齋藤 大輔 松浦 良 朝川 智 峯松 信明 広瀬 啓吉
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. SP, 音声 (ISSN:09135685)
vol.107, no.406, pp.189-194, 2007-12-13

松浦 李恵 岡部 大介
Japanese Cognitive Science Society
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.21, no.1, pp.141-154, 2014

This paper analyzes the relationship between agencies and artifacts represented in<br> ethnographic case studies of ten female informants aged 20–25 participating in the cos-<br>play community. Cosplay is a female-dominated niche subculture of extreme fans and<br> mavens, who are devoted to dressing up as characters from manga, games, and anime.<br> "Cosplayers" are highly conscious of quality standards for costumes, makeup, and ac-<br>cessories. Cosplay events and dedicated SNSs for cosplayers are a valuable venue for<br> exchanging information about costume making. First we frame this work as an effort<br> to think about their agencies using the concept of hybrid collective and activity theory.<br> Then we share an overview of cosplay culture in Japan and our methodologies based on<br> interviews and fieldwork. Using SCAT (Otani, 2011) methodology, we group our find-<br>ings in two different categories: (1) Cosplayers' agencies and relationships with others<br> mediated by usage of particular artifacts, (2) Cosplayers agencies visualized through<br> socio-artificial scaffolding and collective achievement. We conclude that cosplayers are<br> producing and standardizing available artifacts for their cosplay objects, and in doing<br> so, they are designing their agencies. We consider that the activities like them are one<br> appearance we can observe in the other our mundane communities not apply only to<br> cosplay one. Not only to cosplay, however we consider that these kinds of activities<br> apply to other mundane communities.
松浦 啓一
Bulletin of the National Science Museum. Series A, Zoology (ISSN:03852423)
vol.16, no.1, pp.15-20, 1990-03

The pufferfish genus Fugu ABE, 1952,which has long been used by many authors, is a junior subjective synonym of Takifugu ABE, 1949. Higanfugu ABE, 1949 is similarly included in the synonymy of Takifugu ABE, whereas Shippofugu ABE, 1949 is more correctly included in the synonymy of Torquigener WHITLEY, 1930. Comments are also made on the status of the type species of all of the remaining generic and subgeneric categories erected by ABE in 1939,1949,1950,1952 and 1954.
松浦 良充
近代教育フォーラム (ISSN:09196560)
no.22, pp.1-17, 2013-09-14

松浦 充宏
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.44, no.Supplement, pp.53-62, 1991-07-24 (Released:2010-03-11)

Geophysical models are generally estimated from observed data by using some criterion. In most cases observed data are inaccurate, insufficient and inconsistent. To deal with such data we must introduce a new criterion in place of the classical least-squares criterion. The history of the development of inversion theory in geophysics is the history of quest for the new criterion. From such a standpoint we review the development of inversion theory in the last score.In a series of papers published in 1967, 1968 and 1970, G. Backus and F. Gilbert introduced the concept of model resolution and formulated the geophysical inverse problem as the problem of compromising reciprocal requirements for model resolution and estimation errors in some natural way. This was the starting point of the fruitful development of inversion theory in geophysics. Various criteria to compromise model resolution and estimation errors have been proposed in the early part of the 1970s, but the objectivity of these criteria were not clear. At the end of the 1970s D. D. Jackson introduced the concept of prior information about unknown model parameters and combine two reciprocal criteria for model resolution and estimation erros in a natural way. Jackson's approach for linear inversion, which is based on the minimum variance criterion, has been soon exteded to nonlinear cases by A. Tarantola and B. Valette and also by D. D. Jackson and M. Matsu'ura on the basis of probability theory. The geophysical data inversion is now understood as the process of extracting new information from observed data, combining it with prior information about model parameters, and constructing the more clear image of a physical model.
濱田 麻矢 宇野木 洋 松浦 恆雄 福家 道信 絹川 浩敏 西村 正男 今泉 秀人 藤野 真子 三須 祐介 星名 宏修 大東 和重

