金山 範明 大隅 尚広 大平 英樹 飯高 哲也 開 一夫
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.18, no.1, pp.50-63, 2011 (Released:2011-09-07)

Intact face perception is an important function for individual identification in highly socialized human community. Recent studies revealed that there are hereditary individual differences on the cognitive skills related to face identification, named congenital⁄hereditary prosopagnosia. The investigation on the congenital⁄hereditary prosopagnosia would advance our understanding of the face identification mechanism, however, has not been conducted with Japanese samples. The development of the Japanese version of the congenital⁄hereditary prosopagnosia screening scale is the first step of the congenital⁄hereditary prosopagnosia study in Japan. In this study, we attempted the translation of the original screening scale into Japanese, and also investigated the relationship between the score of scale and behavioral⁄physiological responses on face stimuli. As a result, we found highly internal consistency and test-retest reliability for the Japanese version of the congenital⁄hereditary prosopagnosia screening scale. Also we have revealed the score was related to some behavioral performances and ERP responses related to the self-face perception.
武居 渡
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.15, no.2, pp.289-301, 2008 (Released:2009-11-20)

Many linguistic studies reveal that sign language is a fully-grammaticized language, not a pantomimic communication system. This paper reviews the results of investigation for sign language acquisition and examines how sign language studies contribute towards explaining the human capacity for language and the limits of language learning. First, the human capacity of language creation was discussed by reviewing the researches of deaf people with no or inconsistent language input. Second, this paper discussed whether the late language acquisition affects the ability to produce and comprehend a number of syntactic and morphological structures, by assessing sign language abilities of Deaf people who has various language environments. The results showed that the outcome of the sign language was sensitive not about the timing to expose to sign language learning but about the timing of the first language acquisition. Finally, sign language acquisition process in Deaf children was compared to spoken language acquisition process in hearing children. Language modality plays a very minor role in how children acquire language because the developmental course of language is very similar in two modalities. The above teaches us about the nature of human language and cognition.
中村 雅子 上野 直樹
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.15, no.4, pp.627-643, 2008 (Released:2010-04-23)

In this study, authors participated in the process of re-designing an information system for civil activities. From viewpoint of Actor Network Theory, they mainly pointed out two findings. Firstly, designing an information system inevitably includes (re-)designing related social organization and activity itself. Therefore the requirement engineering approach has its limitations, for it implicitly assumes that activities and social organization are out there independently from information systems, user requirements already exist, and they can be obtained out with various methods. Secondly, the subject of the information system design should not be regarded as an isolated individual or a team. It is a fluid network including artifacts and people with various interests. Moreover, these actors sometimes participate in, and withdraw from, the project. A new approach, the network-oriented approach, is required to make a useful information system, which will not cause serious breakdown.
石黒 千晶 岡田 猛
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.20, no.1, pp.90-111, 2013-03-01 (Released:2014-11-20)

The creation of a work of art is indicated to result from expressive awareness,achieved as the artist matches images and methods. This study examined how novices, who tend to produce artistic expressions reproductively, acquire such expressive awareness over several weeks of practice of photography. We conducted case studies with two con-ditions: 1) one participant took photographs and reflected on her own work; 2) one participant imitated eminent works of creative expression in the domain and reflected on her own work. The results showed that the participants acquired expressive aware-ness in both conditions, but the scope of the expressive awareness was different. The participant who practiced only reflection on her own work started to focus on precise methods of expression, while the participant who practiced imitation as well as reflec-tion started to produce creative expressions and tried consciously to control her creative processes. The findings of this study are potentially useful for developing educational practice in art schools.
小池 貴行 犬飼 祥雅 山田 憲政
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.16, no.4, pp.508-522, 2009 (Released:2010-09-10)

The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the action observation changes the learner's leg stiffness, representing mechanical state of global leg spring, during drop jump (DJ) and whether the process to observe the learner's and model's movement is effective method. We used the drop jump as trial movement, since its performance is influenced by the change in leg stiffness. 21 subjects we employed were divided into 3 groups (GPs) according to the observation type-GP1: observation of both the model's and their own DJ; GP2: observation of only the model's DJ; GP3: no observation with rest. The subjects performed DJ pre and post observation. Leg stiffness was estimated using the leg length (240 fps) and vertical ground reaction force (Fz) (2000 Hz) during stance phase and compared between pre- and post-tests in each group. In GP1, kinetic (the leg stiffness and maximum value of Fz) and kinematic (i.e., contact duration and change in leg compression) parameters in posttest were significantly higher and lesser than that in pretest, respectively. The results indicate that the leg stiffness is increased by the action observation and thus the observation procedure is effective to enhance the DJ skill that utilizes the external force. Further, the results suggest that observing learner's own and model's movements is to enhance the effect of action observation.
松田 憲 平岡 斉士 杉森 絵里子 楠見 孝
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.14, no.1, pp.133-154, 2007 (Released:2008-12-15)

