羅 京洙

制度:新 ; 報告番号:甲2986号 ; 学位の種類:博士(学術) ; 授与年月日:2010/1/25 ; 早大学位記番号:新5237
前川 理子
東京大学宗教学年報 (ISSN:2896400)
vol.13, pp.107-121, 1996-03-30

This paper examines the philosophy of "Zen-sei", which H.Noguchi (1911~1976) a founder of the "Seitai Kyokai" association developed in his body work practices, with an emphasis on its central concept of "Inochi" meaning "life". "Inochi", however, does not simply mean a biological continuity, but conveys a source of wisdom : moral, intellectual, and biological. Noguchi stresses the self-adjusting, self-sufficient, reflexive nature of "Inochi" both biologically and intellectually. The entity does not only have a natural self-healing power within itself, but also has the intelligence that knows and tells us what to do. The aim of Noguchi's body work is to calm ourselves in order to hear the voice of ultimate wisdom of "Inochi" coming from inside. "Inochi" is thus regarded as an irreducible principle of living that guides us biologically and mentally simply by virtue of its teleological instinct. Noguchi defined an ideal life as embodied in the philosophy of "Zen-sei" to be free from all socially-given moral obligations, but still maintaining naturally the harmonious relations with society. What induced him to teach body work was his frustrated observation of oppressed and thus non-functional people who simply did not use their inherent abilities that derive from "Inochi". Shrunk under the weight of moral duties and the increasing number of scientific discourses related to self-discipline deployed in modernizing Japan held sway over people. He pays special attention to popularized medical discourse and also to a physical education in schools that invite our psycho-physical improvement for constructing an unbending body and mind. He claims that exercising the practices they espouse indeed leads to disastrous effects that actually diminish our autonomous potentials, since those practices undermine the work of "Inochi", and suppress natural bodily functions. Noguchi's motive of "Inochi" derived from such insights on the surroundings of our body and mind, and his efforts were directed for avoiding the force of this contradiction. For a socio-cultural study of body-mind practices, we must remember that our bodies emerge in different kinds of engagement and intervention; pedagogical teaching and writing, medical and other social practices. Body and mind are discursive, social constructions. In this respect, efficacy aside, Noguchi's attempts are valuable as they aim at the reconstruction of our bodies and minds against the prevailing scientific discourses and practices that have dominated our everyday life in the first half of this century.
赤川 果奈 下田 芳幸 石津 憲一郎
富山大学人間発達科学部紀要 = Memoirs of the Faculty of Human Development University of Toyama (ISSN:1881316X)
vol.10, no.2, pp.1-10, 2016-03-30

宮野 公樹

国際高等研究所基幹プログラム「将来の地球社会を考えた時の科学技術の在り方」研究会発表資料. 2016-08-01.
杉山 洋子 Yoko Sugiyama
人文論究 (ISSN:02866773)
vol.42, no.4, pp.29-43, 1993-01-20
今西 一
花園史学 (ISSN:02853876)
vol.12, pp.59-67, 1991-11
太田(福島) 美穂 武藤 芳照 青木 秀憲 朴 晟鎭
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.36, pp.505-554, 1996-12-20

This research has thoroughly studied the actual situation and the recent trends of doping in sports, looking closely into the responses taken by the parties concerned in recent doping cases and throwing light upon the backgrounds and the very essence of doping itself. The aim of this study is to indicate the task we are facing in the fight against doping. The banned substances and procedures of doping has both increased and diversified in the recent years, and so is the percentage of actual positive test results increasing. Doping in sports has spread across the globe. Japan is not an exception to this; there has been cases where a competitor has tested to be positive. Many of the anti-doping activities are taking place, including doping control, and these activities are being reinforced. However, when looking closely into the responses taken by the parties concerned in major doping cases in the past, such as the case of Canadian sprinter Ben Johnson, we have noticed that not in all cases were the responses taken fairly and impartially acording to the regulations and prescribed procedures. The commercialism, nationalism! and heroism of modern sports and the competitors'attitude to "rely on materials" cause temptations towards doping and are the backgrounds of doping. We have reached the conclusion, that it is necessary to fully recognize the immorality of doping in both regions of sports competition and medicine, and the fact that doping is an act of depriving the competitor of his/her liberty, humanity and human rights. And this recognition must be passed on to the competitors and instructors through appropriate education.
松下 佳代

平成12-14度科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(B)(1))研究成果報告書 課題番号:12480041 研究代表者:松下佳代 (京都大学高等教育教授システム開発センター助教授)
敷田 麻実
科学技術コミュニケーション (ISSN:18818390)
vol.8, pp.27-38, 2010-12

This article proposes a Half-shift model to simultaneously achieve the mutually reinforcing goals of creative work and social contribution. Science communicators are closely examined as one of the possible conduits to implement this model. Intensifying global competition requires work places and social settings to be more efficient and less flexible, making it difficult for professionals to gain satisfaction from being creative and contributing to society through their paid work. After a closer examination, the author proposes a Half-shift model as a new way to achieve a more balanced work environment. The Half-shift model looks at combining paid work and unpaid work in conterminous areas. The research shows that the keys for promoting this model are changes in work rules and professionals' personal motivation for work. It is hoped that this article provides a conceptual framework for the development of a Half-shift model, and contributes to its implementation.