松浦 玲
国際文化論集 (ISSN:09170219)
vol.2, pp.67-88, 1990-08-30

America came to stage of political issue before Holland to involve Japan to new relationship of international treaties. But making good use of vested rights of contnuing trade at Nagasaki under the control of Tokugawa government, Holland intended to make a treaty of commerce, before America. Holland had an advantage because Japan consulted Holland for the establishment of the Japanese Navy. This paper begins with historical research of time when Pels Rijcken started training the Japanese Navy at Nagasaki. Secondly, relating to the above research, it brings into focus that captain Fabius, at the same time, mysteriously acted on the treaties issue. Lastly it states that Kattendijke was the last instructor for the Japanese Navy by a Duch man. He was seriously anxious about a military British treat to Japan and visited Shanghai to obtain information. It shows that Naval War Captain in those days should be a good politician as well. Although Holland did not succed to make a teraty of commerce before America did, it devoted itself to make political efforts to oppose British and American threat to Japan and to educate the Japanese Navy. As a result, Hollandhad peculiar influence to Japanese Naval students such as katsu Kaisyuu.
松浦 尊麿 間瀬 教史 鈴木 順一
甲南女子大学研究紀要 看護学・リハビリテーション学編 (ISSN:18825788)
no.3, pp.51-58, 2009

目的:本研究は、高齢者が人口の半数を超え、農産物の生産や集落機能が低下しつつある小島の一集落において、高齢者の心身機能及び健康・生活状況を調査し、当該地域における高齢者のケア・ニーズを明らかにする目的で行った。方法:O地区に居住する65歳以上の高齢者371人のうち調査の承諾を得た157人を対象とした。健康・生活アンケート用紙はあらかじめ配布し、身体機能測定時に持参してもらった。身体機能測定は、筋肉量、脂肪量、基礎代謝量、脚点測定と開眼片足立ち(利き足立ち)時間、歩行機能、階段昇降時間、咀嚼能(ガム噛みテスト)を実施した。結果:当該地域に居住する高齢者の抑うつは、男性では「独居」、「子供が町外に居住している」、「友人を訪問することがない」、「相談できる友人がいない」、「近所の人との会話が少ない」などと関連性がみられたが、身体機能との関連は少なかった。女性の抑うつは、「交通機関で外出できない」、「趣味・習い事をしていない」、「相談できる友人がいない」、「心配事を聞いてくれる人がいない」、「1km歩くのが困難」及び、開眼片足立ち、通常歩行、最大歩行、TUG、障害物歩行、階段昇降など身体機能の低下との関連が認められた。 将来不安は、65歳~74歳の男性では、「高血圧治療中」、「交通機関を利用して外出ができない」、「お金の支払い・預金の出し入れ・書類書きができない」と、75歳以上の男性では、「子どもが町外に居住している」、「つらいことが多い」、「友人を訪問することがない」などと関連が認められた。65歳~74歳の女性では、「つらいことが多い」、「買い物ができない」、「必要時に食事を作ってくれる人がいない」などと、75歳以上の女性では、「交通機関を利用して外出ができない」、「友人を訪問ことがない」、「若い人と話をすることがない」、「眠れない」などと関連がみられた。結論:集落機能が低下した地域に居住する高齢者の抑うつ気分や将来不安を軽減するためには、手段的能力の減退による交流の減少・孤立化を防止する新たな生活支援制度・システムづくりや僻地医療の充実が必要である。Purpose : This study was conducted to examine the physical and psychological functions of the elderly and their living status, as well as identify their care needs. We selected a rural settlement on a small island, where elderly residents account for over 50% of the population, and its function as a community, including the yield of agricultural crops, is decreasing.Methods : We obtained consent for the survey from 157 of 371 residents living in District O, aged 65 years or older. On the day of physical function tests, we collected health and lifestyle questionnaire sheets (distributed to the subjects in advance). The items of the physical function tests included : muscle mass, amount of fat, basal metabolism, ratio of leg/body muscle mass, time in which one is able to stand on one foot with eyes open, walking ability, time required to walk up/down stairs, and chewing ability (test using chewing gum).Results : Although depression in elderly males was related to the following factors : "I live alone", "My children moved out of this village", "I do not see any friends", "I have no friends to consult", and "I do not often talk with my neighbors", there was no marked relationship between their physical function and depression. On the other hand, depression in elderly females was associated with the following factors : "I am unable to go out using public transportation", "I do not have any hobbies or attend cultural classes", "I have no friends to consult", "There is no one to listen to my worries", and "I have difficulty walking one kilometer", and reduced physical functions in the following tests : standing on one foot with eyes open, walking at a normal speed, TUG (timed up and go test), walking alone an obstacle course, and walking up/down stairs. Anxiety over the future in elderly males aged between 65 and 74 years was associated with : "I am undergoing treatment for hypertension", "I am unable to go out using public transportation", and "I am unable to pay money, make a deposit or take money out of a bank, or create documents", while anxiety in those aged 75 years or older was related to : "My children moved out of this village", "I often feel distressed", and "I do not see any friends". Anxiety over the future in elderly females aged between 65 and 74 years was associated with : "I often feel distressed", "I cannot go shopping", and "There is one to cook for me when it is necessary", whereas anxiety in those aged 75 years or older was related to : "I am unable to go out using public transportation", "I do not see any my friends", "I do not talk with young people", and "I have difficulty sleeping".Conclusion : Elderly people living in rural areas, especially those that no longer function as a community, are often left with few opportunities to develop relationships with others and become isolated due to a decrease in their IADL (instrumental activities of dairy living), which eventually leads to depression and anxiety over the future. Therefore, the establishment of a new daily support system and improvement of health care services in such remote areas are essential.
花宮 廣務 松浦 健次 岩本 博之
天気 (ISSN:05460921)
vol.45, no.7, pp.531-540, 1998-07-31

