大野 新一
公益社団法人 日本アイソトープ協会
vol.29, no.8, pp.401-408, 1980-08-15 (Released:2010-07-21)
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水内 佑輔 粟野 隆
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.80, no.5, pp.419-424, 2017-03-31 (Released:2017-09-13)

Higashiyama Park in old Taiza Town in the Tango region of Kyoto Prefecture is a private park built by Genzo Tani in the Taisho-Early Showa period. This study clarifies the establishment process,design and way of use of Higashiyama Park which was when the urban park system was established by landscape architecture. As a result of document analysis, Higashiyama park was made as a contribution to the local community where Tani was born. Parks have been selected as a way of contributing to the public, and were considered as recreational places for increasing public health. The Japanese garden style was adapted to Higashiyama Park, although Tani knew of modern urban parks in other areas of Kyoto and Osaka. The park concept was affected by Maruyama Park (Kyoto) derived from pre-modern scenic places. In his idea, establishment of the park was not a purpose but a mean of contribution to his birthplace. Hence, usage was important requirements for Higashiyama Park and the restaurant of the park were considered as appropriate to urban parks. Tani offered a recreational place, however, Higashiyama park is no longer existence now by the snow disaster on 1963 after Tani was dead.
桂木 洋光
混相流 (ISSN:09142843)
vol.34, no.3, pp.395-402, 2020-09-15 (Released:2020-10-09)

Dense suspension of non-Brownian particles such as potato starch often shows counter-intuitive behaviors due to its discontinuous rheological property. Using this particular rheological property, people can run on a dense suspension. However, once the motion of leg becomes too slow, the leg is arrested, namely, it is difficult to walk on the surface. To explain this peculiar behavior, propagation of jamming front caused by an impact onto a dense suspension has been considered recently. The effectively solidified zone is developed by the jamming-front propagation. This solidified zone effectively increases viscosity of the suspension. In addition, when the jamming front reaches the bottom of the container, a solidified pillar which causes effective elasticity is developed. Because the lifetime of the solidified zone is short, the suspension recovers usual viscosity after a while. To characterize the viscoelastic properties of the impacted dense suspension, a set of simple impact experiments was performed. A solid sphere was dropped from a certain height onto a suspension. The impact and rebound dynamics were recorded by a high-speed camera. Using the kinematic data, viscoelasticity of the impacted suspension was measured. The obtained data are consistent with the idea of jamming-front propagation. In addition to the impact onto a static target, impact experiments onto a dense suspension under the influence of mechanical vibration were also performed. Although the mechanical vibration can significantly deform the free surface of suspension, the impact response was hardly affected. In this article, a brief review of the impact-induced jamming-front propagation and the resultant effective viscoelasticity is presented.
佐々木 栄一
公益社団法人 日本化学会
工業化学雑誌 (ISSN:00232734)
vol.72, no.4, pp.847-849, 1969-04-05 (Released:2011-09-02)

橋本 敏夫 山田 雅之 笠井 英史
計量生物学 (ISSN:09184430)
vol.36, no.Special_Issue, pp.S19-S31, 2015-06-30 (Released:2015-09-08)

This paper reviews the statistical aspects in pharmacokinetic analysis of clinical Phase 1 trials. Based on the understanding that most pharmacokinetic parameters follow a lognormal distribution, it is considered to be appropriate to summarize them by the geometric mean, geometric CV or geometric SD. Then we conducted simulation studies of a pharmacokinetic model to investigate whether pharmacokinetic parameters follow a lognormal distribution. Using numerical examples obtained by the simulation, we described in detail how to display the summary statistics of pharmacokinetic parameters. We also indicated that geometric mean is also useful to summarize the plasma concentration, and that the concetration below the lower limit of quantification shoud be carefully handled.
喜多 加実代
年報社会学論集 (ISSN:09194363)
vol.1994, no.7, pp.143-154, 1994-06-05 (Released:2010-04-21)

