鈴木 彩葉 小池 恵 Sayaha Suzuki Megumi Koike
共立女子短期大学生活科学科紀要 = Annual bulletin department of the science of living
vol.58, pp.81-86, 2015-02

Whole wheat flour is rich in dietary fiber and has disease preventive property. However, the flavor of whole wheat flour containing bread has prevented its wide use. We studied that make tasty whole wheat flour bread to take a dietary fiber daily. The blending proportions of whole wheat flour to bread making flour were 0, 20, 40, 60,80 and 100%. We examined their characteristics in weight, height, volume, physical properties and palatability in the sensory evaluation. Weight of the whole wheat flour bread became the same value the white wheat flour bread and also height, volume and physical properties of 20 to 60% were no difference it. The level 60% of whole wheat flour yielded the most favorable results by the free-response contentfrom the sensory evaluation. From this finding, the level 60% of whole wheat flour was made better accordingly adding walnuts and dried figs. As a result, the taste became deeper and the flavor became improver and also led more increase of the dietary fiber content than without additions.
髙橋 修
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.69, no.2, pp.31-58, 2019-03-30

Matsui Isamu(松井 勇1894~1946)who was an engineer of special effect(SFX)at first time mostly in Japan. He went to the United States in the Taisyo period, and learned cinematography technique from Roy. J. POMEROY who won Academy Award the 1st time. Matsui Isamu acquired the patents of a movie after he went back to Japan. He produced the movies of special effects. It wasn't being studied about him because there was little related material, therefore it was unclear about his life and work. This paper aims to clearfy the following two points:first of all, I will write Matsui Isamu’s biography, secondly, I will consider about the role he achieved in a Japanese movie. 松井 勇(1894 ~ 1946)は、日本映画界にあってほぼ最初期の特撮映画の技師である。彼は大正期にアメリカに留学をし、第1回アカデミー賞技術効果賞受賞者である R.ポメロイから映画技術を学んだ。日本に帰国してからは、映画に関する特許を取得し、特撮技術を活用した映画を発表した。 だが、従来の映画史では、関連資料が少なかったことから、彼に関する研究はなされておらず、その人と作品については不明であった。そこで本稿では、松井勇の生涯を実証的に明らかにし、そのことをとおして、彼が日本映画史に果たした役割を考察することを目的とする。
首藤 一幸 関口 智嗣 村岡 洋一
情報処理学会論文誌 (ISSN:18827764)
vol.44, no.6, pp.1570-1582, 2003-06-15

IA-32プロセッサは,IEEE 754準拠であるにもかかわらず,ある浮動小数点演算に対して他のプロセッサとは異なる結果を返す.IA-32プロセッサ上で他のプロセッサと同一の演算結果を得るための対処をJava Just-in-Timeコンパイラに実装した.倍精度数の演算ではストア--リロードとスケーリングを行う必要があるが,単精度数の演算では丸め精度を倍精度としたままストア--リロードだけ行えば十分であることが明らかになった.また,いくつかの実装方法について性能への影響を調べたところ,スケーリング専用命令ではなく乗算命令を用いることで性能の低下幅は約40%にまで抑えられることが分かった.
村田 康常
柳城こども学研究 = Ryujo Child Studies
no.1, pp.81-108, 2018-07-20

In this paper, we attempt to introduce the “philosophy of play,” which extensively examines the question of what play is. In previous noteworthy studies, it has been shown that people were born to play, and that to play is to live. This paper is an attempt to approach this idea from the viewpoint of A. N. Whitehead’s educational philosophy. In Chapter 2, as a starting point for discussing play, we will examine the classical “philosophy of play” through the philosophies of Schiller, Huizinga, Fink, Bateson, and others who believed that the very act of the creation of this world was play and that culture is born in the world of play. In Chapter 3, we discuss the “rhythm of education" in Whitehead’s philosophy of education from the viewpoint of the connection between life and play, and examine the rhythm of education from the perspective of Whitehead’s philosophy of organism. To the best of our knowledge, there have been no previous attempts to approach the philosophy of play from the standpoint of the philosophy of organism. This paper is an attempt to consider the philosophy of play, which originated from Schiller’s aesthetics and was developed by Huizinga, Fink, Caillois, and others from the viewpoint of Whitehead’s philosophy of organism or process philosophy.
村田 康常
柳城こども学研究 = Ryujo Child Studies
no.2, pp.1-29, 2018-09-30

