望月 公廣 山下 裕亮 Savage Martha Warren-Smith Emily Jacobs Katie Wallace Laura
JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020

The Pacific Plate subducts beneath the Australian Plate at a rate of ~5 cm/year along the northern Hikurangi trough off the North Island, New Zealand, and the seismic activity is very high. In addition to regular earthquakes, slow earthquakes including slow slip events (SSEs) and tremor have been observed offshore on the shallow plate interface. SSEs are relatively frequent in the northern part of the Hikurangi subduction margin, occurring every 1-2 years. Therefore, this frequent, repeating occurrence offers an excellent chance to capture accompanying seismicity as well as the SSE itself using temporary deployments of ocean bottom instruments directly overlying the shallow (<10 km) SSE source.We conducted an international collaborative observation from May, 2014, through June, 2015, using 15 ocean bottom seismometers (OBSs) and 24 ocean bottom pressure gauges (OBPs). We were successful in capturing an SSE directly beneath the network, and obtained a precise slip distribution of the event. The slip reached near the trough axis, and that the slip was reduced in the area of subducted seamounts. The tremor activity initiated near the end of the SSE and it lasted for more than two weeks, within a limited region over one of the subducted seamounts. Stress inversions from focal mechanisms of earthquakes during the SSE cycle revealed temporal variations in stress orientations suggestive of an increase in pore fluid pressure within the slab and along the plate interface during the period prior to SSEs in the area, and a subsequent reduction of pore fluid pressure following SSEs. Furthermore, variations of shear wave splitting delay times and Vp/Vs suggested that filling and emptying of cracks and pore spaces accompanied the fluid pressure changes. These observations of long-lasting tremor activity and temporal variation of focal mechanisms and cracks in tandem with the occurrence of SSEs suggest a potential role of fault-valving in the generation of slow earthquakes.We conducted another temporary OBS deployment from Oct. 2018 through Oct. 2019 using 5 OBSs in the same region of the 2014-2015 observation spanning the subducted seamount where we recorded offshore tremor activity previously. A large SSE occurred during the observation period in April-May 2019 around our OBS network, and we were successful in capturing seismic activity accompanying the SSE. The seismicity increased around the start of the SSE and continued throughout the event. Some of the activity shows a large low frequency component, and it is likely that tremors were activated. We are conducting further investigations.
山下 太 福山 英一 下田 晃嘉 渡辺 俊
JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020

National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience (NIED) has been conducting friction experiments with meter-scale rock specimens using a large-scale shaking table. We have presented a result that the work rate at which the meter-scale rock friction starts to decrease is one order of magnitude smaller work rate than that of the centimeter-scale one (Yamashita et al., 2015, Nature). Mechanical, visual and material observations suggested that the difference of frictional properties between centimeter and meter scale is caused by slip-evolved heterogeneous stress concentration on gouge bumps generated with the frictional slip. We confirmed that numerical simulation based on the observations is fully consistent with the experimental results. However, it should be noted that the natural fault zone generally involves gouge layer in it. Therefore, it is crucial to investigate which the scale dependence of frictional property can be seen or not under such a condition. To answer this question, we conducted meter-scale gouge friction experiments using the large-scale shaking table. We used metagabbro blocks from India as driver blocks. The contacting area was 1.5 m long and 0.1 m wide. As the simulated gouge, we ground metagabbro blocks by the jet mill, so that the average diameter of the gouge particle is approximately 10 μm and the maximum diameter of that is less than 200 μm. We roughened the fault surface by sandblasting after polishing the surface so that the fault surface can grip the gouge particles. We distributed the simulated gouge with a thickness of 3 mm on the fault and then sheared at a constant or step-change velocity after applying normal stress up to 6.7 MPa at maximum. We will present basic experimental results at the meeting.
福山 英一 山下 太 徐 世慶 溝口 一生 滝沢 茂 川方 裕則
JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020

