大谷 龍治 當別當 洋平 米田 浩平 泉 智子 安岡 辰雄 宮島 等 小倉 理代 弓場 健一郎 高橋 健文 細川 忍 岸 宏一 日浅 芳一
公益財団法人 日本心臓財団
心臓 (ISSN:05864488)
vol.48, no.6, pp.657-663, 2016 (Released:2017-06-15)

症例は60歳, 男性. 2015年4月, 夜間嘔吐後に心肺停止状態となり, 救急要請された. 救急隊到着時は心室細動 (ventricular fibrillation ; VF) で, 自動体外式除細動器 (automated external defibrillator ; AED) にて除細動後, 自己心拍が再開し当院に搬送された. 来院時, 心電図にJ波はみられず, 下・側壁誘導にST低下を認めたものの心臓超音波検査で壁運動異常はみられなかった. 意識レベルの低下が遷延しており, 呼吸状態も不安定なため, 鎮静・気管内挿管下に低体温療法を開始した. 治療開始30分後からVFを生じ, 体温が35°C以下に低下後は電気的ストームとなった. 抗不整脈薬による抑制効果はなく電気的除細動を繰り返した. 12誘導心電図を再検したところ, 初診時には認めなかったJ波が広範な誘導に出現しており, 低体温によって顕性化したものと判断した. 低体温療法を中止し, イソプロテレノールの持続静注を開始したところ, 速やかにJ波は消失し, VFの抑制が得られた. 体温が正常化後は, イソプロテレノールを中止してもJ波は出現せず, 以後VFを生じることはなかった. 心肺蘇生後症例の低体温療法時には, J波が顕性化してVFを生じる症例があることに注意すべきと思われた.

1 0 0 0 IR Tamenund の役割

肴倉 宏
大阪女学院短期大学紀要 (ISSN:03877744)
no.26, pp.85-94, 1997-03-01

自由論文自然とそれを覆う闇は、The Last of the Mohicans を構成する重要な要素であるだけでなく、作品のテーマを支える重要な意味も与えられている。自然と闇は、それぞれ、善と悪を象徴的に示している。Tamenund は、 Magua を悪の化身そして Uncas をメジャと認識している。彼は、また、 Magua が Cora に対して権利をもっていることも Uncas が Cora に対して権利をもっていないことも理解する。彼は、二つの正義のどちらかを選ばなければならない悲劇的人物である。悲劇的人物 Tamenund は、 Uncas による救済劇を完成させる重要な役割を果たしている。
肴倉 宏
大阪女学院短期大学紀要 (ISSN:03877744)
no.24, pp.89-98, 1996-03-01

自由論文自然とそれを覆う闇は、The Last of the Mohicans を構成する重要な要素であるだけでなく、作品のテーマを支える重要な意味をも与えられている。自然と闇は、それぞれ、善と悪を象徴的に示している。David Gamut は、Maguaを悪の化身と認識するけれども、自分だけは倫理的に正しいと思いこんでいる。このような David は、ダビデやイエス・キリストのごとく振る舞うのである。 Cooper は、イエス・キリストのように振る舞う David を悪と結び付けて描いている。 David は、偽キリストなのである。彼が偽キリストになってしまった原因は、古い生命力を失ったキリスト教信仰に固執しているためなのである。
肴倉 宏
大阪女学院短期大学紀要 (ISSN:03877744)
no.24, pp.99-108, 1996-03-01

自由論文自然とそれを覆う闇は、The Last of the Mohicans を構成する重要な要素であるだけでなく、作品のテーマを支える重要な意味をも与えられている。自然と闇は、それぞれ、善と悪を象徴的に示している。 Magua を悪の化身と理解できない Duncan Heyward は、自分が悪にとりつかれていることにも気づかない。その結果、彼は悪の成すがままにされ、彼は与えられている任務を果たすことができないのである。彼は、闇の中で挫折しているのである。彼の挫折の原因は、合理主義的・博愛主義的キリスト教信仰の枠組みから脱却できないためなのである。
肴倉 宏
大阪女学院短期大学紀要 (ISSN:03877744)
no.27, pp.63-72, 1998-03-01