In this paper, I intend to present a genealogy as to how crimes by mentally disordered people came to be recognized as a problem to be dealt with by special legal treatments, i. e. security measures. Though the security measures have never been realized in Japan, their introduction have been argued as early as the Taisho era. Considering the history of this argument, “mentally disordered criminals” were not considered a problem because they were dangerous. Rather, it was felt that they were made “dangerous and irresponsible” subjects due to the debate concerning the security measures themselves.
平賀 武夫 阿部 光雄
公益社団法人 日本獣医師会
日本獣医師会雑誌 (ISSN:04466454)
vol.38, no.7, pp.456-460, 1985-07-20 (Released:2011-06-17)
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これまで3回の正常な出産歴をもった5才のホルスタイン種乳牛が, 長期在胎のため廃用屠殺され, その子宮内に無脳症胎子が認められた. この胎子は外観的に頭部を完全に欠如し, 剖検により非常に発育の悪い頭蓋と, その内部に延髄のみと思われる神経組織が認められた. 頭蓋破裂は認められなかった.その他, 泌尿生殖器の奇形, 胸椎と肋骨の減数, 胸骨の形と骨化の異常および鎖肛なども認められた. 本例は過去の報告例と比較検討した結果, 重度の無脳症と考えられた.
任 京美
Japanese Association of Indian and Buddhist Studies
印度學佛教學研究 (ISSN:00194344)
vol.54, no.1, pp.512-509,1286, 2005-12-20 (Released:2010-07-01)

One characteristic of Mahayana bodhisattva precepts is the idea of “self-ordination”. In the case where one has no teacher, self ordination means vowing to keep the Buddhist precepts personally. Although in self ordination the spiritual aspect is stressed, there also need to be certain conditions for it to take place. This characteristic is explained in the idea of “visionary experience”, found in the 23rd precept of the Fanwang jing. This essay examines the influence of selfordination as found in the Fanwang jing, taking into account the Huayan jing and the point of view of practice.Visionary experience is built up through practice. In this way, the visionary experience is based on practice, and the person who completes “self ordination” follows the influence of the Huayan jing in the Fanwang jing, hence bodhisattva non-regression is necessary for visionary experience. The disciple of the Buddha is penitent, practices and sees the visionary experience as proof of ordination. Accordingly, the visionary experience found in “self ordination” of the Fanwang jing should be understood from the point of view of practice.
三木 理史
The Human Geographical Society of Japan
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.51, no.3, pp.217-239, 1999-06-28 (Released:2009-04-28)

The aim of this paper is to clarify the relationship between reclamation work in Karafuto (present-day Sakhalin) and the construction of its capital city, Toyohara (present-day Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk) after the Russo-Japanese war. There are four main points of consideration. As a study of colonization, this paper examines the relationship between suzerain policy and urban design as well as the transfer of systems and techniques from domestic to overseas territories. In addition, since Karafuto resembled Hokkaido in regional character during Japanese colonial times, as a study of urban design this paper compares Karafuto with Hokkaido, especially in terms of the intentional construction and nodal function of cities. Based on these four points, the contents of this paper can be summarized as follows:1. Similar to Hokkaido in its population density and ethnic composition, Karafuto has been considered the Japanese overseas territory most similar to its domestic territory in terms of colonial government policies. It has not always been considered so similar in regard to climate and agriculture, however, leading the author to surmize a feeling of incongruity among its settlers. As the ratio of non-settling fishermen to permanent settlers was high in the early colonial times, the encouragement of permanent residence was the most important task of the reclamation work.2. The construction of the new capital city was begun shortly after the Japanese occupation of Karafuto. From among several choices, the village of Urajimirofuka was selected as the site for the new city due to its location in the Suzuya Plain, an important agricultural area, yet also near a military base and along the main road. The new capital city was named Toyohara.3. Greatly influenced by the division of farmland, the streets of the new city were laid out in a grid pattern, modeled after the one used in Sapporo. The center line of the new town was its railway, later dividing the governmental area from the civil area. If the design of Sapporo was greatly influenced by the design of cities in domestic territories, then the planning technology of Toyohara can be considered to have been introduced into Karafuto from Japanese domestic territories by way of Hokkaido.4. The construction of Toyohara was closely related to the division work of farmland. The plans for Toyohara were drafted mainly by persons associated with Sapporo Agricultural College. That is to say, Karafuto received a transfer of experience and technology from the reclamation work carried out in settling Hokkaido as a domestic colony.5. In the early days of Japanese colonization, the nodal function of cities on Karafuto was of the Reverse Y type, concentrating every function in the city of Otomari. After Toyohara was constructed, the function changed to a Sideways T type, with everything concentrated there. The change was almost complete by 1911.6. The inland settlement of Karafuto was more difficult than had been expected. As Toyohara was not enthusiastically received by settlers, the Japanese colonial government in Karafuto had to politically promote the invitation of settlers and encourage their permanent residence. Although a few cities and fishing villages developed along coastal areas, few permanent settlements developed further inland.
庄司 昭伸 井上 明子 谷 幸子 木下 香里 武林 亮子 西田 則彦 柏谷 久美 不破 順清 山田 英幸 野村 正和
Meeting of Osaka Dermatological Association
皮膚 (ISSN:00181390)
vol.41, no.4, pp.481-491, 1999 (Released:2010-08-25)

