小田 亮
国際文化論集 (ISSN:09170219)
vol.1, pp.37-66, 1990-03-01

This paper aims to explain a correlation between the social division of ritual services on "purification" and the social connotations of "pollution", a form of ritual states of danger. In chapter I, we see the cases of performers of purification among three African societies; the Kaguru, the Nuer, and the Bambara. Among the Kaguru, 'joking partners' (watani), presons who stand reciprocal' joking relationship' with one another, conduct the ritual services to purify the pollution of death, incest, crime or witchcraft. Watani have "strangerness" and aren't regarded as pariha. Among the Nuer, the 'leopardskin chief or priest' conducts purification rituals. They are "strangers" in the communities where they live. Unlike watani leopardskin priests are specializing in purification, but, like watani, have strangerness. The Bambara society consists of three categories of people; freemen (horon), artisans (nyamakala) and slaves (djon). Among the Bambara, nyamakala, who conduct ritual srevices of purification for horon, are a kind of pariha. They are travelling "market people", and "strangers" to communities of freemen. In short, all these executors of ritual purificatuion among three societies above have "strangerness", but only Bambara nyamakala are held in contempt and, in some sense, awe others. That is, all "strangers" who execute purifying rituals are not regarded as awesome, nor as pariha. Then, what makes certain executors to be pariha and awesome? To answer this question, we must know three "ideal types" of "exchange"; market exchange, reciprocity, and redistribution, and know chieftainship from kingship. The discrimination of the types of "exchange" furnishes the ideal types of social domains; "liminal domain" or "the space of muen" where market exchange takes place, "the space of giri" where the rule of reciprocity dominates, and "domestic domain" or "the space of on". And the ritual danger of pollution can spead and affect within the domestic domain or the space of redistribution in which the pollusion arose. Persons or objects in "liminal domains" are free from the danger. This is why the executors of purification have "strangerness". Kingship, which produces the total redistribution system including liminal domains in the kingdom, stands in a dilemma. Because, only to the king, who stands on the top of the total redistribution system, "liminal domains" turn out to be "domestic domains", and the body of the king can be affected by all the pollution which every community in the kingdom throw into the liminal domains. It is "scapegoat mechanism" that can solve the kingship dilemma. The scapegoat that are connected with the king and live in the liminal domains are burdened with purification for the king. They appear as pariha in the total redistribution system, because they are alienated by the connection with the kingship from each community of which the kingdom consists.
小田 亮
文化人類学 (ISSN:13490648)
vol.74, no.2, pp.272-292, 2009-09-30 (Released:2017-08-18)

小田 亮介 藤倉 舞 林 貴士 松谷 学 曽根 淳 下濱 俊
臨床神経学 (ISSN:0009918X)
pp.cn-001609, (Released:2021-10-16)

症例は70歳女性.来院6年前にもの忘れを発症した.認知機能障害,神経因性膀胱,便秘症,繰り返す嘔吐発作が認められた.当科初診時には肝内門脈体循環シャントによる肝性脳症を合併していた.頭部MRIでは皮髄境界や脳梁膨大部,両側中小脳脚にDWI高信号像が認められ,皮膚生検とNOTCH2NLC遺伝子検査の結果から神経核内封入体病(neuronal intranuclear inclusion disease,以下NIIDと略記)と診断した.過去10年の頭部MRIを後方視的に確認したところ,認知機能障害の出現に先行して異常信号が存在し,経時的に拡大していた.特徴的な皮髄境界病変だけではなく脳梁膨大部にも早期からDWI高信号像が認められることを念頭に置くことが,NIIDの早期診断に重要と考えられた.
小田 亮 Makoto Oda
桃山学院大学人間科学 (ISSN:09170227)
no.2, pp.p1-20, 1991-03

This essay has two aims; one is to show the perspective Levi-Strauss's structural analysis of myths has offered, and the other is to point a resemblance between myths and novels in the way of being against the narrative. For the former, I do a demonstration of a structural analysis on three African myths, and point out in the analysis that no myth is isolated from others and that there is no single or privileged code which excludes other codes in the formation or interpretation of myths. On the other hand, the novel is an unorthodox genre and a newcomer in the European literature. While the epic which is the counterpart of the narrative in the Latin-European literary orthodoxy has canons or privileged codes, the novel doesn't. Unlike the narrative or epic, and like myths viewed from the stand-point of structurism, novels have no self-conclusion in their nature of intertextuality and always put several codes in play against the autocracy of any single code the narrative demands.
福川 康之 小田 亮 宇佐美 尋子 川人 潤子
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.85, no.2, pp.188-195, 2014 (Released:2014-06-25)
10 31

