松浦 悠 小泉 直也
情報処理学会論文誌 (ISSN:18827764)
vol.60, no.2, pp.318-327, 2019-02-15

Asano Kenji Matsuura Yasunobu Katsuragawa Mario 浅野 謙治 松浦 康修 桂川 マリオ
Faculty of Bioresources, Mie University
三重大学生物資源学部紀要 = The bulletin of the Faculty of Bioresources, Mie University (ISSN:09150471)
vol.6, pp.47-55, 1991-03-28

The daily egg production of the Brazilian anchovy was estimated. Anchovy eggs were collected byCalVET net in January, 1988. Eggs were classified into each developmental stage and their ages werecalculated on the basis of sea water temperatures. The surface temperatures where anchovy eggs werefound were relatively high, ranging 25-29℃, and the hatching occurs within 24 hours. The spawning didnot occur during any specified hours but almost all day long. The relation between the mean elapsed timefrom spawning and the frequency of eggs was analyzed by the non-linear regression method and aexponential function was fitted. The daily egg production of the Brazilian anchovy was <special>8.87 x 1011</special>.ブラジル南部沿岸産カタクチイワシの日間産卵量を推定した。カタクチイワシ卵標本は1988年1月にCalVETネットを用いて採集した。卵の発生段階を調べ,採集場所の水温に基づき,産卵からそれぞれの発生段階に至るまでの時間を計算した。カタクチイワシ卵が採集された海域の表面水温は25-29℃と高く,孵化は産卵後24時間以内に起こる。産卵は特定の時間帯にではなく,ほぼ終日にわたって行われている。横軸に卵の年齢(産卵からの経過時間)を,横軸に採集卵の年齢別頻度をとり,非線形回帰分析により指数関数をあてはめた。日間産卵量は<special>8.87×1011</special>と推定された。
松浦 晋也
日経ものづくり (ISSN:13492772)
no.612, pp.97-101, 2005-09

スペースシャトル「コロンビア」の空中分解事故から2年半,米航空宇宙局(NASA)はシャトルの運航再開を目指し,2005年 7月26日に「ディスカバリー」を打ち上げた。ところが,コロンビアの事故原因でもあった断熱材の剥離がディスカバリーでも発生するなど,その飛行はトラブル含み。

2 0 0 0 IR 二つの従軍記

大原 長和 松浦 長彦 服部 英雄
比較社会文化 (ISSN:13411659)
vol.15, pp.1-25, 2009

I was involved in the edit of the book named "The Springtime Group, good-bye Roppon-matsu-campus"(『青春群像, さよなら六本松』) this past year. While being engaged in this work, I heard a lot of stories of old times. But articles irrelevant to the campus were not to be carried in this book. So I decided to publish two stories concerning World War II. One is by Mr. Ohara Nagakazu, who is Professor Emeritus at Kyushu University. He received a call to arms before his graduation, It is the so-called "Gakuto-Shutujinn" (学徒出陣) -many students enlisted in to go to the front. He first joined the Sasebo Kaiheidan (marine mass) and next went to the Mine Bomb School (機雷学校) (antisubmarine school, 対潜学校) and then went to the submarine school after that. He became a member of Special Attack Corps (Tokkou, 特攻) for homeland defense war (the Hondo Kessen). It was just before the end of the war. The warships of Japan, that were very few left, were not able to move because of the shortage of fuel oil. Enemies' airplanes attacked the warships one after another and all of them sank immediately. Mr.Ohara, the second lieutenant of Naval forces (少尉) , was looking at the scene through the spectacle. It was the end of the Imperial Navy. Several days later, Mr. Ohara saw the clouds caused by Atomic Bomb from the Kurahashijima island and the war ended before the sortie instruction to him. I heard this story from Professor Ohara himself for the record. The followings are cited from the introductory article of the war written by Mr. Matura Osahiko. This had already been published as a book. We have the small number of copies of this book since they were distributed only among the bereaved family. Mr. Matsura had been doing the leftist movement while he was attending the Fukuoka High School at Roppon-matsu. Even after he became a student at Tokyo Imperial University, he continued the leftist movement. He was arrested and detained, however, and being converted, he gave up the leftist movement. His grandfather tried to have him apply for military forces. But this attempt became impossible since he had been imprisoned. He was summoned to military forces several years later. He continuously joined many battles in various places throughout Asia. His main battlefields were China, Batan Peninsula and Manshu. When the artilleryman shot the cannon, his assignment was work to measure the position to the target and the distance. He was always in the dangerous front. He is a person who thinks from the weak person's standpoint. He described taking officers, noncommissioned officers, and soldier's tricky, non-human actions. We can learn ugliness and the ineptitude of the war well by reading such records.
松浦 正伸
一般財団法人 日本国際政治学会
vol.2017, no.187, pp.187_80-187_96, 2017