自由論文自然とそれを覆う闇は、The Last of the Mohicans を構成する重要な要素であるだけでなく、作品のテーマを支える重要な意味も与えられている。自然と闇は、それぞれ、善と悪を象徴的に示している。悪の化身 Magua は、Munro に恐ろしい復讐をする。Natty Bumppo は、Munro の苦しみを理解するだけでなく彼を信仰へと導く。彼のおかげで Munro は、Cora が Uncas のメシヤとしての使命を果たすための死によって救いを得たことを知る。Munro と Natty Bumppo の間係は、物語の前半部と後半部で対比されている。前半部では Munro は砦の司令官で、Natty Bumppo は斥候として彼に仕えている。対照的に、後半部では Munro と Natty Bumppo の関係は対等な関係である。
肴倉 宏
大阪女学院短期大学紀要 (ISSN:03877744)
no.26, pp.73-83, 1997-03-01

自由論文自然とそれを覆う闇は、The Last of the Mohicans を構成する重要な要素であるだけでなく、作品のテーマを支える重要な意味をも与えられている。自然と闇は、それぞれ、善と悪を象徴的に示している。貴族制社会を象徴する砦は、砦の司令官たちが悪に支配されているために崩壊する。Duncan Heyward は、合理主義・博愛主義的キリスト教信仰をもっている民主々義者である。しかし、彼の民主々義は、 Magua を悪の化身と理解できないために挫折する。Natty Bumppo の登場は、大衆が導く民主々義の台頭を象徴的に示している。Natty Bumppo の民主々義は、キリスト教信仰の新しい理解に支えられている。The Last of the Mohicans のテーマは、政治と宗教の係わりである。
石倉 幸雄 Yukio Ishikura
国際経営・文化研究 (ISSN:13431412)
vol.10, no.1, pp.29-61, 2005-11

The Spanish-American War started on April 23rd ,1898 and ended on August 12th of the same year, resulting in Spain being defeated. The defeat of this war gave Spain the "disaster of 1898", leaving it much to be reformed,and at the same time accelerated international disintegration of the Old World, the framework of which had been deteriorating since the early 19th century. On July 3rd ,1898 the Spanish Squadron was destroyed by the American Fleet off Sanchago de Cuba. The outcome at Sanchago de Cuba converted general trends of the war to be more favorable to the United States, and Spainユs attitude clearly took a different turn from then on. Spain inaugurated the quest for peace behind the scenes.This article attempts to investigate conditions of the so called the "disaster of 1898" of Spain by analyzing the mutual telegraphic communications between the Naval Ministry of Spain and admiral Cervera, commander in chief of the Spanish Squadron. The squadron set sail on April 7th,1898 from Cadiz for Puerto Rico, and was destroyed in the sea engagement off Sanchago de Cuba.With a good understanding of details of the "disaster of 1898", which would indicate how Spain was then, we will study its cause and effect in a context of Spainユs own history as well as in the historical context of international order.There are two collections of telegraphic communications. One is of Cervera's redaction, and the other is of the Naval Ministry of Spain. We will use mainly the former, and secondarily the latter in order to check if the Cervera's collection might include his political bias because he was well known before the war for his viewpoints in opposition to possible confrontation with the United States.
石倉 幸雄 Yukio Ishikura
国際経営・文化研究 = Cross-cultural business and cultural studies (ISSN:13431412)
vol.10, no.2, pp.47-80, 2006-03-01

The Spanish-American War started on April 23rd ,1898 and ended on August 12th of the same year, resulting in Spain being defeated. The defeat of this war gave Spain the "disaster of 1898", leaving it much to be reformed,and at the same time accelerated international disintegration of the Old World, the framework of which had been deteriorating since the early 19th century. On July 3rd ,1898 the Spanish Squadron was destroyed by the American Fleet off Sanchago de Cuba. The outcome at Sanchago de Cuba converted general trends of the war to be more favorable to the United States, and Spain's attitude clearly took a different turn from then on. Spain inaugurated the quest for peace behind the scenes.This article attempts to investigate conditions of the so called the "disaster of 1898" of Spain by analyzing the mutual telegraphic communications between the Naval Ministry of Spain and admiral Cervera, commander in chief of the Spanish Squadron. The squadron set sail on April 7th,1898 from Cadiz for Puerto Rico, and was destroyed in the sea engagement off Sanchago de Cuba.With a good understanding of details of the "disaster of 1898", which would indicate how Spain was then, we will study its cause and effect in a context of Spain's own history as well as in the historical context of international order.There are two collections of telegraphic communications. One is of Cervera's redaction, and the other is of the Naval Ministry of Spain. We will use mainly the former, and secondarily the latter in order to check if the Cerveraユs collection might include his political bias because he was well known before the war for his viewpoints in opposition to possible confrontation with the United States.
石倉 幸雄 Yukio Ishikura
国際経営・文化研究 (ISSN:13431412)
vol.13, no.1, pp.19-35, 2008-11

