富倉 徳次郎

倉澤 卓也 佐藤 敦夫 中谷 光一 池田 雄史 吉松 昭和 池田 宣昭 井上 哲郎 金井 廣一
結核 (ISSN:00229776)
vol.75, no.5, pp.389-394, 2000-05-15 (Released:2011-05-24)

We report an outbreak of pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) in a dormitory of construction labors, and this outbreak is suspected to have been caused by exogenous reinfection, based on the restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis and other findings.After a patient entered our hospital with active TB, 12 new other patients were discovered by contacts examination. These patients lived together in the same dormitory. They were all male and single, and were aged from 43 to 63 years old. Except one patient (No.3) previously treated for TB for three months about 2 years ago and was suspected to be the index case of this outbreak, 12 other patients did not have a medical history of TB.The bacilli cultured from 11 patients (No.1-11) were tested by RFLP analysis, three patterns were identified, and the fingerprints from 9 patients (No.1-9) were identical, and the patterns of incomplete resistance of some antituberculous drugs were quite similar between No.1-9 and No.12 and between No.10 and No.13, respectively.The locations of the main lesions of TB on chest X-ray pictures were the apico-posterior segments of bilateral upper lobes. No signs suspected to indicate primary tuberculosis were detected.Considering the rate of tuberculous infection in Japan among the middle age and above as well as the identical RFLP results, most of patients in this outbreak except the index case No.3 were suspected to have TB due to the exogenous reinfection.
倉沢 一 Hajime KURASAWA
南極資料 (ISSN:00857289)
no.58, pp.204-234, 1977-03

志村 智隆 小宅 功一郎 粟倉 秀幸 池谷 洋一 野垣 岳稔 小林 斉 小林 一女 大氣 采女 大谷 友里恵 工藤 健人 郡司 寛之 甘利 泰伸 泉本 彩 井上 由樹子 今泉 直美
vol.1, no.1, pp.77-81, 2021

<p>今回,溶連菌感染後反応性関節炎(post-streptococcal reactive arthritis:PSReA)の1症例を経験したのでここに報告する。症例は39歳女性。X月Y–17日,発熱・咽頭痛を主訴に当院救急外来を受診した。口蓋扁桃への膿栓付着を認め細菌性扁桃炎の診断でアモキシシリン内服処方にて帰宅指示となっていた。X月Y日,1週間前からの発熱・咽頭痛の持続と全身的な関節痛を主訴に当科を受診した。口蓋扁桃への膿栓付着は消退し,一般採血所見はWBCの軽度上昇のみでCRP値・ASO値の上昇は認めず溶連菌迅速検査も陰性であった。咽頭痛や関節痛の症状が強く,急性リウマチ熱(acute rheumatic fever:ARF)を視野に補体価を含めた採血を提出し鎮痛薬の処方としていたが,X月Y+5日,耐え難い咽頭痛・頸部痛の出現あり当科を再診した。採血ではWBCの軽度上昇のみで赤沈値は陰性であったがASO値の上昇を認め,溶連菌感染後約10日後の関節症状出現という経過からPSReAの診断となった。PSReAはARFに類似した検査所見や症状を示すとされるが,血液検査における炎症反応の上昇や赤沈値の亢進は目立たない場合が多いとされる。ARFとは異なった疾患として分類され心合併症は起こらないものとされるが,溶連菌性扁桃炎・咽頭炎を日常診療で頻回に扱う我々耳鼻咽喉科医としては留意しておくべき病態と考えられる。</p>
谷嵜 徹也 上田 浩次 村部 敏彦 野村 英之 鎌倉 友男
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌. D, 産業応用部門誌 = The transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. D, A publication of Industry Applications Society (ISSN:09136339)
vol.133, no.5, pp.558-565, 2013-05-01
1 1

Traffic regulations mandate the use of winter tires in the interests of smooth traffic flow during heavy snow days. In this situation, road administrators must visually inspect vehicles to ensure summer tires are not being used on expressways. However misjudgment is unavoidable only by visual inspection and heavy traffic jams eventually occur. To avoid such traffic jams, an automatic tire discrimination system is required. In this report, we propose a simple method of discrimination between summer and winter tires using tire/road noises emitted by running vehicles, and evaluate the relationship between road surface roughness and the impact noise patterns of winter tires. Additionally, we consider the influence of road surface conditions such as dry and wet surfaces on the proposed discrimination method. Finally, we confirm the effectiveness of the discrimination system in the field using a number of vehicles with different tires.
金城 春野 小倉 暢之
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.83, no.750, pp.1533-1542, 2018 (Released:2018-08-30)

