中川原 育子 谷口 陽子 佐藤 一郎 中村 俊夫 NAKAGAWARA Ikuko TANIGUCHI Yoko SATO Ichiro NAKAMURA Toshio
no.23, pp.127-137, 2012-03

The Kizil Grottoes, the largest Buddhist monastery complex in the Xinjian region of China, is decorated with wall paintings - the chronological dates of which are still under debate. This study aims to give some clarification regarding the chronological dates using AMS-14C dating of chaff tempers taken from the earthen renders of the wall paintings. l4C studies previously carried out by Chinese and German researchers had resulted in divergent dates often extending back hundreds of years earlier than hypothesized within the chronology of art history, which has created confusion. Six samples from six wall painting fragments (Caves 8 [III8425], 38 [III8700], 171 [III8793, III8891], 207[III9148b(d)], and 224[III8865(a)]) held in collections at the Museum für Asiatische Kunst in Berlin were taken and analysed with 14C-AMS at the Center of Chronological Research at Nagoya University in Japan. As reference, nine dating results analysed between 1995 and 1998 at Nagoya University were also shown in the list. Dates were obtained for only three out of the six samples: cal AD 128-216 [Cave 8], cal AD 255-306 and cal AD 312-34 [Cave 171], and 90-70 cal BC [Cave 224]; most of these extended back earlier than reference 14C data from the Chinese and German studies and far earlier than dates suggested by the timeline of art history. Even the Chinese and German reference dates derived in the past from 14C analysis often show varied dates occurring earlier than those represented in art history. This may indicate that old chaff was used in renders for the Kizil wall paintings probably as a form of re-use of old mud bricks, or that the chronology of art history must be drastically reconsidered, both of which would require further AMS-14C dating studies with careful and comprehensive sampling from well-documented contexts.名古屋大学年代測定総合研究センターシンポジウム報告
松井 章 石黒 直隆 南川 雅男 中村 俊夫 岡村 秀典 富岡 直人

渡邊 隆広 奈良岡 浩 西村 弥亜 中村 俊夫 仙田 量子 河合 崇欣
no.15, pp.199-205, 2004-03

バイカル湖湖底堆積物試料中の高分子直鎖状炭化水素、及びバクテリア由来有機分子であるホパノイド化合物の分子レベル安定炭素同位体比分析を行い、過去における湖内バクテリア活動の復元と環境変化の考察を行った。最終氷期から完新世への移行期において、メタン酸化バクテリアの寄与が増大していたことが明らかになった。この結果は、過去における気候変動に対応して湖水循環が停止、もしくは極めて弱くなっていたことを示唆する。\\Several organic geochemical studies on sedimentary photosynthetic pigments, lignin phenols and lipids from vascular plants have been conducted using Lake Baikal sediment core [Orem et al., 1997; Tani et al., 2002]. However, these investigations have not elucidated past limnological conditions such as redox changes in Lake Baikal. The sulfur isotope compositions of pyrite indicated a variation of SRB activity in response to glacial/interglacial climate changes [Watanabe et al., 2004]. In this study prokaryote biomarkers including hopanoid and acyclic isoprenoid compound will be examined for the sedimentary profiles of bacterial activities including methanotrophic bacteria. Organic compounds of higher plant origin, such as high molecular n-alkanes, n-ketones and n-alkanols are relatively abundant in the Ver98-1 St.5 sediment core (up to 5.6, 1.8, and 11.7 μg/g dry sed., respectively). The abundance of partly autochthonous organic matter, such as phytol and low molecular alkanols is relatively low. It has revealed significant difference in the molecular composition between the warm periods and the cool periods, which is consistent with the organic carbon and total nitrogen concentration and TOC/TN ratios. The increase in terrigenous organic molecules in the warm periods can be explained by the increased inflow of river water. In the deepest part of modern Lake Baikal, ca. 9 mg/l dissolved oxygen occurs, which suggests a large-scale vertical convection in the lake in spite of its great depth (1634m). Watanabe et al. [2003] suggested less-oxic conditions of Lake Baikal bottom water in climate transition periods, such as Younger Dryas (YD), based on high TS contents (up to 13mg/g dry sed) and high TS/TOC ratios (up to 0.5 atomic ratio), being much larger than average TS/TOC ratios of freshwater and normal oxic marine sediment. The high TS/TOC are usually observed not only as a result of less-oxic condition but also diagenetic pyritization. We have measured δ^<13>C of bacterial biomakers and δ^<34>S of pyrite through the YD event (ca.12kyr B.P.). Hop-17(21)-ene is the most abundant among unsaturated hopanoids throughout the Holocene and YD sediment (32-68 ng/g dry sediment). Furthermore, high amounts of saturated hopanoids are present with 17δ(H), 21δ(H)-homohopane and 17δ(H), 21δ(H)-hopane dominating (up to 1045 and 381 ng/g dry sediment, respectively) in the Holocene. 17δ(H), 21δ(H)-homohopane and 17δ(H), 21δ(H)-hopane vary isotopically in a narrow range from -30.8 to -34.7‰, which suggests that the δδ hopanes could be derived from chemotrophic bacteria. Hop-17(21)-ene in the YD becomes more depleted in ^<13>C (〜-43‰) than that in the Holocene by 〜10‰, implying an increase of methanotrophic bacterial activity. In addition, squalane is depleted in ^<13>C (-46.2‰) compared to the total organic carbon by 20‰. Such ^<13>C-depleted squalane suggests that archea have directly or indirectly introduced ^<13>C-depleted methane-derived carbon into the biomass. The methane-involving anaerobic bacterial activity suggests the decrease of dissolved oxygen content in deeper part of Lake Baikal at the YD rapid cooling event. These isotopic signatures suggest that less oxic conditions associated with a water circulation change occurred rapidly within a time interval of less than 1000 yr in response to a global climatic change at the late Quaternary. Since lake water circulation exerts a great influence especially on the geochemical cycle and biological activity in Lake Baikal, reconstruction of paleo-redox conditions and water circulation changes in the lake are indispensable to identify detailed changes in biological activity and lake ecosystems with respect to climate changes.タンデトロン加速器質量分析計業績報告 Summaries of Researches Using AMS 2003 (平成15)年度
中村 俊夫 宇田津 徹朗 田崎 博之 外山 秀一 杉山 真二 松田 隆二 Nakamura Toshio Udatsu Tetsuro Tazaki Hiroyuki Toyama Shuichi Sugiyama Shinji Matsuda Ryuji
vol.24, pp.123-132, 2013-03

