中野 瑞彦 Mitsuhiko Nakano
vol.30, no.3, pp.65-79, 2005-03-10

In the WWI era, the Japanese economy enjoyed an abnormal boom rised by the war in Europe. Japanese exports increased by enormous scale and brought huge external receipts. Discarding the gold-standard system, the Japanese economy lost the adjusting mechanism which the goldstandard system warranted. The money supply increased and thereby the inflation hit the people’s life so that there were riots for shortage of rice in the summer 1918 (Kome-Sodo). This Kome-Sodo riots fall the Terauchi Administration. And after Terauchi, Takashi Hara took office as the first party cabinet in Japan. So the cabinet was changed, but the economic policies were not changed so much. Both administrations took an expansive policies which caused severe inflation and brought an enormous bubble in 1919. The Hara Administration was under control of Hanbatsu fraction. Therefore, Hara could not and would not change the policies (for example, badget) of former administration. That caused disappointment to the party cabinet and democracy in general and paved the way to militarism. This paper dealts with the economic and political causes which lied in desicion process for economic policies in that period by reviewing the newspapers and the journals.
Ryohei Ikejiri Ryota Yamamoto Seiko Nakano Kenzo Yoneda Yuhei Yamauchi
Japan Society for Educational Technology/Japanese Society for Information and Systems in Education
Information and Technology in Education and Learning (ISSN:24361712)
vol.1, no.1, pp.Pra-p001, 2021 (Released:2021-09-22)

This study designed and evaluated a project-based learning (PjBL) technique that promotes the social construction of knowledge by overcoming dissonance using G Suite for Education. The core aspects of the design include controlling the discussion process by setting a task with the same directionality in terms of its solution while including two conflicting positions and using a synchronous system to provide real-time feedback from a teacher to control the discussion process. A four-part model of PjBL was presented to overcome dissonance. To evaluate the effects of this model, PjBL lessons were conducted with high-school students in which the topic led them to consider ideas to support people living in shelters for 3 months following an earthquake. Consequently, the effects of the core aspects of the design were partially confirmed.
中野 敬一 Keiichi NAKANO
女性学評論 = Women's Studies Forum
vol.28, pp.47-67, 2014-03

本論では聖書において「売春女性」がどう扱われているかを確認した。まず旧約聖書では「神殿娼婦」と「遊女」が登場する。神殿娼婦は異教の習慣であり、イスラエルの聖所においては厳しく禁じられていた(例:申命記23:18)。しかし実際にはイスラエルにおいても神殿娼婦との淫行がみられ、預言者は神の審判を予言したのである。(例 : ホセア記4:14)。一方、遊女に対しては神殿娼婦ほどの避難はなされていない。新約聖書には、旧約聖書における「遊女」の同義語である「娼婦」が登場する。彼女たちの社会的地位は低く、特に律法学者やファリサイ派などのユダヤ教指導者層から差別されていた。しかしイエスは「徴税人や娼婦たちの方が、あなたたちより先に神の国に入るだろう」(マタイ福音書21:31)と述べた。また「罪深い女」(ルカ 7:36)と呼ばれていた娼婦を受け入れた。イエスは彼女たちを救いに招いたのである。しかし、後のキリスト者やキリスト教会はイエスの姿勢を継承しなかったと言える。例えば、パウロはコリント教会における淫行を禁じ、そのような行いをなす人々を排除するよう命じた。彼はキリスト者が娼婦と一体となることを戒めており、「みだらな者は神の国を受け継ぐことができない」と述べた(Ⅰコリント 6:10)。パウロらの思想は後のキリスト教会に受け継がれた。教父時代においては禁欲が重視され、売春女性は教会から排除された。しかし、同時に「必要悪」として認められた。さらにこのような傾向は中世ヨーロッパのキリスト教会にも継続され、社会や教会の純潔が守られるために、売春は是認されるのである。宗教改革者たちも売春女性を厳しく差別したが、カトリック教会と同様「必要悪」として彼女たちを容認したのである。 In this paper, I explored how prostitutes are treated in the Bible. "Shrine prostitute" and "harlot" appear in the Old Testament. The shrine prostitute was a custom of paganism and was forbidden in Israeli holy places (ex. Deuteronomy 23:18). In fact, however, immoral sexual acts with shrine prostitutes were observed in Israel, and the prophets foretold the judgement of God (ex. Hosea 4:14). On the other hand, Israelis did not criticize harlots as shrine prostitutes. "Prostitute", which is a synonym of "harlot", appears in the New Testament. Their social status was low; they were discriminated against by the class of Jewish leaders such as the scribes and the Pharisees. However, Jesus said to them, "the tax collectors and the prostitutes are going into the kingdom of God ahead of you" (Matthew 21:31 ). In addition, he accepted "a sinful woman" (Luke 7:36 ) who was a prostitute. Jesus invited her to salvation. However, it may be said that the later Christian church and heritage did not follow this position of Jesus. For example, the apostle Paul forbade sexual immorality in the Corinth church and commanded that it remove people who performed such an act. Paul banned a Christian and a prostitute from becoming one body and stated, "fornicators will not inherit the kingdom of God" (I Corinthians 6:10). The thoughts of Paul were inherited by the later Christian churches. Abstinence was made much of in the Church Father era, and prostitutes were removed from churches. However, it was recognized as "a necessary evil" at the same time. Furthermore, this tendency continued in the Catholic Church of the Middle Ages, and the church approved prostitution to protect the purity of society and the church. Religious reformers also discriminated harshly against prostitutes, but accepted them as "a necessary evil" in the same way as the Catholic Church.
Kenji Matsuda Yoh Ihara Takafumi Nakano
The Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology
Species Diversity (ISSN:13421670)
vol.25, no.2, pp.145-152, 2020-08-07 (Released:2020-08-07)