We have been conducting meter-scale rock friction experiments using the large-scale shaking table at NIED since 2012. We have completed 5 series of experiments, each of which included about 20 experiments. One of the purposes of these experiments was to investigate the spatial scaling of the friction since the friction laws we use today were derived from centimeter-scale experiments. Another purpose was to monitor rupture evolution and local stress field using near-fault high-resolution measurements. In this talk, we will showcase some key results derived from our rock friction experiments.Regarding the spatial scaling of friction, we recognized that the local frictional strength was not uniform on the fault and its spatial variation had a significant impact to the macroscopic frictional strength (Yamashita et al., 2015). In addition, the scaling behavior seems different between rock-on rock friction and that with a gouge layer. In the rock-on-rock case, gouge generation changes the strength in space. But if the gouge layer already exists, strength depends on the rearrangements of the gouge particles (Yamashita et al., 2018).Regarding rupture evolution on laboratory fault, we pointed out a previously overlooked difficulty in direct measuring the two-dimensional (2D) evolution of the rupture front. Under very special condition, we could overcome this difficulty by installing 2D strain gauge arrays inside the rock sample. We found that the free surface effects at both edges of the fault had a significant effect on rupture nucleation (Fukuyama et al., 2018). In addition, the strain behavior close to the fault edge might not be the same as that on the fault, even if the sensors were installed within 10 mm away from the fault. Using numerical simulations, we could reproduce the observed strain data by extrapolating a simple friction behavior on the fault surface, suggesting that the way of deriving the friction law needs to be revised (Xu et al., 2019).We also discovered some interesting fault behaviors during our experiments. By changing loading rate or fault surface condition, we could frequently reproduce super shear rupture events in the laboratory, which were thought to be rare in nature. By investigating the cohesive zone length of the rupture front in the supershear regime, we showed that the experimental results could reach a good match with one of the theoretical predictions Fukuyama et al. (2017). Moreover, we observed slow slip events with supersonic propagation velocity during some experiments (Fukuyama et al., 2019), whose interpretation is still underway.The above results bridge the gap between the traditional small-scale lab experiments and the field observations, and can be useful for improving our understandings of fault rheology and earthquake physics.
上田 美帆 髙岡 一樹 野阪 泰弘 吉竹 賢祐 岸本 裕充
公益社団法人 日本口腔インプラント学会
日本口腔インプラント学会誌 (ISSN:09146695)
vol.30, no.1, pp.12-17, 2017-03-31 (Released:2017-04-20)

The displacement of dental implants into the maxillary sinus is a common complication of maxillary implant surgery, and it is therefore important to investigate how such displacements occur and methods for removing the implants. We describe 11 cases in which dental implants were accidentally displaced into the maxillary sinus from 2005 to 2015. All cases were referred to our clinic from private dental clinics. Five males and 6 females, whose ages ranged from 32 to 81 years, participated in the study. The implants were parallel in design in eight cases, and tapered in design in three cases. In seven of the 11 cases, the implant had been placed in combination with a socket lift in the maxilla. Bone height at the displaced implant sites was 3.6±1.7 mm as measured by computed tomography. One dental implant was displaced into the maxillary sinus during implant placement. In three cases, the implants were displaced into the maxillary sinus in the post-first stage surgery period, and in four cases, during the second stage surgery. Two cases were sleeping implants. In one case, displacement occurred while the implant was being extracted because of peri-implantitis. Removal of implants from the maxillary sinus was achieved using three different approaches: access through the bone crestal defect in two cases, fenestration of the anterior wall of the maxillary sinus in seven cases, and endoscopic sinus surgery in one case. Fenestration of the anterior wall of the maxillary sinus is most commonly used because it is a simple technique that allows good surgical access. Endoscopic sinus surgery is the preferred choice for patients with chronic sinusitis. A crestal approach should only be used when a large defect is present on the alveolar ridge. Displaced dental implants in the maxillary sinus should be removed as soon as possible to avoid the development of maxillary sinusitis. Careful clinical and radiographic evaluation and appropriate treatment planning should take place before removal is undertaken.
蒔苗 直道

阿部 宏行
美術教育学:美術科教育学会誌 (ISSN:0917771X)
vol.36, pp.1-12, 2015-03-20 (Released:2017-06-12)

木下 佳子 井上 智子
日本クリティカルケア看護学会誌 (ISSN:18808913)
vol.2, no.2, pp.35-44, 2006 (Released:2015-05-19)
4 3