This article attempts to evaluate historically the result of the Spanish-American War in two contexts. One is in the history of Spain and the other is in the historical course of deterioration of the Old World.In the first context this article tries to calculate the financial burden due to the Paris Peace Conference held by the two nations and to study how unfavorable effects the burden had on the subsequent economic course of Spain. In the second one this article attempts to prove, by analyzing financial policy, rules and practices of wartime Spain, the assumption that Spanish style of thinking and form of behavior had been based on the order of the Old World. If the assumption is proved, it follows that the defeat of Spain could be considered not only to break down the Spanish values but also to accelerate disintegration and deterioration of the order of the Old World.
石倉 幸雄 Yukio Ishikura
国際経営・文化研究 (ISSN:13431412)
vol.10, no.2, pp.47-80, 2006-03

The Spanish-American War started on April 23rd ,1898 and ended on August 12th of the same year, resulting in Spain being defeated. The defeat of this war gave Spain the "disaster of 1898", leaving it much to be reformed,and at the same time accelerated international disintegration of the Old World, the framework of which had been deteriorating since the early 19th century. On July 3rd ,1898 the Spanish Squadron was destroyed by the American Fleet off Sanchago de Cuba. The outcome at Sanchago de Cuba converted general trends of the war to be more favorable to the United States, and Spain's attitude clearly took a different turn from then on. Spain inaugurated the quest for peace behind the scenes.This article attempts to investigate conditions of the so called the "disaster of 1898" of Spain by analyzing the mutual telegraphic communications between the Naval Ministry of Spain and admiral Cervera, commander in chief of the Spanish Squadron. The squadron set sail on April 7th,1898 from Cadiz for Puerto Rico, and was destroyed in the sea engagement off Sanchago de Cuba.With a good understanding of details of the "disaster of 1898", which would indicate how Spain was then, we will study its cause and effect in a context of Spain's own history as well as in the historical context of international order.There are two collections of telegraphic communications. One is of Cervera's redaction, and the other is of the Naval Ministry of Spain. We will use mainly the former, and secondarily the latter in order to check if the Cerveraユs collection might include his political bias because he was well known before the war for his viewpoints in opposition to possible confrontation with the United States.
石倉 幸雄 Yukio Ishikura
国際経営・文化研究 = Cross-cultural business and cultural studies (ISSN:13431412)
vol.13, no.1, pp.19-35, 2008-11-01

This article attempts to evaluate historically the result of the Spanish-American War in two contexts. One is in the history of Spain and the other is in the historical course of deterioration of the Old World.In the first context this article tries to calculate the financial burden due to the Paris Peace Conference held by the two nations and to study how unfavorable effects the burden had on the subsequent economic course of Spain. In the second one this article attempts to prove, by analyzing financial policy, rules and practices of wartime Spain, the assumption that Spanish style of thinking and form of behavior had been based on the order of the Old World. If the assumption is proved, it follows that the defeat of Spain could be considered not only to break down the Spanish values but also to accelerate disintegration and deterioration of the order of the Old World.
山室 真澄 戸野倉 賢一 平塚 健一 横石 英樹

淵田 茂司 門倉 正和 所 千晴
一般社団法人 資源・素材学会
Journal of MMIJ (ISSN:18816118)
vol.137, no.12, pp.116-122, 2021-12-25 (Released:2021-12-25)