セリシンを定着させたブラジャーを用いて, ブラジャーが接触する部分に皮疹がみられるアトピー性皮膚炎患者および接触皮膚炎患者計31例を対象に着用試験を実施した. 着用期間は1ヵ月とし, 担当医師が記入する調査表と, 1ヵ月着用後に患者が記入する着用アンケートの両方から観察結果を得た. その結果, 調査表より, 全般安全度については観察しえた20例全てが安全と判定された. 有用率は, 極めて有用5例 (24%), 有用8例 (38%), やや有用7例 (33%), 有用性なし1例 (5%), 好ましくない0例 (0%) であった. 着用アンケートより, ブラジャーが接触しない部分の皮膚症状に比べ, x2検定にてブラジャーが接触する部分のかゆみ (p<0.01), チクチク感 (p<0.05), ヒリヒリ感 (p<0.01) の改善率は有意に高かった. (皮膚, 41: 481-491, 1999)
森 翔太郎 包 躍
一般社団法人 画像電子学会
画像電子学会研究会講演予稿 画像電子学会第286回研究会講演予稿
pp.5-8, 2018 (Released:2020-08-03)

Koichi Shiraishi Takashi Shibata
Meteorological Society of Japan
SOLA (ISSN:13496476)
vol.17, pp.30-34, 2021 (Released:2021-02-23)

Stratospheric aerosols over the high Arctic at Ny Ålesund, Svalbard (79°N, 12°E) were observed continuously for four years from March 2014 by a lidar system using the second harmonic wavelength (532 nm) of the Nd:YAG laser. Our observations reveal the seasonal features of stratospheric aerosols and the arrival of the smoke at the high Arctic from Canadian forest-fire in August 2017. We estimated the seasonal variation for three years before the Canadian forest-fire when there was no apparent volcanic effect. In the estimation, we removed polar stratospheric clouds by the threshold temperature of their formation. The seasonal variation for the three years is that the vertical profiles of the backscattering ratio take a maximum value of about 1.05-1.06 at altitudes between 13 and 16 km from December to March, and about 1.02-1.04 at altitudes between 17 and 20 km from April to November. These results are compared with the results observed at the low Arctic, northern Norway. We also present the increases in the backscattering ratio and the volume depolarization ratio from September to December 2017 caused by the smoke from the Canadian forest-fire.
Kuniyasu Sugawara Masaru Inatsu Seiji Shimoda Keach Murakami Tomoyoshi Hirota
Meteorological Society of Japan
SOLA (ISSN:13496476)
vol.17, pp.24-29, 2021 (Released:2021-02-18)

While global warming may expand suitable places for potato cultivation in cold regions, it may reduce the yield due to the increase of hot days during the tuber growth period. This study evaluated the effects of global warming on potato cultivation over Hokkaido by dynamically-downscaled ensemble experiments called d4PDF and assessed applicability of possible adaptive measures. In this study, we define the suitable area based on the accumulated temperature and deduced a relationship between the potato yield per unit area and the number of hot days (maximum temperature > 28°C) from crop statistic data. In a warming environment with 2K or 4K increase in global-mean temperature relative to the present climate (1981-2010), the accumulated temperatures likely satisfied the criterion on potato production almost over Hokkaido. The risk of growth delay due to cold weather was projected to reduce. However, hot days in the tuber growth period would increase, reducing potato yield by 7% in a plus 2-K climate and 16% in a plus 4-K climate. This risk of yield loss would not be avoidable by moving up planting by 30 days, and the development of varieties that are tolerant to 31-33°C would be a possible way to adaptation.
Tomoe Nasuno
Meteorological Society of Japan
SOLA (ISSN:13496476)
vol.17, pp.16-23, 2021 (Released:2021-02-18)