[研究目的] ICU から退院した人々の生活に,ICU 入室中の体験がどのような影響をもたらしているのかを明らかにし,社会生活へ適応するための看護支援を検討する.[研究方法] 対象:ICU に 4 日以上滞在し,退院後 1 年以上経過した 25 名.データ収集方法:「ICU 入室中の体験」と「ICU 入室中の体験がもたらす現在の影響」について半構成的面接を行った.分析方法:ナラティブ・アナリシスの手法を用いる.[結果] ICU 入室中の体験を現実的な体験ととらえた記憶が鮮明な対象者と記憶が不鮮明な対象者に分類された.前者は,ICU 体験の影響はなかった.後者の非現実的な体験や記憶消失をした対象者は,真実を確認する作業やその体験に対する理由づけという努力を行い,その成否により,非現実的な体験によるとらわれや混乱,記憶消失によるとまどいを起こしていた.また,非現実的な映像や音が残存し再現している人もいた.[考察] ICU での非現実的な体験の予防,体験の語りを促す,記憶の再構築のための情報提供など,その体験を乗り越える努力とそれを支える家族の支援,さらに,退院後の支援体制確立の必要性が示唆された.
門脇 敬 阿部 浩明 辻本 直秀
理学療法学 (ISSN:02893770)
pp.11461, (Released:2018-11-15)

【目的】片麻痺を呈した2 症例に対し,下肢装具を用いて倒立振子モデルの形成をめざした歩行練習を施行し,歩行能力と歩容の改善を認めたため報告する。【対象と方法】麻痺側下肢の支持性が低下し歩行が全介助であった重度片麻痺例に対し,足部に可動性を有す長下肢装具(以下,KAFO)を用いて前型歩行練習を施行した。また,無装具で独歩可能だが歩容異常を呈した生活期片麻痺例に対し,あえて下肢装具を用いて歩行練習を実施した。【結果】重度片麻痺例は下肢の支持性が向上し,倒立振子を形成した歩容での歩行を獲得した。生活期片麻痺例においても歩行能力と歩容が改善した。【結論】重度片麻痺例に対するKAFO を用いた前型歩行練習は,下肢の支持性を向上させ,より高い歩行能力を獲得することに貢献できる可能性がある。また,無装具でも歩行可能な片麻痺例の歩行能力や歩容の改善においても下肢装具を用いて倒立振子を再現する歩行練習を応用できる可能性があると思われた。
藤本 智子 井上 梨紗子 横関 博雄 伊東 慶子 大嶋 雄一郎 柳下 武士 玉田 康彦
公益社団法人 日本皮膚科学会
日本皮膚科学会雑誌 (ISSN:0021499X)
vol.123, no.3, pp.281-289, 2013-03-20 (Released:2014-10-30)

原発性手掌多汗症の中等症から重症(発汗量≧0.5 mg/cm2/min)の患者90例を対象に,20%塩化アルミニウム液・50%塩化アルミニウム液・プラセボの3群に無作為割付し,1日1~2回8週間の単純塗布を二重盲検下で行った.評価項目として発汗量・HDSS(Hyperhidrosis disease severity scale)・DLQI(Dermatology life quality index)を用い他覚的,自覚的な症状改善度を測定し治療経過中に診察と患者日誌を用いて副作用を集計した.結果85例がプロトコールを終了し,塩化アルミニウム液の外用群では濃度依存性に8週間後の発汗量の減少を認め,群間比較では治療8週間後の50%濃度群がプラセボ群と比較して統計学的に有意な(p<0.05)発汗量減少を認めた.患者の自覚症状であるHDSS,DLQIについては塩化アルミニウム液の外用群は2週間後から有意な(p<0.001)改善を認めたが,プラセボ群もHDSSでは4週間後から改善を認め(p<0.05),DLQIでは2週間後から有意な改善を認めた(p<0.01).以上の結果から原発性手掌多汗症に対する塩化アルミニウム液の外用療法の有効性を認めた.副作用として外用部位への刺激皮膚炎が濃度依存性に認められ,外用方法の指導と基剤の検討が今後必要であると考えた.一方塩化アルミニウムの血中濃度の上昇はみられず,体内への移行性は認めなかった.
加藤 百一 中尾 俊幸 牛島 十郎 島田 豊明 志垣 邦雄 萱島 昭二 久野 耕作
公益財団法人 日本醸造協会
日本釀造協會雜誌 (ISSN:0369416X)
vol.52, no.12, pp.983-975, 1957 (Released:2011-11-04)