<p>How do we apply history in politics? The purpose of this paper is to analyze how recognition in civil society, such as perception of history, plays a role in public opinion and parliamentary government. To clarify this research question, incorporating a political concept into the analysis, this paper focused on roles of the General Association of Korean Residents (Chongryon) and the North Korean Lobby and looked into the backgrounds in the repatriation massively expanded between 1959 and 1961.</p><p>Before repatriation movements started, changes of organization structures were observed in the Chongryon and they began to speak in favor of North Korea. Simultaneously, the nature of the Niccho-Kyokai (日朝協会), which had been taking a politically neutral position, also began to change. They began to be a lobbying group in order to support the North Korean foreign diplomacy against Japan.</p><p>Applying a concept of "Pseudo Environment" defined by Walter Lippmann as a subjective, biased, and abridged mental image of the world, this section reflected on influences of the two key players over North Korean residents in Japan and Japanese public opinion. The analysis found a social trend with regards to repatriation issues being manipulated by a correlation of three components in the Pseudo Environment: (1) unified perception of history, (2) motherland-oriented nationalism, and (3) economic rationality.</p><p>Based on a data-mining method, the influences of the Pseudo Environment in the Diet were analyzed. The penetration of such an environment into civil society assisted the Diet members with the repatriation project being recognized ethically and humanitarianly. Therefore, intentions of the North Korean strategies against South Korea were insufficiently discussed.</p><p>The Pseudo Environment lost its effect as (1) demand of mobilization was weakened, (2) activities were diversified among the North Korean Lobby, and (3) information about North Korea was brought by returnees, and gaps were gradually closed between the Pseudo Environment and reality.</p><p>As a result of the Pseudo Environment effectively created by the two players among the North Korean residents in Japan and in the Japanese public opinion, one-sided recognition of North Korean strategies influenced civil society and parliamentary government to bring the mass repatriation out. This analysis also concludes that a nation is capable of controlling a social trend in other countries via intermediaries from outside of its country taking advantage of certain recognition. When we see international relations in East Asia, perception of history is an ongoing issue and has been more complex. This indicates that more case studies will be expected on how history has been utilized in politics.</p>
松浦竹四郎 著
vol.[11], 1860
松浦 茂樹 山本 晃一 浜口 達男 本間 久枝
Japan Society of Civil Engineers
日本土木史研究発表会論文集 (ISSN:09134107)
vol.8, pp.193-204, 1988-06-20 (Released:2010-06-15)

河川環境が重視されている今日、樹木が注目されている。河川周辺の樹木と云えば、我が国には治水伝統工法の一つとして水害防備林がある。水害防備林は、立地位置より堤塘林、護岸林、水除林に分類される。水害防備林は、近世までは重要な治水施設として管理・育成されていた。もちろん洪水の疎通の支障となる堤防上の樹木は、大風によって揺さぶられ堤防が危険になる等の否定する意見もあったが、幕府によって奨励され各藩でも整備された。明治になっても太政官による「治水法規」の中に、堤脚を保護する竹木は保存するようにと指示されているように、水害防備林は重要視された。1897 (明治30年) 発布の森林法でも保安林に編入された。明治末年から、政府により全国的な治水工事が進められた。近代治水事業は都市部そして大きな平野部での築堤事業を中心に行われ、一定の流量を氾濫原も含めた河道内に収めようとの考えを基本に進められた。河道内の樹木は洪水疎通に支障があるかどうかとの観点から見られ、それ以外の機能は検討範囲外に置かれていたというのが実状であろう。一方それ以外の機能に注目していたのが林学、農学の関係者で、築堤による治水に加えプラス・アルファの効用を水害防備林に求めてきた。戦前でも水害防備林、遊水林の造成が奨励され、昭和20年代の大水害後には、現地調査を中心に研究が進められた。しかし社会経済の高度成長時代は、水害防備林に関心が払われることは少なかった。河川環境が注目されている今日、樹木は重要な素材となり得るものである。また超過洪水対策が重要な課題となっているが、超過洪水対策の観点から、水害防備林のもつ効用を再度整理しておく必要があると筆者らは考えている。
松浦 啓一 片山 英里 吉野 哲夫
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
pp.18-013, (Released:2018-06-21)

