遠藤 織枝 桜井 隆 陳 力衛 劉 頴 CHEN Liwei LIU Ying

太田 和敬
人間科学研究 (ISSN:03882152)
no.27, pp.65-75, 2005-12-20

The Netherlands was regarded as a country that had succeeded in accepting immigrants because of the Dutch attitude of tolerance, while other European countries were suffering from the problem of minorities. However, in the 21st century, some political assassinations caused a conflict between the immigrants and the native Dutch. The National Security Service and the Ministry of Education investigated the political actions and influences of Islam on Dutch society and schools and published reports in 2002. According to these reports, there exist a few trivial problems, for example, remittances from foreign Islamic organizations to the domestic ones for the construction of mosques and Islamic schools and religious education in the Arabic language. These practices instigated a negative feeling toward Islam. There are two difficulties to resolve immigration questions, restraints of marriage of Islam and confrontation about human rights including problems of abortion and divorce. The Dutch Government has made efforts to integrate newcomers but is considered to have failed because of the high unemployment and crime rates and the low average literacy level of the immigrants. Dutch society requires the restoration of tolerance. This could imply the revival of new polarization although this was denied by the Dutch Government.
千葉 克裕 吉本 啓 横山 悟

日本における英語学習において、初級学習者は L2 英悟の語彙を日本語の翻訳を介して理解しているか、また上級になると直接第2 言語を処理するようになるか、という習熟度の変化にともない第2 言語語彙処理プロセスが変化するかどうかを脳磁図(MEG)を用いて観察した。分析の結果から上級者は単語認知処理において処理速度が速く、また初級者は脳のより多くの部位を使用して意味処理を行っていると判断された。
成田 奈緒子 酒谷 薫 成田 正明 霜田 浩信 霜田 浩信

角田 巖 綾 牧子
人間科学研究 = Bulletin of Human Science (ISSN:03882152)
vol.27, pp.123-134, 2005-01-01

The place of children in the society is historical, social, and cultural. Historically, children have grown up in surroundings such as their homes and schools; however, at thesame time, they have also been isolated from the community.The love of parents for their children gradually deepens; however, parents also begin to control their chil-dren.At present, children are protected because they are considered immature and weak; however, they are alsorespected as independent beings.This duality is integrated into the social framework since children are recognized as growing individuals.In the case of a child who commits a crime, the Juvenile Law attaches importance to his/her welfare and education because a child is a human being who has a future. On the other hand, there is a movement toward making punishments more severe and applying them to juvenile offenders at a younger age.Children are assigned a variety of dualities, but the significance of their place in society increases as aresult of the relative and symbiotic historical development between children and adults.
高田 哲雄 広内 哲夫 平野 雅道 羽倉 弘之 海津 ゆりえ 若林 一平
湘南フォーラム:文教大学湘南総合研究所紀要 = Shonan Forum : Journal of the Shonan Research Institute Bunkyo University (ISSN:18834752)
vol.12, pp.117-137, 2008-03-01

Cultural tourism has become an important phase of the new age tourism. Attractively archiving cultural resources provide cultural tourists with an intellectual and practical guide especially to a performing aspect of the urban and rural culture. This study focuses on the 3D imaging of performing rituals, festivals and lodging accommodations.“Shonan” is mainly the coastal region facing Sagami Bay extending from Kamakura and Enoshima, through Chigasaki and Hiratsuka, to Oiso and Ninomiya. This region has a fine view of Mount Fuji and “Shonan” beach. The Kamakura Shogunate have left a wide variety of historical and cultural heritage in “Shonan” area.Minamoto No Yoshitsune (shortly "Yoshitsune") is the younger brother of Minamoto No Yoritomo who is the founder of the Kamakura Shogunate. But Yoshitsune is a famous tragic general of Japanese samurai. He was named as an “enemy of the Emperor” by the shogunate, and finally betrayed by his patronage and forced to commit suicide “harakiri.”He is enshrined in Shirahata Shrine in Fujisawa.Our research team successfully achieved a challenging 3D image recording of Shirahata Shrine “Kagura.” The chief priests of shrines related to and emerging from the Shinto religious or historical legend perform “Kagura.”Another challenge is VRML technology. We have reconstructed Maita “Honjin” official accommodations for “Daimyo” warriors using VRML stereoscopic technology. Maita “Honjin is official accommodations managed by Maita family in Fujisawa “juku”lodging spot.
井出 晃憲
湘南フォーラム:文教大学湘南総合研究所紀要 = Shonan Forum : Journal of the Shonan Research Institute Bunkyo University (ISSN:18834752)
vol.17, pp.135-152, 2013-02-01