This paper aims to re-examine the link between language and play in early childhood care and education. Section 1 examines the ideals which serve as the basis of the domain “language” in the early childhood care and education by way of a “Course of Study for Kindergarten” and the “Nursery Provisions Guidance.” Section 2 investigates picture books considering the link between language and play so as to argue that “the sense of play to enjoy language” (T. Matsui) which brings joys and surprises enhances children’s imagination and serves as the core of a fruitful language experience. In particular, this paper focuses on discussions of picture books by T. Matsui, who has long been exploring these themes, and interprets his arguments from the viewpoint of A. N. Whitehead’s educational philosophy and to the classical study of picture books by W. Benjamin. Section 3 reviews work by F. v. Schiller, J. Huizinga, E. Fink, R. Caillois and W. Benjamin who have presented “the philosophy of play” by thoroughly examining the relationship between play and human beings to clarify the question of “what play is.”Section 4 identifies the connections between play, language, and imagination by referring to arguments presented by Matsui and Benjamin. This connection not only engenders children’s language/play but also philosophical investigations. This is shown in Whitehead’s insight into “speculation, imagination, language, and play.” This section examines language and play regarding Whitehead’s philosophy of organism and re-thinks the possibility of the domain “language” in early childhood care and education. Last, Section 5 identifies future research agendas containing themes which have not been discussed in this paper.
小渕 千絵 原島 恒夫 田中 慶太 坂本 圭 小林 優子
国際医療福祉大学学会誌 = Journal of the International University of Health and Welfare (ISSN:21863652)
vol.25, no.1, pp.29-36, 2020-02-29

標準化された聴覚検査では,静寂下での単音節や単語の聴取検査が多く,雑音下での検査など聴取に負荷のかかる検査は少なく,日常生活での聞き取りの困難度を検査によって明らかにはしにくい.そこで本研究では,聴覚障害児者や聴覚情報処理障害が疑われる児者の抱える聞き取り困難を評価する臨床的な検査として,雑音下の単語聴取検査や両耳での分離聴検査,交互聴検査などの 7 つの聴覚情報処理検査を作成し,学齢児 60 名の適用について検討した.この結果,今回作成した検査については,就学後の学齢児で実施できない児はおらず,適用可能であった.検査ごとに比較すると,早口音声聴取検査および雑音下の単語聴取検査においてのみ,学年間で統計的に有意な差がみられたが,それ以外の検査では学年間差はなく,学齢児では同程度の得点を示した.今後は,幼児や成人例への適用,および聞き取り困難を抱える方への応用についても検討していく必要性が考えられた.
小原 俊文 Toshifumi Obara
尚絅学院大学紀要 = Bulletin of Shokei Gakuin University (ISSN:2433507X)
vol.(74), pp.13-27, 2017-12-20

The typical modernist work, Paris by Hope Mirrlees, has not been so much mentioned after its publication in 1919. This rather long poem has many original aspects in its expressions adopting a variety of allusion from the history of Paris, French phrases, monologues, ancient Greek and Roman myth, and Christian rites. It anticipated the wellknown masterpiece, The Waste Land published in 1922. She was a friend of T.S. Eliot for years and might influence him through her work. This thesis aims at investigating both Paris and The Waste Land and studying their common source of anthropological works at that time. Main characteristics of both poems will be described at first and then the source and techniques will be analyzed.
金 愛慶 Aekyoung KIM
vol.42, pp.13-28, 2006-03-25

榎本 浩司 Koji Enomoto
研究論集 = Journal of Inquiry and Research (ISSN:03881067)
vol.97, pp.199-218, 2013-03

グリム兄弟の『Kinder- und Hausmarchen(子供と家庭の童話集)』は世界各国で読み親しまれているメルヒェンであり、そこに登場する「魔女」はよく知られた存在である。しかし、グリム童話集には魔女以外にも魔法や魔術、超人的な力を持つ女性たちが登場する。「魔法使いの女」や「賢女」がそうである。彼女たちは魔女と一括りにされがちな存在だが、メルヒェンの中でそれぞれどのような役割を演じ、主人公や他の登場人物との関係性はいかなるものか、また彼女たちに差異はあるのか。本稿では、グリム童話に登場する魔法や超人的な力を行使する女性たちの特徴や行為、容姿を比較し分析することにより、彼女たちのメルヘンでの役割と位置づけを論じる。
井上 章一
日本研究 : 国際日本文化研究センター紀要 (ISSN:09150900)
vol.16, pp.49-57, 1997-09-30

光成 滋生
pp.59-68, 2013-01-11