A new spider species, Cybaeus daimonji, from Kyoto, western-central Honshu, Japan is described based on both sexes. The shape of epigyne indicates that this new species is close to C. communis Yaginuma, 1972, C. kirigaminensis Komatsu, 1963, C. maculosus Yaginuma, 1972 and C. shinkaii (Komatsu, 1970), which are distributed in eastern to central Honshu. Nuclear internal transcribed spacer 1, 28S ribosomal RNA and histone H3 as well as mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I, 12S ribosomal RNA and 16S ribosomal RNA sequences of the new species are provided for future phylogenetic studies.
Hiroki Nakano Kazunori Omote Toshiyuki Nagai Michikazu Nakai Kunihiro Nishimura Yasuyuki Honda Satoshi Honda Naotsugu Iwakami Yasuo Sugano Yasuhide Asaumi Takeshi Aiba Teruo Noguchi Kengo Kusano Hiroyuki Yokoyama Satoshi Yasuda Hisao Ogawa Taishiro Chikamori Toshihisa Anzai on behalf of the NaDEF Investigators
The Japanese Circulation Society
Circulation Journal (ISSN:13469843)
vol.83, no.3, pp.614-621, 2019-02-25 (Released:2019-02-25)
2 6

Background: The ideal mortality prediction model (MPM) for acute heart failure (AHF) patients would have sufficient and stable predictive ability for long-term as well as short-term mortality. However, published MPMs for AHF predominantly predict short-term mortality up to 90 days, and their prognostic performance for long-term mortality remains unclear. Methods and Results: We analyzed 609 AHF patients in a prospective registry from January 2013 to May 2016. We compared the prognostic performance for long-term mortality among 8 systematically identified MPMs for AHF that predict short-term mortality up to 90 days from admission. The PROTECT 7-day model showed the highest c-index for long-term as well as short-term mortality among the studied MPMs. Sensitivity analyses revealed serum albumin and total cholesterol to be the most important variables, as dropping these variables resulted in a significant decline in c-index, when compared with other variables specific to the PROTECT 7-day model. Furthermore, significant improvements in c-index and net reclassification were observed when serum albumin or serum albumin plus total cholesterol was added to the studied MPMs, other than the PROTECT 7-day model. Conclusions: The PROTECT 7-day model demonstrated the highest predictive performance for long-term as well as short-term mortality in AHF patients among the published MPMs. Our findings indicate the importance of accounting for nutritional status such as serum albumin and total cholesterol in AHF patients when developing a MPM.
Masato Sugi Yohei Yamada Kohei Yoshida Ryo Mizuta Masuo Nakano Chihiro Kodama Masaki Satoh
Meteorological Society of Japan
SOLA (ISSN:13496476)
pp.2020-012, (Released:2020-03-19)

In relation to projections of tropical cyclone (TC) frequency in a future warmer climate, there is a debate on whether the global frequency of TC seeds (weak pre-storm vortices) will increase or not. We examined changes in the frequency of TC seeds by occurrence frequency analysis (OFA) of vortex intensity (vorticity or maximum wind speed). We directly counted the number of vortices with various intensities in high resolution global atmospheric model simulations for present and future climates. By using the OFA we showed a clear reduction of the occurrence frequency of TC seeds and relatively weak (category 2 or weaker) TCs in a future warmer climate, with an increase in the frequency of the most intense (category 5) TCs. The results suggest that the OFA is a useful method to estimate the future changes in TC frequency distribution ranging from TC seeds to the most intense TCs.
Hiroe Sato Yoko Wada Eriko Hasegawa Yukiko Nozawa Takeshi Nakatsue Tomoyuki Ito Takeshi Kuroda Takako Saeki Hajime Umezu Yoshiki Suzuki Masaaki Nakano Ichiei Narita
一般社団法人 日本内科学会
Internal Medicine (ISSN:09182918)
pp.8473-16, (Released:2017-08-10)

Chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis (CRMO) is an autoinflammatory bone disorder that generally occurs in children and predominantly affects the long bones with marginal sclerosis. We herein report two cases of adult-onset CRMO involving the tibial diaphysis bilaterally, accompanied by polyarthritis. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed both tibial osteomyelitis and high intensity of the extensive lower leg muscles. Anti-interleukin-6 therapy with tocilizumab (TCZ) effectively controlled symptoms and inflammatory markers in both patients. High intensity of the lower leg muscles detected by MRI also improved. These cases demonstrate that CRMO should be included in the differential diagnosis of adult patients with bone pain, inflammation, and high intensity of the muscles detected by MRI. TCZ may therefore be an effective therapy for muscle inflammation of CRMO.
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
vol.95, no.6, pp.345-368, 2017 (Released:2017-11-14)

By comparison with satellite and field observations, the comprehensive performance and potential utility of near real-time forecasts using Nonhydrostatic Icosahedral Atmospheric Model (NICAM) are demonstrated by exploiting the Cooperative Indian Ocean Experiment on Intraseasonal Variability in the Year 2011 (CINDY2011) / Dynamics of the Madden–Julian Oscillation (DYNAMO) campaign. A week-long forecast was run each day using a regionally stretched version of NICAM, with the finest mesh size of 14 km over the tropical Indian Ocean (IO), throughout the intensive observation period (IOP).  The simulated precipitation time series fairly represented the evolution and propagation of the observed Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) events, although a 30 % overprediction of precipitation over the IO domain (60–90°E, 10°S–10°N) was found on average. Frequencies of strong (> 40 mm day−1) precipitation were overpredicted, while those of weak precipitation were underpredicted against satellite observations. Compared with the field observations at Gan Island, the biases in precipitation frequency were less obvious, whereas the growth of lower to middle tropospheric dry (∼ 1 g kg−1) and warm (∼ 1 K) biases were found. Despite these mean biases, temporal variations of the moisture and zonal wind profiles including the MJO events were reasonably simulated. Using the forecast data the moisture and energy budgets during the IOP were investigated. The diagnosis using the 7-day-mean fields captured the observed features of the MJO events. Meanwhile, significant upward transport of moisture by the grid-resolved high-frequency variability was detected throughout the IOP. The relationship between these high-frequency effects and the simulated MJO or mean biases is also discussed.
中山 泰一 中野 由章 角田 博保 久野 靖 鈴木 貢 和田 勉 萩谷 昌己 筧 捷彦 Yasuichi Nakayama Yoshiaki Nakano Hiroyasu Kakuda Yasushi Kuno Mitsugu Suzuki Tsutomu Wada Masami Hagiya Katsuhiko Kakehi
情報処理学会論文誌.教育とコンピュータ = IPSJ transactions. TCE
vol.3, no.2, pp.41-51, 2017-06-14 (Released:2017-06-14)

公益社団法人 日本獣医学会
Journal of Veterinary Medical Science (ISSN:09167250)
pp.15-0284, (Released:2015-07-04)

Nineteen cases of histiocytic sarcomas in Pembroke Welsh Corgi were examined histopathologically. Focal or multiple masses were detected in the lung or in regional lymph nodes, or in both lung and nodes. All neoplastic lesions had common histological features characterized by the proliferation of pleomorphic histiocytic cells combined with various inflammatory cells. Most of the pleomorphic neoplastic cells were immunopositive for human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-DR and Iba-1. The median survival time for all dogs was 133 days. In the present study, several prognostic factors, such as gender, age, single or multiple lesions, lymph node involvement at the time of diagnosis, surgical resection status and additional chemotherapy, were examined, although none of these factors approached statistical significance. Histiocytic sarcoma must be considered in the differential diagnosis of dogs with pulmonary masses, especially in the canine breed.
秋山 豊和 寺西 裕一 岡村 真吾 坂根 栄作 長谷川 剛 馬場 健一 中野 博隆 下條 真司 長岡 亨 アキヤマ トヨカズ テラニシ ユウイチ オカムラ シンゴ サカネ エイサク ハセガワ ゴウ ババ ケンイチ ナカノ ヒロタカ シモジョウ シンジ ナガオカ トオル Akiyama Toyokazu Teranishi Yuuichi Okamura Shingo Sakane Eisaku Hasegawa Go Baba Ken-ichi Nakano Hirotaka Shimojo Shinji Nagaoka Toru
情報処理学会論文誌 (ISSN:03875806)
vol.49, no.3, pp.1249-1264, 2008-03-15

