益田 高成 Takanari Masuda
同志社法學 = The Doshisha Hogaku (The Doshisha law review) (ISSN:03877612)
vol.72, no.2, pp.225-303, 2020-07-31

臼井 文彦 Usui Fumihiko
ISAS Research Note
vol.881, pp.1-178, 2013-07

資料番号: SA8000910000
染谷 有利奈 高橋 英之 伴 碧 久木田 水生
研究報告ヒューマンコンピュータインタラクション(HCI) (ISSN:21888760)
vol.2023-HCI-201, no.16, pp.1-4, 2023-01-09

福尾 真実 高田 雅美 城 和貴
vol.2012-MPS-87, no.34, pp.1-6, 2012-02-23

本研究では,近代デジタルライブラリーが所蔵する画像データから上手く文字を切り出す実際的手法の開発を行う.国立国会図書館では近代デジタルライブラリーとして,所蔵する書籍を Web 上で一般公開している.これらは,画像データとして公開されており,文書内容を用いた検索が行えないため,早急なテキスト化が求められている.そのため,近代書籍に特化した多フォント漢字認識手法が提案されている.しかし,ルビが振られた書籍からは上手く文字が切り出せず,認識ができない.そこで本稿では書籍の本文からルビを取り除く手法を開発する.
上松 幸一
臨床心理学部研究報告 = Reports from the Faculty of Clinical Psychology Kyoto Bunkyo University (ISSN:18843751)
vol.12, pp.125-138, 2020-03-31

The purpose of this study was to understand and examine the recognition of experts in Japan and overseas about the ethical issues of Szondi-test.Primary recognition of Szondi-test's ethical issue in forein countries is that Szondi-test is unscientific.On the other hand, in japan, primary ethical issues of Szondi-test are considered that (1) to use face photos of mental disease person and criminal, (2) in the first place, to utilize faces of person as a tools, (3) to be bad influences by presenting strong invasive stimulus photos to testee.There was also a side where it can't be said that it was ethical partially by the current state as a response to recognition of our country, but the all could think it couldn't be said non-ethics-like.And in our country, there are person who recognize that Szondi-test is unscientific. But we must be careful consider whether they all recognize Szondi test as unethical.With respect to invasiveness, although there are relatively many people who feel the problem, in comparison with other projective tests , there is no recognition that significantly strong.There are several aspects of invasiveness, and it was speculated that this study focused only on the stimulus intensity of the photos.
伊東 秀幸
田園調布学園大学紀要 = Bulletin of Den-En Chofu University
no.5, pp.41-56, 2010

田積 徹 溝口 大和 阿孫 さや香 大足 彩月 工藤 裕輝 星野 菜々子 渡邉 みなみ
人間科学研究 = Bulletin of Hman Science (ISSN:03882152)
vol.44, pp.103-114, 2023-03-01

Planarians have the basic brain structure of an animal and, like mammals, their brain produces a variety of neurotransmitters, suggesting that they have a learning and memory function. Based on a previous study (Chicas-Mossier & Abramson, 2015), six students in seminar of the 3rd year examined the effects of shaping in the acquisition of operant conditioning by planarians. Results indicated that planarians trained by shaping acquired operant conditioning earlier than planarians not trained by shaping and that training led them to display stable operant behavior. In contrast, planarians that were not trained by shaping were slow to acquire operant behavior and they did not display stable operant behavior. The current work compared the results of this experiment to those of previous studies and it discussed the possibility that the behavioral measures used to gauge operant behavior may differ depending on the protocol and the species of planaria used. Moreover, this work discussed the feasibility of introducing operant conditioning experiments with planarians in lessons such as seminars and laboratory classes.
髙村 武幸
東洋学報 = Toyo Gakuho (ISSN:03869067)
vol.104, no.3, pp.1-35, 2022-12-16

It is widely known that there are “two-line” (lianghang 兩行) slips among bamboo and wooden slips from the Han period. Among these “two-line” slips dating from the second half of the Former Han and unearthed in the Hexi 河西 region, there exist two types: one type has a ridge down the centre of the writing surface which divides the two lines, while the other type has a flat surface with no ridge. However, in the past there has been no examination of this difference. In this article, I focus primarily on the “two-line” slips among the Dunhuang 敦煌 Han slips, unearthed in former Dunhuang Commandery in Hexi, and compare them with the “two-line” slips among the Juyan 居延 Han slips unearthed in former Zhangye 張掖 Commandery, also in Hexi. By this means, I clarify the fact that there exist various differences, starting with the shape of slips of the same type, between regions and government offices, and I also gain leads for adding further depth to research so that it extends to regional differences between slips. There was found a clear-cut difference between the Dunhuang Han slips, which include roughly the same number of “two-line” slips with a ridge and without a ridge, and the Juyan Han slips, which include almost no “two-line” slips with a ridge. In the case of the Xuanquan 懸泉 Han slips from Dunhuang, wood from the tamarisk (hongliu 紅柳; Tamarix ramosissima) is used in more than 70% of the “two-line” slips with ridges, and few of them have been made from spruce (song 松; Picea neoveitchii or Picea crassifolia), used in many of the “two-line” slips without a ridge. In addition, the “two-line” slips with ridges are narrower than those without a ridge. In view of these facts, it is to be surmised that in order to make effective use of the branches of the tamarisk, which, properly speaking, are unsuitable for making “two-line” slips because they are comparatively narrow, and produce “two-line” slips, the branches were processed in the same way as “two-line” bamboo slips so as to add ridges to them. It was for this reason that regional differences in shape arose among slips of the same type. When one examines the reasons for these differences, it is to be surmised that differences in regional conditions lay behind them. That is to say, the Juyan region belonged to Zhangye Commandery, where a transportation route had been established to the Qilian 祁連 Mountains where spruce suitable for making wide “two-line” slips were produced, whereas Dunhuang Commandery did not have a large supply of spruce because it was a long way from the Qilian Mountains and use could not be made of transportation by water or some other means.