and the albumin-to-creatinine ratio (ACR) were measured. There was a significant positive correlation between the protein-to-creatinine ratio and the ACR (r = 0.95). The presence of albuminuria (both micro- and macroalbuminuria) could be predicted from the value of the protein-to-creatinine ratio in more than 90% of patients. A receiver-operating characteristic curve analysis revealed that the protein-to-creatinine ratio had a sensitivity and a specificity of 90.8% and 91.9%, respectively, for the detection of albuminuria and a cutoff value of 0.091 g/g creatinine. These results suggest that screening for microalbuminuria can be replaced by the detection of the protein-to-creatinine ratio, which may be cost-effective for patients with cardiovascular risks as well as for the general population.
Takato Hara Reina Kumagai Tohru Tanaka Tsuyoshi Nakano Tomoya Fujie Yasuyuki Fujiwara Chika Yamamoto Toshiyuki Kaji
The Japanese Society of Toxicology
The Journal of Toxicological Sciences (ISSN:03881350)
vol.48, no.12, pp.655-663, 2023 (Released:2023-12-01)

Vascular endothelial cell growth is essential for the repair of intimal injury. Perlecan, a large heparan sulfate proteoglycan, intensifies fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2) signaling as a co-receptor for FGF-2 and its receptor, and promotes the proliferation of vascular endothelial cells. Previously, we reported that 2 µM of lead, a toxic heavy metal, downregulated perlecan core protein expression and then suppressed the growth of vascular endothelial cells. However, since the mechanisms involved in the repression of perlecan by lead remains unclear, we analyzed its detailed signaling pathway using cultured bovine aortic endothelial cells. Our findings indicate that 2 µM of lead inhibited protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTP) activity and induced cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) via phosphorylation of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and its downstream extracellular signal-regulated kinases (ERK1/2). In addition, among the prostanoids regulated by COX-2, prostaglandin I2 (PGI2) specifically contributes to the downregulation of perlecan expression by lead. This study revealed an intracellular pathway—the EGFR-ERK1/2-COX-2-PGI2 pathway activated by inhibition of PTP by lead—as a pathway that downregulates endothelial perlecan synthesis. The pathway is suggested to serve as a mechanism for the repression of perlecan expression, which leads to a delay in cell proliferation by lead.
Naoto Kuyama Koichi Kaikita Masanobu Ishii Noriaki Tabata Seitaro Oda Yasuhiro Otsuka Koichi Egashira Yuichiro Shirahama Shinsuke Hanatani Seiji Takashio Yasushi Matsuzawa Eiichiro Yamamoto Toshinori Hirai Kenichi Tsujita
The Japanese Circulation Society
Circulation Reports (ISSN:24340790)
pp.CR-23-0092, (Released:2023-11-30)

Background: Subclinical leaflet thrombosis occasionally occurs after transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI), but its exact etiology and relationship with thrombogenicity remain unknown.Methods and Results: This study enrolled 35 patients who underwent TAVI. Thrombogenicity was evaluated using a total thrombus-formation analysis system (T-TAS) to compute the thrombus-formation area under the curve (PL18-AUC10and AR10-AUC30). Periprocedural thrombogenic parameters including T-TAS were investigated at pre-TAVI, 2 days, 7 days, and 3 months post-TAVI. Hypoattenuated leaflet thickening (HALT) and maximum leaflet thickness (MLT) were evaluated using contrast-enhanced computed tomography 7 days and 3 months post-TAVI. The associations between thrombogenicity and HALT or MLT were assessed. T-TAS parameters consistently decreased at 2 and 7 days post-TAVI, followed by improvement at 3 months. HALT was detected in 20% and 17% of patients at 7 days and 3 months, respectively, post-TAVI. The median MLT value was 1.60 mm at 7 days and 3 months post-TAVI. A significant positive correlation was observed between the decrease in the AR10-AUC30and MLT at 7 days post-TAVI. Univariate linear regression analysis revealed a decrease in the AR10-AUC30and an increase in the D-dimer level as a significant predictor of MLT deterioration.Conclusions: The findings suggested that a transient decrease in thrombogenicity following TAVI predicts leaflet thrombosis, implying that monitoring thrombogenicity may be useful for predicting progression of leaflet thrombosis.
Takahiro Sanada Tomoko Honda Fumihiko Yasui Kenzaburo Yamaji Tsubasa Munakata Naoki Yamamoto Makoto Kurano Yusuke Matsumoto Risa Kohno Sakiko Toyama Yoshiro Kishi Takuro Horibe Yudai Kaneko Mayumi Kakegawa Kazushige Fukui Takeshi Kawamura Wang Daming Chungen Qian Fuzhen Xia Fan He Syudo Yamasaki Atsushi Nishida Takayuki Harada Masahiko Higa Yuko Tokunaga Asako Takagi Masanari Itokawa Tatsuhiko Kodama Michinori Kohara
Japan Epidemiological Association
Journal of Epidemiology (ISSN:09175040)
vol.32, no.2, pp.105-111, 2022-02-05 (Released:2022-02-05)
4 18