大阪大学では,高いセキュリティレベルと標準的なインタフェースを兼ね備えた認証技術として注目されている公開鍵基盤(PKI: Public Key Infrastructure)に基づく全学IT 認証基盤を導入した.本学で導入した全学IT 認証基盤システムでは,署名・暗号化,学内認証,グリッドシステム認証,という異なるポリシに対応する複数のCA を導入・共存させている.これら複数のCA 向けの証明書発行を自動化することにより,安全性と利便性を両立した証明書発行サービスを実現している.また,PKI に対応したシングルサインオン(SSO)機能を導入し,学内ユーザが各システム間で統一的なインタフェースにより認証を行えるようにした.アプリケーションWeb サーバに認証機能を組み込むエージェント型のSSO 機能の導入により,1 度アプリケーションをSSO 対応させてしまえば,アプリケーションを変更することなくシームレスにパスワード認証からPKI 認証へ移行・共存することが可能となった.さらに,ユーザID 体系として,公開用に変更を許容するユーザID と,システム間連携用に1 人に1 つ決まる不変のユーザID とを設け,それらの対応付けを内部的に行うことにより,安全性・柔軟性ある運用を可能とした.本稿では,本認証基盤の設計と実装について述べるとともに,システムの導入により得られた技術的ノウハウや今後の展開についても述べる. # In Osaka University, a campus-wide IT authentication infrastructure based on Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), which is regarded as a technology providing high security and standard interface to many applications, has been adopted. In this authentication infrastructure, multiple CAs for the different purposes such as signing and encryption, intra-campus authentication and grid system authentication coexist. To realize security and convenience, we developed an online certificate issuance service for those multiple CAs. We also introduced PKI enabled Single Sign-On (SSO) system to provide unified authentication interface. Since the SSO system supports ‘SSO agent’, which provides SSO functionality for web applications by installing a web server module, it is possible to migrate from password authentication to PKI authentication without modifying applications. Furthermore, we established secure and flexible identity management by separating changeable, public user ID and static, internal system ID. Internal system ID is used for managing and federating user profiles among the systems. The mapping between those two IDs is done by the SSO system. In this paper, we describe design and implementation of our authentication infrastructure, know-how of system establishment and future works.
Satoko Ryuzaki Yusuke Kondo Miyo Nakano Masahiro Nakano Takatsugu Kajiyama Ryo Ito Mari Kitagawa Masafumi Sugawara Toshinori Chiba Yutaka Yoshino Yoshio Kobayashi
The Japanese Circulation Society
Circulation Journal (ISSN:13469843)
pp.CJ-22-0687, (Released:2023-06-20)

Background: Antithrombotic therapy after left atrial appendage closure (LAAC) in patients at high risk of bleeding remains controversial. We present real-world clinical outcomes of LAAC.Methods and Results: Data from 74 consecutive patients who received LAAC therapy between January 2020 and June 2022 were analyzed. Patients received 1 of 3 antithrombotic therapies according to the bleeding risk category or clinical event. Regimen 1 was based on a prior study, regimen 2 comprised a lower antiplatelet drug dose without dual antiplatelet therapy, and regimen 3 was antiplatelet drug administration for as long as possible to patients with uncontrollable bleeding who were required to stop anticoagulant drugs. Overall, 73 (98.6%) procedures were successful. Of them, 16 (21.9%) patients were selected for regimen 1, 46 (63.0%) for regimen 2, and 11 (15.1%) for regimen 3. Device-related thrombosis (13% vs. 0% vs. 0%, P=0.0257) only occurred with regimen 1. There was no difference in major bleeding event rates (6% vs. 2% vs. 9%, P=0.53).Conclusions: The post-LAAC antithrombotic regimen was modified without major concerns.
Kazuoki Dai Nobuo Shiode Kanade Yoshii Yuka Kimura Keita Matsuo Yusuke Jyuri Shunsuke Tomomori Tadanao Higaki Kuniomi Oi Tomoharu Kawase Akinori Sairaku Norihiko Ohashi Kazuyoshi Suenari Kenji Nishioka Yoshiko Masaoka Yukiko Nakano
The Japanese Circulation Society
Circulation Journal (ISSN:13469843)
pp.CJ-23-0221, (Released:2023-06-01)