Nanai people are the indigenous minority group who live on the banks of the Amur river. And currently reside both in Russian and China. Sikachi-Alyan is the small village in Russia with the population of 350 people famous as the residence of Nanai people as well as for petroglyphs that are estimated to be as much as 12 000 years old. Many ethnic minorities are dealing with a difficult challenge of maintaining their language, culture and traditional livelihood and Nanai people are no exception. Promotion of the migration by Russians and Han Chinese to the areas along Amur river by Russian and Chinese governments contributed greatly in spreading Russian and Chinese language and culture in the region. Moreover, the explosions at the chemical plant in Jilin province, China, in 2005 severely polluted Amur river that provides livelihood for Sikachi-Alyan causing the government to ban fishing and therefore putting Nanai village on the verge of survival. On the other hand, we can see some tendencies towards legal recognition of the land ownership for indigenous peoples and the recovery of the indigenous languages and culture as it is being promoted by the “United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People” adopted by UN General Assembly in 2007. For many years petroglyphs as the national cultural heritage were under the jurisdiction of the Government of Khabarovsk region however recently its jurisdiction was attributed to the village. Petroglyphs are the cornerstone of the cultural identity of the Nanai people. The NPO Eurasian Club to which the presenter belongs in collaboration with the people of Sikachi-Alyan has launched a project that intends to revitalize the village by turning it into a tourist destination with petroglyphs being the main attraction. For the preservation of the existing petroglyphs we rubbed them in 2008. Rubbing technique is an important method of the documentation of the cultural heritage as it allows faithfully reproduce the original without causing any damage to it. Cultural heritage itself might deteriorate with time, and rubbing technique allows recording it in full-scale at some point of it existence as well as creating the twodimensional copies from three-dimensional original heritage. Currently we are planning on holding the exhibition of rubbings for tourism promotion in Japan and its success greatly relies on the cooperation of the NPO and the village. Finally the theory of group dynamics is adopted to describe this project.
桑原 千明 中本 敬子
教育学部紀要 = Annual Report of The Faculty of Education (ISSN:03882144)
vol.52, no.別集, pp.69-80, 2019-03-01

杉山 富士雄
文教大学国際学部紀要 = Journal of the Faculty of International Studies Bunkyo University (ISSN:09173072)
vol.10, no.1, pp.39-52, 1999-10-01

In South-East Asia, one can see the phenomena at work with the Japanese company's investments accompanying a technological transfer to local workers and managers. Why does a Japanese company invest in this area? How does a Japanese company's manager recruit his staffs? How does he educate and train a lot of workers in the time of his factory beginning to operate? To investigate these problems, I went to South-East Asian countries and had an interview with managing-directors of a Japanese company.\n 1980年代後半からの急速な円高を契機として、日本企業は生産拠点を東南アジアに移転し、グローバルな経営展開で、生産技術及び日本的な生産管理方式を現地に定着させる努力をしてきた。しかし、日本で開発された技術や生産方式を東南アジアに移転するためには、これまで様々な阻害要因に直面しなければならなかった。そして今後は、現地の経済成長にともない新たなボトル・ネックに直面することが予想される。そのような中で、より一層現地サイドの希望するような技術移転を進めるためには、現地社会との共生をめざした経営の現地化・ローカライゼーションがこれまで以上に必要とされる。 そこで、日本企業が何故当該地域に進出したのか、現地でどのように人材を募集し、どのような方法で育成しているのか、また技術移転をどのように開始し、どのくらいのレベルまで推進してきたのか、企業内で生産管理および品質管理を行うために、どのような訓練および人材育成をしているのか、経営の現地化をどのように実施しているか、現在どのような阻害要因に直面して技術移転が進まなくなっているのか、今後技術移転を進めるうえでの課題は何か、というような問題点を考察するために、東南アジアに生産拠点を持ち、ほとんどの製品をシンガポール経由で世界市場に輸出するT社の事例研究を行った。 T社は、マレーシアのマラッカやインドネシアのバタム島に工場を持ち、シンガポールのオフィスを資材調達の拠点とするパソコン周辺機器メーカーである。それは、現在の東南アジアの経済成長を支える輸出志向型産業の典型である。T社の個別事例研究を取り上げることで、アジアに進出する日本の多国籍企業に対する、現地政府の外資優遇措置やインフラ整備策、親会社のアジア経営戦略、さらには日本的経営の現地での定着可能性などを特徴的に解明する糸口になると思われる。 筆者は、1999年3月にシンガポール、マラッカ、バタムの現地調査に赴き、3か国それぞれのT社現地法人社長にインタビューを行った。以下の内容は、それを基に筆者が論文として体裁を整えたものである。なお、本研究は、日本私立学校振興・共済事業団の学術振興研究資金助成を受けて行われた。
八田 洋子
文学部紀要 = Bulletin of The Faculty of Language and Literature (ISSN:09145729)
vol.14, no.2, pp.57-82, 2001-01-01