To measure 14C age directly on plant opal itself with accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS), we have extracted carbon contained in plant-opal samples separated from modern lining plants as well as ancient soil deposits at archeological sites, in particular, rice field remains. Carbon dioxide was separated and collected from plant-opal samples by using a radio-frequency furnace (HF-1O, Leco Corporation) which is used successfully to extract carbon in the metal iron. Carbon content of plant opal is not clearly known, and yields of CO2 from p1ant-opal samples were very low (<0.1%) in our experiment Nagoya University AMS 14C dating laboratory. We have conducted CO2 extraction for 15 samples, and we can get enough CO2 from only three samples to perform 14C dating even with AMS. The obtained 14C ages were a few thousand years older than expectations on the basis of archeological aspects. Even more, plant-opal samples extracted from modern living plants showed 14C ages as old as 3-6 ka BP. This implies that carbon in plant opal is not derived from carbon incorporated into the plants by photosynthesis. More studies are required to apply routinely 14C dating of plant-opal material.名古屋大学年代測定総合研究センターシンポジウム報告
鈴木 和博 Suzuki Kazuhiro 中村 俊夫 Nakamura Toshio 加藤 丈典 Kato Takenori Takenori 池田 晃子 Ikeda Akiko 後藤 晶子 Goto Akiko 小田 寛貴 Oda Hirotaka 南 雅代 Minami Masayo 上久保 寛 Kamikubo Hiroshi 梶塚 泉 Kajizuka Izumi 足立 香織 Adachi Kaori 壺井 基裕 Tsuboi Motohiro 常磐 哲也 Tokiwa Tetsuya 太田 友子 Oota Tomoko 西田 真砂美 Nishida Masami 江坂 直子 Esaka Naoko 田中 敦子 Tanaka Atsuko 森 忍 Mori Shinobu ダンクリー ダニエル Dunkley Daniel J. クシャク モニカ Kusiak Monika A. 鈴木 里子 Suzuki Satoko 丹生 越子 Niu Etsuko 中崎 峰子 Nakazaki Mineko 仙田 量子 Senda Ryoko 金川 和世 Kanagawa Kazuyo 熊沢 裕代 Kumazawa Hiroyo
vol.19, pp.26-38, 2008-03