Seven specimens of Tylerius spinosissimus (Regan, 1908) were washed up by a typhoon onto a beach at Nakagusuku in Okinawa-jima Island on 17 August 1997. This species has been rarely collected, being known from only a few localities in the tropical Indo-West Pacific. In addition to the seven specimens from Okinawa-jima Island, eight specimens collected off northwestern Borneo in the South China Sea by TV Oshoro-maru in November 1973 were found in the fish collection of the Hokkaido University Museum, Hakodate. Examination of the 15 specimens have revealed that the species is distinguished from other pufferfishes by the following characters: dorsal-fin rays 9–11, anal-fin rays 6–7, pectoral-fin rays 15–17, body somewhat squarish in cross-section, snout short with dorsal surface dropping abruptly anterior to eye, nasal organ a short papilla with two nostrils, eye dorsally adnate only, ventrolateral skin fold absent, body anterior to anal-fin base densely covered by small spinules, dorsal and ventral lateral lines running on lateral surface of body; frontals broad across interorbit, almost completely covering dorsal surface of ethmoid; prefrontal strongly down-curved. A juvenile of Tylerius spinosissimus ca. 10 mm in total length was photographed at 1 m depth in Suruga Bay, on the west coast of the Izu Peninsula, Honshu, Japan, in November 2008. This small specimen was similar in color to adults of T. spinosissimus: the dorsal half of the body being brown with a dark brown blotch just behind the dorsal corner of the eye, the ventral half of body white, and all fins pale.
松浦 良充
The Japanese Society for the Philosophy of Education
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
no.94, pp.128-136, 2006

西田 知博 原田 章 中村 亮太 宮本 友介 松浦 敏雄
情報処理学会論文誌 (ISSN:18827764)
vol.48, no.8, pp.2736-2747, 2007-08-15

制御構造などのプログラミングの基礎を短時間で習得することを目指したプログラミング学習環境PEN を開発した.本論文では,PEN の実装とその評価について報告する.PEN では,大学入試センターなどの入試で用いられている言語を用いているので,付加的な説明を行わなくても容易にプログラムが理解できる.また,プログラムの入力補助機能を備えることで,プログラム作成時の誤りの混入を減らすことに寄与している.また,ステップ実行機能,スロー実行機能,変数表示機能などにより,プログラムの動作を観察しやすくしている.授業実践のアンケート結果から,PEN は初学者におおむね好評であることを確認した.また,JavaScript を用いた授業との比較では,自己評価と試験による分析の結果,双方ともPEN を用いたクラスの方が理解度が高くなり,プログラミングの入門教育環境としてのPEN の有用性が示唆される結果が得られた.
松浦 良充
教育學研究 (ISSN:03873161)
vol.66, no.4, pp.417-426, 1999-12-30

