野中 福次 本村 知樹 田中 欽二
九州病害虫研究会報 (ISSN:03856410)
vol.36, pp.56-58, 1990-10-30 (Released:2009-05-22)
9 8

Southern blight like disease on cultivated water chestnut (Trapa bispionosa Roxb.) leaves occurred in paddy fields in August in 1989 in Saga Prefecture. Corticium rolfsii Curzi, causal fungus of southern blight, was isolated from lesions of infected leaves. Isolates of C. rolfsii from water chestnut were compared with isolates from many other plants in respect to their mycelial growth and pathogenicity: No differences in the mycelial growth were found between isolates from water chestnut and that from the other plants. The optimum temperature of both isolates on potato sucrose agar was about 30°C. Isolates from water chestnut were as severely pathogenic against the leaves of water chestnut, and seedlings of soy bean and burdock as isolates from other plants by artificial inoculation. From the experimental results, it was considered that isolates from water chestnut were identical with C. rolfsii isolated from other plants.
本村 眞澄
ロシア・東欧研究 (ISSN:13486497)
vol.2017, no.46, pp.27-41, 2017 (Released:2019-02-01)
1 1

The appointment of Mr. Rex Tillerson as the Secretary of the State by Mr. Trump prior to the inauguration of his administration at the end of 2016 was thought a strong message that the No. 1 businessman of USA in the Russian business community is going to manage the USA diplomacy. However, Mr. Michael Flynn, a presidential assistant, was prosecuted for his close contact with the Russian agent, and the “Russia Gate” is under investigation by FBI which is a serious issue for the administration. So, Mr. Tillerson had to correct his political stand to cope with the parliament, since the US diplomatic policy concerning Russia was virtually run by the parliament not by the President. In addition to that, “Countering America’s Adversaries through Sanctions Act”, which was drafted by the parliament members and became effective on August 2nd, 2017, provides for further sanction against Russia and at the same time restrains the construction of the Nord Stream 2, a direct gas pipeline from Russia to Germany, for the reason of avoidance of too much concentration of one gas source, i.e. Russia, in the EU market. This issue created a splitting in Europe, since leading EU countries like Germany, France and Austria put a premium of the commercial value and would like to purchase cheap and stable gas from anywhere, while Ukraine and Poland wary about too much reliance on the Russian gas, which sometimes works, they believe, as a political weapon to control the consuming countries. The United States is in the position to check the influence of Russia in the European energy market and has same opinion with Ukraine and Poland. However, this is not all the points of confrontation among European countries. Ukraine and Poland have been enjoying benefits as transit countries of the Russian gas pipelines. The Nord Stream 2 was designed to detour these countries to avoid any disorder of transportation of gas, which means Ukraine and Poland will not be able to receive transit fees. These two countries are superficially warning the risk of too much dependence on Russian gas, but the fact is that their economy depend heavily on the transit fees of gas from Russia and these countries don’t want to lose them.
本村 真澄
ロシア・東欧研究 (ISSN:13486497)
vol.2008, no.37, pp.32-41, 2008 (Released:2010-05-31)
1 1

The nature of pipelines is to form a “natural monopoly” due to the huge investment required and its superiority through taking precedence against late comers. Russia, the second largest oil producer in the world, has a history of constructing oil exporting networks to ports on the Baltic Sea and the Black Sea as well as an inland pipeline system to Eastern Europe named “Druzhba”. Russia has also made a plan to construct several new pipelines. That is not only to cope with future oil demand but to expand its transport capacities to access future oil markets. Among Russia's planned new pipelines there is a new oil supply system from East Siberia to the Pacific Ocean (ESPO) to access new markets in Northeast Asia. Russia is also the largest gas producing country in the world, which confronts competition of gas suppliers set by Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan for the market of China and the South Europe respectively, on the other hand Russia made China a gas-market competitor against the traditional European market, which allowed Russia to win a series of long-term sales and purchase agreements from European gas distributors. As the gas demand soars, Russia may notch a stronger position against both East and West due to its magnitude and flexibility of deliveries.
横手 裕 浦山 きか 内山 直樹 松岡 尚則 VIGOUROUX MATHIAS 鈴木 達彦 入口 敦志 並木 隆雄 長谷部 英一 井ノ口 哲也 森口 眞衣 菊谷 竜太 西村 直子 西田 文信 形井 秀一 大沼 由香 立石 和子 岡田 岳人 本村 昌文