川崎 衿子
教育学部紀要 = Annual Report of The Faculty of Education (ISSN:03882144)
vol.38, pp.27-36, 2004-12-01

Isaku Nishimura(1884~1963)is well-known as founder of a high school and college named "Bunka Gakuin" in Tokyo and as an architect dvocating new idealism on houses in the early 1900's. He was born in Shingu,Wakayama and raised by an eager Christian family.\nHe introduced western houses in order to innovate the old Japanese style in housing.He insisted that the living room be the most important room in a house. In addition he tried to adapt the Western way of sitting on chairs, sleeping on beds and eating in the manner of westerners. He especially evaluated American bungalows that had a living room planned in the center of the house. He established Nishimura Architects Office in Kobe and Tokyo in 1921.\nAt the same time Akio Senoo(1891~1962)who was a translator of English novels and also known as a mystery story writer admired western houses and western life-style.Senoo received recognition for his psychological description of the protagonist. In his works we can find fantastic and illusional atmosphere which depended on using lots of words to describe the architecture, a part of a building or elements of interior design with technical knowledge. Senoo ordered Nishimura to design and construct his house in 1931. The Senoo Residence completed the next year in Kawasaki-shi was a typical bungalow. That was a great example showing Nishimura's accomplishment as seen in the history, of Japanese houses.\nThis study illustrates how the common attitude and spirit of embracing Western lifestyle by Nishimura and Senoo was approved through their works.
森 恭子
生活科学研究 = Bulletin of Living Science (ISSN:02852454)
vol.35, pp.151-161, 2013-03-01

日本は2010年より第三国定住を試験的に開始した。しかし、すでにインドシナ難民以外の新たな難民/申請者が長期間滞在しており、その社会的支援は制限されている。彼らは政府の十分な支援がなく、日本の地域社会とどのように関わりながら、「サバイバル」しているのだろうか。 本小論では、難民/申請者の日本の地域社会との関係について焦点を絞り、近年の難民に関する調査報告、定期刊行物、報道、筆者の経験等の断片的な情報や知識をつなぎ合わせ、そこから垣間見る様相を描くことを目的とし、今後のフィールド調査への足掛かりとするものである。同時に、ソーシャル・キャピタル(社会関係資本)を重視することを踏まえ、社会統合を意図した支援に向けて若干の示唆を与えた。難民/申請者は地域社会の中で孤立しており、社会資源からも排除されていること、しかし一方で、地域住民からの支援を得たり、東日本大震災を通して日本の一員として貢献したい意欲などもみられる。政府が現在進めている生活支援戦略における中間的就労や社会的孤立の予防を視野にいれた地域福祉施策の中で、その対象範囲を難民/申請者にも広げ、メインの支援体制の中に組み入れていくことが必要である。そこでは地域福祉推進の主たる担い手である社会福祉協議会や民生委員等の積極的な介入が期待される。 \n The Japanese government introduced its third-country resettlement pilot project in 2010 in trial basis. New types of refugees and asylum seekers except Indo-Chinese refugees, however, have lived in Japan for long time and there has been a limitation of social support. How they have survived in local Japanese community without sufficient supports by the government? This short paper focused on the relationship between refugee/asylum seekers and local Japanese community and aimed to draw a sketch of life situation through fragmental information of research reports, periodical documents, the press regarding refugees/asylum seekers and author's experiences in order to gain a footing a field research of them in future. Also, the paper made some suggestion for support intended to promote social integration, based on the importance of social capital. Their social isolation in local community and social exclusion from social resources were brought out and it was founded that some of them were supported by local Japanese residents and had feelings of contribution to Japanese society as one of members composed in this society through the experiences of the Great East Japan Earthquake. It could be necessary to incorporate refugees/asylum seekers' support into the mainstream welfare support system including the internship program for finding employment under the strategies of life support which the government just started currently, and the prevention of social isolation under the community care system. The intervention in refugee/asylum seekers' support by the Councils of Social Welfare and Welfare volunteers , who are main leaders to promote community care, would be expected strongly.
樋口 靖
文学部紀要 = Bulletin of the Faculty of Language and Literature (ISSN:09145729)
vol.11, no.1, pp.1-14, 1997-10-01
