張 暁娜
地域政策科学研究 (ISSN:13490699)
no.17, pp.133-156, 2020-03

This paper investigates the acceptance process of "打 call" as an example to show the process of new loanwords from Japanese (Riyuanxinci) diffusing through social groups in China after the advent of the Internet. First, I clarify the meaning of "打 call" in Chinese by making a comparison with the original Japanese meaning of" コール". The meaning in Chinese almost corresponds to the original meaning of" コール" in Japanese idol culture, which means the fan's act in live shows to cheer idols by calling names, yelling enthusiastically, clapping hands, etc. in a very-well controlled manner.Second, by referring to the results of previous researches and by surveying 读秀corpus and the Internet, etc., I tracked the flow of introducing and diffusing of" 打 call" as a subculture word and as a buzzword. The findings are as follows. ① The concept of" コール" from Japanese at first was represented as" call" in English alphabet, and around 2014 the form of "打 call" was established. ② The early cognition of this word was a compound consisting of" a verb and an object". After 2015, it was recognized as one word. Furthermore, as a result of considering the spread of" 打 call" as a buzzword, I found that the introduction and diffusion of" 打 call" seem to have three periods: ① the dawn period of 2014, ② the development period of 2017, and ③ the decline period of July 2018.Finally, based on the results of the survey on people's understanding the meaning of "打 call" and the contact routes of Riyuanxinci in 2018, I examined the acceptance process and establishment of" 打 call" as a Chinese word, and tried to present a model for the spread and dissemination of words imported through theInternet. I found that the larger the city scale is, the more young people,and women accept Riyuanxinci.Furthermore,by examining the results of the survey with reference to the three periods of dissemination of" 打 call", this Riyuanxinci was first introduced as a J-POP and subculture word among urban youth. And then the secondary (or derived) meaning of "打 call" spread to other Internet users by the Internet TV programs and SNS. Finally, the third phase of its spread presumably took place extensively such as from the Internet to mass media, from big cites to surrounding regions, and from young people to older age groups.本稿は,"打call"の受容過程を例として,インターネット普及後に輸入されてきた外来語(日源新詞)の借用および普及の過程を考察した。具体的には,(1)"打call"と日本語原語の「コール」の意味を比較し,中国語における"打call"の語義を明確にした。その結果,中国語としての"打call"の語義は若干のズレはあるが,日本のアイドル文化における「コール」の意味とほぼ対応していることがわかった。(2)先行研究や读秀コーパスおよびインターネット等を利用して,サブカルチャー用語としての"打call"と流行語としての"打call"の借用および普及の流れを概観した。"打call"の定着と普及の流れは,①「コール」という概念は当初は英語表記の「call」が使われており,"打call"という語ができたのは2014年ごろだと推測できること,②"打call"が中国語で使われ始めた当初は,「動詞+目的語」の複合表現であり,一語として広まるのは2015年以後だと考えられることがわかった。さらに流行語としての"打call"の普及を考察した結果,①2014年の黎明期,②2017年の発展期,③2018年7 月の衰退期3 つに分けられることがわかった。(3)2018年の日源新詞定着度調査時の"打call"の意味,接触ルート等に関するアンケート調査の結果をもとに"打call"の定着状況を分析し,インターネット経由で輸入される語彙の普及と伝播のモデルを示すことを試みた。その結果,居住する都市の規模が大きく,年齢が若く,女性の方がより"打call"を受容しているとわかった。さらにアンケート調査の結果と"打call"の普及の3 段階を重ねて見ると,この新詞はまず都市部の若者の間で,J-POP およびサブカルチャー用語として使われ始め,続いて意味の派生が生じ,その派生的意味がネットTV 番組やSNS での大量使用によって一般のネットユーザーに広がり,最後にネットメディアからマスメディアへ拡散して,各地域と各年齢層まで広がったと考えられる。
鶴島 暁
医学哲学 医学倫理 (ISSN:02896427)
vol.26, pp.41-49, 2008-10-22 (Released:2018-02-01)