本論文は、アメリカ高等教育史における「リベラル・エデュケイション」および「ジェネラル・エデュケイション」概念の意味と、その相互関係の明確化を試みるものである。この作業を通して、現在私たちが直面している課題である、日本の大学における<教養>について再考する際の示唆を得る。そしてそのための事例として、シカゴ大学カレッジにおける改革の現状と歴史を考察する。シカゴ大学カレッジは、1999年、1984年以来の学士課程カリキュラムを改訂したが、この改革に関しては多くの議論がまきおこっている。なぜならば新カリキュラムは,シカゴ大学の伝統である共通コア科目を縮小し、その分、選択科目枠を拡大するものであったからだ。さらにシカゴ大学カレッジは、創立以来現在に至るまで、アメリカ合衆国における有数の研究志向大学であるにもかかわらず、ロバート・メイナード・ハッチンズ学長・総長時代(1929∼1951 年)に、学士課程カレッジのカリキュラムおよび組織に関してユニークな実験的改革の経験をもっている。しかしながら今回の改革は、多元文化社会におけるリベラル・エデュケイションの新たな概念構成が,共通コア科目からなる一般教育と、専攻(専門)教育、さらに、教室外や国外にさえおよぶ学生の自主学習・研究を含むものへと、再構築されるべきことを示唆している。筆者は、シカゴ大学の改革から、日本の高等教育における<教養>教育概念の再構築のための新たな参照枠を得ることができると考えている。 本稿の議論は、以下の手順によって進めてゆく。第一に、日本の高等教育が、戦後新制大学のモデルとしたつもりであったアメリカにおける「リベラル・エデュケーション」および「ジェネラル・エデュケーション」(教養教育)が、学士課程の専門(専攻)教育と本質的に対立するものである、との誤解がなされてきた。そうした理解は、アメリカにおけるリベラル・エデュケイション概念の意味には含まれていない。第二に、リベラル・エデュケイションの思想史を、とくに、ブルース・A・キンバルによる、「弁論家」の系譜と「哲学者」の系譜という枠組みを参考にしながら、整理・検討する。それによれば、リベラル・エデュケイションの歴史は、弁論家たちによる「アルテス・リベラルス理念」と哲学者たちによる「リベラル-フリー理念」との間の一連の論争の歴史である。そして、いまや両者の理念の統合が求められている。第三に、シカゴ大学カレッジの1999年度カリキュラム改革および実験的改革の歴史について検討する。シカゴ大学カレッジのリベラル・エデュケイションは、コモン・コアによる一般教育、専攻(専門)教育、および自由選択科目から構成されているが、今回の改革では、教室外やキャンパス外にも教育活動を拡張することをめざしている。そしてそれは、リベラル・エデュケイションにおける「アルテス-リベラルス理念」と「リベラル-フリー理念」の統合を試みるものである。そして以上の考察を経て最後に、筆者は、専攻(専門)教育や課外の教育活動を含みこんだ形での、新たな日本の学士課程における教養教育を構築することが必要であると結論する。
松浦 和也
哲学 (ISSN:03873358)
vol.2009, no.60, pp.249-262_L15, 2009 (Released:2010-11-09)

Aristotle discusses time in PhysicsIV, 10-14. Before his main discussion, he introduces a paradox about the existence of time at 217b32-218a9. This paradox is, briefly,“A. Time consists of past and future, B. Past existed but does not exist at present, and future will exist but does not at present, C.“Now”is not any part of time, D. Therefore time does not exist”. One of the difficulties of interpretation here is that his own solution is not found in Physics, nor elsewhere in his Corpus, though he concludes at 222b27-29“that time exists, and what it is, ... was stated”. In this paper I will offer one solution to the paradox from his definition of time,“time is a number of change (kinesis) in respect of before and after”(219b1-2). This definition seems to imply that time does not exist independently but depends on change, because Aristotle never allows any number to exist independently, see for example Metaphysics Iota, 2. Thus, the problem of the existence of time is indeed that of change for him. But the paradox can be easily expanded to the existence of change, modifying B above. Any change either has existed or will exist, but does not exist at present. In PhysicsIII 1, however, he defines change without reference to time, as the“actuality of that which potentially is, qua such”(201a10-11). If this definition is understood as“change is the actuality of that whose potentiality is Y, but only Y”, the changing object has two statuses at least, actually X and potentially Y. And at PhysicsIV, 11, 219b12-33 Aristotle maintains“nows”correspond to the statuses of some changing objects. Although only one now”indicates the genuine present, the other“now”, corresponding with potential status Y, can indicate a potential present. So, Aristotle can state there are two presents at the same instant and therefore time exists between two“nows”at present. In this way, the paradox of the existence of time can be dissolved for Aristotle by regarding time as dependent on change.
松浦 李恵 岡部 大介 大石 紗織
Japanese Cognitive Science Society
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.22, no.2, pp.268-281, 2015

