今澤 浩二
一般社団法人 日本オリエント学会
オリエント (ISSN:00305219)
vol.56, no.2, pp.65-82, 2014-03-31 (Released:2017-04-03)

This paper attempts to examine the development of the vizierate in the Early Ottoman Empire, through analyzing the origins, careers and activities of the viziers of the period. Initially, the Ottoman vizierate comprised a single individual, but the number seems to have increased during the reigns of Murad I and Yildirim Bayazid. During the earlier period, the vizier had power over both administrative and military affairs. However, it is likely that after the number of viziers increased, the second and third viziers of the military class took charge of military affairs, the military authority held by the Grand Vizier of the ulema class gradually becoming diminished until the title was merely nominal. Although the Grand Viziership was thought to have been held exclusively by the ulema class, this paper makes it clear that individuals from the Turkish military class held the office for an extended period during the reigns of Mehmed I and Murad II. During the reign of Murad II, palace slaves (kuls) assumed the offices of second or third vizier, a few of them concurrently holding the post of Rumeli Beylerbeyi. Owing to the severe and continuous struggle between viziers of kul and ulema backgrounds during this period, viziers other than Grand Viziers changed frequently. Although the limitation of this era is reflected in the fact that the kul viziers could not advance to the Grand Viziership, Fatih Mehmed, who had succeeded to the throne for a time during this period, must have realized the effectiveness of having kul viziers. Thus, after the conquest of Constantinople, he strengthened his position as absolute monarch by appointing kul viziers, such as Zaganos and Mahmud Pashas, to the Grand Viziership. From this standpoint, the reign of Murad II was a quite important era, paving the way for the coming age.
吉村 高男
物理教育 (ISSN:03856992)
vol.51, no.4, pp.250-255, 2003-12-20 (Released:2017-02-10)

横手 一彦

終了ページ : 304
山本 勇次
国際研究論叢 : 大阪国際大学紀要 (ISSN:09153586)
vol.26, no.2, pp.73-84, 2013-01-31

日本人の危機管理意識の脆弱さは、元内閣安全保障室長の佐々淳行氏によって、日本列島の地理的条件、外的緊張と、その反動としての弛緩とを繰り返す歴史的条件、それに「熱しやすく冷めやすい、忘れっぽい淡白な」国民性に理由付けられている。それに対して、井沢元彦氏は、「マイナス予測によるコトダマ反作用の法則」との視点から説いている。またこの問題は、日本人の「転向」研究から丸山正雄や橋川文三は、神道的裸身に外来思想を「着せ替え人形」のごとく着たり脱いだりする日本人の「理論信仰」と「実感信仰」との乖離的共存性からも説明されるであろう。筆者は、マーチとサイモンが言う「認知的合理性の限界」という視点から、この問題を論考してみたい。即ち、日本人は科学的実証で説明不能な現象には感覚的実証ですましてしまうところがある。この日本人の感覚的実証性の底には、神道的な「神頼み」のひとりよがりが流れている。だから日本人は、悪い予測を論じあって周囲の不安を煽るよりも楽観的・希望的観測に賭けて嵐の通り過ぎるのを待とうとする習性が古代から続いている。昨今の「竹島」や「尖閣列島」をめぐる領土問題にしても、日本人の対応は、危機管理意識の脆弱さ、あてのない楽観主義が見え隠れしている。 Japanese weakness in crisis management consciousness has already explained by Atsuyuki Sasa, former Chief of the Cabinet Security Council, as part of the Japanese national character. Motohiko Izawa also clarified this weakness in terms of the law of reaction of the spirit of language (kotodama) to a negative prediction. This problem was also attributed by Masao Maruyama and Bunzo Hashikawa to a crippling of theoretical faith and real faith. In this paper I would like to explain Japanese weakness in crisis management consciousness by means of March and Simon's "limits of cognitive rationality." The Japanese tend to depend upon a sensual positivism whenever a scientific positivism is incapable of elucidating a phenomenon. At the bottom of this sensual positivism there seems an individualistic trust in spiritual beings as shown in Shinto belief. This is why the Japanese are inclined to wait for typhoons to go away instead of ringing alarm bells by stating annoying opinions on the issue to the public.
出口 泰靖
社会学評論 (ISSN:00215414)
vol.63, no.3, pp.452-464, 2012-12-31 (Released:2014-02-10)
西村 公宏
ランドスケープ研究 : 日本造園学会誌 : journal of the Japanese Institute of Landscape Architecture (ISSN:13408984)
vol.60, no.5, pp.431-436, 1997-03-28
1 1