In bioethics, especially in discussions of advanced technology such as genetic engineering, religious phrases like 'Playing God,' 'Creation,' and 'Image of God' are often used. In this paper, I deal with the phrase 'Playing God'. This phrase is often used as a slogan, 'You should not play God,' to oppose advanced technologies such as cloning and genetic manipulation. 'Playing God' is thus considered a human behavior that goes beyond boundaries ordained by God and involves knowing things that human beings should not know. 'You should not play God' is a sentence providing warning against this. Sometimes it is used as a basis for deriving specific conclusions. However, it is ambiguous. The implications of this phrase are unclear and depend on the interpretation of the user. As a consequence, people use the phrase frequently to mean different things without indicating exactly what 'Playing God' means, and sometimes come to different conclusions. Therefore, if the meaning of this sentence is not specified, it is of no use to consider its validity. Therefore, in this paper I analyze the phrase 'Playing God' and clarify its meaning, contents, and function in some contexts in which it is used. The following points are made. The sentence 'You should not play God' is just a warning to promote awareness of human fallibility, incompleteness, and finitude. There is some difficulty in using this phrase as a basis for reaching specific conclusions. If people wish to make this phrase function effectively, they must clarify the domain of God, offer rational and theological reasons for treating a domain as God's field, and clarify the Will of God or natural process presupposed behind the phrase 'Playing God.'
佐藤 暁
科学基礎論研究 (ISSN:00227668)
vol.42, no.1, pp.1-17, 2014-12-30 (Released:2017-08-31)

In The Origins of Analytical Philosophy, Dummett criticized the philosophy of Husserl for being a Humpty-Dumpty theory. We reconstruct this criticism into a more general argument that shows that the idea of meaning as a type entails the Humpty-Dumpty theory. In interpreting Dummett's text, we show that the criticism of the Humpty-Dumpty theory is a criticism of "associating expressions with meanings" in an attempt to explain linguistic significance, and that types are not objects, but rather equivalence relations. In addition, we demonstrate that tokens are not concrete, but theoretical objects, and thus should be distinguished from bearers of tokens, which are bare physical objects.
細谷 暁夫
科学基礎論研究 (ISSN:00227668)
vol.36, no.1, pp.31-34, 2009-02-25 (Released:2017-07-14)

We briefly look at the background of the research field of "quanta and information" from the epistemological point of view. Then quantum computation is very briefly explained and in particular quantum brachistochrone as my own research. The optimal quantum control to drive a transition from a given state to a target state in the shortest time naturally leads to the two state vector formulation of quantum mechanics advocated by Aharonov et al.
吉田 暁史 Satoshi YOSHIDA
大手前大学人文科学部論集 = Otemae journal of humanities (ISSN:13462105)
vol.7, pp.A113-A134, 2006-03-31

千本 暁子
阪南論集 社会科学編 (ISSN:03881814)
vol.34, no.2, pp.13-26, 1998-09
李 春暁 柳沼 良知 全 炳東 坂内 正夫
vol.48, pp.67-68, 1994-03-07

三枝 淳 森信 暁雄 河野 誠司

関節リウマチ(RA)の関節破壊に関与している滑膜細胞(RA-FLS)の細胞内代謝に着目して研究を行い、以下の知見を得た。1. RA-FLSではグルタミナーゼ(GLS)1の発現が亢進しており、GLS1阻害によりRA-FLSの増殖は抑制された。2. GLS1阻害薬の投与により、関節炎モデルマウスの関節炎は抑制された。以上より、グルタミン代謝はRAの病態に関与していることが示唆され、GLS1は新たな治療標的と考えられた。
小橋 暁子 山田 響子 南 銀祐 砂上 史子 佐瀬 一生 岡田 加奈子
千葉大学教育学部研究紀要 (ISSN:13482084)
vol.61, pp.387-396, 2013-03