Hisao Nakaza was one of a handful of architects who contributed to building activities in Okinawa before, during, and after the Second World War. He engaged in the post-war recovery construction in the forefront immediately after the war, and later served as the first president of the Okinawa Society of Architects & Building Engineers (O.S.A.B.E.). Nakaza was a pioneer who represented Okinawan architectural society in the early post-war period. This study defines the period before 1960 as the dawn of concrete house popularization in Okinawa and aims to clarify the aspects of the development of architecture in Okinawa during this period, examining the architectural activity of Hisao Nakaza, who played a leading role in laying the foundation for the spread of concrete buildings. Results obtained from each section are as follows: 1) Nakaza was engaged in the public construction work in Okinawa before the war. That experience correlated to his active involvement of public work of American Army immediately after the war and he obtained advanced technologies. He employed masonry construction methods, utilizing local materials from 1950 to 1953 when material procurement and factory equipment were incomplete for the Reinforced-Concrete (RC) building. After 1954, he made the most of the properties of RC building, which made free form possible and also designs were changed. He was also devoted to designing activities and writing activities for magazines and newspapers and enlightened people on the dissemination of non-wooden buildings. 2) During his tenure as the President of the O.S.A.B.E., Nakaza organized discussion meetings of engineers and competitions of farm house design. Discussion meetings promoted the common consciousness of the dissemination of concrete housing among the engineers. Competitions nurtured young architects and at the same time offered the opportunities to make people known a new image of farmers' housing. Furthermore, interactions between Japanese and American engineers staying in Okinawa through meeting led to the publication of booklets about rural houses. In addition, requirements for concrete housing suitable for the land and climate were presented. Furthermore, financing facilities and tax system revisions for the establishment of concrete buildings were requested to government. 3) In the development of housing design, starting from 1949, masonry construction was performed for two years. After stone building and brick building were examined, non-wooden building was fulfilled. Concrete block (CB) building was introduced to build plumbing water parts of wooden houses around 1955, which improves durability, sanitation and handiness. CB building was frequently employed between 1952 and the beginning of 1955, which were designed by taking into consideration the climate features of the region from the beginning of the first introduction. The farmer house model of CB building was opened to the public and earned a great response. Finally, RC building entered the mainstream in 1956. At the same time, screen blocks were created and frequently utilized. The shape of screen blocks was contrived where both usability and exquisite design were found for the subtropical climate of Okinawa. As stated above, Hisao Nakaza was dedicated to the activities of the dissemination of concrete housing in diversified fields such as technical aspect (design), publicity (writing to enlighten people) finance (request for the support of financial policies) and education (cultivate architect at O.S.A.B.E). This study examined the process of Okinawan architecture after the war and revealed that the history of modernization was based on not only the unilateral receiving of advanced technology under military occupation but also the initiative struggle of the local architect, Nakaza, with roots in the region of Okinawa.
渋谷 政子 中島 理子 田島 久美子 朝倉 章子 森 敏郎
日本視能訓練士協会誌 (ISSN:03875172)
vol.24, pp.51-57, 1996 (Released:2009-10-29)

小倉 仁志
日経BP社 ; 1992-
日経情報ストラテジー (ISSN:09175342)
vol.21, no.10, pp.110-112, 2012-11

猪鹿倉 恭子
日本医科大学雑誌 (ISSN:00480444)
vol.56, no.6, pp.535-544, 1989-12-15 (Released:2009-07-10)
1 1