This paper analyzes the relationship between participation and learning represented<br> in ethnographic case studies of ten informants aged 23-59 participating in a common-<br>based peer production site, the FabLab Kamakura community. Digital-based personal<br> fabrication is a new wave culture of mavens, who are devoted to alternatives to mass<br>production, and are on a mission "to make (almost) anything". FabLab Kamakura is a<br> valuable venue for exchanging information about, for example, digital tools, Arduino,<br>crafts, textiles, and so on. First we frame this work as an effort to think about their<br> participation and learning using the concept of "wildfire activity theory"(Engeström,<br>2009) and "legitimate peripheral participation (LPP)"from Lave and Wenger (1991).<br> Then we argue an overview of FabLab culture in Japan and at FabLab Kamakura. Us-<br>ing SCAT methodology (Otani, 2011), we group our findings in two different categories:<br>(1) learning through participation in FabLab Kamakura, (2) the visualization of weak<br>ties and mobility through participation in wildfire activities. We conclude that partic-<br>ipants at FabLab Kamakura are producing and designing available artifacts for their<br> lives and works, and in doing so, what they are designing is the physical manifestation<br> of their very thoughts.
松浦 史子
東洋文化研究所紀要 (ISSN:05638089)
vol.155, pp.93-132, 2009-03-27

石橋 勇人 山井 成良 安倍 広多 大西 克実 松浦 敏雄
情報処理学会論文誌 (ISSN:18827764)
vol.40, no.12, pp.4353-4361, 1999-12-15
10 7

計算機の小型軽量化にともなって,モバイルコンピューティングが急速に普及してきている.大学などの教育機関においては,これらの計算機に対してネットワークサービスを提供するために,図書館などのパブリックスペースに情報コンセントを設置するところが増えている.しかしながら,このような環境下では,利用者の計算機の設定を限定することは事実上不可能であるため,ネットワークの不正利用を防止することが困難であった.本論文では,事前に登録された正規利用者のみが情報コンセントを利用することができ,かつ,IPアドレスやMACアドレスを偽造することによる不正なネットワークアクセスを防止する方法を提案する.本方式では,利用者が登録されていればIPアドレスやMACアドレスの事前登録は不要である.本論文で提案した方式を実装し実験を行った結果,利用者認証なしにネットワークにアクセスすることやMACアドレスやIPアドレスを偽って不正にネットワークにアクセスすることは不可能であり,安全な情報コンセントの構築に役立つことが確認された.Personal computers are getting much smaller and easier to carry about in these days.LAN sockets providing network accessibilityfor those mobile computers are often set in public places like libraries, computer centers, and so on.However, it is difficult to prevent illegal access to networks in such cases.In this paper, we propose a protection method to cope with illegalaccess.Our method provides the following functions: (1) only validusers can access to the network, (2) preventing malicious users frominvalid use of the network by IP and/or MAC address spoofing, and(3) no need for pre-registration of IP and/or MAC addresses.We have implemeted this method as a system named LANA.The design and implementation of LANA are also discussed.
岡田 志麻 藤原 義久 松浦 英文 安田 昌司 水貝 浩二郎 牧川 方昭 飯田 健夫
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.41, no.4, pp.493-497, 2003-12-10 (Released:2011-09-05)

Sleep is very important to keep our physical condition healthy. Many studies have been devoted to clarify the mechanism of sleep and to monitor the sleep all night. In this study, we paid attention to heart activity during sleep and have developed a nonrestraint monitoring method of heart activity using an acceleration sensor set inside the coverlet. This method is easy for the use of sleep monitoring at home in daily life. An acceleration sensor was set inside the coverlet as it opposing to subject's left chest. Subjects were asked to lie in supine position and the coverlet with an acceleration sensor was put on the subject. Mechanical vibration from heart activity expected to be carried to the acceleration sensor through the coverlet. As a result, periodic vibration was measured successfully and this vibration was proved to be in high correlation with the R wave of ECG in six subjects. The same results were obtained even in case of lying in right and left lateral decubitus position.