Relationship between diurnal convection and the intraseasonal oscillation (ISO) over the western Maritime Continent (MC) was investigated by a case study of an ISO event that occurred during the Years of the Maritime Continent (YMC)-Sumatra 2017 campaign. Two sets of global cloud-permitting simulations using cloud microphysics settings for ISO prediction (CTL) and for climate simulation (MOD) were performed to clarify their impacts. CTL had biases of weaker diurnal variation and smaller precipitation amounts over land than in observations; these were reduced in MOD by higher probabilities of local intense convection in the middle troposphere and higher precipitation efficiency. The enhanced convection over land coincided with suppressed convection over the surrounding ocean, especially at the diurnal peak time of land convection. Exception is the onset period of the ISO convection, when upward moisture advection and precipitation increased also over ocean in MOD than in CTL at the diurnal peak time of oceanic convection. These results suggest that the enhancement of local convection over the MC by the cloud microphysical processes basically hinders the ISO convection by the activation of land convection, but it also favors the ISO convection development over ocean during the onset period.
Hideo Shiogama Noriko N. Ishizaki Naota Hanasaki Kiyoshi Takahashi Seita Emori Rui Ito Toshiyuki Nakaegawa Izuru Takayabu Yasuaki Hijioka Yukari N. Takayabu Ryosuke Shibuya
Meteorological Society of Japan
SOLA (ISSN:13496476)
pp.2021-009, (Released:2021-02-16)

Climate change impact assessment studies often use future projections of only a few global climate models (GCMs) due to limited research resources. Here we develop a novel method to select a small subset of GCMs that widely capture the uncertainty range of large ensemble. By applying this method, we select a subset of five GCM projections from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) ensemble for impact and adaptation studies in Japan. At first, we omit GCMs whose global warming projections have been evaluated to be overestimated in the recent literature. Then, we select a subset of five GCMs that widely captures the uncertainty ranges for 8 climate variables and have good performances in present-climate simulations. These selected GCM simulations will be used to provide better climate scenarios for impact and adaptation studies than those in the previous impact assessment project.
野田 宏 奈良林 直 吉田 智朗 中村 誠 桐本 順広
Atomic Energy Society of Japan
日本原子力学会和文論文誌 (ISSN:13472879)
vol.7, no.4, pp.408-419, 2008 (Released:2012-03-02)

Failures on demand of a reactor core isolation cooling (RCIC) system in BWRs are the most frequent events of limiting conditions for operation during 1982-2006 in Japan, according to data gathered in Nuclear Information Archives (NUCIA). In this work, probabilities of failures of the RCIC system are analyzed by using the hierarchical Bayes method. The failures on demand of the RCIC system are classified into two groups; one is related to the demand at a periodical inspection test, which is performed almost every 13 months at the end of the periodical inspection of the nuclear power plant, and the other is related to the monthly surveillance test during plant operation. The hierarchical Bayes analysis shows the characteristics of probabilities of failures of each Japanese plant and also that probabilities of failures at the periodical inspection test are quite different from those at the surveillance test, comparing Japanese nuclear power plants with American ones. This paper provides a new approach to analyzing sparse failure data taken from nuclear power plants in Japan.
前田 茂貴 井口 哲夫
Atomic Energy Society of Japan
日本原子力学会和文論文誌 (ISSN:13472879)
vol.10, no.2, pp.63-75, 2011 (Released:2012-03-17)
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Neutron spectrum unfolding is a widely used technique for characterizing neutron fields for various types of reactor dosimetry, where the neutron spectrum is derived from integral measured data such as multiple-foil activation rates and moderated neutron detector counts. Many spectrum unfolding codes have been developed so far and their performances have been compared. However, a standardized metrology for neutron spectrum unfolding has not been satisfactorily established yet from the viewpoints of adequate selection and usage of unfolding codes, response function database and input data set preparation. This article reviews the present status of the neutron spectrum unfolding technique that is mainly related to reactor dosimetry with activation foils and discusses the validity of the solution spectra obtained from different unfolding codes under a typical fast reactor neutron field. The results show that the solution spectrum strongly depends on a priori (i.e., guess) spectrum required for the input data as well as the theoretical assumption in each unfolding code. The issues that must be resolved to improve the accuracy of reactor dosimetry are summarized for the a priori input spectrum, the nuclear database, and the standardization of the unfolding procedure.