To investigate the prognostic factors, 30 cases of hypertensive primary thalamic hemorrhages with a poor or fatal outcome were studied. The age of the patients ranged from 42 to 84 years (mean: 64.4). Their level of consciousness, ocular deviations and pupillary abnormalities were analyzed in relation to the estimated volume and the extension of the hematomas.The level of consciousness was classified according to neurological grading (NG) of Kanaya et al. Twelve cases (40.0%) were above NG 4a. In high-aged patients, NG 1 or 2 often indicated a poor prognosis. A downward deviation or gasing nose (also known as 'thalamic eyes') was found in 13 cases (43.3%). Pupillary abnormalities were seen in 26 cases, and bilateral miosis (14 cases) indicated a poor prognosis. The extension of the hematoma consisted of 'downward' (type D), 'lateral' (type L) and 'upward' (type U), and combinations there of. Types U and D were thought to portend a poor prognosis.The following factors were thought to indicate a poor prognosis: (1) uncontrollable high blood pressure, (2) upward extension of the hematoma associated with large ventricular cast, (3) downward ocular deviation, bilateral miosis and downward extension of the hematoma (the first two were considered as indication of the hypothalamus and the midbrain being affected), (4) advanced age.
西園 昌久 高橋 流里子 対馬 節子 松永 智子 福屋 靖子 土屋 滋 大貫 稔 高橋 美智 浅野 ふみぢ 小松崎 房枝 鈴木 小津江 平山 清武 中田 福市 鈴木 信 壁島 あや子 名嘉 幸一 鵜飼 照喜 福永 康継 浪川 昭子 高田 みつ子 岩渕 勉 森脇 浩一 加藤 謙二 早川 邦弘 森岡 信行 津田 司 平野 寛 渡辺 洋一郎 伴 信太郎 木戸 友幸 木下 清二 山田 寛保 福原 俊一 北井 暁子 小泉 俊三 今中 孝信 柏原 貞夫 渡辺 晃 俣野 一郎 村上 穆 柴崎 信吾 加畑 治 西崎 統 大宮 彬男 岩崎 徹也 奥宮 暁子 鈴木 妙 貝森 則子 大橋 ミツ 川井 浩 石川 友衛 加世田 正和 宮澤 多恵子 古賀 知行 西川 眞八 桜井 勇 三宅 史郎 北野 周作 竹洞 勝 北郷 朝衛 橋本 信也 斉藤 宣彦 石田 清 畑尾 正彦 平川 顕名 山本 浩司 庄村 東洋 島田 恒治 前川 喜平 久保 浩一 鈴木 勝 今中 雄一 木内 貴弘 朝倉 由加利 荻原 典和 若松 弘之 石崎 達郎 後藤 敏 田中 智之 小林 泰一郎 宮下 政子 飯田 年保 奥山 尚 中川 米造 永田 勝太郎 池見 酉次郎 村山 良介 河野 友信 Wagner G. S. 伊藤 幸郎 中村 多恵子 内田 玲子 永留 てる子 石原 敏子 河原 照子 石原 満子 平山 正実 中野 康平 鴨下 重彦 大道 久 中村 晃 倉光 秀麿 織畑 秀夫 鈴木 忠 馬渕 原吾 木村 恒人 大地 哲郎 宮崎 保 松嶋 喬 桜田 恵右 西尾 利一 森 忠三 宮森 正 奥野 正孝 江尻 崇 前沢 政次 大川 藤夫 関口 忠司 吉新 通康 岡田 正資 池田 博 釜野 安昭 高畠 由隆 高山 千史 吉村 望 小田 利通 川崎 孝一 堀 原一 山根 至二 小森 亮 小林 建一 田中 直樹 国府田 守雄 高橋 宣胖 島田 甚五郎 丸地 信弘 松田 正己 永井 友二郎 向平 淳 中嶌 義麿 鎮西 忠信 岡田 究 赤澤 淳平 大西 勝也 後藤 淳郎 下浦 範輔 上田 武 川西 正広 山室 隆夫 岡部 保 鳥居 有人 日向野 晃一 田宮 幸一 菅野 二郎 黒川 一郎 恩村 雄太 青木 高志 宮田 亮 高野 純一 藤井 正三 武内 恵輔 南須原 浩一 佐々木 亨 浜向 賢司 本田 麺康 中川 昌一 小松 作蔵 東 匡伸 小野寺 壮吉 土谷 茂樹 岡 国臣 那須 郁夫 有田 清三郎 斎藤 泰一 清水 強 真島 英信 村岡 亮 梅田 典嗣 下条 ゑみ 松枝 啓 林 茂樹 森 一博 星野 恵津夫 正田 良介 黒沢 進 大和 滋 丸山 稔之 織田 敏次 千先 康二 田中 勧 瓜生田 曜造 尾形 利郎 細田 四郎 上田 智 尾島 昭次 大鐘 稔彦 小倉 脩 林 博史 島 澄夫 小池 晃 笹岡 俊邦 磯村 孝二 岩崎 栄 鈴木 荘一 吉崎 正義 平田 耕造
Japan Society for Medical Education
医学教育 (ISSN:03869644)
vol.15, no.3, pp.145-173, 1984
鳥海 吉弘 倉渕 隆 嵐口 晃宏 今野 雅 鎌田 元康 水谷 泰三
空気調和・衛生工学会論文集 (ISSN:0385275X)
no.91, pp.11-19, 2003-10-25

鈴木 道雄 川崎 康弘 住吉 太幹 中村 主計 倉知 正佳

林 真二 岩井 謙仁 安本 亮二 松田 淳 河野 学 大町 哲史 甲野 拓郎 山本 晋史 阪倉 民浩 南 英利
泌尿器科紀要 (ISSN:00181994)
vol.40, no.1, pp.37-41, 1994-01

1)9例のインポテンス患者に塩酸パパベリンを第一選択として陰茎海綿体内自己注射法を指導したところ, 自己注射が技術的に困難であった1例を除いた8例全例で挿入可能な完全勃起を認め, 性交可能となり本人およびパートナーの満足がえられた。2)1例で勃起機能が回復し治癒し, 射精は3例に認められた。なお, 観察期間中自己注射484回施行で副作用は認めなかった