1996年5月22日02時過ぎ, 大分県西部の玖珠町・九重町の狭い範囲で突風が吹き, 住家の一部損壊129棟等の被害が6か所で発生した.被災直後の現地調査では, 一部で発散性気流によるとみられる被害形状の他, 一定方向に指向性をもった被害痕跡が認められた.この突風は, テイパリングクラウド域内で発達した積乱雲群が通過する際に発生したもので, 積乱雲群に対応して大きさが約40kmのメソ擾乱が解析された.この突風を, 被害の形状や気象解析の結果, 積乱雲の下で地上付近に破壊的な風の吹き出しを起こす強い下降気流であるダウンバーストと結論づけた.今回のダウンバーストは, これまでほとんど報告例のない深夜・山間部で発生した事例であった.今事例から, テイパリングクラウドを伴うような活発な対流活動を引き起こすメソ擾乱が存在し, 大気中層に乾燥域が存在するような場合, 深夜においてもダウンバーストが発生することが示された.

2 0 0 0 OA 夕張日誌

松浦 司 金田 康正
情報処理学会研究報告自然言語処理(NL) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.2000, no.53, pp.1-8, 2000-06-01

本稿では、文章中のn-gram分布状況を著者の特徴量として、文章の著者を推定する手法を提案する。文章中におけるn-gram出現確率分布関数間の非類似度に基づいて著者推定を行うが、非類似度は提案関数dissimの他、Tankardの手法、ダイヴァージェンス、およびクロスエントロピーを用いてそれぞれ計算し、4関数の著者判別精度を比較した。1-gramから10-gram分布を特徴量とし、日本近代作家8人の92作品を対象とする著者推定実験結果について報告する。本手法は文章に関する付加的な情報を全く必要とせず形態素解析などを要求しない。また特定の言語および文章の性質を利用しないため、多くの言語・テキストにそのまま適用可能であることが期待できる。We propose a method for authorship detection based comparisons between n-gram distributions in sentences. The authors are detected via dissimilarity between probability distribution functions of n-grams in sentences. We have compared four functions to measure the dissimilarity, i.e. dissim(proposed function), Tankard's method, divergence and cross entropy. We report the experiments where the 92 works in total by 8 Japanese modern authors are analyzed via from 1-gram to 10-gram distribution. Our method requires no additional information on texts, i.e. no preliminary analyses. All the machine-readable texts can be attributed by the same method.
松浦 佐江子
情報処理学会論文誌 (ISSN:18827764)
vol.48, no.8, pp.2578-2595, 2007-08-15