Umi is located along the Kamimura River within the Kamiyahagi area of southeastern Ena City, Gifu Prefecture. The name 'Umi' means sea or large lake; however, there are no lakes in the mountainous Kamiyahagi area. The Tokai Gou (torrential rain) flood of September 11-12, 2000 destroyed embankments along the river, and exposed sedimentary layers that are typical of a lacustrine depositional setting. This confirms the existence of a paleo-lake from which the name Umi originated. The ^<14>C ages, ranging from 280±37 to 345±25 BP, appear to be contemporaneous with Tensho Earthquake that occurred in central Japan on January 18, 1586.
藤井 昭二 中村 俊夫 Mappa Haruna
名古屋大学年代測定資料研究センター 天然放射性元素測定小委員会
no.2, pp.70-75, 1991-03

There are very fine marine terrace along the Bira to Pasir Putih coast southern part of south Sulawesi. These marine terrace consists of Miocene to Eocene reef coral with two notches. Position of one notch is in the one of high tide and another one is in 3-4m high above high tide with attched reef corals. ^<14>C ages of these emerged reef corals attached basement rock are dated by the Tandetron method at the Dating and Materials Research Center, Nagoya University. Result of age dating is shown is Table 1. Sea levels of 22to 40ka before present were 120 to 50m deeper than the present sea level. So uplifting rates calculate to 5.5 to 1.5mm/year. It is unresonable that two different rates estimate in same locality. Then sea level of 20 to 40ka before present must have been high geoid surface in this area.
椋本 ひかり 南 雅代 中村 俊夫 Mukumoto Hikari Minami Masayo Nakamura Toshio
no.26, pp.96-101, 2015-03

Bone collagen, the organic fraction of the bone, is commonly used on 14C dating of bone, while it can not be used for cremated bone because of no remain of collagen. Meanwhile, recent studies have presented that carbonate hydroxyapatite (CHa), the inorganic fraction of the bone, can be used for 14C dating of cremated bone, though the CHa is easily contaminated by exogenous carbon and should be purified by chemical treatment. The purpose of this study is to test the reliability of 14C dating of CHa by using a cremated bone of known-age in Japan. The samples used were the cremated bone, which is considered to be remains of Jokei, a Buddhist monk (AD 1155-1213). We examined whether chemical treatment of the cremated bone with 0.1 M acetic acid for a short time of 1 hour is adequate for removal of secondary carbonate to obtain innate CHa for accurate 14C dating. The CHa in six fragments of the cremated bone showed 14C dates between 1155-1280 cal AD, which are similar with the supposed age. The result indicates the effectiveness of acetic acid treatment and the possibility of accurate 14C dating of CHa by the appropriate chemical treatment. 骨の14C年代測定には、有機成分であるコラーゲンを利用するのが一般的である。しかし、コラーゲンが損失しているため、14C年代測定が困難な骨試料も少なくない。そのような骨試料、特に火葬骨に対して、近年、無機成分の炭酸ヒドロキシアパタイト(CHa)を用いた14C年代測定が試みられている。そこで、本研究では、年代既知の火葬骨に対して、実際に、CHaを用いて信頼性のある14C年代測定が可能かどうかの検証を行った。また、二次的な炭酸塩による汚染を除去するための低濃度短時間の酢酸処理の有効性についても評価を行った。用いた火葬骨試料は、奈良県三郷町の持聖院に所蔵されていた蔵骨器内の骨片である。この人骨は、平安時代末から鎌倉時代にかけて活躍した僧・貞慶(AD1155-1213)の遺骨であるとされている。年代測定の結果、本研究で使用した火葬骨6点から得られた14C年代は1155-1280cal ADという、貞慶の没年と2σの誤差範囲で一致する結果となった。一方、酢酸処理により発生したC02は現代に近い年代を示したことから、本研究で使用した火葬骨は、2次的な炭酸塩等の外来炭素の汚染があったものの、酢酸処理によって効果的に除去された結果、CHaの信頼性のある14C年代測定が可能であったことがわかった。また、真空下における、0.1Mの酢酸による1時間程度の酸処理の有効性も明らかになった。今後、より年代の古い試料や保存状態の異なる試料についても検討を行っていく予定である。名古屋大学年代測定総合研究センターシンポジウム報告
椋本 ひかり 南 雅代 若木 重行 中村 俊夫 Mukumoto Hikari Minami Masayo Wakaki Shigeyuki Nakamura Toshio
no.1, pp.102-107, 2017-03-31