We examined effects of repeated exposure of banner advertisement on measure of product's image such as knowledge of, liking for, and purchase intention for products. In Experiment 1, 24 participants were repeatedly presented banners of various trade names with different typicality. Then they were required to judge the trade names with respect to the level of typicality, liking, purchase intention, and recognition using 9-point scale. As results, higher typicality of trade names led to higher levels of recognition, liking, and purchase intention, including false recognitions. Those levels were not, however, likely to increase by repeated exposure. In Experiment 2, repetition frequency of exposure was increased and 79 participants were divided into three segments based on their present interests. The results showed that presenting banners with lower typicality particularly raised liking and purchase intention levels. We discuss the cognitive process that link typicality of trade name to liking and purchase intention.
阿部 慶賀
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.26, no.4, pp.509-515, 2019-12-01 (Released:2020-03-01)

本稿ではBailenson らの研究グループによる,ヴァーチャルリアリティを用いた社会的態度の変容に関する研究を紹介する.Bailenson らは,近年のヘッドマウントディスプレイ (HMD) を用いた没入型のデジタルゲーム環境を用い,さまざまな社会心理学的研究に着手している.近年のデジタルゲームの多くは,プレイヤー自身を代替してゲーム環境内でふるまうアバターを登場させ,他者とコミュニケーションをとれるよう設計されている.この時のアバターは,必ずしもプレイヤーの姿を忠実に模している必要は無く,むしろプレイヤーが望む容姿に設計できるようになっていることが多い.顔つきや体格はもちろんのこと,年齢や性別にかかわる特徴も自由に変更できる. デジタルゲームの環境では容姿が自由自在に変えられる.その一方で,私たちは相手の外見や容姿によって態度を変えてしまうことも知られている.初対面ならだらしない身なりの者よりは,清潔に整えた身なりの者を信用してしまうし,好みの容姿の異性はその内面もポジティブに評価してしまうこともある.Bailenson らの研究グループでは,他者に対して抱く偏見や態度を,VR によって克服する可能性を模索している.普段の自分ではない他者の姿,特に偏見の目を向けていた相手の立場になるようアバターを変更し,文字通り相手の身になって電脳世界の中をふるまい,他者と接触する.こうすることでそれまで抱いていた偏見を克服できるのではないか,という期待のもと,実際に実験を重ねている. 今回紹介するのは,高齢者の立場になってみる実験と,異なる人種の立場になってみる実験である.近年ではVR 開発環境も容易に整いやすくなったが,いざ心理学実験の環境として実装するには配慮すべき点が多数有ることを再確認させられる論文である.そのため,実験環境や手続きに関する記述を詳細に示すことにした.今回紹介する論文はやや時間の経過した論文ではあるが,身体性研究,そして近年本学会でも活発に展開されている「プロジェクション科学」研究においても,これらの知見は実用的な価値を含むものとして一読の価値があろう.
石原 恵子 石原 茂和 長町 三生
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.2, no.3, pp.3_66-3_80, 1995 (Released:2008-10-03)

We describe a 3-D object recognition system from gray-scale images. It uses “subjective contours” as well as luminance edges (physical contours). In this paper, we suppose two kinds of subjective contours based on psychological and physiological findings: (1) Subjective contours that are automatically generated as by-products in the lower level processes of visual system. Alignment and proximity of physical contours and line ends promote generating such contours. The edge detection process involved in this kind of subjective contours are modeled by BCS neural network (Grossberg & Carpenter, 1985) in our system. (2) Subjective contours that represent a hypothesis of segmentation with volumes in the higher level process. The volumes have primitive shapes and they are components of object models. We used geons (Biederman, 1987) for describing object models. Higher level process groups both physical and subjective contours that are detected in the lower level process into the most probable geons, by found features such as line junctions and curvatures of lines. We describe the idea of recognition system that combines lower and higher level processes. We applied it to partially shaded images, arrangement of lines and partly degraded image.
藤井 晴行 中島 秀之
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.17, no.3, pp.403-416, 2010 (Released:2011-03-08)