焼酎醪を蒸溜するさい, 分溜液の成分は初溜から後溜に到るまで逐次変化するが, このことに関しては山田, 勝田, 野白等の既往文献があり, 又ブランデーについては加賀美の報告がある。併しこれ等は何れも実験室的業績で, 旧式焼酎の製造工場における蒸溜の場合と必ず一致するものとは考えられない。かかる意味も含めて, 今回筆者等は昭和31年10-11月に醪取焼酎, 更に同32年5-6月に粕取焼酎の実地指導を行つた機会を利用して, 熊本局管内の9工場において分割蒸溜試験を行い, 各分溜液の一定量を分取して, これらの化学的成分の変化ならびに品質等について比較観察した。
牧野 広樹
人間・環境学 (ISSN:09182829)
vol.27, pp.115-126, 2018

本稿では, フリッツ・イェーデの『青年運動か, それとも青年の育成か』(1917年)における指導者像を, 彼の教育観に影響を与えたルソーの消極教育(Negative Erziehung)における指導者像や, 20世紀初頭におけるドイツの改革教育を代表するグスタフ・ヴィネケンの指導者像と照らし合わせつつ明らかにする. フリッツ・イェーデの指導者像は, いわば「導かない指導者」ともいえる, 語義矛盾を含んだ指導者像であり, 指導者が青年を導くのではなく, 両者が対等に向き合って互いに関係性を形作るという共同体モデルを起点として考え出されたものであった.Das Wort „Führer" lässt auch heute noch an Adolf Hitler, der als charismatischer Diktator das Dritte Reich beherrschte, denken. Nach einem für das 20. Jahrehundert typischen Führerbegriff führt er mit Charisma und heldischem Wesen die Menschen an. Eine solche Auffassung herrschte im Laufe des 20. Jahrhunderts nicht nur in Deutschland, sondern auch in anderen Nationen oder Regionen weltweit vor. Fritz Jöde jedoch, einer der Vertreter der Jugendmusikbewegung, hatte andere als die damals typischen Ansichten zum Führerbegriff. Die vorliegende Abhandlung greift Jödes Führerbegriff und, im Zusmmenhang damit, seinen Gemeinschaftsgedanken auf und zeigt im Vergleich mit Gustav Wyneken, der Jödes Erziehungsgedanken beeinflusste und zugleich einen typischen Führerbegriff vertrat, die Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede im Denken Wynekens und Jödes auf. Unter einem „Führer" wird im Allgemeinen jemand verstanden, der aus seinem ausgeprägten Führerwillen heraus im Zentrum einer Gemeinschaft steht und ihre Mitglieder anführt. Jöde andererseits hat das Idealbild des Führers ohne Führerwillen konzipiert. Der ideale Führer ist demnach nicht der Mensch, welcher der Jugend irgendeine Richtung weist, sondern derjenige, der im Verkehr mit der Jugend sich selbst sucht und ihr als Vorbild der Selbstwerdung dient. Nach Jödes Ansicht ist es genug, dass der Führer der Jugend eine Methode zur Selbsterziehung vermittelt, denn für ihn bedeutet Erziehung nicht, dass die Jugend den Anweisungen des Führers folgt, oder dass er sie über programmatische Inhalte wie etwa parteipolitisches Programm belehrt.
齋藤 昭彦
The Society of Physical Therapy Science
理学療法科学 (ISSN:13411667)
vol.15, no.3, pp.117-123, 2000 (Released:2007-03-29)

松本 ますみ
Japan Association for Middle East Studies (JAMES)
日本中東学会年報 (ISSN:09137858)
vol.21, no.1, pp.147-171, 2005-09-30 (Released:2018-03-30)


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