Bones exposed to temperatures of more than 600℃ become to possess the high crystallinity of apatite, which protects them against easy contamination. This property now makes it possible to use the carbonate hydroxyapatite (CHa), an inorganic component of bone, for the 14C dating of cremated bones. Other chemical characteristics, such as Sr/Ca and δ88Sr, indicators of trophic levels and/or dietary preferences, are also expected to be preserved in cremated bones. This study was conducted to examine whether the CHa in cremated bones can provide accurate 14C dates and reliable information on diet. Cremated bone fragments from an urn at the Jisho-in Temple in Nara Prefecture, Japan were used as the sample. These bones are thought to be the remains of Jokei, a Buddhist monk (AD 1155–1213). The CHa in two fragments, which have high crystallinity, was determined to have a 14C date of 1040–1220 cal AD (±2σ), a date similar with the presumed age. The log(Sr/Ca) and δ88Sr values obtained from the bone CHa were –2.79 and from –0.140 to –0.125, respectively, values similar to those of herbivores (log(Sr/Ca)= –3.0~–2.5; Balter et al., 2002, δ88Sr =–0.30±0.17‰; Tütken et al., 2015). This finding is consistent with Jokei's dietary custom of not eating meat. The results of this study demonstrate the effectiveness of using CHa in cremated bones for the 14C dating of bones and dietary analysis.最近の研究により、火葬されて有機成分が残存していない骨に対し、骨の無機成分である炭酸ヒドロキシアパタイト(Carbonate Hydroxyapatite: CHa)を用いた14C年代測定の有効性が実証された(Lanting et al., 2001; Zazzo et al., 2011)。CHaは、高温(>600℃)で加熱されると結晶化が進み埋没後に続成作用の影響を受けにくくなることがその理由として挙げられる。そのため、結晶性の高いCHaを含む火葬骨は、生体由来の化学成分を保持でき、栄養段階の指標であるSr/Ca値やδ88Sr値などを分析することにより、14C年代だけでなく食性に関する情報も復元できることが期待できる。そこで、本研究では、仏教徒「貞慶」(AD1155-1213)の遺骨とされる火葬骨のSr/Ca値及びδ88Sr値の分析を行い、貞慶が菜食であったことを実証できるかどうかを検討した。結晶性の高い火葬骨のCHaから得られた14C年代値は貞慶の没年(1213年)と矛盾しない結果であった。さらに、log(Sr/Ca)値は-2.79、δ88Sr値は-0.14~-0.13であり、いずれも草食動物の値(log(Sr/Ca)=-3.0~-2.5; Balter et al., 2002、δ88Sr値=-0.47~-0.13; Tütken et al., 2015))の範囲であった。この結果は、貞慶が菜食主義であったことを示すものであり、考古学的な見解と一致している。これらの結果から、高温で加熱され、結晶性が高い火葬骨CHaは、生体由来のSr/Ca値及びδ88Sr値を保持しており、年代に関する情報だけでなく生前の食習慣を探るのにも有効であることが明らかになった。本研究は、日本学術振興会科学研究費補助金挑戦的萌芽研究[骨の炭酸ヒドロキシアパタイトを用いた炭素14年代測定の試み」(代表者:南雅代、課題番号26560144)の助成を受けて行なわれました。
松田 時彦 由井 将雄 松島 義章 今永 勇 平田 大二 東郷 正美 鹿島 薫 松原 彰子 中井 信之 中村 俊夫 松岡 数充
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.63, no.2, pp.p145-182, 1988-11

佐野 貴司 Sano Takashi 和田 秀樹 Wada Hideki 海野 進 Unimo Susumu 中村 俊夫 Nakamura Toshio
名古屋大学年代測定資料研究センター 天然放射性元素測定小委員会
vol.3, pp.67-75, 1992-03

We obtained radiocarbon datings of 29,209±554 yrBP. for shell sample from Pukaki and 30,230±413 yrBP. for that from Motukorea in the Auckland Volcanoes, New Zealand. When we supply the ages of indivisual volcanoes and compositional change with time, it can be possible to elucidate the magma system of the Auckland Volcanic Field.
工藤 雄一郎 小林 謙一 山本 直人 吉田 淳 中村 俊夫
第四紀研究 (ISSN:04182642)
vol.47, no.6, pp.409-423, 2008-12-01 (Released:2012-03-26)