Background: Tokyo, the capital of Japan, is a densely populated city of >13 million people, so the population is at high risk of epidemic severe acute respiratory coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection. A serologic survey of anti–SARS-CoV-2 IgG would provide valuable data for assessing the city’s SARS-CoV-2 infection status. Therefore, this cross-sectional study estimated the anti–SARS-CoV-2 IgG seroprevalence in Tokyo.Methods: Leftover serum of 23,234 hospital visitors was tested for antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 using an iFlash 3000 chemiluminescence immunoassay analyzer (Shenzhen YHLO Biotech, Shenzhen, China) with an iFlash–SARS-CoV-2 IgG kit (YHLO) and iFlash–SARS-CoV-2 IgG-S1 kit (YHLO). Serum samples with a positive result (≥10 AU/mL) in either of these assays were considered seropositive for anti–SARS-CoV-2 IgG. Participants were randomly selected from patients visiting 14 Tokyo hospitals between September 1, 2020 and March 31, 2021. No participants were diagnosed with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), and none exhibited COVID-19-related symptoms at the time of blood collection.Results: The overall anti–SARS-CoV-2 IgG seroprevalence among all participants was 1.83% (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.66–2.01%). The seroprevalence in March 2021, the most recent month of this study, was 2.70% (95% CI, 2.16–3.34%). After adjusting for population age, sex, and region, the estimated seroprevalence in Tokyo was 3.40%, indicating that 470,778 individuals had a history of SARS-CoV-2 infection.Conclusions: The estimated number of individuals in Tokyo with a history of SARS-CoV-2 infection was 3.9-fold higher than the number of confirmed cases. Our study enhances understanding of the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic in Tokyo.
Japanese Society for Tropical Agriculture
Tropical Agriculture and Development (ISSN:18828450)
vol.58, no.3, pp.94-101, 2014 (Released:2015-07-30)

Capsicum chinense is thought to have been domesticated in the lowlands east of the Andes Mountains in South America. It is grown in Southeast Asia, but its distribution there remains unknown. We conducted literature, specimen, field, and market surveys of C. chinense in Indonesia to investigate its introduction into Indonesia and to determine its current distribution. One dried specimen collected in 1912 and stored as Capsicum sp. appears to be either C. frutescens or C. chinense. An illustration of C. frutescens in Ochse (1931), which actually appears to be C. chinense, suggests that C. chinense may have been introduced into Indonesia before World War II; however, the distribution of C. chinense in Southeast Asia remains very limited to this today. In Indonesia, C. chinense is distributed widely on at least the three major islands of Java, Kalimantan, and Sulawesi with several morphologically different fruit types; it is used as an ornamental plant as well as a spice. Four species of the genus Capsicum, including C. annuum, C. frutescens, C. pubescens, and C. chinense, are distributed in Indonesia, which suggests that Indonesia has more genetic resources and more potential to breed species of Capsicum than other countries in Southeast and East Asia.