Acid mine drainage (AMD) generation is a serious problem from the environmental and economic perspectives, because it contains a large amount of heavy metals and because there are high costs associated with maintaining the facilities, purchasing neutralizing agents, and disposing sludges; which are required for the treatment process. In this study, changes in AMD quantity and quality for the next decades were predicted by a three series tank model in three stages, by combining the first order kinetic calculation of sulfide minerals' dissolution for two metal mines (X and Y) in Japan. Results from the AMD quality model represented the decrease of heavy metal concentrations below the effluent standard values in 30–140 years, by considering dilution and/or additional dissolution by heavy rain and snow melting, although these predicted values diverged by our previous model. However, the low correlation coefficient values (0.23–0.63) observed between the measured values of heavy metal concentration and the values calculated by our new model, mean that other chemical reactions, such as sulfate and/or carbonate mineral dissolution could greatly affect the AMD quality. In fact, there was no correlation between the metal potential calculated by our model and the real distribution of sulfide minerals at X mine. Our results therefore indicate that specific geochemical reaction and geological information should be included in the AMD quality prediction model, to estimate more accurately the fluctuation of each heavy metal concentration during different seasons.
鈴木 善貴 大倉 一夫 松香 芳三
特定非営利活動法人 日本睡眠歯科学会
睡眠口腔医学 (ISSN:21886695)
vol.3, no.1, pp.10-21, 2016 (Released:2019-12-20)

Sleep Bruxism (SB), which has been thought to have various harmful influences to stomatognathic system, is a disease with jaw movement accompanied by excessive occlusal force during sleep. The physiological masticatory muscle activity, which can be observed several times at night even in healthy people, is recently referred to as rhythmic masticatory muscle activity (RMMA) as a biomarker to diagnose SB. Patients who exhibit RMMA over 4 times per hour are diagnosed with SB. It has been suggested that RMMA might be caused by primary factor (brain activation) and/or secondary factor (e.g. sleep apnea, REM behavioral disorder). During RMMA event, phasic or/and tonic masticatory muscle contractions are performed and jaw movement, such as clenching at eccentric jaw position and grinding exceeding canine edge to edge, are specifically observed by recent studies. These jaw movements may cause various signs (e.g. tooth attrition, masticatory muscle pain). However, these signs can be due to other multiple factors( e.g. tooth, daytime oral habits), so it is hard to establish a causal link between SB and the signs. SB has been diagnosed by electromyography, clinical signs and questionnaire. In order to improve the validity of SB diagnostic methods, grading system is recently applied; polysomnography with audio-video recordings, clinical signs, and questionnaire define “definite,” “probable,” and “possible” SB respectively. Since there is still no definitive treatment for SB, dental clinicians have been performing symptomatic therapy such as splint therapy, pharmacotherapy, and behavioral therapy. Splint therapy is the most commonly used therapy on SB patients, but its potential side effects, e.g. worsening sleep breathing disorder, have been reported. Therefore, behavioral therapy, such as sleep hygiene measure and relaxation, needs to be performed first. Unlink the primary SB, the secondary factor might lead to not only negative effect but also positive influences such as activating secretion or diffusion of saliva in gastroesophageal reflux disease patients and releasing stress. Therefore, for the case caused by the secondary factor, dentists should consult with medical specialists from different fields to review and examine the case.
小倉 尚也 中村 昭子 平田 成 三軒 一義 留岡 和重
vol.2006, pp.103-103, 2006

南極マイクロメテオライトの80%は含水鉱物を含んでいる(Engrand and Murette, 1998).しかしながら,地球に落下した隕石の中で含水鉱物を含むものは3%程度しかない.他方,小惑星では30-40%が含水鉱物を含んでいる.このような含水鉱物の相対存在度の違いを説明するために,含水多孔質物質をターゲットとした衝突実験を行い,高速度衝突による含水鉱物の脱水がダスト形成に与える影響を調べることを研究テーマとしている.
朝倉浩介 平川豊 大関和夫
vol.2013, no.1, pp.311-312, 2013-03-06

ALM(Application Layer Multicast)におけるストリーミング配信では、データを受信したノードがマルチキャストツリーの下層ノードへデータを送信するため、ノードの離脱によってツリー下層のノードへの配信の中断が発生する。先行研究において、離脱の影響を受けたノードが予め設定していた予備の接続先へ再接続する手法が提案されているが、予備の接続先の保持のために帯域幅が専有され、配信の遅延が増大する問題や、ツリー再構築後の不適切な予備の接続先への対処が明確にされていない問題がある。本論文では、予備の接続先を重複させ、ツリー再構築後の予備の接続先の更新を用いたALM構築手法を提案する。