中村 俊夫 宇田津 徹朗 田崎 博之 外山 秀一 杉山 真二 松田 隆二 Nakamura Toshio Udatsu Tetsuro Tazaki Hiroyuki Toyama Shuichi Sugiyama Shinji Matsuda Ryuji
vol.24, pp.123-132, 2013-03

To measure 14C age directly on plant opal itself with accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS), we have extracted carbon contained in plant-opal samples separated from modern lining plants as well as ancient soil deposits at archeological sites, in particular, rice field remains. Carbon dioxide was separated and collected from plant-opal samples by using a radio-frequency furnace (HF-1O, Leco Corporation) which is used successfully to extract carbon in the metal iron. Carbon content of plant opal is not clearly known, and yields of CO2 from p1ant-opal samples were very low (<0.1%) in our experiment Nagoya University AMS 14C dating laboratory. We have conducted CO2 extraction for 15 samples, and we can get enough CO2 from only three samples to perform 14C dating even with AMS. The obtained 14C ages were a few thousand years older than expectations on the basis of archeological aspects. Even more, plant-opal samples extracted from modern living plants showed 14C ages as old as 3-6 ka BP. This implies that carbon in plant opal is not derived from carbon incorporated into the plants by photosynthesis. More studies are required to apply routinely 14C dating of plant-opal material.
山内 和也 山藤 正敏 吉田 豊 城倉 正祥 櫛原 功一 久米 正吾 中村 俊夫 増渕 麻里耶

南 雅代 Minami Masayo 中村 俊夫 Nakamura Toshio 平田 和明 Hirata Kazuaki 長岡 朋人 Nagaoka Tomohito 鵜澤 和宏 Hoshino Keigo
vol.18, pp.134-143, 2007-03

During the past several decades, many medieval skeletons were excavated from archaeological sites in the Yuigahama area, Kamakura, Japan. The excavations yielded more than 5,000 individuals in varying states of preservation from the Zaimokuza, Seiyokan, Yuigahama-minami and Chusei Shudan Bochi sites. Medieval Kamakura was an ancient capital of the Kamakura Shogunate, and a lot of people lived in Kamakura with high population density. The human skeletons excavated from the Zaimokuza site are reported to be humans dead by competition at the end of the Kamakura Shogunate, but a detailed study on dating of the human skeletons has not made yet. In this study, we measured ^<14>C ages, together with carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios, of human skeletal remains excavated from the Yuigahama-minami site and Chusei Shudan Bochi site. The δ^<13>C and δ^<15>N were not different between human skeletal samples of both sites, while the ^<14>C ages were different between them: The human bones of the Yuigahama-minami site are 100 year younger than those of the medieval collective-cemetery site. All of ages of human skeletons from both of the sites are older than the latest Kamakura period. The δ^<13>C and δ^<15>N values of the medieval Kamakura people are higher than those of terrestrial mammals, indicating that they exploited some amount of marine fish and/or mammals with higher δ^<13>C and δ^<15>N as protein sources. Therefore, the ^<14>C ages obtained for human skeletons could be order than the true ages. ^<87>Sr/^<86>Sr isotopic ratios of human skeletons of the Yuigahama-minami site tend to be higher than those of the Chusei Shudan Bochi site. Soils, plants and animals feeding on them in a given locality have ^<87>Sr/^<86>Sr values that generally mirror underlying bedrock composition, and thus ^<87>Sr/^<86>Sr ratios of human skeletons are useful tools for assessing migration in prehistory. The result obtained in this study suggests that Yuigahama-minami humans and Chusei Shudan Bochi humas lived in different areas. More skeleton samples should be analyzed for determining detailed ^<14>C ages of humans excavated from the Yuigahama sites, and for estimating migration of prehistory of the medieval Kamakura humans.
守屋 以智雄 奥野 充 中村 俊夫
名古屋大学年代測定資料研究センター 天然放射性元素測定小委員会
no.6, pp.82-91, 1995-03

名古屋大学タンデトロン加速器質量分析計シンポジウム(1994年度)報告 [タンデトロン加速器質量分析計を用いた14C年代測定の利用による火山噴火史研究の新展開] Proceedings of Symposium on Tandetron Accelerator Mass Spectrometer, Nagoya University "New Developments in Studies on the History of Volcanic Eruptions by Using 14C dates Measured with the Tandetron Accelerator Mass Spectrometer"