Background: Lipoprotein (a) (Lp(a)) is a complex circulating lipoprotein, and there is increasing evidence it is a risk factor for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD). This study aimed to investigate the influence of Lp(a) serum levels on long-term outcomes after acute myocardial infarction (AMI).Methods and Results: Between January 2015 and January 2018, we enrolled 262 patients with AMI who underwent coronary angiography within 24 h of the onset of chest pain and had available Lp(a) data enabling subdivision into 2 groups: high Lp(a) (≥32 mg/dL: n=76) and low Lp(a) (<32 mg/dL: n=186). The primary endpoint was major adverse cardiac events (MACE), which was defined as a composite of cardiac death, nonfatal MI, and readmission for heart failure. Multivariate Cox regression analysis was performed to identify the predictors of MACE. The incidence of MACE was significantly higher in the high Lp(a) group than in the low Lp(a) group (32.8% vs. 19.6%, P=0.004). Multivariate analysis showed that Lp(a) ≥32 mg/dL was an independent predictor of MACE (hazard ratio 2.84, 95% confidence interval 1.25–6.60, P=0.013).Conclusions: High Lp(a) levels were associated with worse long-term outcomes after AMI, so Lp(a) may be useful for risk assessment.
中野 由章 中山 泰一 筧 捷彦 萩谷 昌己 久野 靖 角田 博保 辰己 丈夫 Yoshiaki Nakano Yasuichi Nakayama Katsuhiko Kakehi Masami Hagiya Yasushi Kuno Hiroyasu Kakuda Takeo Tatsumi
vol.2021, pp.100-105, 2021-08-21

Yasuhiro Nakano Tetsuya Matoba Mitsutaka Yamamoto Shunsuke Katsuki Yasuaki Koga Yasushi Mukai Shujiro Inoue Nobuhiro Suematsu Taiki Higo Masao Takemoto Kenji Miyata Makoto Usui Toshiaki Kadokami Hideki Tashiro Kunio Morishige Kiyoshi Hironaga Hiroyuki Tsutsui for the QcVIC Investigators
The Japanese Circulation Society
Circulation Reports (ISSN:24340790)
pp.CR-23-0047, (Released:2023-06-06)

Background: Recent revisions of clinical guidelines by the Japanese Circulation Society, American Heart Association/American College of Cardiology, and European Society of Cardiology updated the management of antithrombotic strategies for patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). However, the extent to which these guidelines have been implemented in real-world daily clinical practice is unclear.Methods and Results: We conducted surveys on the status of antithrombotic therapy for patients with AF undergoing PCI every 2 years from 2014 to 2022 in 14 cardiovascular centers in Japan. The primary use of drug-eluting stents increased from 10% in 2014 to 95–100% in 2018, and the use of direct oral anticoagulants increased from 15% in 2014 to 100% in 2018, in accordance with the revised practice guidelines. In patients with acute coronary syndrome, the duration of triple therapy within 1 month was approximately 10% until 2018, and increased to >70% from 2020. In patients with chronic coronary syndrome, the duration of triple therapy within 1 month was approximately 10% until 2016, and >75% from 2018. Since 2020, the most common timing of discontinuation of dual antiplatelet therapy to transition to anticoagulation monotherapy during the chronic phase of PCI has been 1 year after PCI.Conclusions: Japanese interventional cardiologists have updated their treatment strategies for patients with AF undergoing PCI according to revisions of clinical practice guidelines.
Shinichiro MORISHITA Katsuyoshi SUZUKI Taro OKAYAMA Junichiro INOUE Takashi TANAKA Jiro NAKANO Takuya FUKUSHIMA
Japanese Society of Physical Therapy
Physical Therapy Research (ISSN:21898448)
vol.26, no.1, pp.10-16, 2023-04-20 (Released:2023-04-20)

In recent years, the number of cancer survivors has been increasing each year due to advances in the early diagnosis and treatment of cancer. Cancer survivors present a variety of physical and psychological complications due to cancer and its treatment. Physical exercise is an effective nonpharmacological treatment for complications in cancer survivors. Furthermore, recent evidence has shown that physical exercise improves the prognosis of cancer survivors. The benefits of physical exercise have been widely reported, and guidelines for physical exercise for cancer survivors have been published. These guidelines recommend that cancer survivors engage in moderate- or vigorous-intensity aerobic exercises and/or resistance training. However, many cancer survivors have a poor commitment to physical exercise. In the future, it is necessary to promote physical exercise among cancer survivors through outpatient rehabilitation and community support.