Java やUML をはじめとするオブジェクト指向によるソフトウェア開発技術は多くのIT 企業から注目され,ソフトウェア開発技術者の育成が大学に求められている.産業界の求めるソフトウェア開発技術者を育成するためには,講義や簡単な演習のみではなく,ソフトウェア工学の知識を活用して様々な場面における問題解決能力を養うための実践的なソフトウェア開発を経験する必要がある.このようなPBL(Project Based Learning)は学生が講義で得た知識を活用しながら主体的に問題解決を行う力を養う効果があることから,近年注目されている.しかし,大学学部教育において実践的なソフトウェア工学教育を行うためには,前提知識となる科目の教育,適切な課題設定,評価方法も含めた学生自身が遂行可能な授業設計とその支援環境の構築といった問題を解決する必要がある.我々は2002 年度より,学部3 年生を対象に後期の授業として,オブジェクト指向開発を用いたグループワークによるソフトウェア開発実習を実施している.本実習は半期をかけてある程度複雑なシステムを8 人から10 人程度のグループで開発するソフトウェア開発の全工程を体験するPBL である.本稿では,我々の実践的なソフトウェア工学教育を行ううえでの問題に対する取り組みを紹介し,5 年間の適用結果に基づいてその有効性について議論する.Software development technology, especially both Java and UML started to attract wide interest of many IT companies. Moreover, it has been widely acknowledged that classes designed by utilizing PBL (Project-Based Learning) are effective in enhancing the problem-solving ability of university students. In PBL-based classes, students try to apply their knowledge to solve the problems by themselves; therefore, such classes are effective in improving problemsolving and communication abilities of students in software development. To conduct practical software engineering experiments, a plan of the experiment needs to be devised on four perspectives (education of prerequisite knowledge, selection of appropriate topics, a class design including assessment methods for grading students and computer supported environments). Since 2002, we have been planning and conducting group-work-based software development experiments as an approach to PBL. The aim of this class is to master software development and project management technologies based on Object Oriented Development. With a group of 8 or 10 students, a moderately complicated software system can be developed over half a semester. This experiment aims at educating undergraduate students to develop the faculty to become able software engineers. This paper describes the design of our practical software engineering education based on the experiment.
松浦 克彦 杉山 正 片桐 義博
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.31, no.10, pp.832-838, 2005-10-10 (Released:2011-03-04)
3 4

A pharmaceutical study was carried out to evaluate the quality of five Sodium Ozagrel (OZG) injection products. The quality of these products initially and after 12 weeks and 24 weeks of accelerated stability testing was evaluated based on characteristics such as pH, foreign insoluble matter, content and impurities. One brand name injection and four generic injections were evaluated. The brand name product and one generic product were in freeze-dried form and the other three generic injections were in liquid form.The pH of one generic injection was higher than that of the others. No foreign insoluble matter was observed in any product during the period of the study. The OZG content of the freeze-dried injections was approximately equal to that indicated on the labels but that of the liquid injections was appreciably higher, one of them having at least 15 % more than the indicated content. In the accelerated stability testing, the OZG content was still around 100% of the initial content after 24 weeks, showing that it was very stable. Quaternary salts were detected in the brand name injection but the concentration was only 0.02%. The cis form of OZG was detected in one generic injection but the concentration was only 0.03%. Accelerated stability testing did not increase the quantities of these impurities. Two unknown impurities were detected in one generic injection and one of them was detected in the other three generic injections.Our study showed that there was a difference in quality between the generic injections and the brand name OZG injections in terms of pH, content and impurities, suggesting that not only cost but also quality should be considered when deciding whether to use generics or not.
折原 紀子 佐野 真知子 藤代 岳雄 松浦 京子 岡本 昌広 鍵和田 聡 堀江 博道
The Kanto-Tosan Plant Protection Society
関東東山病害虫研究会報 (ISSN:13471899)
vol.59, pp.47-50, 2012-12-01

2010年10月に神奈川県茅ヶ崎市のコマツナ炭疽病甚発生圃場内または周辺のホトケノザとスベリヒユの葉に灰色~褐色の小円斑症状を認め,罹病部からは<i>Colletotrichum</i>属菌が高率に分離された。同地のコマツナ・ホトケノザ・スベリヒユ各分離菌を相互接種した結果,各菌とも病徴を再現し,接種菌が再分離された。各分離菌の病原性,形態的特徴およびrDNA-ITS領域の塩基配列の相同性から,分離菌をいずれも<i>Colletotrichum higginsianum</i> Saccardoと同定した。以上より,コマツナ炭疽病菌がアブラナ科以外の植物に病原性を有すること,同科以外の植物に寄生する炭疽病菌がコマツナに感染することが明らかになった。また,コマツナ炭疽病菌の伝染環の一つとして周辺野草が役割を果たす可能性が示唆された。ホトケノザとスベリヒユには<i>Colletotrichum</i>属菌による病気は未記録なので炭疽病 (新称) を提案する。
松浦 健治郎
Waseda University

制度:新 ; 文部省報告番号:乙1951号 ; 学位の種類:博士(工学) ; 授与年月日:2005/3/3 ; 早大学位記番号:新4031
外山 勝彦 小川 泰弘 大野 誠寛 中村 誠 角田 篤泰 松浦 好治