三神 憲一 溝畑 潤 道上 静香
滋賀大学経済学部研究年報 (ISSN:13411608)
vol.17, pp.17-32, 2010

Just around 40 years ago, Jim Greenwood, who were a professor of Loughborough University and successively served as a captain for the National Scottish Rugby Team, was invited by Tsukuba University toteach as a visiting professor. In his report titled "Japanese Rugby in the Flesh," he harshly criticizes the training methods of Japanese university rugby teams as well as their lack of training equipment and facilities whencompared to world-class rugby teams. His stark criticism was also due to the major culture shock he experienced concerning the Japanese concept of group mentality, in which group interests must always come beforethe individual. Roughly 20 years later, Michael Patton was invited to serve as a special coach for the Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Nagasaki Rugby Team. Back in the nineties, Patton was active on the internationalstage, as both a top professional rugby player and coach. Compared to Greenwood's work, which mostly involved examining university rugby teams based in the Kanto area (central Japan), Patton's analysisis primarily based on his experiences with high school rugby teams located in the regional area of Nagasaki in Kyushu (western Japan). Patton stresses the urgency of creating distinctive coaching manuals for eachgrade level. He keenly observes that the traditional sport of rugby has been ineffectively remade in Japan as can be seen in its: (1) training methods, which are based on group mentality, (2) lack of matches played bythe team and (3) lack of equal opportunities afforded to each player. As this Japanese version of rugby continuesto prevail, Patton urges both coaches and players to return to the basics and reconsider the quintessenceof team sports (including rugby), which should ultimately be fun, enjoyable and interesting for everyone involved.
安倍 淳吉
社会学評論 (ISSN:00215414)
vol.7, no.3, pp.2-21, 1957-07-15

In case we understand the life space in social behavior, it is necessary for us not only to grasp it non-historically, that is, field-theoretically, functionally and situationally but also to comprehend the historical context of the factors functioning in each situation. By what is called a historical approach is meant the grasp of the necessity which exists between situations. Hence, a situational approach can bear out the structural complex of the factors which is inherent in a given situation, and thus it clarifies the specific and concrete meaning of a certain situation by taking into account the interrelationship of person, society, and culture, and enables us to predict its future behavior pattern. <BR>On the other hand, the historical approach presupposes to functionally understand more than two situations. In this sense, these two approaches depend on each other and require the contemporaneousness of each approach so as to make it productive. In the socio-psychological study of delinquency, it is almost impossible to attribute the state of subjective or objective readiness working in delinquent behavior to one specific situation. Only by referring to the other situations which are related to this particular one, it is possible to define the peculiarity of that situation and its life-historical and social-historical implications. And this will in turn lead to a prediction of its future situational pattern.<BR>Moreover, as far as social psychology is concerned, a historical approach does not necessarily mean a macro-level-approach. In social psychology, it is essential to pay attention to a tri-dimensional balanced structure of person, society and culture when each particular situation is historically analyzed. <BR>From this viewpoint, due consideration must be given to a median-level-approach. In other words, in the social-psychological study of delinquents, we are required to make clear, first of all, the social structure of a community or reform school, in which they live day in day out, and at the same time to elucidate the circular connections of delinquent field, correction field, and delinquent or non-delinquent field throughout their lives. <BR>In this manner, the median-level-approach must be said to be the nucleus of the study. Nonetheless, it has to be backed up by a microscopic approach on, one hand, and, on the other, by a macroscopic one. <BR>It must also be added that we understand a historical type of delinquent behavior not by an ideal type but by a realistic and conditionally developmental type.
和田 一実
公益財団法人 日本学術協力財団
学術の動向 (ISSN:13423363)
vol.19, no.12, pp.12_18-12_25, 2014-12-01 (Released:2015-04-03)
坂田 亮一 岡谷 友三 アレシヤンドレ
麻布大学雑誌 (ISSN:13465880)
vol.17, pp.125-128, 2008