2006年WHO西太平洋地域事務局(WPRO)は,学校教育の中で健康教育を普及するための教材を開発した。その教材は7つの項目からなる冊子,紙芝居,ポスター,口腔内の模型,歯ブラシ,ボールなどの視覚教材,そしてそれらを納める箱で構成され,アーバニー・ヘルス・スクール・キット(USHK)と名付けられている。現在WPROは,その教材の普及のためにWPRO所在地のフィリピン国内において試験校をいくつか設定し,教員の研修,学校での実施,評価を行い,教材の普及と内容の充実を図っている。HPS(ヘルスプロモーティングスクール)プロジェクトを組む筆者らは,HPSの概念を実践に移す教材の基盤づくりのため,今回,USHKを使用している小学校を見学し,フィリピンの学校や児童の状況とともに使用状況の調査を行った。調査を通して,日本およびアジア地域のHPSを進めるための教材の在り方を考える手立てとしたい。冊子体では著者名部分の英語表記がMamu, Un Wooとなっているが、実際はNam, Eun Wooである。リポジトリでは修正済みのファイルを掲載。冊子体ではアーバニー学校健康教育キット(USHK)の略称がUHSKになっている部分が数箇所あるが、リポジトリでは修正済みのファイルを掲載。
喜入 暁
大学院紀要 = Bulletin of graduate studies = 大学院紀要 = Bulletin of graduate studies (ISSN:03872610)
vol.72, pp.13-26, 2014-03

本研究では,脚−身体比(leg-to-body ratio: LBR)が身体形状の魅力認知に及ぼす影響について検討した。実験には40名が参加した。LBRの異なる男女各11パターンの身体形状のシルエットを呈示し,参加者はその身体の魅力度を含む様々な項目について,7段階で評定した。この結果,女性刺激において,LBRが高いほど魅力的であると認知されることが示された。実験結果に関して進化心理学的考察を行い,研究の限界点と今後の展望をまとめた。
重野 陽一 福島 美歳 原田 憲正 石田 通暁 大西 純二 中川 滋人
日本リウマチ・関節外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:02873214)
vol.9, no.4, pp.593-602, 1990

The porous total knee replacement designed by Miller and Galante has been performed on 31 knees in 23 cases from November 1986 to June 1988 in the Kure National Hospital. We evaluated the postoperative results over an average follow-up period of 2.7 years (ranging from 2 to 3.6 years) on 6 knees in 4 men and 25 knees in 19 women, with ages ranging from 49 to 81 (average 69.0) . The original diseases were 5 cases of rheumatoid arthritis (7 knees) and 18 cases of osteoarthritis (24 knees) .<BR>Each knee was evaluated preoperatively and postoperatively by the functional evaluation score system proposed by the three universities. Preoperative and postoperative femoro-tibial angle, alignment of each component, degree of lateral displacement of the patella on the patellofemoral groove, occupancy ratio of the component to the tibial surface, amount of resection of the tibia, radiolucent line and sclerotic line adjacent to the component were investigated with roentgenograms.<BR>Postoperatively the clinical score improved from 36.9 to 80.3 points in rheumatoid knees and from 48.5 to 87.3 in osteoarthritic knees.<BR>In each case, the insertion angle of the components was close to ideal. The degree of lateral displacement of the patella was significantly decreased in cases with lateral retinacular release. The mean occupancy ratio of tibial component to tibial surface was 95.8% on A-P and lateral view X-rays, showing that the components used are small for the tibial surface. The mean resection of the tibia was 7mm from the surface of the lateral plateau in varus knees. Only 2 rheumatoid patients had radiolucent lines surrounding the tibial component. In 2 rheumatoid knees and 11 osteoarthritic knees there were sclerotic lines surrounding the pegs of the tibial components.<BR>In general, the short-term results of total knee replacement using this prosthesis were satisfactory. The long-term radiographic observation has shown that the choice of a tibial component of adequate size is mandatory to prevent the component from sinking.
佐藤 暁子 金井 篤子 SATO Akiko KANAI Atsuko
名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科紀要. 心理発達科学 (ISSN:13461729)
vol.64, pp.111-117, 2017-12-28

In recent years, studies on resilience have been increasing at home and abroad. One of the reasons of this increase is that resilience has attracted a lot of expectations because it is believed to enhance social adaptation. However, in the studies on resiliency so far, we have had no sole fixed definition for this concept of. In these studies, the term “resilience” was used in different ways, and the methods and the objects of these studies were different as well. Therefore, we have had a lot of confusion over this concept. In addition, the differences between the concept of resilience and the psychological stress model are not clear, either. In this paper, we will review how the resilience concept developed in studies of abroad. Also, we will cover the existing issues while providing the overview of the current status of resiliency studies in Japan.