This study developed a Japanese version of the Perceived Vulnerability to Disease (PVD) scale. Analysis of the data from Japanese university students (N = 435) replicated the two–factor structure of the original scale: one factor that assessed beliefs about one’s own susceptibility to infectious diseases (perceived infectability) and the other factor that assessed emotional discomfort in contexts that connoted an especially high potential for pathogen transmission (germ aversion). Tests of reliability and validity for each subscale indicated overall promising results. It would appear that the results reflect at least in part an evolutionary adaptive psychological mechanism for the ancestral environment.
小田 亮 大 めぐみ 丹羽 雄輝 五百部 裕 清成 透子 武田 美亜 平石 界
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.84, no.1, pp.28-36, 2013 (Released:2013-07-01)
11 28

This study describes the development and evaluation of the Self-Report Altruism Scale Distinguished by the Recipient (SRAS-DR). The relationship between an actor and a recipient is important for evolutionary studies of altruistic behavior. However, the existing scale for Japanese undergraduates does not distinguish recipients of altruistic behaviors. We developed a new self-report altruism scale based on an evolutionary viewpoint. In Study 1, undergraduate students described their altruistic behaviors in daily life, which we classified according to the recipients (family members, friends or acquaintances and strangers). Then we chose 21 items (7 items for each recipient class) to construct the SRAS-DR by using exploratory factor analyses. In Study 2, we investigated validity and reliability of the scale. The scores were significantly correlated with other relevant scales as well as with behavioral indicators. Test-retest reliability was high. These results indicate that the SRAS-DR has acceptable reliability and validity, and can be used in evolutionary studies of human altruism.
小田 亮
霊長類研究 (ISSN:09124047)
vol.13, no.1, pp.65-71, 1997 (Released:2009-09-07)

Most studies about mental abilities in nonhuman primates have been held in laboratory conditions. Considering the highy developed social organization of the primate species, however, it is necessary to study about their mental abilities in free-ranging conditions. Numerous studies have been made on natural vocal communication of nonhuman primates. Results of the studies tell mental abilities of nonhuman primates as well as functional significance of vocalizations in their lfe. This paper reviews some studies about nonhuman primate vocal communication and shows examples of mental abilities emerged in these studies, which is recognition of other individuals, perception of quantity, understanding of causal reasoning, categorization, and ability of deception.
小田 亮
民族學研究 (ISSN:00215023)
vol.62, no.2, pp.184-204, 1997-09-30

本論文は, 文化相対主義を「理論」としてではなく状況や発話の位置に左右される「戦略」として再構築することを目的とする。自文化中心主義に反対する真の文化相対主義は, 浜本満(1996)が明らかにしているように, 自文化中心主義的な文化相対主義および自文化中心主義的普遍主義と対立するものであり, むしろ真の普遍主義に類似している。理論として再構築された文化相対主義は, 自文化と異文化双方の否定を介して第三の共通の基盤を開く弁証法的運動として捉えられよう。しかし, 普遍主義と共有する, そのような弁証法的運動は, 西欧近代に特有のものであり, 西欧のヘゲモニーの下では, 西欧近代だけがその第三の地平を専有する西洋中心主義に陥る。戦略としての文化相対主義は, 第三の地平を普遍的な真理としたり, 自文化や他文化より一般的な概念枠組としたりする普遍主義や理論としての文化相対主義とは異なる。さらに, それは, グローバル化による異種混淆性の賛美や, 文化の構築における操作性や主体性を評価する議論に共通する「記憶の抹消」にも反対する。戦略としての文化相対主義は, 文化の違いを一般性に規定された特殊性としてではなく, 文化の純粋性に先行する雑種性による文化的差異を単独性として語るものでなくてはならない。その一つのモデルは, 「戦略的本質主義」であるが, 戦略と結び付いた発話の位置が, 近代の知と支配のシステムが依拠する「種的同一性」によって規定されるものと捉えるならば, それは植民地主義/帝国主義の言説と変わらなくなってしまう。種的同一性には捉えきれない普通のひとびとの実践と, 雑種性や文化的差異を排除せず記憶が生きている「生活の場」における文化の真正性に留意することこそが, 近代の知と支配の体系への無意識でしたたかな抵抗を可能にし, 「相対主義のニヒリズム」やグローバル化による異種混淆性の無批判な賛美に陥らないことを可能にするのである。
関根 康正 野村 雅一 小田 亮 鈴木 晋介 和崎 春日 近森 高明 北山 修 南 博文 Teasley Sarah Salzbrunn Monika 阿部 年晴 Gill Thomas 朝日 由実子 村松 彰子 西垣 有 内藤 順子 Subbiah Shanmugampillai 根本 達

福川 康之 小田 亮 宇佐美 尋子 川人 潤子
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.85, no.2, pp.188-195, 2014

This study developed a Japanese version of the Perceived Vulnerability to Disease (PVD) scale. Analysis of the data from Japanese university students (<i>N</i> = 435) replicated the two–factor structure of the original scale: one factor that assessed beliefs about one's own susceptibility to infectious diseases (perceived infectability) and the other factor that assessed emotional discomfort in contexts that connoted an especially high potential for pathogen transmission (germ aversion). Tests of reliability and validity for each subscale indicated overall promising results. It would appear that the results reflect at least in part an evolutionary adaptive psychological mechanism for the ancestral environment.