本村 浩之 瀬能 宏 岩槻 幸雄
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.48, no.1, pp.41-47, 2001-05-25 (Released:2011-07-04)

A single large specimen (MUFS 18880, 739 mm in standard length) of polynemid fish, Eleutheronema tetradactylum (Shaw, 1804), collected by a large set net off the mouth of Azuma River, Fukaura, Aomori, northern Japan, represents the first reliable record from Japan and northernmost record of the species. Furthermore, a lateral line squamation character on the caudal fin membrane is herein described as newly-recognized diagnostic character for the species. Eleutheronema tetradactylum is characterized as follows: four pectoral filaments; lower jaw lips restricted to posterior one-third of lower jaw, vomer with tooth plates on either side; lateral line on caudal fin membrane divided into three lines.
中井 真尚 山本 博之 種本 和雄 宮田 浩章 本村 昇
一般社団法人 日本外科感染症学会
日本外科感染症学会雑誌 (ISSN:13495755)
vol.17, no.2, pp.54-59, 2020-04-30 (Released:2020-06-11)

【背景】心臓手術後手術部位感染症(以下,SSI)は臨床成績に影響する。日本心臓手術データベース(Japan Cardiovascular Surgery Database:以下,JCVSD)データを利用しSSIの現状を検討した。【方法】JCVSDデータ中2013年〜17年胸骨切開下胸部心臓大血管手術253,159例を対象。Japanese Healthcare Associated Infections Surveillance(以下,JHAIS)に準じcoronary artery bypass graft with both chest and donor site incisions(以下,CBGB)72,513例,coronary artery bypass graft with chest incision only(以下,CBGC)28,579例,cardiac surgery(以下,CARD)152,067例に分類。SSIは深部胸骨感染,下肢創感染を集計。退院時転帰,90日以上の長期入院を検討した。【結果】深部胸骨感染発生率はCBGB1.9%,CBGC1.5%,CARD1.5%でCBGBに多い(P<0.001)。深部胸骨感染例の在院死亡は22.9%(非感染例5%,P<0.001)。深部胸骨感染症例の長期入院は20.8%(非感染例1.6%)であった。【結論】JCVSDを用いたSSIの検討では深部胸骨感染は1.5〜1.9%と比較的低い。しかし深部胸骨感染の生存率,入院日数に与える影響は大きい。
藤原 恭司 伊東 正英 本村 浩之
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.64, no.2, pp.107-112, 2017-11-25 (Released:2018-06-19)

A single female specimen (256.4 mm standard length) of Acanthopagrus taiwanensis Iwatsuki and Carpenter, 2006, collected off Kasasa, Minami-satsuma, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan, was characterized by the following combination of characters: 3½ scale rows between fifth dorsal-fin spine base and lateral line; 3 or 4 oblique scale rows on cheek; modally 15 total gill rakers; 3 or 4 rows of flattened molars on each side of upper and lower jaws; second anal-fin spine robust, bluntly pointed; ventral edge of infraorbitals above maxilla nearly straight; anterior edge of dorsal scaly area of head rounded; no black bars on head; a dark streak on each membrane of anal fin; and anal-fin soft rays whitish. The dorsal- head profile of the Japanese specimen was relatively straight, compared with the convex profile in the type specimens of the species. Other characters of the Japanese specimen, however, agreed well with those of A. taiwanensis given in the original description. Acanthopagrus taiwanensis is very similar to A. pacificus Iwatsuki, Kume and Yoshino, 2010, but can be distinguished from the latter by having 3 or 4 oblique scale rows on the cheek (vs. 6 or 7 in the latter), modally 15 total gill rakers (vs. 17), flattened molar teeth on each side of the upper and lower jaws (vs. rounded molariform teeth), a robust, relatively bluntly pointed second anal-fin spine (vs. acutely pointed), and whitish anal-fin soft rays (vs. blackish). Acanthopagrus taiwanensis has been previously recorded only from Taiwan, the Kagoshima specimen representing the first record from Japan and northernmost record for the species. The new standard Japanese name “Iwatsukikurodai” is proposed for the species and distributional implications of A. taiwanensis in Japanese waters discussed.
本村 眞澄
公益社団法人 石油学会
石油学会 年会・秋季大会講演要旨集
vol.2014, 2014