本実験では,蒸し加熱で試作したソフトソーセージの破断特性および微生物学的品質を調べた。最大荷重,破断荷重,破断応力,破断歪率,破断エネルギーのすべてにおいて,調理当日の試料の値が低く,冷蔵試料,凍結試料の順で値が上昇し硬くなることが分かった。また,当日試料はほぼ平坦な波形を示し,冷蔵試料,冷凍試料は破断後,上昇したり,下降したりする波形を示した。当日試料に比べて冷蔵試料,凍結試料が硬くなったのは,冷蔵,凍結のせいではなく,蒸し加熱と重曹によってケーキの様に膨らんだ生地が真空包装によって締まったからだと思われる。また,調理当日測定のソフトソーセージはつみれ(いわし,ほっけなどを原料)と非常に類似した破断特性を示した。 微生物学的品質では,大腸菌群,黄色ブドウ球菌,サルモネラは検出されず,生菌数も指導基準の菌数限度を大きく下回る値となった。これは80℃で30分間の加熱処理によるものと考えられる。Soft sausages prepared by steam-cooking were investigated to measure their rheological nical properties and microbial quality. Maximal force, breaking strain and other property values are lower in the fresh soft sausage but were found to increase with refrigeration and freezing. The fresh sausage showed a flat wave pattern, but those of the refrigerated and frozen samples rose and fell, which caused hard structure in the sausage. The fresh soft sausage showed to have similar rheological properties to tsumire (fish meatball). With regard to microbial quality, E. coli, Staphylococcus aureas and Salmonella were not detected, and the aerobic bacterial counts were observed to be below the standard guideline level in Japan. This seems to be the effect of steam-heating at 80 ℃ for 30 min.
枝広 あや子 渡邊 裕 平野 浩彦 古屋 純一 中島 純子 田村 文誉 北川 昇 堀 一浩 原 哲也 吉川 峰加 西 恭宏 永尾 寛 服部 佳功 市川 哲雄 櫻井 薫
一般社団法人 日本老年歯科医学会
老年歯科医学 (ISSN:09143866)
vol.30, no.1, pp.3-11, 2015-07-10 (Released:2016-12-02)

本文は,増加する認知症患者の背景と現状を鑑み,認知症患者に対する歯科口腔保健・歯科医療のあり方に関して整理を行い,現時点での日本老年歯科医学会の立場を表すものである。 日本老年歯科医学会は,高齢化が進むわが国で,高齢者歯科医療のあり方について積極的に取り組んできた。しかし,認知症患者に対する歯科口腔保健・歯科医療に対する取り組みは十分とはいえない。 近年,地域包括ケアがわが国の施策の中で重要なミッションの一つになっており,その中で“QOLの維持・向上”に対して歯科が大きな役割を果たす必要がある。そのためには,原因疾患や神経心理学的症状を理解し,病態の進行を的確に予測した継続的な支援計画と歯科治療計画を検討し,柔軟な対応を行うことが必要である。 本文で指摘した認知症発症と口腔との関係,認知症初期段階での早期発見への関わりの整備,歯科医療の意思決定プロセスの整備,歯科治療・口腔機能の管理などの指針の作成を科学的根拠のもとに進め,他の医療,介護・福祉関係者だけでなく,国民に十分な理解を得て,認知症患者の歯科的対応と歯科治療を充実させ,認知症患者のQOLの維持と尊厳保持を進めていくことが日本老年歯科医学会の使命と考える。そのために,日本老年歯科医学会は,日本老年学会,歯科関連学会と協働し,学際的および多職種と連携して認知症の諸問題の解決に取り組み,正しく必要な情報を社会に発信していく決意をここに示す。
陸地測量部 編
vol.附図, 1922