We try to generate something new by interrogating ourselves on the notion of design science and on the notions derived during designing the design science. At the very beginning of designing, we introduce the notion of designing as an activity of constructing a new system. Then, first, we generate a hypothetical model of such a constructive process as repetitions of the cycles of synthesis (or, generation), analysis, and focusing towards a preferred situation. Second, we analyze the model with reference to processes of making artifacts. Third, on the basis of the analysis, we give ourselves the direction to the sophistication of the model and introduce the variables that should complement the model. We repeat the loop of the first, the second, and the third. As implied above, we design the model of the constructive process and apply the model to our activity of designing the model.
石川 知夏 小林 哲生
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.28, no.4, pp.522-529, 2021-12-01 (Released:2021-12-15)

Given recent evidence that the visual shape of alphabetic characters such as “B” and “K” influences the bouba/kiki effect (Cuskley et al., 2017), it is interesting to rate and analyze the roundness-sharpness of characters in other languages. To address this issue, the present study experimentally rated the roundness-sharpness of Japanese Hiragana characters using Japanese-speaking, Japanese hearing-impaired, and English-speaking adults. The results showed significantly high correlations of roundness-sharpness ratings between all groups of participants, suggesting that in Japanese, character roundness-sharpness ratings are stable regardless of the amount of auditory input in Japanese. Moreover, in order to examine the roundness-sharpness of characters corresponded to nonsense words in previous bouba/kiki experiments, we analyzed the effects of consonants ([m], [n], [r] vs. [k], [t], [s]) and vowels ([u], [o] vs. [i], [e]) on character roundnesssharpness ratings. The participants of all groups showed significantly rounder ratings toward characters that corresponded to round related sounds ([m], [n], [r], [u], [o]) than sharp related sounds ([k], [t], [s], [i], [e]). These findings suggest a correspondence between the visual shape of characters and the visual figures of previous bouba/kiki experiments in terms of roundness-sharpness.
宇野 良子 橋本 康弘 岡 瑞起 李 明喜 荒牧 英治
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.17, no.3, pp.491-498, 2010 (Released:2011-03-08)

In participatory design, not only the designer, but other people such as end users participate in the process of designing to satisfy as many people as possible with the final product. The problem is, however, that interaction among people does not necessarily lead to good results. In our project we aim to make a design that reflects many people's intentions without interaction among them. We use rich text data from the web and computationally analyze the data to extract the intentions of people concerning the design. In this paper, we propose what data to use and how to analyze the data from a cognitive linguistic point of view. The points are that (i) we should use texts which are written spontaneously (such as those found in micro-blogs) and (ii) we should analyze the tense markers and epistemic modalities of the texts to extract intentions. We also introduce in the paper our workshop held at a library in an art university. In this workshop, we have visualized the intentions of students on digital maps.
田中 彰吾
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.26, no.1, pp.140-151, 2019

 In this paper, we explicate the ambiguous role of the body in projection science by focusing on the experiments on bodily illusions. First, we trace back to the original experiment of rubber hand illusion, in which the participants feel illusory touch on the synchronously stroked fake hand as well as the sense of ownership on it. From a phenomenological perspective, we clarify that the rubber hand is incorporated into the inner space of one's own body, and subjectively experienced as located "here" during the illusion. Based on this clarification, we give a new account to the full-body illusion experiments. In the past research, they have been considered as a sort of out-of-body illusion in which one's sense of self-location is transferred outside the physical body toward the virtual body. However, this does not describe the actual experience of the illusion. What the participants experience in fact is the sense of self-location that tacitly extends from the physical body to the virtual body. After reconsidering these bodily illusions, it is suggested that the spatiality of one's own body is not the product of projection but the source to be projected onto the spatiality of objects.
田中 吉史 松本 彩季
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.20, no.1, pp.130-151, 2013-03-01 (Released:2014-11-20)

It is known that naïve viewers have “reality constraints” in art appreciation, namely strong tendency to insist on identifying depicted object and its realistic expression in the artwork. Relaxing the reality constraints might help the naïve viewer to appreciate artworks in more creative way. In this paper we investigated whether reading com-mentary on artwork helps appreciation and what kind of commentary is more effective. Fifty college students without particular art education participated in an experiment. The participants were assigned to one of four conditions. The experiment consisted of two phases: preliminary appreciation phase and main appreciation phase. In the pre-liminary appreciation phase, three groups of participants were presented paintings by Renoir, Matisse and Klee, and made free descriptions on their thoughts on each paint-ing. Along with each of painting, a commentary on objects depicted in the painting was provided to participants in object commentary condition, a commentary on formal and technical aspects of the painting was provided to formal commentary condition, and no commentary was provided no commentary condition. No preliminary appreciation condition skipped the preliminary appreciation phase. After the preliminary apprecia-tion phase, all the participants were presented two paintings by Gogh and Kandinsky without any commentary and made free description. Analysis of free description in main appreciation phase showed that (1) reading commentary activated verbalization during the appreciation, (2) the participants generally focused on what was depicted in the painting, (3) reading commentary on technical aspects was more effective for relaxing reality constraints and deepening the experience of paintings.
小山 義徳
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.18, no.4, pp.559-568, 2011 (Released:2013-04-09)

This study examined relation between English listening, working memory capacity and serial information processing skill. English passages were presented word by word to Japanese university students (N=22) to measure serial information processing skill, and to examine its role in English listening comprehension in relation to working memory capacity. The result of this study showed that even learners with high capacity of working memory perform poorly on listening comprehension test, if they have low serial information processing skill. Working memory capacity measured by the reading span test is not a good predictor of L2 listening comprehension, and found that the participants' serial information processing skill is a possible variable that influences L2 listening comprehension. This study showed the need for continued investigation on L2 listening comprehension from the perspective of serial information processing.
廣田 敦士 市川 淳 早川 博章 西崎 友規子 岡 夏樹
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.26, no.2, pp.231-242, 2019-06-01 (Released:2019-12-01)

Humans and animals prefer immediate reward rather than delayed one. In other words, a future reward is felt discounted. The speed of discounting is expressed with the parameter K, which is called discount rate. Problems related to time discounting often occur in everyday life. For example, if we put up with purchasing a product by impulse, we may succeed in savings as a future reward. On the other hand, if we purchase a product by impulse, we will get a satisfaction and an effect of product as an immediate reward at the expense of a future reward. This study focused on embodied cognition for adjusting discount rate easily and solving problems mentioned above. Our experiment revealed that a high-power posture tended to reduce discount rate, which means that savings will be easier to succeed. This occurred only under condition where the reward is small.
植田 一博
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.24, no.2, pp.220-233, 2016-06-01 (Released:2017-12-01)

This paper describes the outline of research project “Cognitive Interaction Design,”which is conducted as Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas, and ex-plains what we emphasize in analyzing and modeling interaction processes. Especially we discusses the necessity of analyzing and modeling considering temporal elements in interaction such as contingency and mutual adaptation. And we introduce some exam-ples of research that conduct such analysis and modeling as well as discuss our future prospects.
小鷹 研理
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.26, no.4, pp.407-409, 2019-12-01 (Released:2020-03-01)
坊農 真弓 鈴木 紀子 片桐 恭弘
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.11, no.3, pp.214-227, 2004 (Released:2007-04-13)

A series of analyses on the dynamics of participation in face-to-face multi-party conversations were conducted to demonstrate that the centrality of participation in a conversation is correlated with participants' interest in objects discussed as the topics of the conversation. The correlation can be exploited for Social Navigation in real world human interactive situations.Exploitation of behavioral histories of others is an important strategy for effective problem solving. By accumulating a volume of ‘word of mouth’ information, a number of recommendation systems have been developed and deployed on the basis of this idea to facilitate searching on the Web for objects that match with people's personal tastes. Furthermore, recent advance in ubiquitous computing technologies is making it possible to collect the same types of information in real world settings.This paper focuses its attention on the possible cues for Social Navigation which are available from human interactive conversational behaviors. Based on a dynamic transition model of participation roles in conversations, a hypothesis was presented that the more central a role one plays in a conversation, the more highly interested she is in the topic of conversation. The hypothesis was then tested and confirmed through analyses of human interaction behaviors in experimental poster presentation sessions. The analyses revealed that (a) the frequency of interaction with exhibitors was a good indicator of visitors' interest in the corresponding posters, (b) interest in the posters was proportionate with the time visitors spent being directly addressed by exhibitors rather than as side-participants, and (c) addressee-hood of visitors manifested itself in the coordinated production of verbal backchannel responses.These results suggest that interactional cues for conversational participation structures can effectively be utilized as a measure of human interest. Since collection of conversational behavior cues does not incur any additional burden on users, it has a wide application possibilities for Social Navigation in the ubiquitous society.